
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

~Grandpa Time~

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at the back door
of course and saw Joyce next door headed here. I
watched as she and a little blonde girl about 4 walked
up to the door followed by a young woman in her 20's
with a toddler . A little boy, Cutie too. Joyce introduced
them as her granddaughter and 2 great grands.. She was
so proud of them which they were beautiful people. She
said they lived in lower Indiana and had come to visit for
the week end.. I noticed today that Carl got a boat gas
tank out of the garage so I kinda have a feeling they may
be boating today on that big lake here, Palmer Lake..
I watched Carl earlier with his great grand, they had the
best time gathering up those helicopter things that the
trees are shedding now. Carl would grab a handful of them
and throw them up in the air and Jayden I think was her
name, would giggle and squeal with laughter as she ran and
tried to grab them before they hit the ground.. I saw her
take off running fast as she could with Carl right behind
her, chasing her. As they ran around that big house she
didn't slow down at all.. I notice after about the 3rd go
round Carl hid behind the tree and waited .. cheater.. :-)
But as she ran by you could see her looking for him and
when he ran out she laughed so loud and they were off
again.. I thought about what nice memories they are
making for each other.. A beautiful day and a great time
with grandpa.. She will remember..
Later on I saw them ride down the street together. Both
peddaling along and I could hear her just chattering away
to her grandfather not making out what she was saying,but
you could tell they were enjoying it.. I bet they rode up and
down that street 3 dozen times. She was very good on that
bike and you see no training wheels.. I thought to my self,
that she will surely sleep good and I bet grandpa sleeps like
a log with the work out he got today!! I printed out the
photos for Joyce I hope they like them , just in case they
didn't take any photos or maybe not one on the bikes..
Do you see the dark peonie? its just wonderful.. 3 colors
of them.. and down on the left side of it Joyce thinks its
a tomato plant growing. NOW.. wouldn't THAT be great.?.
From what I could see it looks like that to me too.. I HOPE
it is !! :-) The Cardinal I hope is going to be a steady visitor
out back.. Hes so pretty.. I really am enjoying this back door.
Its really great.. I know how great it will be to take photos
outside and not thru the screen, most of the time I hold the
camera up so its thru the glass up top of the door.. it makes
the photo clearer.. Once I get outside .. I wont have to worry
about a screen!. How I see this deck out there It will be so
pretty Ive been looking through some catalogs at outdoor
stuff.. I have seen so many really neat solar powered lights
for out back that would look good out there and they were
not very expensive!.. I just have to find the wood...

Time to find some lunch, Its my usual noon hunger pangs
that happen every day about this time, what I'm going to
fix , I'm not sure. Its a lazy day today for me, all my
energy seems VERY low today, so I'm just gonna fix some
thing fast and easy and enjoy my back yard... :-) I hope
your backyard is as enjoyable as mine. This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE says "Happy Sunday!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, May 30, 2009

~Theyre Tied!~ :-)

My peonies are tied up! Thanks to Carl :-) Do you see the VERY dark one
on the top right? there are 3 colors, white too.. :-) beautiful sight...

Where did this month go? The time is going by
faster, yet sometimes it seems its crawling. Some
days go by so fast, which of course, are the days
I'm doing something.. Sewing or what ever. When
I sit by the door, which I REALLY AM enjoying, I
feel like I SHOULD be doing something and not just
sitting around.. Then I get to thinking, well.. just WHAT
exactly do I HAVE to do every day other than LIVE
it? If it means just enjoying what I am seeing by sitting
at the door while I listen to the radio, Dutch in my lap,
I guess I really AM doing something plus its something
I ENJOY doing. While I sit there my mind wanders and
I come up with ideas of what I would like to make for
the grands, or some friends, or Pennys grands :-) I Then
go thru my attack plan of what I will need to make these
things, and do I have what I need and if I don't HOW
am I gonna get it... like my deck.. :-)
I look out the back door and I see how much space is
out there and I see a deck out there, with a railing and
flowers hanging from them that I can GET to ! :-) The
morning glories going in and out of the railing and maybe
even a swing that I could transfer to safely, now, THAT
would be a treat. I had a swing, sat on my grandmothers
porch, when she died my dad took it and made a frame
for it to sit out in their back yard. All the moves I have
made the swing is gone just like my birdbath...

