
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

~Photo Day~ :-)

Well there you see one of the 2 I saved for today of my visit to
the Dr on wed. I didn't like them really well..but fooey its just me.
There you see me in all my glory..:-) we were leaving the Drs.
Curtis had moved back so as to not be in the picture and I was
telling him to come on..it was hot out there..too hot for stalling
around.. I told Penny not to be fussy..just snap away, but she
likes to aim and its not that easy with the digital display window.
I like having to look through a view finder, with the display it can
change the lighting on you when you think you have enough but
don't.. I prefer the viewfinder, Im not complaining now..no way..
I love having a camera..and taking photos.. I just need the rides
now to go and take them..
I think would be kinda nice to have my own van. I have a garage,
and even if I didn't drive it..if and when I am fortunate enough to
have someone come to visit, they could drive it..and then would
be no worries about my chair, with a lift, be very easy..well a ramp
would be good too..like what is on the coa van..If the front passenger
seat was out a wheel chair could go right there.. I think that would
be so nice.. Once I got it then I would have to LURE someone here
to take me for the rides! Ive not gotten any volunteers here..in the
UK I have :-) well company is always welcome and would be nice
to have a way to show them around even if they had to drive..

I wasn't backing up on that ramp by myself..no..Im not the best driver
in this chair you know..look at my door facings again..I should take
photos to show where I knocked the paint right off again..I need
edge protectors..if this was mine, it would have them.. I get in a
hurry and aim wrong and hit the side.. My poor table is taking a
beating with this new bigger fridge.. I am seriously thinking of
changing my kitchen around..Its just not working like it is now..
I need to redo it..then maybe I would feel more like cooking..

My tale of my 2 hour shower seemed well recieved..Penny comes
tomorrow and I will have HER dig that bench out and I will take
photos so you can see how close they are and I will have her take
one of me showing how close I have to get .. be interesting I
think.. this isnt easy by any means..by the time I do all this washing
of body and hair, then do all the drying off..then the hair..my arms
ache so bad..I have to stop many times and just put my arms down
to get them to stop aching..then because I am reaching up Im also
sitting different which puts more pressure on the ends of my stumps,
which they arent used to and THEY ache..THEN I still have to dig
out clothes that are jammed in my closet THEN get back and put
them on.. All this stuff is not just a fast easy thing to do...I take bird
baths in between the main shower thing.. I just wash all over at
the bathroom sink..its almost the same with out the running water,
I wash just as throughly only thing I don't do is my hair.. To go thru
the shower routine every day would wear me out.. besides..I don't
get dirty..by sitting here? I don't sweat ..no no perspire now any
more since the air conditioner..so I smell pretty good..well when I
can find my favorite perfumes.. Avon used to have some really
nice smelling called Hawaiian White Ginger..THAT was good
stuff. I liked it.. Reminds me of White Shoulders.. my fav.

Tomorrow is shopping day, today is the first and the stamps are
there but Penny wont be here till tomorrow.. I'll go thru the online
ads for Meijers and see what they have on sale..Last week they
had the shrimp buy one get 2 free .you cant beat that..and they
are excellent..fresh frozen ..big as my index finger just about..
good size..and tasty too..with some cocktail sauce? yes..very
good.. I like those sizzler steaks too they make great sandwich's
fast..takes longer to saute the onion.. Anyway.. im glad..then on
Tuesday, Wednesday being the 4 th of July, is the free food box
distribution..there is some really good things in it.. I missed not
getting it.. That CAA is hardly ever open and Penny has to go
and sign so she can pick it up..before they delivered..They
have big logs of the greatest cheese..almost as good as Kraft
Velvetta ..its good and freezes good too.. I cut it in half and give
half to Dawn.. It will be good to be all stocked in the freezer.. its
so great having one.. I really appreciate having it..

Well Its time to dig something out of it for dinner, what I don't
know..I have not a whole lot in there.. I know I have 2 icees..
They are so good but take awhile to thaw enough so I can drink
them.. :-) I bet I check it every 10 minutes waiting for it to thaw.
Theyre so good.. Time for food, TV and to say "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Gorgeous!

    Well, you may not like the photos, but since they are you, I love them!!

    Take Care Sweet One,

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Now, lets get this straight, horses sweat, men perspire, but Gorgeous Weebles GLOW!! (and also lesser females!!)
    Wish you wouldn't go on about steak and cheese and such - I've only just had my tea and now you are making me hungry again. ;o(
    Take care, honey, loved the pics - thank you.
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    great pictures Lois good to see you getting around.
    raining again here, we have lot of flood water here..water is for drinking and cooking only...
    God bless you Lois

  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Butty, nice to see you here :-)thanks ...

    Hiya Raife, yes , I GLOW. glad you liked them..

    Hi Mary..I hope things get better there..just always something..so good to hear from you..take care..

    Nice hearing from y'all thanks!!!
    Always,Lois ****


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