
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

~Click The Button~

I love animals.put into your browser, ANIMAL RESCUE
SITE.. there is a purple button, it doesn't hurt, trust me, I
go there every morning after I boot up and click..That one
click will help animals get food and shelter.. Its a good
thing.. They have a store, that you can buy things relating
to animals and you can also send ecards..free.. Its a
very good thing.. If you have time please do that and go
to their site. Many animals will be very grateful.. If I could
I would love to be a half way home for animals that have
been abandoned or their owner passed away.. Its just as
traumatic for an animal to be lost or to lose their master.
I truly believe that...I know I could tell the difference in my
boys when I got them back after that month away from me.
It was like they were stuck to me like glue making sure I
didn't leave them again, which I hope I never have to..I have
made arrangements for them though..Becky will take them
she knows them and I trust her to find them a good home
if the need ever came up.. I owe that to them for all the good
things they have given me, and sometimes bad, but that's
the joys of kids... :-) But if you can go there and click on that
purple button, I would be very grateful and I know all those
animals will be too...
The photo up top of LB I think is just so pretty, he has such a
beautiful face. This one here is the boy, Dutch, I think it is so
nice, it looks almost like a painting of him.. I have NO idea
what I did to get it to look like that but Im glad I did..I really
like it.. Playing with photos and taking them is a nice hobby
and one I enjoy. Im enjoying a trip through europe right now
thanks to a dear friend sharing all the photos that were taken
during their holiday .. I love photos.. and to see what others
see as a good photo is always so nice..Raife is a wonderful
photographer and shares many photos that I have on my
desktop they are so gorgeous..

It rained all night, thunder and lightening and it has most of
today too.. I think putting bread and seed out there is what is
triggering it.. Like it does when you wash your car, you know
its gonna rain on it real soon too..never fails... The musty
moldy smell from the basement is so strong when it rains.. I
know that bucket in the de humidifier is full...and It wont be
emptied until Monday.. Donnie came by last nite and he did
go down and empty it..even though Penny did when she was
here... It was full...So I know its full again..

They delivered my food from Angel Food Ministry's today and
I am really impressed with it..Everything I have tried has been
super good..and a nice variety of stuff.. and for only 25 dollars
you get a lot..I have yet to taste anything that wasn't good. Every
month is different, and I was surprised to find it is in every state.
so I know it will help every one..And anyone can buy it..its not
just sold to disabled or to the needy, anyone can buy it, many do
to donate it to their church to be given away or donate it to a
local food pantry.. These places that provide this for us that are
on such limited budgets this is such a life saver.. I am grateful
for the food. I wish they would have a place that would donate
the other things that we need, like personal care items, and
paper products, soaps, cleaning supplies..those things are
more expensive than food.. We have to pay cash for these
things, and when they run out they all seem to run out at the
same time.. when something goes it seems so does every
thing.. Like my slow cooker, my cordless phone, and my 1
cup at a time coffee maker, they all have decided to quit
working.. Why all at the same time, I have no idea but it seems
that's how things go..

Well this day is slowly coming to a close and Im ready to get
out of this chair again.. Im eager to get in it in the mornings, but
by nite time I am VERY eager to get out of it..Im glad I have it
and then again at times I hate that I am in it..but oh well no
matter where I am..or whatever Im in..I am just a most very
GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. not too much can change that..and
boy am I glad..Time for food, TV and my bed, oh and I cant
forget my "nitey nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow the pictures of LB is a awesome pictures, you could win a prize with that one for sure.
    I will go to ANIMAL RESCUE
    SITE and see what there OK.
    I didn't get my Van clean out today, I wish I wasn't so lazy. It dark out and I am so tried...and don't want to leave the computer right now, just go on.
    I like to have something sweet to eat, might make some toast and put honey on it...
    Trying to get Mike get his bath taking, then Bob I like mine just before I go to bed.
    We are having a big Lunch right after church for our pastor and his wife, always lot of food.
    Becky love's all the good food too.
    Pam had a bad day Friday, but today has been good.
    Have a great Sunday Lois and God bless you too.

  • At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We have several food pantries here. I do not want to get in line, because I do not want a single person to go hungry as long as I can buy my week's food. I spend about $20 a week for my food and eat VERY well. Your photos are excellent.

  • At 5:09 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    My boys are very pretty cats, I love taking pictures of animals..Yes, those of us that have pets understand how much it costs to feed and care for just one..those shelters have so many and need help..tell everyone... every time someone clicks they get money..lots of places do that to raise money... Yes, we had some wonderful church dinners..lots of good food..Brother Andy said he was so grateful God made chickens with wings :-)

    Hiya Momar..
    Yes there are a couple places here but you have to have a way to get it. I dont when they distribute anymore..There is plenty for everyone though.. Im glad you like the photos..

    Hope you had a good sunday.. I did..:-)
    Always, Lois ****


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