I think with all the birds here they would love a bird
bath out there. I had a wonderful cement one that I
did manage to keep and I gave it to Donnie and Shirley
for the farm.. when I would go there I sat on their deck
and enjoyed it.. I think when they moved they neglected
to take it with them and Donnie thinks it may still be there.
But I cant very well go and tell them I want it now after
8 years :-) If I THOUGHT I could get it, well I WOULD
sure try, theyre kinda expensive, but worth it.. The one I
had my nephew sat in it on hot days when he was a baby
back in... I was about 12 when Michael was born, Gayles
son..so in the 60's, maybe late 50's... I bet it still is being
used somewhere, I couldn't even lift the bowl of it, it was
so heavy. Almost gave David a hernia when he tried ! :-)

Ive been mentioning to everyone I see and talk to that I
am looking for wood for a deck and I am sure hoping that
I can do it.. If I put my mind to something usually I can
figure out a way or hear of something that might help in
my quest for what ever it may be at the time... Now- my
quest is for a nice deck out back.. Many different types
have been suggested from getting palettes to using bricks.
I don't think palettes would work most arent made out
of very good wood and I don't think they would last very
long. Bricks would be nice but it would have to be built up
out there for the amount of height from the ground to
the doorstep...so that might could run into quite a bit,
where a wood deck would be better. I am NOT an expert
on this but just seems logical to me.. I had thought about
cement blocks.. but I don't know if they would work, and
I'm not sure how tall they are... by the time I get done
looking for prices and ideas and extras I will know how to
build it myself.. I WILL have a deck ! :-) and Lois says
"thank you Lord" in advance.. I believe HE will help get me
out my back door :-)

Lunch wasn't delivered till 3 yesterday and was Chris that
brought it.. I was surprised to see her.. Said she got lost.
Lunch was pretty good, ham and beans and corn bread..I
love beans, I havent made any in quite a while. I'm going
to make a couple pasties or a meat pie I havent decided
yet. Penny picked up some ground meat in case I did want
a pie. I may make them tomorrow and have my 'special'
later on :-) Id better post and do something constructive,
there might be something this GORGEOUS WEEBLE needs
to see out there in my back yard.. Id better go look :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, May 29, 2009

~Pretty LB~

LB was on top my microwave and look how pretty
he is.. Hes been really acting up lately and I have
NO idea why.. I had been blaming Dutch for going
after LB, I saw yesterday where LB is the culprit!
He went after Dutch.. I had to literally pull LB off
Dutch.. he had him down by the neck, Dutch was
screaming and LB was growling.. I grabbed LB and
the silly boy tried to take a bite at me, you KNOW
how far THAT got him.. I grabbed LB by the neck,
pushed him down to the floor and kept him that way
for a few seconds to show him I AM the head kittie
here and HE is 2nd in command... Hes behaved since.
He didn't like that but that's what I was told to do
to show these 2 boys I am the Chief Kittie.. I rule...
I was sitting by the back door admiring the really nice
view and just happened to have my camera right next
to me and saw that cardinal.. Isnt that just lovely? I
saw squirrels.. and I saw 4 rabbits all out there playing
and having the best time.. The momma robin was going
nuts with all the activity below her and every chance
she got she would dive bomb the squirrel if he came
too close to the tree.. Dutch goes totally insane when he
sees all the animals out there.. They as well as myself
are sure enjoying this screen door.. Penny took the glass
out so now we have a wider view of the outdoors.
Almost had a bad fall last nite. I woke up about 3 and
was backing into my chair.. stupidly I only had my left
hand on my armrest.. I had misjudged and I had hold
of the RIGHT arm rest which meant there was NO
seat underneath me... when I reached with my right
hand and realized there was no arm rest to grab and
that I had totally missed my chair I was NOT in the
movement so I still had my balance. If I had not realized
that I could have landed on the floor.. Another lesson
that I had NOT even thought about as it has never
happened before.. I'm so used to just turning around
and backing up.. I will NOW be a lot more careful..a
fall like that really would have hurt !... :-)

