
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, February 29, 2008

~This Is An Extra Day~

Today is really not here you know.. :-) this is an extra day ..so
does it really count? :-) We woke up to more SNOW! And, It
was another wonderful night of horns blowing outside..The
strikers stayed again all night.. I have not had any time when the
horns are not blowing outside, for 3 days now.. Its getting very
old.. Then.. As I watched the snow come down and the roads
look worse and worse, I thought to myself.. "I should call Penny
and tell her to wait since it is so bad out, see if it lets up". Well,
I didn't call her.. A few minutes after 9 my phone rang.. It was
Penny, very upset and in tears.. Apparently she went out and
fell by her car.. She caught herself..but thinks she sprained her
wrist or broke it ... It had swollen and was VERY painful.. I asked
her if she could still move her fingers, which she said she could.
So perhaps its not broken.. But if its sprained, to me, they hurt
more and take longer to heal than a break.. Ive done both to my
right ankle.. So I am waiting still to hear what is what, I told her
that perhaps she should either call her sister to come and take
her to the ER or to call 911... Shes by herself, so she needed to
get hold of someone that can do something, which I couldn't do
much.. So then....

While I am sitting here after all this .. I start to hear these little
squeaks... every so often.. I listen.. and It sounds like one of my
smoke detectors.. I look at LB, cuz he HOWLS when those things
go off, he hates them so bad.. I think hurts their ears.. Well he sort
of looked at the bathroom.. Im looking all over to see if I see any
smoke .. which of course I didn't.. and I didn't smell anything.. well
me, but I smell good..so I go into the bathroom.. and look UP at
the smoke detector that's up on the wall by the TOP of the door...
I hear the squeaks.. So I sit for a while.. and think.."ok..Friday, I
can listen to this all week end, or should I call someone", I sure
couldn't reach it..unless I knock the whole thing off the wall with
the broom, which I cant get to anyway, its hanging in the stair
well going down to the basement.. :-( so what do I do? ....

I rolled out to my desk, and I called Chris, and he even answered!
Usually I get his answering machine.. I asked him what he thought,
and he assured me It was just telling me the batteries are low.. He
asked if anyone was coming by that could replace them, which, I
told him, "no, I don't expect anyone till Monday".. So he said he
had some business over this way and would come by and put new
batteries in it.. I hope he does.. Between the car horns and this
squeakin smoke detector I HAVE A HEADACHE!!! :-).. I heard
some noise outside and I looked..and someone was out there
shoveling the sidewalk in front of the house..they had pulled in my
driveway and shoveled along side the street and in front.. I have
NO idea who it was.. I couldn't see good enough.. and they were
going so fast and had their back to the house.. I didn't see them
leave either. .I don't even know whose shovel ! Mine, Penny keeps
in the garage so when she comes if she has to she can shovel her
way in.. . .

I talked to Rebecca yesterday and she gave me a bit of news I
really didn't like..said that she wasn't sure if my grant would cover
if I had a 2 bedroom house.. Which to me, doesn't make sense, I
don't see how they can say anything about that.. They can about
the rent.. But when I rented from HUD, I had a 2 bedroom.. What
If I needed a full time caregiver.. I think she is mistaken.. and I asked
her to check for sure before I did any more sort of planning.. When
I talked to Chris I told him I wanted to talk to him about perhaps he
might have another place that would be bigger.. So I hope he comes
and we can talk.. I will, however, tell him..If I do move into another
one of his houses that Donnie will check it out first..and Keystone..
so it had better be up to par.. Even Donnie said that HE would
check out the next place I move into first.. which I am glad he will..
But if Rebecca is right, I may as well just make do with this house,
and just stay here rather than just move to another 1 bedroom I
would gain nothing but the stress from moving .. Well unless it
was a HUGE 1 bedroom house and ground level.. I can make do
with this place, a little elbow grease and add a few new things I
could stick it out here...Maybe Extreme Home Makeovers will
help me :-) Is that wishful thinking or what ? :-)

Its time to work on the babyboy afghan.. Its looking so nice..
I did get the smoke thingie fixed, I had the lunch girl take the battery
out.. however, when she left..she didn't close the outside door to the
porch, its windy and NOW my door is out there banging.. I put a note
on this inside door to PLEASE make sure the Screen door is closed
when you leave." The mailman is my only hope till Monday, unless I call
someone to come and close it, so I sure hope he does.. Well time for a
snack and time to knit.TV too and I will NOT put any yarn on the floor..
I think Im glad this month is over..made us all have an extra day.. didn't
really help to have this extra one..but well I made it through it that's the
main thing..This GORGEOUS WEEBLE bids you "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? Love ya ! and THANKS !
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

~Sewing Dreams~

There's a little town, just a wide spot on the road, I think they
have a blinking caution light. This little town is right next to the
river. There is a restaurant there, a convenience store and the
last time I was through there, someone was trying to reopen a
small motel that was there as well.. Its a very nice area, and
there are quite a few homes around as it is at a Y in the highway.
There are some abandoned buildings..well perhaps I should say
WERE, I havent been there in 8 years now.. not since 2000.. I
drove through there when I was staying with Donnie and trying
to get better after my heart surgery.... I had my own car then and
I decided I was going to drive to my sister Shirleys.. Which I did
with no problem.. I was in a sort of in between, not knowing that
the rest of the year would be almost totally spent in hospital or
rehab or that in just months I would lose my right leg...

