
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I think it would be nice to have a van, I was looking out the window
with LB earlier watching all the cars go by..This is such a busy
street with the businesses and its the truck route through town.
But I watched the cars with the people in them wondering where
they were going..to visit someone or shop..or maybe even just
for a drive.. This is beautiful countryside here..Tons of lakes..and
the back roads are so nice.. Some arent even paved, I hate those
when its been dry, cuz then the car gets dirty..but they are really a
nice way to see the out of the way places..

The first Devotee I met, one of two I have met in person ..years
ago..when I first got online..We chatted and became friends...I
invited him to come and meet me..he showed up bearing gifts
of course ..no jk..but it was very nice of him..He got here about
mid morning.. we had coffee and talked and decided to go
for a drive.. He was very familiar with chairs and adept at folding
and putting them in the trunk which put me at ease immediately.
We went for a wonderful drive out in the country..past lakes and
a few little wide spot in the road towns.. We chatted and listened
to the radio as we both loved music we had found out through
our conversations.. he talked as much as I did ..we got along
great and the time flew by.. Was a beautiful day...

As we were going down this backroad we went past a farm..
next to it was a building and outside by it ..looked like a huge
oven.. the sign on the building said Bakery.. We looked at
each other and of course he stopped and he got my chair
and we went into the most wonderful smelling place that
either of us had been in, in a long time.. The man there was
the baker..he grew the wheat and ground it to flour and made
his own bread..and sold it.. His bread was always pre ordered
very seldom did he make more than what was ordered unless
someone didn't come and get theirs.. We were lucky that day,
someone had not picked up their bread.. We purchased it..
and as we were leaving noticed fresh grown tomatoes sitting
there, squash and other things.. We got some tomatoes , and

When we got back to my apt. we sliced the bread..and the
tomatoes..and I had some wonderful cheese in the fridge,
and my friend had brought some wine.. We had a feast..
It was so wonderful..The taste of that homemade bread was
wonderful..then with the fresh tomatoes.. Tomato sandwiches
are THE very best kind with fresh grown tomatoes. well as
Raife would say...Toe mah toes... :-) I cant wait for my 2 little
plants out there to give me some. I looked out there today
and they are doing really well..Penny did water them..altho we
are under storm warnings for later tonite and the next few
days it says rain... I hope not tomorrow for the fireworks.. At
the apt I could see them.. here I cant.. I don't know where they
fire them off from... I can hear the loud booms they make tho..
I remember how my dogs hated fireworks, I wonder how the
2 dogs across the street will like them..They have a yellow
and a black lab. they are great loving dogs.. Donnie had one,
DJ, huge animal..he grew up with Kelli, they let him and the
other dog, Missy, go out to do their dutys, she came back,
they never found DJ, Donnie searched for a month looking
for him..He actually cried, he loved that dog so much.. I did
too.. he was a great animal..

I still havent fixed my favorites..Ive tried everything, even what
friends told me to do and either im stupid or they are hopelessly
lost, and I think its a little of both, to be honest .. It wasn't a totally
lost day yesterday tho.. I was so upset over that I didn't take the
time to tell what I got in the mail from a dear friend.. I have been
saving up the state quarters.. I have almost all of them, I still need
Mississippi and the rest of the ones that I don't think have been
minted yet... I am amazed I havent gotten Mississippi yet tho..
it was one of the first ones issued.. I started a 2nd book with the
extras I have. I had at one time some Susan B Anthony dollar
coins..when they first came out..well they were nice coins but
were just like quarters and I bet I spent most of the ones I had
as quarters.. I have been wanting the gold Sakajewa coin and
in the mail along with the 2 Iowa coins were 2 SBA coins and
2 of the gold AND a 2 dollar bill.. What a great surprise! I love
to get things in the mail.. This was so special..I really appreciate
the thoughtfulness.. Gifts are so nice to receive, but just as nice
to give too...makes me feel good when I can give someone
something they have wanted for a long time and not thought
that they would ever get it.. We are all that way I think...

Poor Penny I sent her to the grocery store today I cant believe I
was that insensitive..Everyone in the county was there getting
supplies for tomorrow.. She said the line at the deli was the
length of the store it was so long.. Im glad the list was just the
bare essentials..but I still spent 80 of my food stamps..I was
down to the bare necessities..then she picked up the box of
free food which will really come in handy. It all helps.. Well I
have some cinnamon rolls out there with my name all over
them and I know where they are going...right in my mouth.
:-) "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whatever happened to the devotee who wined and dined you? Do you keep in touch with him? If this devotee was entertaining you I wonder why he just wouldn't wisk you away to some secluded rendesvous. I would. It's his loss - man, is he dumb.

  • At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Nice to be here again reading what you wrote...
    Had a next to a quiet day here...
    Pam coming home Thursday.

    Michael shooting firework, I better be looking at them.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning,
    We are still very good friends, but he has sinced moved far away, and I am here. It is only friends. I honestly dont know anyone that is interested in a relationship...no one I know anyway..and most are involved or married.. which I guess someone has to be..Im not.. I am very single... :-)

    Hi Mary!
    Its so nice to hear from you ..I worry when I dont.. :-) I bet Pam will be ready to come home to her spotless house... Tonite is fireworks if it doesnt rain..its threatening to.. I hope not.. I can hear them but cant see them for the trees in the yard..

    Happy 4th of JULY!!!! :-D
    Always, Lois ****


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