Lunch time and I'm not really hungry but I need some
thing till later and THEN I don't know what I want.. I
do want to make a pasty for myself this week end tho.
I just am in one of those I don't know moods :-) I DO
know I need to post this and get on with today... I might
just sit in my doorway for a while and enjoy this nice
day. Carl and Joyce are out there cutting the grass and
it smells so good and sure looks nice, Penny asked Carl
if he could fix my peonies for me I hope he can AND
I hope Joyce will come and pick some so she can enjoy
them too ! I sure am.. :-) Time to roll into the kitchen,
this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says "hey!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Ive been sitting by the open back door, sometimes
I sit in the front, but its so close to the road I feel
so conspicuous that I sit more in the back door.. I
was at the front door last nite for a while and a lady
and 2 kids, a boy and girl, I would say 11 and 13 or so.
I'm not good guessing ages. But the 2 kids were out
in front and mom was walking at a steady pace, I think
it was the kids keeping mom company on a exercise
walk.. As she walked by my door she glanced over and
saw me and smiled and waved, which I gladly returned
to her :-) but it reminded me of all the walks I used
to take.. for no particular reason but it was something
we always did when we went home. My parents walked
every night through the cemetery that was across the
alley in back of their house.. It was a beautiful one.
Very well kept and the walk was enjoyable, not to mention
most interesting. Reading some of the very old tomb
stones back to the 1900's were great.. some had photos
of the person. Cemeteries are very interesting, specially
the very old ones. :-)

My parents lived there for over 50 years in that house
and watched every funeral and knew where every person
was buried even more so than the caretaker of that
cemetery.. They walked it every single day.. I rode my
bike up and down the roads many times as there was a
really nice hill and you could get up some great speed
and just coast right up the other side IF you prepared
for the turn.. I missed it a few times but no damage...
All you would run over were graves, but I was very
respectful.. To this day I NEVER step on one... and I
have NO idea why but I don't. Although I have fallen
into one :-)

My Dad and I were on a walk, and I was young, 11 or so.
As we walked along I was steady chattering away to him
not paying ANY attention as to where I was going.. I had
thought I was following right next to him.. however I did
not see he had changed course and was headed right
by a grave that had just been dug for a funeral the next
day.. I took a step and landed at the bottom of it and
let out a blood curdling scream "DAD!!!!!!!" He looked
down at me, sitting there totally terrified and upset,
crying, the whole 9 yards.. He laughed at me and said,
"well, don't YOU just look cute, what do you want me
to do? Pull you out? YOU fell in it- YOU get yourself out!"
When I stood up I realized the grave was only HALF
DUG.. The top of it came to just about my waist :-)
I felt like an idiot.. I STILL remember that.. and I
bet my Dad is still laughing about it today...he did help
me out though :-)

Today is a gloomy ickky day, dark and threatening to
storm.. I wish it would make up its mind.. It got very
warm yesterday, in the 80's.. I turned the ceiling fan
on and I prefer that to Air Conditioning.. Even though
it was really humid yesterday too. I'm going to do some
sewing for Alex today and make him some shorts for
summer. Kids grow out of stuff so fast.. I made the
cutest purse for Pennys grand. I was anxious to hear
if she liked it, which Penny said she LOVED IT!! :-)
It had a comb in a cover and a small little purse thing
inside.. it did turn out nice. I want to make one for
Kelli's niece Trina, that has been wanting one for a
while.. I just don't have any pretty quilted material
that would be nice for a little girl.. I will get some
though. :-)

