
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Ive spent the past 2 days looking for my divorce
papers. I know I had them cuz a year or so ago I
had to send them in to SS when they changed all my
stuff around from one check to two... I got a call
from my ex's wife, Gail, they cant seem to get a
copy of our divorce papers. I have been looking ever
since. I have looked everywhere I can think of and
I'm beginning to wonder did they send them back!
I have run out of places to look. I offered to make
a copy of mine, but, now I cant.. I had copies of all
3 of my divorces, I don't need to remember the day
I got married, the divorce is what matters... I will
keep looking but I don't know where to look next!
When your looking for something its always in the
last place you look anyway isnt it? :-)

Seems the older I get the more I lose stuff. the bad
part of looking for something is messes I make while
I'm looking! I pull stuff out, go through it, it piles up
and I look at the empty place I took the stuff out of,
see it piled next to it, I just pause for a while knowing
Ive made it into TWO jobs ! Its kinda nice however,
because sometimes I run across something that maybe
a while back I was looking for. Joys of moving.. There
are still a lot of things that we cant find. We have a list
somewhere, by we, I mean Penny and I.. I tell her to put
stuff somewhere where SHE KNOWS it is, so I don't
have to remember :-) Worked so far.. :-)

I have a cart type thing here next to my desk. I keep
my computer and my printer on it. Under neath are 2
shelves that well..right now, theyre empty ! :-) All the
stuff that was on them is now on the floor.. Well I
was looing for my address book, and my journal where
sometimes I keep important stuff.. My little black book
if I lost that Id be in trouble.. that's where I keep all
my important stuff, but apparently, NOT my divorce
papers.. I don't think I will need them again, but I just
keep stuff like that, was a good thing I did when I
needed them awhile back... I sit here and look at all
this stuff on the floor and now I need to put it all

Its not that hard to do.. but to DO IT, I have to keep
bent over. Well bent in half, and I cant stay that way
for long. My fingertips don't even reach the floor you
know, that's how short I am.. I don't have long arms,
so I have to put some back, sit back up, bend over again,
put some away and keep doing this till its done.. It is,
I guess, good exercise, so I don't really mind doing it.
This power chair I cant let weaken me.. I HAVE to keep
my strength up.. When I got back in my manual last
week while this power chair was fixed, I was surprised
at just how HARD it was in that chair.. This one is a
breeze compared to the other.. I do think I should use
it off and on though, I cant, under ANY circumstances
loose my upper strength.. I HAVE to be able to transfer.
That worries me a lot.. That a day might come when I
cant do it and have to have help or cant move at all.. I
worry about that as the years go by.. If I was in my
30's or 40's.. I know I would be active.. nothing would
stop me.. But having this happen at 54, and plus all the
other issues, like heart and blood pressure, thyroid,
I have and probly wouldn't have at that age.. well I did
have thyroid issues ALL my life, BP.. both were always
uncontrollable... still are...

Always something it seems.. My daily challenges, I just
thank God that I can still handle these challenges I
seem to have every day.. some make me a bit pissy at
times, but oh well.. its just life and you do the best
you can.. at least I do.. TRY is the word.. cant ever
stop doing that. I don't think that word will EVER
come out of my vocabulary.. at least lets HOPE NOT!

Lunch time and I don't know what I am going to have.
I will just have to raid my freezer.. Then again.. I may
make my special treat.. my fries 'n gravy... Ive not had
them in a while.. about 2 weeks I think.. I'm slippin !
I know I AM hungry for some potato salad.. I make
the best.. I might do that today.. then again.. maybe
tomorrow when Penny is here... she can help boil the
potatoes and eggs.. We need to get the Easter box
ready to send too or Tyler wont have his stuff in
time for Easter and Mark wont get his birthday
stuff in time either ! I better get rollin ! Seems I'm
always late, even though I'm on wheels.. think id
get stuff done faster !! :-) Time to post and send
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "g'day, g'day"..

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya,Thanks!
ALways, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 4:34 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Did anyone tell you? You are wonderful!!! Such intestinal fortitude (that's GUTS!!) You never let a thing get you down. What a wonderful example you are to us all, Bless you.
    Take care, Honey. Don't get out of that chair on your head!!
    Luv Ya,

  • At 9:34 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    The older I get - the more I try to keep organized - it is difficult. Oh well, I keep trying.

  • At 4:29 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife!
    Boy its sure nice to see your name here ! Missed ya, but youre so busy ! ANd thanks hon.. You are too kind :-)

    Hiya Momar,
    I do too hon, I make lists, then I LOSE the list !! :-)...

    Nice to hear from you !!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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