~Stinky Ran Away~ :-(
Penny made it today and told me Stinky got outside and
hes run off somewhere..I sure hope he can find his way
back to Pennys or even here...I hope hes just exploring
and by the time Penny gets back home hes there.. The
other kittie I call Dinky is and has been here..Hes just as
lovey as Stinky.. Fuzzer and Eary both showed up this
morning too.. I was glad to see them and know at least
they are eating.. .
Travis came yesterday and we had a nice visit..About 20
minutes after he left Gail showed up.. She checked me
over and my BP is still kinda high..Not the top number but
the bottom.. It was 130/98 which is still kinda high..The
bottom number shows my heart is not resting.. which isnt
really good..
Gail put that thingie on my finger, to test my oxygen level
and while she was holding it my level steady went down,
which is not good.. Gail knows I sleep with a lot of pillows,
10 to be exact, and that I have to sit up to be able to breathe,
she again suggested that I use oxygen at night. She is gonna
relay her findings to my doctor...so we shall see what transpires
from that...no telling.. I know if I didn't have my ceiling fan I
would not be able to breathe at all !
Today is meatloaf.. We havent made that in awhile so it should
be good.. I am still tired but hopefully after lunch I can lay down
and take a 5 or maybe a 6 :-) I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE
though.. and.. I will return. :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 9:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Good to be back on line again...So happy Brenda was able to keep you updated for me...
My sister in law Barbara went on oxygen 24/7...she did a lot of crying over it too. My sister Helen is on oxygen at night and at time during the day...
I,m doing good after my surgeries, going to the doc so he can check me out and see how my lab did.
God bless you Lois.
At 7:57 AM,
momar said…
We have one cat that hangs out in the back yard. I do not know where he will keep warm during the winter, but cats survive. we have a guy in our house who makes really great chili - yummy!
At 10:15 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Mary!
So good to hear from you..Yes, Brenda did a good job..Was very nice of her to keep me updated :-) Hope you get to feeling good..take care...
Hiya Momar..
What happened to your kitties? I thought you had one still..theyre good company..I hope someone takes care of that outside kittie.. Its a shame how some people treat animals..makes you wonder how they treat people.. animals are just furry people..
Good to hear from you!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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