YET. I had hoped Donnie would come up
and fix my deck today, but he had other
things to do. Maybe tomorrow. You can
see how nice the deck looks though. I
cant go out on it yet as the last 3 floor
boards arent nailed down. The step is
under there and he has to fix that.
There were fireworks last night over
here at the high school. They were so
loud they rattled my windows, just
beautiful.. Scared the boys, they ran
and hid, too much noise for them, theyre
used to quietness .. :-)
Not a whole lot to write about today, I
slept a little later, to 6:30! But I don't
feel real well.. I had to take an extra
blood pressure pill as it was up again. It
makes me feel bad and I get a headache
when it goes too high.
I'm gonna go and find something for lunch,
what, I don't know, but this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE always finds something.. :-)
WEEBLE always finds something.. :-)
Keep well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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