
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

~Tired Arms~

Ive had a lazy weekend when I look around, I could
have done more and gotten things more in order. I
am NOT complaining, but until I get my power chair
up and running my arms are tired.. That photo I am
right here in front of my computer, which is in the
middle of the living room, well over by the wall of
course, but you can see the hike I have to make to
get to the kitchen... I cant carry anything, well, yes,
I can depends on what and where I am taking it and
how many times I will have to switch hands to be able
to roll straight there.. its not that easy..
What I do, I have a empty 18 gallon tub that I put in
front of my chair, and I put the stuff in it that needs
to go somewhere else, like from the bedroom to the
kitchen, if I have other stuff that goes into the bath
room I put that in it and drop it off on my trip of putting
stuff away.. I put that tub long ways in front of me and
roll up to it then just use my chair to push it down the
hall.. It slides pretty easy but it still is a lot of strain to
push my chair along... This is low shag carpet and not too
hard to roll on.. I wish I had known Joe when he was doing
this place I would have told him to save that money..bare
floors are fine with me.. its the boys that complain.. no,
they don't but I feel their little feet and sometimes they
are cold...

So far everyone that comes in here is taking their shoes off
which always was a rule at my house.. So I'm glad they are.. I
told Penny I will get her some slippers to wear while she is
here and for company like Rebecca or Theresa.. or whomever
else comes by.. The boy, well I am not buying him a pair, would
cost a fortune as big as his feet are! :-) Plus he only comes by
about once a month.. Phones though at least once a week- he
knows Grans' rules.. If he doesn't then I call him and THEN
he KNOWs hes in trouble :-)

We are under a winter storm watch for today and tomorrow,
2 to 4 inches of snow, and as fast and furious as its coming
down out there we may get more than that.. Donnie, Kelli and
Alex are due back from Racine today I hope they miss this
weather.. so many on the roads after a holiday, Donnie is an
excellent driver its the others on the road that I worry about
that may run into them! He knows to phone as soon as they get
back or I will worry... and he usually always does... Hes a good
kid.. He has me penciled in for one evening this week to come
and put my mirror up for me.. It was my mothers and ever
since Ive had it, its always been the first thing I put on the
walls when I move into a new place.. When its up then I will
put everything else up... Maybe I will get some Christmas
decorations.. I have enough room for some now !

I'm going to get back to clearing out my bedroom so I can get
a bed.. I have a list of priorites and I have to stick to it.. And
a bed is first... then the rest I can hopefully get later on... Its
time to post and write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "G'Day,G'Day"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and Thanks..
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You," is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

~Didnt Get Alot Done~

I didn't get as much done today as I had planned,
but I did get some things done.. My bedroom is almost
cleared except for a few things.. Its so big in there..
Lots of room even with that huge wardrobe in it.. I
have to say I honestly do have too much stuff that I
just don't really need and I think this spring a yard
sale might be the thing...I'm sure Dawn and Kelli have
stuff theyd like to get rid of.. Kelli is the one of all of
us with the best location for a yard sale shes right on
one of the major roads here...A sale at her house would
be really be a good one I bet...

Ive not heard from Dave at R & R.. I know I will Monday
if I have to call him again.. The batterys were due to be
in on Wednesday and unless perhaps they were closed
yesterday, I had expected a call to know when he plans
to come by.. It will sure help me a lot in getting things
done... I cant carry anything and roll very good... This
place being so big I cant just grab something and pull
myself.. specially in this living room its so big.. I have
been bringing a cup of coffee in here and it takes me
so long going all the way down this hall by the time I
get here to my desk to drink it I'm pooped and its
almost COLD! I'm NOT complaining.. I just have to get
something else to carry it in or.. well I could just put
the coffee pot here in the living room :-)

There is a furniture place in Coldwater that will deliver.
I am seriously thinking of scheduling a ride and go to
see what kind of bed they may have.. I don't need a
head board or foot board, I only want the frame and
of course mattress set, I put it side ways, like I had
at the apartment... it turns a double bed into a king size
for me... I have a beautiful comforter with matching
sheets and pillow shams that will be very pretty... I
don't have a table for next to the bed though and I
will need one, some place to put the phone.. For the
time being If I get a bed I have a wood TV tray that
will work.. havta improvise is all.. In time I will get all
that I need for in here but until then its great...

