
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, May 26, 2008

~Guess Who?~

Im not gonna tell you who that photo is of, not till down farther,
until then you can guess who she is. Pretty isnt she? :-)

I got a mail from a friend and we are disussing food and how
some is good for us and some is downright dangerous for us.
So many things that we see advertised and think they are good
for us..I got a mail the other day about Soy, and that is not good
at all to have added that there is something in it that builds up
and does uglies to your system.. Food I think and plants were
what kept us going centuries ago..Sure we live longer but look
now at all the diseases that kill us..or will give us crap that even
comet cleanser cant wash off..

I have a friend that truly believes that vegetables in the right
combination can cure any illness that is in your body..She is a
firm believer. Many times I talked to her and would mention
that I felt bad or had a ache or ailment.. She would get out her
book and look it up and tell me what bunch of veggies to eat.
She used a juicer and what ever veggies her remedy called
for she would put them in her juicer and drink it.. She had a
dear friend that was diagnosed with cancer.. This is true..I
know this for a fact..and I know these 2 women they are God
fearing Southern Baptist and would no more lie than they
would fly... She gave her friend a juicer and a few bunches of
fresh carrots..told her to drink 3 glasses a day..until it was

Of course we all were skeptic..but after 3 months and our mutal
friend came back from having xrays..Guess what? There was NO
cancer to be found!~! I read in a tiny little notice from the FDA..
about different things to help prolong and better your life.. In this
tiny article..and I quote "for many years, researches have known
that CARROTENE is a cancer retardant" In other words it STOPS
it from going from bad to worse.. I know my friend got rid of hers..
We sure said our prayers after that..And as far as I know it has
never come back..

Many people today believe that fresh veggies or herbs with no
contaminating spray on them are what we should be eating.. I
have a dear friend in the UK ..ok Raife... His wife has the greenest
thumb of any woman I know.. Everywhere around their house are
flowers..their veggie garden provides them with fresh veggies all
year!.. Ines very much has a green thumb.. I keep inviting them over
so I could turn Ines loose out in my yard.. I bet she would make it
almost as beautiful as her yard . Shes very talented at cooking
these veggies too..Raife agrees, I know :-)

OK..the photo..cant guess? I wrote the other day about me getting
in touch with my sons after all these years.. I also mentioned that I
had never had a chance to meet my birth mother.. That is her..Her
name is Mary Ellen .. She was Chippewa Indian according to my
sister who gave me this photo of her.. I enhanced in in my PSP 9
and I was amazed at how nice it turned out..She was killed in a
car accident outside of Chicago..hit by a Semi on the skyway..I
never got to meet her and I wish I had.. I had so many questions.
the main one of course why... I never got a answer.. I couldn't let
my boys have that kind of unknowing about me.. I have talked to
both of them and I have nothing to hide and have answered all
their questions I hope so they understand all the whys and whats
of all those years ago.. The future is what counts..and Im hoping
that they will have a little bit better one now that they don't have
to wonder anymore and can hear both sides of the story.. So
anyway .. That's my birth mother. Mary Ellen ..mother to me and
5 others.. and there are only 4 of us left now...

Being a holiday today I called Penny at 930 since she wasn't here
yet to find out if I had given her the day off and didn't remember
since its a holiday here..She assured me I hadnt but that she had
over slept..which happens quite a lot when eddies home..I told
her to just take today off and to come in earlier Wednesday as I
do have that drs appt at 9:15.. I will call tomorrow and make sure
Im remembering right tho..Ive it written down, but I did the other
too and I still got it wrong..so a phone call is in order..

My order now is for food..Its after 2 and ive not eaten today..so
its time for a lunch dinner combination, so Im off to eat..what,, I
have NO idea..but I know I will find something :-) So its time
for my usual GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois it is so wonderful you have a picture of your birth mom and you know why.
    I think good food will keep you healthy too, I keep on working on it...I am eating the meat what the Bible say is good to eat...trying very hard to eat right.
    I am able to work longer now without resting so much, and I am feeling better after a long day...I have lost 18 lb now, and a long way to go.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I sure can depend on you every day you are such a good friend ...I hope things are well there..Congrats on the weight loss..its not easy!

    Hope you had a nice day :-)
    Love n Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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