~Hurtin Hip~
Pouring rain today,,I did manage to get the outside kitties
fed..I was glad to see Eary..hes so skinny.. but I saw him
eat today and that makes me feel better when I KNOW
they've eaten.. This rain is making my hip, the right one
hurt so bad.. Started yesterday, so I knew it was gonna
rain.. I slept just awful last night cuz I just couldn't get
comfy at all.. Penny even adjusted all my covers and
pillows yesterday, but I still slept bad.. I bet I was awake
more than what I slept.. This hip Is whats keeping me
awake, the pain goes all the way across and down the
short leg bone...THEN to really aggravate me it will go
all the way down to my invisible foot...Really hurts..not
having a comfy way to sit is most aggravating...you
have NO idea..its hard to even describe....
Donnie and John came up for a visit last night, I'm glad
they do..Usually at least once a month Donnie knows he
needs to come up here..Hes not that far away ..about
30 miles..but considering he has to travel all the way to
Indiana to go to work EVERY day, he drives alot...He
likes to come by and just check to make sure all is ok
here..he looks out for me.. :-) Hes a good kid...:-)
My boys have been fighting a lot and I have NO idea
why..It may be because of all the outside cats, but I
don't see why they would fight each other..LB has
gotten a bad attitude and for no reason at all will go
by Dutch and just slap him..Of course Dutch isnt
gonna take that and the fight is on! Kids....
I have no plans for this rainy day, I may go thru my
movies and watch something..Tv sucks anymore..
Some of the shows they call. reality shows I have
to wonder WHO's reality...sure not mine!
Anyhoway, I'm gonna post this and watch the rain
fall for a while THEN I may eat..GORGEOUS
WEEBLES need nourishment :-) Happy week end.
WEEBLES need nourishment :-) Happy week end.
Remember.. I will return! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
It's so good to have the computer going, so nice to play with it anytimes I want...
I have a hard time with the TV, they waste my time with ads...oh how much I don't like them at all..I want just the movie, new or weather... Trying to be good all the time, and not do anything that would cause me any problem...
God bless you Lois.
At 11:28 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Mary,
Im so glad you have a computer thats working...Take your time getting better. doing stuff too soon will only put you back ..so take it easy..soon, you will be back to having TOO much to do...enjoy while you can!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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