Well my break is over for today, they had roast on sale
for 1.98 a pound and Penny picked up a really nice one..
Was huge so she cut it in half and I am going to put it
in the oven with a few potatoes and that will be my week
end treat... I love roast beef... was my dad's favorite too.
Back to work and time to fix my dinner for later but first
time to post and say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "G'Day,
G'Day" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you sasfe,
Until I write again....

Friday, November 28, 2008


view outside the window when I look to my left...
I think I have overdone. I posted yesterday and went
straight over to the couch and slept for 3 hours.. I woke
up and it was almost dark and I just decided to stay right
there and go back to sleep.. Which I dozed off and on for
a while, I think I watched some TV.. not sure though what..
I got up at 5:45 this morning.. The boys saw to that.. They
wanted water and breakfast.. I keep their bowl of water
in the sink as Dutch isnt allowed to have a bowl on the floor
because he plays in it.. pushes the bowl around and splashes
the water out.. He always played in the toilet until I put the
riser on it.. But the sink bowl was turned over so I knew it
was the boy. They drink a lot of water which some cats don't.
But then again, no one has cats like my two...

Penny came today but was late.. shes not been feeling good.
I gave her the map to the dumpsters so she can go by there
when she leaves.. I told her not to do a lot and just go back
home to bed.. She did go and get the cat food though, they
were almost out.. Our weather is so unpredicable that you
cant take chances, so I stock up.. Id rather have too much
than not enough..

Peggy with Angel Food, I told her I was moving and there is
no distribution site for it here.. She said her son lives here
so perhaps he will drop it off for me.. I thought that was
very nice.. as it is such a good deal... They have bacon wrap-
ped filets this month and THEY are good... Ask Donnie..

I have made great headway but I am not going to steady go
like I have been I cant get too strung out or I will end up
down for a few days, so slow, steady, will get it done perhaps
a tad slower but better than not done :-) This place is so nice,
and the boys are having the best time.. I kinda like it too... Its
so quiet here there is hardly any traffic out side, mostly
when the high school lets out... As of yet Ive not heard from
Dave I sure wish hed phone and say he was on the way.. I
could use that power chair... :-)

Time to post and finish my break and then back to work on my
bedroom so I can get a bed in there.. The couch is ok but a
bed would be better... This GORGEOUS WEEBLE says
"G'Day G'Day"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
Until I write again...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

~Happy Thanksgiving~ :-)

I am really tired today, I have gotten a lot done
but I may have over done.. This is just going to
be a few lines as I am going to go and take a nice
long 5. I got up at 5:14 to be exact ..that's what
the clock said, well showed when I rolled by to go
to the potty.. The transferring is working ok.. I just
wish there wasn't any carpet in there... its not a deep
pile and its put in really good.. There are parts by
the doors and by the kitchen sink and stove that are
linoleum.. and to roll on that is VERY easy, I wish this
whole place was like that..

Joe came over last nite and we signed the lease and he
gave me a map as to where we can take, well Penny can
take trash to dispose of it.. Joe owns 6 duplexes that he
rents out and over at the other place just down the street
a few blocks he has dumpsters there. It will save me 30
a month.. I had to pay for trash pick up and water, so right
there is a savings for me of 60.oo and that sure will help
as I have a dread feeling about the gas bill for the furnace.
When I asked the gas company said last February the
highest was 265.oo.. I could NEVER afford that.. and THAT
worries me...

I am sure Penny was just as tired as I was, we had to pack
so fast and its hard to remember which box has what in it.
We both tired to be careful and label the boxes but then
we got hurried and just put where ever we could.. I will
have more than enough room for stuff though.. plus these
storage bins will be really handy in my closet... I didn't
realize just how many clothes I have.. I LOVE it !! :-)

Well I need this nap, this TIRED GORGEOUS WEEBLE
says its time for a "G'Day, G'Day"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

~ Penny Fight~

What a day, Penny and I got into a big fight, she is so
stressed out from her other job and boyfriend issues
and I am from this move and not being able to find any
thing, we had a nice fight and I just told her to go home.
I wont argue with her or anyone.. I had to go a round with
COMCAST of all people to make sure my account is canceled.
I noticed today I still can use my comcast email.. After
about 5 calls and 6 different phone numbers I finally found
a person that could answer my questions.. So I was already in
a bad mood when Penny got here.. She was too obviously.. I
will just do more and not leave things for her to do.. I would
hate to have to find another caregiver but I wont fight with
one either.. I cant handle that extra stress.. So she left with
out even a bye or see ya Friday, nothing.. so I don't know if
she will be here Friday or not..I hope she is...