I woke up hungry and never did get around to fixing
some toast so you KNOW I am a HUNGRY GORGEOUS
WEEBLE as usual.. :-) I hope COA lunch is good today,
the suppers are great ! Post Time ! :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

~Seems Better~

My kitchen and living room are really looking nice. I
am most pleased.. Rebecca came by and we had a
very good talk.. She has sort of assured me not to
worry, that she will see what she can do.. I explained
again to her about where did she or Kelly or Doug
expect me to get this extra 112 a month in 6 months
if I don't have it now.. My income is NOT going to
increase... Its almost set in stone you might say.. I
HATE having this crap hanging over me every single
day, and I told her so.. Its almost like harassment,
I cant enjoy my life for worrying every day about
whether or not I'm going to have a place to live!
This just isnt right.. How many other clients do they
have in MY situation? I bet not too many IF ANY ! I
wonder what THEY are doing about this?
Well I don't know what the outcome will be, but I
cannot keep this worry.. ANYHOWAY.. she came
bearing gifts.. See the swag above the door? isnt
that just beautiful.. it sets my living room off so
nicely.. NOW I need to decide about the desks..
which to keep or what ever... I think I may get
rid of or move the one over by the swag, and put
the new one over there and if and when I get a
TV for in here I think it would make a nice place
for it.. plus the cable stuff that hooks to it.. I
think that is what I'm going to do.. just not SURE!
The boy and I sit by the back door every day.. I
noticed out there under the birch tree some birds.
I watched closely and noticed they were Robins.. I
saw the smaller one copy everything the bigger one
did.. So .. I got my trusty nocs and looked closer..
and it was a mom with 3 babies.. Was so cute to see
them follow her around.. doing what she did, pecking
at the ground :-) One even came right up to the
cement by the door.. Was cute to watch.. it wasn't
sure whether to be afraid or not.. I keep bread out
there for them... I should get some birdseed but I
keep forgetting...
It rained really hard last nite and my peonies sure
got laid down from it.. Penny tried to pick them up
but didn't work.. Carl came and got that loader out
of the driveway and took it over by the school early
this morning.. I have NO idea what theyre building.
But its gone... Nice warm day, its threatened rain
but so far its been nice.. Rain is ok just makes Carl
have to cut the grass more !

Lunch time and I'm hungry of course, I have no
idea what to have but I always find something :-)
I'm going to do some more sewing then close this
machine down for the day :-) SO that means its
Wanna come for lunch?

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

~Things Will Be Ok~ :-)

Rebecca phoned early this morning and she will be
here tomorrow and she and I will talk then. She has
no control over this and I know its not HER fault.. she
has been very nice to me. Hopefully tomorrow I will
know more. She again assured me not to worry that
something will work out. I sure hope so.. With things
as bad as they are now, there are TOO MANY without
homes, and HUD has changed things for everyone.
Michigan is so broken. What gets me the most is that
all of us lower income are the ones suffering.. I have
YET to hear of that first congressman or represenative
or even our Pres, offer to take a pay cut from the
hundreds of thousands they get every year, to do...
WHAT?.. Cutting should start there I think.. :-)
Bad subject ... like religion.. don't go there :-)

I AM MOST grateful for all the help I get, I could
NOT do this if I didn't. But I will be honest and say
that this REALLY is stressful.. As the time goes on
and problems come up, which is just about every day,
it can really get to you, and those that are alone and
have no one to talk to at all .. I worry for them.. Me,
well I tell everyone and anyone that will listen .. its
the only way I have to really reduce the stress and
these past few months my stress level has gotten
WAY out of hand.. and I can sure tell...

