near what they have this year..They are not even fully open yet.
They are right between my 2 windows..The one on the right is
the living room by where I sit..that window is here on my left .
The window up there on the right..that's the kitchen. The table
is up to it..and if you look closely I think the boy is sitting on the
table..The branches there on the right are the Rose of Sharon
Then she proceeded to tell me how wonderful they smell..So,
I had her go out and cut a few for me and bring them in..
There were some of those purple flowers like last year out back
and Penny brought in a few of those and with some branches
of the lilacs.. The smell in this house is better than any incense
you could buy and I love that stuff.. I wish I could put a scratch 'n
sniff on here so you could smell them...its heavenly.. :-)
Penny dug out a vase and put them in it for me.. I have them
right here on my desk as they cannot go unattended at all or
the boy will get them instantly...He would eat every bit he could,
I know from experience when Ive had real flowers in here..That's
why I only have silk flowers in my kitchen~!! He eats them then
he pukes..so I get a double whammy, my flowers disappear and
then who else is gonna clean up after this pukey cat? well ME,
of course..who else? So we have no living things in this house
other than me and these 2 cats.. house rules :-)..
Penny fills this bird feeder up I know at least once a week..These
birds and squirrels and rabbits are starving.. I wonder if they get
food anywhere else? They don't act like they do.. I bet by tonite
if not tomorrow that feeder will be half empty..I did have Penny
get them some sunflower seeds too.. I hear they like them too..
Penny looked for a birdbath but didn't find anything under 50.oo
and I just cannot afford that..so the birds will have to bathe in the
drinking water bowl out there..best I can do..My morning glories
are doing really well.. I cant wait till I see them all over that fence
Well I might as well confess as to my stupid for today.. I had to change
this cardiologist appt before cuz they cancelled.. Well I got all ready
to go this morning for my 915 appt.. I sat and waited and waited.. and
then it dawned on me.."maybe you didn't book a ride, Lois"... and
guess what? that's just what I did.. I did not go to the doctor, I did not
pass go I did NOT collect 200 dollars.. I want my own vehicle then I
wont have to keep going thru this with the musical appointments.. I
am really fed up with this.. Joys of being dependent.. Its a reallly hard
thing to get used to... For me anyway..its a daily challenge...
My challenge right now is to finish this and go and have some of those
ice cold peaches I have in the fridge.. They are so good and just enough
I open a whole can I cant eat them all at once and I don't like to have to
eat them 4 days in a row so they don't go to waste.. Im gonna enjoy the
smell of my lilacs and relax and hopefully I can sleep better tonite I had
that stupid drs appointment on my mind.. lots of good it did hey? oh well
I called and re scheduled..I told them I had a temporary brain malfunction
and they gave me a new appt.. So..peaches, TV and sleep..in that order..
I hope :-) This GORGEOUS WEEBLE wishes you a "nitey nite"...
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow wonderful pictures,just about able to smell them from here.
We got our van back today, so good to have it back in the yard....going to get the lift worked on next.Becky will be able to go to church on Sunday now.
God is so good for us to get our Van fixed. It cost over 1400 dollars, and we didn't have the money for all that ...A couple paid it all for us, they said God told them too get it fixed for us.
WOW God is so good to bless us in this way...Now Becky will be able to go to church again...
God bless you Lois.
At 2:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
This has been (and is) a good year for flowers ... a bad year for Illinois farmers. All the usuals, hawthornes, redbud, service berry, wild plum bloomed like crazy ... and now wild locust are buried in blossoms ... and the mullberry ... you wait, soon you will ser a deluge of purple spotted cars on the streets!
Meanwhile my friend Scott has 750 acres of beans yet to plant!
So ... every silver lining has a cloud in it.
At 3:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
It doesnt matter how many flowerpictures you post in your blog, because the greatest flower of them all that all the readers wait for is:
The picture posted on the end of the week. The flower of our life! A flower that has been cutted at the end to get a longer life! The flower with such rich blooming that it has to be planted in a pot on wheel, to move around. Move to spread all the colours, scents, and smiles it can give to the sourrounding world!
That flower my dear Lois is you!!! Drink water and stay in the shade and sun when you need it, cause this flower shouldnt ever fade..... No this rose is a comfort to all of us!
Kisses all over your short stalks!
from your own
PS. Ill try to reach you during the day! DS.
At 5:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a client with mild dimentia and thathat is one thing he is good at: remembering to call access-a-ride. here in nyc the buses all seem to have lifts. so he goes on the bus almost daily. His bus line is a main one so buses come almost every 6 or 7 minutes. There is a dak fellow who also rides - he has P.A.D. and still smokes.
At 2:23 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes my house smells wonderful..wish I could send the smell to you :-)..How wonderful that your van is fixed..those people must be angels in disguise...
Hi d..
thats alot of acres to plant! hope he has help :-)
Hi Rob,
Arent you just sweet..thanks..I will look for you..Its been a while since we have chatted..its about time I think :-)
Hi Momar,
There is a county bus service here that you have to do the same, make an appt for a ride..We dont even have a taxi cab in this town.. Joys of small towns.. I still want my own van..its time..Maybe someone will donate one to me :-)
So nice to hear from ya'll..hope you had a nice day..
Love n Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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