I got hold of Dave with R & R and hes waiting for a delivery
of batteries and he will bring one for me hopefully on Friday,
he said hes expecting a delivery today but I doubt I will get
it today.. It sure will come in handy to do more here and I can
carry stuff better.. It will take some getting used to again but
its a good chair, it may even make the turn into the bathroom..
The transfer chair is working just fine.. Its a pain, but its
worth it to have a nice place and its not that hard to do.. The
only time it is, is during the night when I'm really tired...then
it wakes me up.. But I don't really mind the extra work..

The photo up top I hope no one will take and put it where it
doesn't belong.. I will only leave my photos here for a few
days, then remove them just to be safe.. I have not been to
that site to see if my photos have been removed but I have
NOT gotten a reply to my emails to the administrator so I
am guessing he doesn't give a ratz patootie as long as his
site looks good.. Its NOT over, not as long as my photos
are there.. but I just don't feel like dealing with it now, I
just don't have the stamina.... I am trying to reduce my
stress level...THAT is a must.. My desk is in the middle of
the living room so you can see how big it is.. its wonderful..

Well my work break is over and I have a lot to still do I
have to say its looking nice.. every day is an improvement..
and I am glad, then I can really enjoy this place, the boys
love it and LB is a happy guy, hes running and playing just
like he was a tiny kittie, of course Dutch LOVES it he sounds
like a small horse galloping down the hall hes having fun..
Time to post and back to work... and time for my GORGEOUS
WEEBLE "G'Day, G'Day"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? love ya, and Thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~I'm Happy~

I want you to know I have been busy. Ive gotten up at
4 just about every day as I just cant sleep, soon as my
eyes open I start thinking of all I want to do that day-
and the list, right now, is endless.. I have made GREAT
headway though... and I have to say it is hard work..but
I pace myself and I LOVE this part of moving, getting
to fix up a new place.. THIS is NOT really work.. Plus I
get to go throught all my stuff that has been packed
away.. It will be so pretty in here.. Everyone has said
how much they like it... I LOVE IT~!~ Im HAPPY :-)

I had to put in a call to R & R to fix my power chair. I have
decided until I get this all done, I'm going to use that chair.
I go back and forth just once, the length of this place wears
me out.. So I tried to get my chair running and shes dead
as a doornail.. so I called Dave and then Deborah at HPM,
and Dave hopefully will be here tomorrow to put in a new
battery... I will really use it more this summer being able to
go outside more now..

Rebecca came today for her weekly visit and was amazed
at how organized it is already.. She did comment on the
fact that I don't have enough furniture .. I have decided
that I am going to get a bed and then a chair, a nice recliner
for the living room.. so I can sit in here and watch TV.. as I
only have the one, so I wont be watching it in the bedroom.
I did notice that I cant see the TV as well since now I am so
far away from it.. I cant read the info that's on the screen.
In time maybe I can get one of those 32 inch ones.. THAT
would be great~! I have one so I'm grateful...

Well my break is over, time to go back to work.. I will be glad
when its all put away, I'm making a list of what I need yet and
there are a few things.. There is no phone jack here in the
living room which is a problem.. There are 2 in the kitchen and
1 in the bedroom.. so I may just get a lot of phone cord and
run it from the bedroom in here.. If Verizon does it they will
charge.. Strange tho that there isnt one in here...

