
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

~Older Photos~

I woke up today at 530. I thought I felt good..Made coffee..did some
email..by 10 I felt like I had been up for 3 days! I got so tired all of a
sudden I took a desk rest... I havent done that in awhile.. I slept pretty
good last nite, Im not sure what time I dozed off but it was towards
the end of cops. I only had to get up twice , so that wasn't too
bad. I wouldn't have made the 2nd run, but I woke up to a loud thud in
the living room and saw the curtains move by the window.. I knew it
was the kids..but there is a vent right under that window and I worry
when a vent gets covered over.. The old registers I have in the bed
room and bathroom, I worry that stuff could fall through..In fact when
I moved in we found a hat in there, one of those knitted kind.. I worry
something falls down that thing then into the furnace then cause a
fire or something.. There is NOTHING worse than the sound of a
fire truck..They just send chills..and I always say when I hear one,
"please, don't let anyone be hurt"... that siren gets to me..the same
as an ambulance that seems to follow later on...
I sat here the other day and saw 4 of them go down the road with
lights flashing and sirens blasting.. I watched as one car just kept
on going..it was on the opposite side of the street as the fire truck,
but I thought that traffic had to stop going both ways, just as for a
school bus.. Lots of times you see cars or pick ups with lights on
them flashing, going down the roads..so many don't even know
who they are and don't get out of their way either and those are
the volunteers going to help out.. I think a firefighter has one of
the most dangerous jobs and deserves the utmost respect..not just
any sort of person can do that kind of job...

I guess no matter what our jobs are if we are each qualified to do
them, if we are lucky enough to find that job we really ENJOY.. I
loved to do sewing.. I also worked as a waitress, THAT was most
definitely NOT my calling.. I did NOT like that work at all..and I
tried that when I was living in Tampa.. The sewing jobs Ive had
I would say were my very best favorites then after that I have to
say nursing..when I was just an aide, and when I was an LPN..
But I did LOVE the work I did as a Marketing Support Specialist
in Houston, working with the export crating industry.. THAT was
most interesting.. Ive had some good jobs that I really enjoyed..
My hardest job I ever had.. hmmm.. well besides being the
worlds WORST waitress...I would say this job of being an amputee
is the hardest Ive ever had.. Its a daily challenge that changes
every day.. and some days its hard, some days its laughable..
some days... well I cant wait for them to be done..so I can go to
bed and just get to the next one...

My job right now is to go and clean up the mess I made in my
kitchen.. I was hungry and made some cabbage with onion
and potatoes and sausage.. was a lot of prep..but its so very good
and I hadnt made that in ages.. I put in a bit of green pepper too,
just small bits.. adds a lot of flavor..but fried cabbage if you have
never tried it.. its very good...and tasty... This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE highly recommends it.. Need the recipe write and ask..
that time again..."Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks !! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

Ps. The top photo is 3 years old..taken in Dec.2004. The 2nd, in
blue was taken in Feb of 2006... where has the time gone..I
was too lazy to a new take photo today..

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Fried cabbages sound good to me, love cabbages...it like to give me gas anymore...but I still love eating it...send the recipe ok
    I put cole shaw and onion in my scramble eggs love it that way...I have even chop up tomatoes...love yellow squash in my scramble eggs. I don't like the yolk taste at all,so I add thing to it...
    I don't like the siren of anything, I just don't like people getting hurt.
    I don't need any pain meds now, I am just doing great.
    Do you still have some snow on the ground?
    It has been in the 60's, so very nice out side.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    That sounds to me to be very like what we call "Bubble and Squeak" over here - yesterday's vegetables mashed up together and fried - I guess it bubbles and goes "squeak" as it cooks, hence the name!! It's good, though.
    Because Ines and I both came through te War and the austerity afterwards, we NEVER waste food! Always polish the plate clean, use up left-overs to make something tasty and very seldom buy ready meals. Our kids think we are Balmy, but so what??
    Those wheel extensions I spoke about yesterday would only add another 3/4 inch to the width of the chair - or would that be enough to make it jam in the doorway? That little bit extra would take some of the load off your thumbs.
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Ya, thats true with cabbage, but its so good..the after effects are part of the joy of eating it :-) Yes, I put tomato and even potato in my scrambled eggs or diced ham with cheese too at times..
    Im glad that your doing ok with your dentist.. our snow is ALL gone LOL...60 here today too...

    Hi Raife..
    we had to take all the doors off in here for me to be able to get through them.. I cant have my hands on the wheels at all if I am going to go thru my doors.. This is an old house..they didnt take that into consideration when they built this..but most dont..no one thinks they will end up like this..or in a wheel chair.. but your so sweet to offer and I have NO doubts you could fix anything :-)

    So nice to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois I didn't see a Monday blog, sure hope you are ok...God bless you Lois....Mary

  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Its there .. I posted it at 3 ..hmmm ..i dont know .. thats strange.. I show it as being there...let me know Mary..

    ALways,Lois ****

    Ps.>Try clearing your Cache..


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