~I Worked Today~
I got up early today kinda, about 6 and today as it is
ending, I feel like I really actually DID something that was
of value, that mattered and that someone really needed..
and the best part was I got paid to do it.. Traci gave me
her daughters pants to hem up, blue jeans and a cotton
pair.. Jeans are such a thick material..not easy to work
with.. She paid me to hem them for her..Said she was
going to try to do it her self..but it involved cutting them
shorter and she was nervous about that as she really
doesn't sew much.. I usually like to have the person in
front of me or have a pair that are just right in length to
use as a guide just to be safe.. But I accomplished that
today and didn't take me really long..about 4 hours or so..
I took a break after I folded and cut and got them ready
to sew.. but all in all about 4 hours.. and I got thirty dollars.
Which is not bad pay...over 9 dollars an hour.. My time is
worth that.. I used to charge 7 for cotton and 10 for jeans
before when I did this as a business...But this is good..I
enjoyed doing it.. I really did...
While I sat at the kitchen table, I plugged my iron in of course,
that is always the first thing I do..Then I got the heaviest
towel I could find and folded it and used that to lay the pants
on to iron the hems... I cant sew with out an iron.. Wrinkles
drive me insane.. I hate them... and if I make something and
it has a wrinkle I will almost just throw it away if I cant get
the wrinkles out.. But I hemmed every pair by hand.. which I
can most definitely tell right now as the end of my index finger
on my right hand is sore.. I usually use a thimble when I sew
to push the needle through the material.. well .. you can NOT
wear a thimble with long fingernails.. and I bet that middle
finger nail is a half inch long..thimbles will not work.. I sure
missed it though...But I got them all done..and they do look
very nice... I am a good sewer and I can say that , because
I can prove what I can do...
I think when you can prove how well you do something does
give you a sort of bragging right..nothing over board..but the
right to tell that you know what you are doing.. I sat there at
the table and when you sew your mind can wander off to
things.. I thought back of when I had my business and my
sewing room and how many pairs of pants I have done just
that very same thing, hemmed them.. It was a good feeling
to sew.. To me its not work..but I do work hard at it.. but its
fun to me.. its play..My sister and I both call it that when we
would go into our sewing rooms just to see what we felt like
making, or just going thru stuff and seeing again what we had.
Shirley and I both have a 'thing' for material..
Many times we would go to the Amish town called Shipshewana,
they had some fabric shops that were amazing and not outrageous
prices.. She did the same thing as I did..we would slowly walk the
aisles between the bolts of material..so tall you couldn't even see
over the top of them.. we walked slow so we could eye every bolt,
the ones that caught our attention because of the color or the print,
then we would have to touch it.. Shirley would find something she
really liked and would call out to me, I was never far away, and I
would go and look at what she had found, her first words were
"I just HAVE to HAVE this".. and she would grin from ear to ear,
look at the price, say "Stan would kill me if he knew I got this "
and she would take it up to the counter to have it measured to
the length she wanted..she very seldom got under 3 yards..It
was a favorite thing to do..both of us wishing that we had that
whole store, and all the wonderful things we could make...
Well I worked today and I am going to go and have some of
my left over meat pie..then AFTER that I will call and tell the
boy I made it in case he wants to come and get the rest.. I'll
share..hes good to me..But I will get MY share before I give
Donnie his.. Penny comes tomorrow and I may have her
help me move stuff in my bedroom so I can open my
machine... or bring my main one up from the basement..I
hope it doesn't smell..that would upset me.. its plastic so
I hope it doesn't..
I feel I earned my keep today even though that wasn't a huge
amount of money.. but it will get me that crock pot I want or
I may put it towards the winter coat I should have..Its a good
feeling.. some days I feel I am just nothing but a liability to me
and many others that are tired of listening to me gripe at
them.. namely my landlords..Ive not heard a word.. I wonder
if they will get that window in this year before it snows.. Only
taking a year.. what a bunch.. I think those coconuts need
to go back up in the tree.. :-) they need to ripen more or
something :-) I need food, TV and some sleep and of course
to write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words.."Nitey Nite" ;-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya..and Thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ***
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 8:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lois so happy for you, sewing is fun for sure.And it sure nice to make extra money too.
I clean out most of my old paper work today, sure feel a lot better now. Still wanting to keep the rest of it done real soon...make me feel like the house is cleaner, even if it all behind cabinet doors and no one ever see it but me. And I found some pictures that got in there too, wow was happy to see them...now I got to get them in the album, it was of the family reunion.
I hope you can get a lot of sewing job, don't take to many we want to see you on the computer.
God bless you Lois more and more.
At 6:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
There sure is a great satisfaction in a job you know is well done. I'm so happy for you that you are back sewing again.
I thought I'd better post before I got completely in the wrong box!!! LOL
At last, I think I've got Sister's tall clock behaving himself - satisfaction for a job well done!!
Take care, Honey. You'll have to cut those pretty finger nails if you are going to do much more sewing with tough material like dennim. Life is full of compromises, ain't it?!!!
Lots Of Love & Great Big Hugs from
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well - good for you! Nice to have a little work - and I know you are good at sewing. And you are worth lots more than $9 per hour in my book!!
Take care - hope to send you some more pix tonight.
Bare Hugs - yo are soooo gorgeous!
At 5:14 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes, Ive sewn since I was about 10 I bet, started making doll clothes.. Thanks Mary... I hope all is well there..did you get the vid of Dutch?
Hiya Raife!
I will think of something to protect my nails I bet..Just another 'plan of attack' :-) glad your clock is working. :-) You're just handy as a button :-)
Hi Butty! :-)
So nice to hear from you..awwww arent you just sweet ? thanks.. I shall be anxiously waiting to continue on my european tour via Butty :-)
Hope y'all had a good day :-)
Always, Lois ****
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