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its back to work I go.. This GORGEOUS WORKING
WEEBLE says "G'Day, G'Day"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Monday, November 24, 2008


I made it! It has been a hetic 2 days, and I am truly done in.. All
for good cause though.. I got my computer all connected first and
then have been steady working.. But I wanted to write and put
this photo here of Donnie, Jorge, Kelli and I...To my grateful surprise
Jorge's 2 brothers showed up to help as well.. THAT was a really
nice of them.. Donnie is tired :-) I had just told him that some of
the things had to be taken back.. I will write more on that later.. :-

I have a ton of things to do If I dont get time to post again today
I will tomorrow.. I am still taking all offers of unpacking help. I
have decided to power up my power chair, by the time I go ALL
the awy into the kitchen and ALL the way back down here to
this living room. Im pooped ! I am calling Dave at R & R today.

Thanks for all the good ideas and well wishes and I shall return!
For now this GORGEOUS TIRED WEEBLE says "G'Day , G'Day"

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
Im honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, November 21, 2008

~Countdown Begins~

We are very busy today and everything is set. Penny
had to make a special trip to the drug store for the
anti biotics so I can get started on them.. Erica was to
have called them in yesterday and of course she didn't.
So Penny had to go their twice. I did book a ride with a
bus company here to pick me up and take me.. it has a
lift.. I am having so much trouble sitting I think this is
the best to do as transferring to Pennys car will not be
easy with this sore spot...

Its VERY painful today, I got one of those rings to sit on
but it doesn't work cuz it leaves my stumps hanging and
that puts pressure and I just about scream it hurts so bad.
I'm hoping by tomorrow when the anti biotics have a chance
to work that the pain will ease.. I have NO idea still what
this is.. I asked my sis and she wasn't sure either... But the
lump is about the size of a golf ball.. and if I sit on that it
about puts me through the roof... I have not been much help
to Penny at all... I feel bad about that..

I talked to Donnie this morning and he will be here bright and
early we discussed about how long we thought the loading would
take as I have the ride booked for 11.. So I'm hoping it will all
be done by then.. I will load the boys in the carrier first thing
before they get here as I know they will panic when the guys
come in.. Penny will take them in her car with her.. I have a
nice warm afgan for them in side the carrier and we kept a
nice warm one to cover them so they don't catch a chill when
they go outside... I don't need sick cats on top of everything

Its very hard to sit here and type as I have to lean forward
and it really hurts when I do.. But we are on the countdown,
Cross your fingers, toes, legs, anything ya got so we have
good luck tomorrow.. No snow forecasted so.. let the clock
begin ticking.. this girl is ready too.. Poor Penny bless her
heart has worked hard today.. She is gonna get SO SICK
of me.. :-) Shes a good kid I'm so fortunate to have her..

Time to close, and shut down this puter until tomorrow nite
hopefully.. If there is no post from me tomorrow please don't
worry as I kinda think tomorrow I will have some other major
priorites.. but hopefully I will Sunday.. Sorry to miss a day , but
well I gotta keep rollin, and first things first.. So until later,
this GORGEOUS MOVIN' WEEBLE says "nitey nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear:? Love ya and Thanks !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again......

Thursday, November 20, 2008

~I Have A Problem~

This post is very early, as I woke with a very serious
problem that I am very concerned, ok worried.. Ive never
had anything like this.. The last few days, well since on the
couch really, but the past couple its been getting worse.
The sore spot is right.. well hmmm.. to delicately describe
the place, right next to major parts.. Its a lump about the
size of a quarter..round, and VERY sore.. Now, I had to
figure out a way to see this area.. that was fun let me tell
ya, It better go away or I will die of embarrassment if I
have to go to the doctor for this.. Which today as bad as
its hurting.. I did call Erica at the Drs office.. This is such
horrible timing... I cant stop now.. I'm on the countdown
and I have a LOT to do yet !..

Well this lump.. when I finally got in a position I could see it,
I will NOT describe that .. :-) but I saw the lump, and I felt
it, and what I saw I didn't like.. the lump was very dark blue,
looking like a bruise.. I havent fallen so it is NOT from a hit
or anything... To sit, well I cant. I can for a little while but
it starts to hurt so bad I cant stand it.. When I talked to
Erica she wasn't real sure what it is but suggested heat, if
its an infection it will surface from the heat.. She said to
try to avoid sitting on it by using a ring or laying down.. I
sure DONT need THIS now...

