
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, April 04, 2009

~Sunshine Is Good~

Nice day today, quiet and not real warm but sunny, and
when the sun is out it can be hot or cold, but that sun
shine makes you feel better I think, does me anyway.
When I was in the hell home there was a sweet little
lady that they would take out of bed every day and
put her in a wheelchair.. There she sat all day.. I saw
this and after a while I went into her room, which was
a no no.. we were not supposed to go into each others
rooms, why I have NO idea, I did anyway I didn't care,
let them come chase me out.. :-) She needed to see and
feel the warm sun ...:-)

Well I saw this Dearie and I finally went into her room,
I rolled up to her chair and I asked her, not really sure
if she was aware, " wouldn't you like to be closer to the
window to see outside?".. Slowly she turned to me, and
a smile came on her face and she said, to my amazement,
"ohhh, yes, please! I ask them to put me over there but
they always forget and I cant push my chair myself"...
I told her "wait and hold on".

I rolled my chair up behind her and pushed her up to
the window, where she could see outside and her
room.. She was so happy, she had a wonderful view of
the outside, could see the front entrance and the
flower beds AND all the activity of people coming in
and out.. She really enjoyed it.. Her son came by later
I saw him in there by her as I rolled by, he waved
and motioned me over there, I rolled up to the door,
and her son thanked me for helping his mom.. which,
how hard is it to push a chair.. I promised him that I
would watch and make sure they put her up there so
she could see something at least, wasn't a problem.
Every day if the nurses didn't push her by the window,
I made sure she was... She was a Dearie...

Ive been busy making flyers and business cards for
Donnie and his partner and Penny. They really turned
out nice. I use PaintShopPro first for the images then
use that Microsoft works thingie.. THAT I didn't even
KNOW I had.. A friend told me about it.. and its really
neat to make business cards, you can put any image
you want in it.. Works good.. I'm glad he told me about
it.. I made some for my self.. I get asked every once
in a while for my phone number or email addy, so I
have calling cards.. that's what they called them years

When my grandparents went somewhere, my dads parents,
they each had cards.. Grandfathers were business cards
and looked like it. well he was a surveyor. but Grandmothers,
were just pretty, flowered and her name was very fancy,
she used them if she went to visit.. as a matter of etiquette
years ago, when you went to visit and the butler or maid
answered the door you presented your card and they took
it to give to the person you were visiting.. I guess probly in
the high mucky muck society now they may still do that. I
like having calling cards.. mine, they even have my photo
on them ! :-)

I didn't eat my left over cube steak last nite I saved it
for today, was good, that meat was just meltingly tender,
I made some mashed potatoes last nite and I think I
will today too. Its 12:30 and time to eat, I'm starved as
usual.. :-) So its that time to write my GORGEOUS
WEEBLE "g'day, g'day",, hope your having a good SAT
DAY :-) What your sposta do on this day! :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.........


  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    It is so wonderful to be able to help other in need, it very important to be able to look out the window. Nice to see people coming and going and to feel the sun shining through. To bad the staff there wasn't more kind to the lady...one day they will be in the same boat.
    Becky new staff is going to be great for the weekend..I know Becky will be well taken care of and she will be a lot more happier.
    Mike got a new staff person for the weekend too, they are only 3 clients there now...I don't know why the other one was hired in the first place. All she did was sleep most of the day.

    God bless you Lois

  • At 10:01 AM, Anonymous momar said…

    It is going up to 60F today, 16C. I am going to Manhattan to enjoy the sun. I'm sure there will be 1000s out doing the same thing I am doing.

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary!
    Good help is hard to find.. No matter what kind of job..Specially personal care people.. Was always new help at the nursing home..

    Hiya Momar!
    Isnt there a song about I'll take Manhattan lol... Im about 2 hours from Lake Michigan !! :-) I hope you enjoy your sunshine.. none here yet today..

    Good to hear from you !!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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