
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

~I Love Comments~ :-)

Ive gotten some nice emails lately commenting about this
blog. I hope when you read something I say that you realize
its my opinion and how I feel.. Im honest I guess to a fault,
I tell it like it is.. I want you to know, those of you that read
me, and then leave such interesting comments, I sincerely
appreciate that.. If you don't agree with me which some
don't, its ok to say that .. We can start a nice discussion
in the comments on here ... I wont take offense, as I said
we all have opinions and ideas and who really is to say
who is right or who's wrong? We all, at least I do, I think
about what Im going to say before I say it ... Words can
hurt more than a knife.. I know the power of words.. But I
appreciate different views.. and ideas..like Momar that
always has something so interesting to say.. I still say you
should write a book Momar..your very interesting.. And
dear Mary.. shes a good egg she is.. such a blessing to me
to know every day I will read a few words from her.. Means
a lot to me.. Words have power.. Everyone that reads and
lets me know I sincerely appreciate it.. Just remember if
you have a question, or want to know something..just ask..
Don't be afraid of the comment section..I promise not one
bad thing will happen to you.. So if you feel like responding
to what I say ..Let me know.. I love reading the comments
every morning when I log back on...we could start a nice
discussion group...:-)

I mentioned about writing a book..and I had asked a very dear
friend that was in the advertising business if he knew some
publishers..The reply was "yes, but they don't bother with
amateur writers".. Ive been writing all my life..does that make
me an amateur? I take that word as being new but learning..
How do you ever get past that level if no one publishes you
so you are no longer considered an amateur? I only asked in
regards as to getting information as to just how to go about
writing a book..not asking to be published...But I took that
offensively by those people.. Good thing I hadnt inquired of
those publishers in person hey? Amateur.. my butt...I bet at
one time Mark Twain was an amateur too but someone said
ok..hes no longer that now hes a professional.. so whats the
difference he wrote the same way... One day I shall be a very
famous writer have a best seller then I can send a reply to that
friends publishers..that I wouldn't LET them publish me now...
Arent I mean? :-) no..right is right.. we all deserve a chance, we
all have to start somewhere...we may do a lot of starts..but its
all a beginning...

I can remember when I had a lot of pen pals in school from all over.
I remember one in Japan..Very good friend..we wrote a lot.. I always
over the years kept in touch via the mail..Now with these computers
Ive found I cant hardly hold a pen in my hand! Im so used to typing..
I just wrote a letter to my cousin June..telling her the good news about
my sons.. I typed it in notepad and printed it out then signed my name.
Is that lazy or what! These computers spoil you I think...Over the years
Ive always stayed in touch with my cousin, when her husband died
quite a few years ago I wrote her a letter..she still has it.. she has told
me all these years since high school I was a talented writer and I
should write about my amazing life.. I can see her shaking her head
and telling me "Lois, how did you survive all your life?" Which like
I say if I really did write all that I have lived through it would read like
a science fiction novel that no one would believe.. Was a very
interesting one I will say and Im surprised myself that I have made it
this far and still going strong.. A few flaws but.. Im still rolling along..
in more ways than one ! :-)

I had 2 visits today. one from Theresa and one from Rebecca..They
both are so nice..The time flies when we sit here and chat. Dear
Theresa brought me a icee today from DQ..she knows how much I
love them and I have it here sitting by me.. They are so good..and I
have to say are about the only thing that does quench my thirst... It
was such a nice thing for her to do..Shes a sweetie..So is Rebecca,
we talked about my getting a 2 bedroom house to rent..She assured
me again that I have nothing to worry about on my grant when the 2
yrs are up this October. Its a sort of relief..but I still am leary with not
one thing in writing.. I have no proof of anything. makes me nervous.
I wish I did have a bigger place, but if I cant this house will do .. Shes
going to talk to Chris about it..She said they told her 1 person could
only have a 1 bedroom.. They state they do inspections according
to HUD regulations.. well HUD does NOT descriminate on how
many bedrooms you have .. So..my logic now..how can Keystone
pick and choose which HUD rules they want to follow? That just
rings very odd to me.. So shes going to find out.. Id like to know..

Lunch today was meat loaf and I sure can tell that its a new cook
and she sure changed the recipe..I ate it anyway I was hungry but
it wasn't the greatest.. So I will fix something later maybe a PB & J.
My lilacs are still smelling lovely..Theresa and Rebecca commented
on how nice it smelled in here. I agree- I love lilacs.. Time for me to
post this..and remember- wanna say hi or comment- please do so..
just lets not be ugly tho..keep it nice :-) Cant post until I put my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois it is nice coming here, sometimes it bring back memories for me or something to think about...and it wonderful you are sharing part of your life with us. And it help us to share part of our life with you.
    The computer has been one of the best thing that happen for me in my older years.
    My stomach is upset again, wish that wouldn't happen to me...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    re: blogs and journals, Anais Nin kept a running journal from 1931 - 1945. She was of Spanish - Cuban decent - Once she wrote erotic writings for a weathy Viet-Namese businessman - the book was called *Delta of Venus.* Before you try to submoit your blog for publishing read what others have done.

  • At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Margaret Mitchell was an amateur - the word doesn't mean "inferior" it means "lover of ---" Even W. Shakespeare, Esq. had to start somewhere.
    You made the point some time ago that you didn't read other folks stories for fear of "contaminating" yours with their ideas. I guess, given a decent editor to rub some of the rough edges off, (though not too many!!) your stories are good, publishable stuff. You have a gift for describing a scene so that your readers feel that they are part of the action - a rare gift, indeed, and one that I bet some "professional" authors would give their eye teeth for!!
    My handwriting is so bad, I often use "Word" or "Pages" when I write letters. It means that the recipient can actually read what I want to say, which would be doubtful if the letters were handwritten. If it's a short note to one of the Scallywags, then I would print it, by hand, very carefully, so's they could read it for themselves.
    Talking of Scallywags reminds me, I must get out to my 'shop and finish making those toy boxes and the CD storage shelves for my daughter, Naomi! It's hard work caring for six assorted Scallywags, believe me!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, we are getting to know each other I think..which is so nice...I hope your stomach gets better..

    Hi Momar,
    I would be pleased if I could write a book and have it published but at the rate im working on it..that may never happen :-)

    Hiya Raife,
    You love doing things for those scallywags as you call them and you know it.. I enjoy writing and I dont read alot I never have..I write so much I get tired of reading what I WRITE!! :-)

    Hope y'all are well..so nice to hear from you thanks bunches!!

    Love N' Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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