I explained to her I am in the process of moving and she knows
how I am about going out, she is going to set up a nurse to come
and check it out for me, and has called in a anti biotic. I have
been so worried about something going wrong with this move and
I didn't expect problems with ME! But it does worry me I will
be honest.. I have never had anything like this so I have NO idea
what it is.. If it opens... that could lead to VERY serious things
for me as quickly and easily that I get staff infections.. and it
being right dead center almost of my butt, that means bed, down
and not sitting but for short times ... I am not a happy camper...
But I WILL make this move..

Erica said to take the antibiotics, apply heat to bring it up and to
try to stay off it as much as possible. Call her again tomorrow
and if its not worse to wait and then try to go in to see them on
Monday or Tuesday. AFTER this move and that's what I'm gonna
do.. I cant take chances.. Penny will be here tomorrow and I am
sure she will get the last of the packing done.. I sure hope so..

Well I have to get off this butt and give it a rest...I shall keep
you updated... Too early for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to say
nitey nite so I will say "G'Day, G'Day"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear, Love ya and THANKS !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless you", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~U Haul Sucks~

Interesting day today. I had put a truck on reserve with
U HAUL... wrong move.. My sis warned me not to call them,
but I looked on line and there is supposedly a pick up spot
here in town. Well I was thinking this morning as I went
over my list of 'to do's' and I realized I had not gotten
a call from U HAUL for confirmation.. So, luckily I called.
The girl, said they were looking for a close place where I
could get a truck and the closest would be Sturgis, which
is I bet 35 miles away at least. So think of the mileage !
So she said I would have to WAIT till someone found a
better place.. Well I made this reservation last week, and
they still have done nothing? AND expect me to wait even
longer when I DONT have that luxury.. Time is a major
factor... I hung up the phone telling her I would wait.. well
now, you KNOW I just sat and decided to wait for them
when they've had days already? ya right ....

Well, I hung up.. looked on line, found a place right HERE in
town.. In fact right next to my Icee place, Dairy Queen, I
will miss that place... Maybe I can get my own icee maker..
Well anyway, I dialed BUDGET.. at a place called GRAND
RENTAL.. Cody answered the phone.. took all the info and
THEY WILL have a 24 foot truck there waiting for me,
well for Donnie when he goes. They open at 8 am and Cody
said he will be there... SO.. I have to say, I kinda snickered
when I phoned U HAUL and told them to can my hold on a
truck and my order that I went to BUDGET and got a better
rate, better service and a pick up spot 2 blocks away from
my house.. The Lord has smiled on me today...

Penny came and we made a deal that she will come Saturday
and spend from about 9 to 3 helping me move. I told her I
didn't expect her to do it for nothing, and I will pay her. She
put off another job for me and all the EXTRA help she is
giving me, well I want to let her know I appreciate it.. Just
like I do Donnie and Jorge, I cant pay them but I plan to
send Penny to the store to get them and Dawn & Kelli too,
steaks that they can grill back at Donnies... Dawn I am not
sure if she will be there as she has this new job so she may
have to work Saturday.. Kelli does but only for a few hours
that morning.. Its a super busy week end, Kelli works part
time at a hotel and this week end is a Notre Dame home
game so they are booked to the teeth with a waiting list
for any possible vacancy, I bet every motel, hotel, boarding
house is booked solid.. Lots of people would rent out a spare
room on home games in Green Bay.

Penny got a lot done, she really worked hard.. We are both
worried that we are coming down with colds or we are allergic
to each other the way we both sneezed today.. I sure hope
if we are that it waits till next week when I will be able to
collapse then.. I will be moved. I have to admit I am getting
so nervous I wish this was done and I was there.. I need
this move done.. With Penny coming there is my ride up to
my new house.. We discussed how we are going to fix it up
and put everything. I saw an ad at Meijers, they are having a
huge sale on Thanksgiving day, they will have a 32 inch TV
for $372.00.. NOW, that IS a deal... These things sell for
over 1000... I am hoping they will let it be put on lay away
and I can pay on it... or put some down and pay or however
they do it.. But I sure would like to have this TV.. I worry
about mine all the time its so old... Push come to shove I
have to have a place to sleep first.. that really is more of
a priority than a TV . I know ALL my priorities and I cannot
stray from them.. This move is taking every spare dime I
have and I cant splurge I have to be logical..