I know when my blood pressure goes up..I get a bad
headache and if its too bad I will have chest pains.
The longer the stress goes on with no relief the more
my chest will hurt and I KNOW I have to back down..
Well.. not really back down,, but away.. let it coast
for a while.. I think what I really need is a holiday, to
get away for a few days.. I told Penny that she and I
need to take a ride over to the casino and spend the
day and stay over night at the hotel.. I know she could
use a break too! :-)

Ive been working fixing up the sewing area I have
in the kitchen.. I emptied out my gold cabinet and
re folded stuff and its ALOT neater out there. It
was getting so cluttery and I cant stand not being
able to find anything.. I had to stop and take a
break cuz my arms felt like they were gonna fall
off from the lifting and folding fabric, they get
sore and really achey.. plus its kind of a crappy day
out side.. its fairly warm but it cant decide what
it wants to do, be rainy or sunny.. :-) Its time for
some left over goulash Penny made yesterday.. shes
a very good cook :-) Needless to say this HUNGRY
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is glad she is !!! Hope you have
a good lunch too :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Monday, May 25, 2009

~Bad Mail~

It was a good week end till Penny got here and I
had her go out and get Saturdays mail.. I got a letter
from Keystone, my rent is going up 112.oo more a month..
or it will be gradually increased to that by December.
No reason or rhyme given for the increase. I will find
out tomorrow, This is what Rebecca was talking about.
I don't know what to do.. I cant afford that big of an
increase on my rent, I have NO idea where they think
I can get that money from. Plus I would like to know
the reason for the increase.. They should at least have
the courtesy to tell me that.. Just says due to 'recent
knowledge'.. Bad mail... :-(

Id like to know.. maybe others that are on this grant
wouldn't understand this stuff but I do.. I think I
should be made aware of changes BEFORE they happen
AND a reason why.. I wish now I had waited till when
Penny comes Wednesday to get the mail.. This just makes
me so mad.. Just out of the blue, they can do this for
what ever reason.. I think they should or Rebecca should
have WHEN she KNEW the details told me in person,
when she could explain it better... I am NOT a happy
camper.. this much of a rent increase could mean I have
to move to a cheaper place. I wonder if Joe lowered the
rent would it not change? Or did Joe RAISE the rent
is why this is happening? I should call and talk to Joe.
This is NOT good.. I sure hate to think of having to move.
But I cannot afford that big of a rent increase.. whether
its extended over 6 months or 10 years... I cant do it..
not, and live halfway decent. This really sucks. I already
DREAD tomorrow... No sleep tonite ... :-(

I do have some beautiful peony's out there blooming. .A few
of the white and a couple of the pinks.. So very pretty .. I
sat there by the open door, no, Dutch and I did.. I kinda sit
sideways so my stumps are spread like L shaped.. the short
one to the back of the chair and the left along the left side.
Then Dutch sits right on that empty corner and we watch
the birds.. Its really cute how he sits there. We did that
this morning while I drank my coffee and waited for Penny.
I saw a lady across the way, the house behind the rampman's
house sitting and enjoying a coffee too.. I waved but I don't
think she saw me.. :-)

Penny made it this morning but was late due to parades.. She
got caught in the one in Three Rivers AND Centreville.. But
she got to see them anyway.. I had honestly forgotten that
it was a holiday today until she phoned and said she was late
cuz she was stuck in Centrevilles Memorial Day Parade.. :-)
I dunno if there was one here or not.. I don't think so.. As
small a place as Colon is it wouldn't be a big one :-) But its
a nice little town.. I hate to think of moving from here... I
have to talk to Joe or Doug at CMH.. Maybe this increase
is cuz I don't have a caseworker anymore.. I don't know..
They should have told me a specific reason.. I think anyway.

