
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

~New Sleeper~

I took my new sleeping pill last nite
about 9.. I woke up at 5 wide awake
and have been up since. I slept sound
and don't remember waking up but
one time to check the time, it was 2:30.
I changed positions and went back to
sleep... About 9 I got really tired and
crawled back up on my bed after I
took my11 daily pills.. I slept for about
an hour and got back up to eat some
thing as my stomach told me I was
hungry. I made a steak sandwich with
sauteed onions on a fresh onion roll..
no cheese tho.. It was really good and
I could almost taste it! I have some Sara
Lee Cheesecake bites in the freezer for
desert..THEY are wonderful..and I CAN
taste them... :-)

Other than that I have no plans for today
and I'm not expecting anyone..In fact its
almost 1 and my phone hasnt even rung.
No one must wanna talk to me :-) I plan
to get my bites and go back in my room
and see if maybe there might be a good
movie on that I havent seen, or I watch
animal planet.. I sure give those angels
with the SPCA's that rescue animals credit
what some animals go through is just
awful ...That some people can mistreat
a dog or cat ...how can they live with
themselves.. My boys are like my family
and God help anyone that hurt them OR
my outside kitties and I knew about it.. I
do try to send a small donation to them
or I go to the aspca website.

Well I'm gonna go watch TV.. I still have
this cold but I did have Penny get some
orange juice for me maybe that will help.
Other than that I'm ok.. tired a lot but I'm
having a good day and I'm grateful.. I'm
still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE, and I will
be back..:-) Keep Well...

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess those sleeping pill work for you, that good to be able to get some sleep.
    I was up for about an hour last night, then went back to bed...I do that sometimes...when I got to much to think about...
    Help Mike clean his room today, he using the stair again after he hurt his hip...he still not walking right.
    A cold damp day, sure wanting Spring.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Im ready for spring too, been a long hard winter..Hope Mike gets better..Keep well..so nice to hear from you..

    Love n'hugs,
    Lois ****


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