The update on that crap site that has my photos. I went there
today to check if this administrator has removed them and, NO
they are still there AND I have not received a reply to the 2
emails I sent him.. This is most upsetting.. Last nite I went to
where all the photos that I have put here on the blog are kept
and I deleted every one of me except for the one on my profile
here.. I sure hated doing that.. And those of you that are my
faithful TRUSTING friends I am most sorry, but I cant stop
people that are thieves from taking from me.. so my only solution
is to never put another Full Body one here.. I felt so bad doing
that.. but I had to.. I was so upset I had even considered just
deleting this whole blog and not write anymore but I enjoy this
Its like writing home to family every day saying "hey, I'm here,
guess what happened today, I'm thinking of you ".... I hate that
this person has done this to me.. But this is how I feel.. and I
know other amputees that have had this done to them feel the
same way.. our rights are being violated.. Those that WANT to
be exposed and show off their most private parts.. well good
do it.. but NOT where I am .. I don't wanna see that crap. To
me THAT is pornography.. and I don't approve no matter who
it is.. These women that pose like that.. have they thought of a
time when perhaps their grand child might come across a
photo of gramma showing everything shes got? That sure would
give a kid a good impression wouldn't it? Well Gramma did it
I will too.. Morals.. right from wrong.. Maybe I'm too old
fashioned.. but back when there WAS a time you could trust
anyone and be treated with respect.. now? No.. its gone.. and
sadly I see NO improvement ahead at ALL... I fear for my
grands.. I think of little Alex, what will this precious baby
have for a world when he is 40? or will he even HAVE one...
All those sci if movies are gradually becoming real... like
Mel Gibson movies.. Scarey...

Well I am really give out today, but I have to say we got a lot
done and all the minute details have been set, solved and finished
so I can sort of breathe a little better .. 2 days to go.. Friday
ALL has to be done.. 8 am everything in this place will be gone,
THANK YOU LORD~~!! I am SO ready for this move and yup,
ready to say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm posting a little earlier today, but. I'm so upset with this
photo business.. I am truly distressed that someone's betrayed
my generosity by putting my GORGEOUS WEEBLE photos
on such a degrading to amputee women site as anon_ib.

I looked through some of the 45 pages there and I was thoroughly
disguested with what I saw of photos of these amputee women
that so blatantly show every minute detail of their bodies and
WANT them on the net much less offer to sell them... I am
NOT one of them... and I resent the fact that someone has taken
my rights away from me by helping them selves to 8 of my photos.

I very seldom discuss the issues of Devoteeism.. as I know both
sides.. the good and the bad of these people.. The bad, like the
ones that steal our photos, sell them, trade them and Lord knows
what else they do to them... all in the name of being DEVOTEEs
like they have a RIGHT to us.. NO ONE owns me now or ever and
never will... Those Devotees that do this sort of horrible thing
as stealing photos and putting them where ever THEY please..
My question is.. what if it was their wife, mother, child.. would
THEY like seeing their photos among those of a naked woman
posing in such a way to show the most intimate parts of her
body? If they say they wouldn't mind or come up with the lame
excuse that "theyre on the net and anyone can have them"..
my response is.. "What happened to being fair and respecting

This sort of theft of something I do freely give if asked, to me
I describe it to a feeling of being raped, used, and my character
ruined because my photos are at a place that ANY decent woman
amputee or not would want them.. This is a disgrace and how this
person can do something like this .. well he/she..whom ever, is
lower than the whale poop at the bottom of the sea in my book..
I never wish bad on any one.. but I do on this person.. and I WILL
say.. whomever it was, I will do what ever I have to to find you
and when I Do .. trust me, you will NOT be happy..

I bet I made a dozen phone calls today and every single thing
is fixed, arranged and set up for the move Saturday.. Penny
will be here today about 1 to help for a few hours so that we
can get this packing finished, the clock is on the countdown
and I cannot wait.. ... This move is taking ever dime I have, but
I honestly think it will be a good thing.. Once I get moved and
settled I will be happier I am sure.. I hope so anyway...