Well Penny made some goulash for lunch and even though
I'm a tad upset I'm still hungry and it sure smells good..
So This UPSET GORGEOUS WEEBLE says Happy Memorial
Day.. Be safe and careful.. DONT over eat either ! :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and Thanks !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

~A BackHoe In My Driveway?~

Wonder what its gonna dig? No one tells me nuthin :-(

When Joyce was here Friday, part of our conversation
was about the Magic Week that's held in August. She
said MOST of all the activities are right here in this
neighborhood, because we are between the 2 schools.
Everyone around here lets people camp in their yards
and lots of the neighbors let the magicians set up their
things too.. The streets are full of people all the time.
I think it will be great ! :-)
I mentioned to her about the tables I read about on
the website that can be rented to sell your things.. That's
when she told me to set my own table up right here in
the yard and put out the different things I make and try
to sell them.. By August I should have quite a few things
made.. I may tell my sister and maybe she might like to
come up for a day and see what she can sell of her things.
We both cant on the same day cuz we make the same things!
Well just about. Shirley makes a lot of kids things. If a
person has kids, they will buy for them first.. THEN they
will spend on them selves.. We KNOW that.. Get the kids,
you got the parents.. :-)

But I think it might be a nice idea, I'm going to seriously
consider it and start making things.. if I have lots made
by then.. I just might set up a table with things for sale
that I make.. Which to name them all.. Its a lot.. right
now I am designing .. we RE designing a boys wallet. I
made a man's one years ago for David.. I gave the pattern
to my sister of course and she reduced it down for a boy.
I decided to make one for Tyler out of the Power Ranger
fabric... Its really cute.. I made it the size of our dollar
bill..but I'm not sure the size of UK money, if its the same
size as ours.. If not I think he will still have fun with it..
And that's the main thing.. I still havent mentioned to her
about the spider man and batman fabric.. :-)

Today started off kinda dark and drizzly, but it cleared up
and right now its really pretty out.. Internet has been bad
today and Ive been off line more than on.. So I'm posting
this while I can.. Good thing this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
on wheels the way things roll around here :-) Theres a big
BackHoe/front end loader in my driveway ! I'm anxious to
see what its for !! :-) And I have that white peony blooming
The smell from the Lillys goes all through here.. what a
great place this is.. I'm very fortunate but mostly I am
a GRATEFUL GORGEOUS WEEBLE. Hope you have some
smiles today too :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

~A Roll OutSide!~ :-)

Great day yesterday after I posted the blog.. I went
outside with Penny. It was scarey and I got stuck a lot
but I had the best time.. I stayed out for as long as
I could stand the sun on me, plus it was time for Penny
to go. I saw Carls wife, her name is Joyce, shes very
nice and keeps an eye out on this place.. We talked for
quite awhile especially about this huge peony growing
out back.. I noticed that there are 3 different ones
all in that one spot. Joyce is anxious to come over and
asked if she could pick some to take home, which I
told her of course.
She told me about the black kittie that is gone, the
daughter took it.. She told me about the twin lady and
the 2 orange kitties are not hers.. She is 89 years old..
Can you believe it? I watch her, all day she is out there.
Bless her heart.. I bet though if she COULDNT get out
there that would kill her faster than anything. Joyce is
related by shirt tails.. by that I mean her husbands
brothers aunt or something.. I dunno.. but I am in awe
of that lady. Apparently there is a dog.. that lives in
that trailer or house on the side of the garden down
this end.. Its a pitt bull.. was loose, she was out side in
her garden and the dog bit her in the leg. They took
the dog, its against the law to have a loose dog, I think
its a good law, specially if its a pitt bull. I hope she is
ok.. The dog is under quarantine Joyce said..
Dutch wanted out too.. :-)
Don't ya just love gossip? :-) Anyhoway, she also said
that the lady that lived her before was a flower person
and she had lots of stuff planted. All out in front are
ferns.. it looks so pretty.. What the flowers are I have
no idea , Penny and I both thought they were weeds ! I'm
glad we or she didn't pull them out ! The iris's are just
By the time I got back inside I was tired.. Even in a power
chair, but I did help pull weeds that were by the climatis
there where Penny is. This yard is so uneven, even Joyce
said so, which she would notice too riding that lawn mower.
She said that she bet I had a little bit of a rough time in
the yard and to be careful there are some spots that are
bad but covered with grass.. We talked about the deck
too and she thinks Joe is just hesitant for fear I wont
stay here. But a deck I would think ANYONE would like.
And it would add to the value of this property which he
MAY not like .. could increase his property taxes.. But I
bet she goes home and tells Carl about our talk..
I mentioned to her I had a little list of things that I
need fixed.. Her face immediately changed from a smile
to a "What do you need?" look of concern. I told her
"was nothing major just small things.. like the kitchen drip
and the sprayer not working and I would like a rod put
in the bathroom doorway.. Little things." I said.. I have
a feeling she will bring it up to Carl.. specially since the
peonies do need done before they get too heavy. I hope
she mentions to Carl AND Joe that I sure need a deck.
Well the more people I whine to about this deck maybe
SOMEONE will take pity on this GORGEOUS WEEBLE
and build one for me so I can get out my back door! :-)

