~Hand Update~

to push my thumb against to give me extra pushing power on my
chair, specially when I am going through my bedroom and I need
that extra strength to get to my bed or out of there.. They come
in really handy.. My other chair..the outer wheel used to be silver,
or aluminum what ever they made it out of..and when it got cold,
boy was hard to hold onto for very long..
I would guess those are there just for attaching that outer wheel, not

really for what I use it for..It works for me though... But you see how
the ball of my thumb rubs ..well hits my wheel..its the same on both
hands they rub there when I have to use those brace things.. If I am
in the kitchen or bathroom ..the floors are linoleum so I roll very easy
on that floor..its just this stinkin carpet..well doesn't stink..but .. its
not easy to roll on... Chris did say I could take it out , and the last time
he was here he mentioned taking it out.. I wish they would.. I keep
complaining about it.. I may take it out my own self..I know would take
me awhile but I bet I could do it... :-)
I have to push hard so that makes my hand rub on there.. I know I could

wear gloves..but it would mean keeping them on all the time or putting
them on before I take off rolling somewhere..Well If I am in a hurry to
get to certain places..like the BATHROOM for instance..well I am NOT
going to take the time to put on a glove when I only have 1 second
warning..and I KNOW you know what I mean.. well phooey on gloves
this here and then show you the stage my hand is in..it gets better
then it gets bad.. There are a couple new spots to the right and
the spot to the left that is open ..well I did that.. I will be honest.. It
itches sometimes..and that top white part like on the bigger was on
that smaller spot..but ..well I dug and scratched at it till it came off
then it had to bleed of course.. I will leave it alone, I sure would hate
to lose my thumb.. But I really think its from my wheel.. Someone
had suggested it was psoriasis.. but I honestly don't think so.. Ive
seen that up close..Donnies ex wife, Shirley had it really bad but
on her elbows and knees.. I really don't think that this is the same
thing.. Anyway.. that is the update on my hand..and HOW and what
I feel is causing it.. .. Now.. on to my brake :-)
That you see there is a brake extender.. If I didn't have it.. well I

tried with out..and with a shorter one..and I didn't like it at all.. This
sure makes it a lot easier to find my brake but also easier to
put on and off.. The cord with the loop at the end is for making
it easier to get to it if it comes off.. Ive accidentally pulled it off and
it being attached to the brake itself and hanging there sure was a lot
better than having to pick it up off the floor..
The long straight piece goes on after you put the loop on..
You can see the short brake piece where the loop is already over it.

they have shorter extenders but I prefer this one.. I would say its about
8 inches long or so.. I didn't measure.. I always think of stuff AFTER
the fact.. but I would say im close to the actual length..
Its a lot easier to reach being up higher and more accessible..

plus I think it really moves easier..When I first got this chair I
had problems with this brake sticking and the other side I
would lock down and it wouldn't release..as ive used this newer
chair they both have fixed themselves.. which Im glad.. I get so
fussy when something doesn't work right on it..
But I guess though ..its like when Penny is vacuuming.. I try to move

way out of her way because if she accidentally bumps my chair ,
its like a jolt..and goes almost thru me.. To bump up against a chair
is not a good feeling for the person in it.. if it continues like with
vacuuming.. it can be quite annoying.. When I was in Keystone, the
homeless shelter, the kids were quite infatuated with my chair and
specially one little girl.. she would come up and look at it.. then she
would proceed to bang on the tires..then kick at them..then pat the
sides and back..try to push me.. I hated to not let her check my chair
out.. I didn't want her afraid of it.. but each time she would touch it
in what ever way I almost had to count to 10.. Its NOT a good thing
to do.. We may not say a word about it.. but it is aggravating..to
accidentally bump it is different... but to keep tapping it or what ever
well.. please don't.. now you know..leave it to me hey? well.. if you
are NOT familiar with chairs.. someone in one wont tell you that..just
for the fact they think you might get offended..which it isnt meant to
be.. it amounts to the same thing as water dripping from a faucet..
it will drive you nuts till you stop the drip..well its the same for tapping
or hitting a chair.. you have to stop the drip from doing it :-) Just
kidding. I ment PERSON :-)
Well this is my instructional blog for today.. I slept late this morning..to
6:30.. I only got up once too.. I was pleased.. The boys let me sleep,
which im glad but they have been fighting really bad lately and not
sleeping as much during the day, when I go to bed they each have
their spots and they know they can sleep there and boy..they both
snuggled down before I did..I swear LB snores.. What a bunch we
are here.. A GORGEOUS WEEBLE and 2 funny kitties.. Time to
get out of this chair and fix some food for me.. Ive not eaten today
so it sure is time for THAT..and to say "Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 12:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Good to be back reading your blog.
They pulled 4 of my teeth Fri, and I am doing ok with that part of it...my sugar running a little to low at time.
Your hands sure got to many sores on them, not a good thing.
God bless you Lois.
At 12:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Would it be possible to put some packing pieces on each of those holding brackets to bring the hand wheels out, say, 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch? You would probly need longer fixing bolts, but the ball of your thumb would not be pressed so hard against the tyre (sorry, tire!!) I could very easily turn you up a set on my lathe - I've got the brass rod in stock! If Don could do some measuring for me - I could get the bolts, nuts and spring washer, too.
Take care, Honey. Don't even THINK of taking that carpet up on your own!!
L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 3:21 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary
You are always missed when I dont hear from you.. Teeth are such a pain.. I sure had my share of that. glad I dont anymore... watch that sugar...
Hi Raife..
If we brought them out I wouldnt fit thru the doorways LOL..id really be in a pickle. I could get rid of this carpet would solve 99% of the problem I think..
So nice to hear from you..
Always, Lois ****
At 9:06 AM,
momar said…
I work as a home health aide. It takes a day or 2 to recover my strength after working 36 hours.
I have neuropathy in my fingers - no sores, but no feeling either. Eat well and sleep well and your body will help with the healing.
At 3:19 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar,
Yes, you are right..I think veggies and the right foods can cure alot of things.. I know a few that truly believe that veggie combinations will heal the bodys problems.. I eat ..ok.. not the best but not the worst either..
Good to hear from you Momar.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
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