I hate that one person has managed to ruin it for so many others
but I feel that I have no choice but to stop putting FULLBODY
photos of my self here anymore, There will ONLY be from the
waist up. I'm truly sorry but I feel I have NO choice..and I hate
that I have lost that trust I placed on someone that didn't deserve
it.. To Those of you that have jumped to defend me on that
site I thank you so very much.. means a lot to me.. and those that
phoned to tell me.. thank you...

Its time to close this for today and get started on the rest of
this packing.. This sure aint easy.. but I gotta do what I gotta
do and that's face it head on and keep on rollin.. I could say
a few choice words to the ... well .. person that did this..but I
will wait till I can say them in person with a few added exclamation
points.. that is if I get to them before my son does.. :-) he has
the kind I don't and they hurt more :-) this is NOT over by any
means.. I have only BEGUN to FIGHT this...

Also if you have comments about this DEVOTEE issue.. lets talk..
leave a note and lets see where THIS goes.. :-) In the mean
time, I still love the rest of ya.. and am most grateful that you
are my friends.. greatly appreciated by this HUNGRY GORGEOUS
WEEBLE !!! "nitey nite".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again..

Monday, November 17, 2008

This is an URGENT extra post....

Someone named Alycidon has taken it upon himself to
take photos from this blog and post them at a site on
the net called anon_ib. All the photos on this blog are
mine and NOT to be taken with out my permission..

If you would please go to that site and request they be
removed I would be most grateful.. they are on the first
page under the heading "seen any new daks lately" on page
3... I have written to the administrator requesting they be
removed.. if you would please write to him as well requesting
my photos be removed..

If you look over to the right side here, you will see the copywrite
there and these or any photos are all copywrited and NOT to
be taken with out my consent.. This man has and has shown
total dis-respect for me.. Other amputees may like their photos
put on to sites like that .. I don't..

I am seriously debating to close this blog or at least to not put
any more photos of my self here.. This man has written to me many
years ago and he knows how I feel about this.. anyone that knows
me knows this... Do NOT post my photos...

This added stress has caused me some very serious grief today after
I posted the earlier blog.. This is so unfair and I am so upset that
someone has such dis reguard for me to post my photos with women
that are naked and obviously for sale...

Please go there and tell them to remove my photos..the owners name
and email are there as well.,. write to him on my behalf please...

With sadness I still am ...
Always, Lois ****

~I Got 2 Things today~

Well looky what I saw when I looked out the window this
morning .. It snowed most of the night and as of right now,
which its 1 in the afternoon, its been snowing all morning.
The weather says we are under a winter storm warning and
should have up to or over 4 inches of snow. Every day this
week they are predicting snow. Saturday as well.. I just
hope if it has to snow, that the roads will be ok.. that's the
worry.. This snow is one of two things I got today, read on...

Got a lot done today and I have to say I am proud of Penny
and I.. I was upset for a while this morning when I gave my
camera to Penny to go down the basement and take pictures
so I can see what all is down there. When I saw them I was
most upset.. My basement looks horrible, stuff everywhere.
Penny said shes been straightening up but the woman that
was sent here to paint the basement obviously went through
everything down there, stuff was out of boxes and some
were open.. Its a disaster down there... Penny assures me it
will all be done as I almost just threw up when I saw the
mess and the work it will take .. The worst part is I cant do
it, I cant get down there. If I could I sure would.. But we
are running out of space here to put stuff as it is...

I reserved a truck and it will be waiting on Saturday. It will
cost 39.95 a day, plus 79 cents a mile and a 100 dollar deposit,
which is returned when the truck is... Its a 24 foot which I
KNOW will be big enough... Donnie teased me for a while when
he asked "whos gonna drive that huge thing Gran?" I said
"huh?" he laughed.. hes got a CDL.. so I know he can but he
still gave me a start for a second, I told him not to do that,
I have MORE than enuff stress going on. So that's done and
ready.. He laughed and assured me all is ok, he will handle
it.. not to worry.. and I trust him... :-)
Now, my other accomplishment is, I have my transport chair
here, delivered by Dave. Cost 125.oo.. its a invacare, which
is a good one.. Dave from R & R came by and we talked, my
insurance wont get it for me so I had to.. But its here and that
is a MAJOR issue that is resolved.. NOW nothing is wrong, all
the I's have been dotted and all the words are right so... I am
all set for this new house.. This chair is really nice, Dave did
measure it and its 20 inches and that's with the wheel out, so
its good and will work perfectly I'm pleased...Notice the boy
is the first one in it :-)