Today was a good day too.. I got little odds and ends
done and I still havent decided about the little desk
yet for sure.. I think I might keep it and move it to
where the small desk is with the hurricane lamps on
it and move that out into the kitchen .. I dunno.. I will
think of something.. :-) Decisions decisions..

you KNOW what my next one is .. LUNCH!! :-) Hope
you have a great SatDay.. Mine is :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya! and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
Im honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, May 22, 2009

~Summer Time ~ :-)

Its close to graduation time and this graduating class
over here at this high school is celebrating. I heard a
car horn, then two, three of them. I looked out the
door of course and just caught the end of the long
line of cars with paint all over them congratulating
the class. One was a pick up truck with the school
flags in the back.. I watched as they circled the
high school then started back down the road, but
added a couple of farm tractors to the parade !
Was nice to see these kids having good clean fun.

When I was on summer vacation, my mom was always
home.. If she went shopping or where ever I went
with her.. If I couldn't well Daddy was right out in the
back yard in the garage. I never saw him watching me
but I KNEW he was.. I found THAT out the hard way.
I thought I was being really cool..

ok... beginning... I wanted to try a cigarette.. so I
went to Cavadias's store, lied, told them my Uncle Telfer
was visiting and sent me to buy a pack of cigarettes..
Lucky Strikes of all kind ! No filter nothing! But what did
I know of that. I was about 12 or so. I got the ciggies
and couldn't smoke one, or try to cuz it was late, supper
time so I crawled under the back porch and hid them
there. Went in, had dinner, and went outside after.. I
went to get the cigarettes and they were gone !

I looked everywhere, and they were NOT there, Now,
WHAT could have happened to them? I had NO idea,
I thought maybe the cat dragged them off or something.
I went back into the house and noticed up on the counter
there was something under a Kleenex.. I lifted and THERE
WERE THE CIGGIES !!! I didn't know what to do.. I just
froze and then I hear my dad say "Lois, those are NOT
your cigarettes are they?" I was scared speechless..
what do I say? I just blurted out Very Loudly...and
said "Yes, theyre mine, I wanted to smoke one and see
what it was like". I always figured even back then just
tell the truth get it over and get on with it.. I asked him
"Dad, HOW did you find them?" he told me he saw me
go under the porch, which I NEVER did, cuz it was dirty
and spiderwebby so he KNEW I was up to something
and he went under there when he saw me go in the house.

I never did get to smoke that cigarette :-) I did get in
trouble about lying to Mrs. Cavadias at the store though,
and I had to go and apologize for lying about them.. THEN
I had to tell my Uncle Telfer.. he was great.. he just laughed
and said "That's what kind I smoke too ! You pay attention!"
I never did that again.. the repercussions of having to go
around and say "I'm sorry" was almost worse than getting
grounded ! :-)

Great day here and Penny and I are going outside before
she has to leave. These past few days have been so nice.
Summer I think has arrived.. :-) Pennys waitin and I'm
anxious to see the flowers.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
will give you a full report tomorrow :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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