My list is gradually shrinking and I'm pleased, some things will
have to wait till last minute and my Dolly has assured me not to
worry about anything.. I WILL get moved and I WILL get up
there.. shes a honeygirl... Ive sent notices to my sons of my
move, which I have always done since I first left, notify them
of where I am moving to.. Ive not had any acknowledgement
from either of them that they have received it. But then I
never did all those times before either...

Well I am totally done in for today I was up at 5 and I am so
ready to take a break, watch TV and just not think about any
thing for a while.. I have such a headache I can hardly stand
it.. Don't say it.."a head like that OUGHT to ache" either :-)
that's what I tell the kids all the time.. we laugh.. But I really
do have a doozie.. perhaps my icee will help.. well.. if I drink
it slow- where at times, I have too fast and boy those brain
freezes REALLY hurt.. I KNOW I'm not the only one that's
done that :-) Time to post and watch the snow.. Time for
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

~Cant Reach Some Stuff~

That little mirror in back of the TV I couldn't reach.
I was going to try to get that one and the 3 pictures
that are behind me by the lamp hanging on the wall. I
tried to use my grabber but it wasn't safe and I was
afraid I wouldn't get a good grip and they fall and break.
The one is a very old one and I would hate to lose it.. If
the others drop the frame could be damaged so I just
left them alone and Penny will have to get them down
tomorrow when she gets here. I did take the things off
the bathroom walls and I packed some more things off
the bakers rack... The basement is going to be the major
deal as I cant get down there to know what is what and
I will have to depend on Penny to take care of it.. I plan
to call Dawn and see if perhaps she could come over one
day after work and kinda get things organized better..
I had a nice surprise yesterday that I wasn't expecting. I
knew Donnie was coming over to get the Styrofoam out of
the garage but I didn't know he would have 2 helpers with
him.. I didn't think fast enough to take a picture off all 3
brothers. Donnies two brothers John and David came from
Wisconsin to spend the week end. John had a job interview
and may possibly be moving to this area.. Indiana though,
over by South Bend. Be nice for Donnie to have his brother
closer.. The 3 of them all went to a Chinese place for dinner
Friday nite, John told me, to a buffet.. I know those people
saw those 3 huge guys walk in KNEW they better get out
the reserve food.. Donnie said they kept telling them "you
eat no more you eat enuff, you go home".. We all laughed..

Donnie is a big guy, 200 pounds at least, his two brothers,
well David is about the same size, but John, hes a REALLY
big guy! I was glad to see that Donnie had help.. I did invite
both of them back next week to help with the move. John
said if he had known before he set up the appointment, he
would have scheduled it for next week end.. But there is
still a chance that John at least may come back and help.
That would be great... I did mention to Donnie that he
would have to help and lift me into the truck, he laughed
and said that he was going to load me, chair and all into
the back of the moving truck :-) now, THAT would be
a wild ride :-) I am NOT doing that even for the sake of
not having to transfer.. :-)

Snowed off and on most of the morning and just dusting
outside. We are due to get snow every day but I havent
seen the forecast for the week end yet. I get more and
more nervous and write myself one note after the other
so I don't forget anything. That wouldn't be good.. I have
made quite a bit of progress that I know Penny will see
tomorrow and hopefully we can get it a bit more organized
and start on the basement.. My clothes and bedding will
just go in plastic bags be a lot easier to handle than boxes
I think... Will be nice to have my own washer and dryer,
then I can get that material down the basement washed
and I can work on some quilts... I'm anxious to sew again.
To get things made in time for Christmas is going to be a

What I'm gonna make now is a light snack, what, I have
no idea, I havent bought much in groceries since I knew
about the move as its less to move. I still have stuff in
the freezer that I can make..fish or something.. I'm not
sure what I want I'm kinda tired and I may just take a
five, watch the Packer game and fix something later if
I feel like it, so, its time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"nitey nite".. :-)

y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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