This town had an old gas station, something on the order of the
photo I got off the net, its almost like that. it had a huge glass window
in front..there was a drive through with a roof over it that went
over top of the gas pumps held up by 2 huge columns of brick.
then were the 2 huge glass garage doors, but what was so great
about this place is that the garage was attached to the front of
a house, and the back of the house faced the river. It had a base
ment and the garage level and a 2nd story... Next to this place
was an open area.. lot size,, then.. next to that were 6 old cabins.
They were not in good shape then and I don't think had been used
in years..nor had the garage... It was very old... but didn't look in
bad shape from the outside, inside you could see lots of stuff in it,
but it looked more like storage.. When my ex and I used to fish, one
of the places we went was across the river from this place.. by
the dam ...good fishing there...above and below...which from this
town you could access both sides of the river not to mention above
and below the damn ... We fished there many times...

Why I have been thinking of this place again ..is because of some
dreams I have had lately..which connect to me sitting here looking
at my sewing machine... wanting to open her up and use her again.
My dreams lately have been about sewing..having my own business,
even to seeing in my dreams the ladies that were working with me
to make extra money... We had an excellent business... And we are
at this place on the river... The front of the place, the garage was re
done to make a sewing center, we made quilts and crafty things or
if someone needed or wanted something made, a dress, costume,
or what ever, once I made aprons for a restaurant. I made a lot of
money at the HHome making lap quilts... Sewing has been a part
of my life ever since I sat on my gramma's front porch realizing
just how fun it is to sew and create things from just scraps of cloth.

I used to sew for sewing places using Industrial machines, that I LOVE.
the speed and power they have is awesome.. When I used those and
would go home and use mine there it was like going from a horse and
wagon to a Rolls Royce... I can operate at least 6 different types of
industrial sewing machines. Some of these sewing places sell their
scrap or left over material for pennies...The material is all good quality.
When I found out a friend had opened a business making Hide Outs
for hunters out of camouflage material..my ex was in his glory.. I was
given huge bags of the scrap material.. and I told Jack, the owner of the
company just what I could make out of his scrap material that he had
been throwing away!!!... I went back a few days later and showed him
the shirt, pants, fanny pack and acessories..I had made- he was so
surprised .. he started making stuff himself out of it.. but he still gave
a lot to me and I made a lot of money off that free material...

I miss sewing and the creating and designing my own things.. Ive been
asked to design and create some clothing specially for chair people,
and specifically amputees.. To design clothes that THEY wanted..not
what they were forced to buy because they don't really have clothing
that is really adapted for us.. Nothing really pretty, Ive looked.. When
I was in the HHome, there was a sweet lady across the hall named
Nancy.. She couldn't move but her arms..and she could barely speak.
They dressed her in her clothes but she was uncomfortable.. slacks
that rode up and tops that just werent suited for her or were just ugly.
I decorated some of the hospital gowns that she wore..put lace around
the neck ..fixed the sleeves.. and I left the back open so she didn't lay
on anything,, like a seam or anything that could cause her skin to
break down which is a big issue for people with restricted movement.
She was pleased and LOVED the ones I did for her..In fact she liked
them more than her other clothes and would only wear them when the
things I made for her were in the laundry.. :-)

Across the street are local strikers..on a pickett line.. the cars going
by since yesterday have all been blowing their horns.. When they first
started I was going nuts trying to see who the cars were that were maybe
tooting their horns cuz they knew me or else something was drastically
wrong.. Well its the walkers out there, about 8 or so at a time.. I even saw
my house on the news! The horns were all day yesterday and EVEN ALL
NIGHT! and today the same thing.. I don't mind the horns during the day ,
but ALL night too? Those guys stayed out there ALL night !.. As COLD as it
was and IS.. Gotta give them credit I guess..One guy even brought his dog
with him.!

Well, enough for today, Im gonna go and check out my machine over
there and just see what I have to do to it to get her up and running..If
she fails me I have my good trusty one down the basement that I had
given to me in the HHome.. I KNOW what she can do.. and what I can
do is get started..so that means.. My GORGEOUS WEEBLE words..
"nitey nite"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks !!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

~Spammers~ :-(

The past few days spammers have gotten into blogs. Mine is
one of them.. If you see a click here, or warning that's been posted
in my comments by someone or one that advertises something do
not click on it.. or the name . Some of the spammers have gotten
blogs to be able to get to the others, I checked with blogspot and
they are trying to stop it, I can put a word verification on my comment
section but they are a pain in the butt even though a lot of places use
them. If you don't click on anything in my comments you will be fine,
and usually the same friends comment, so don't click on any that you
don't know.. Why people have to do this crap makes me so mad.. But
that's like when I make a phone call to a company and its, press 1 now
for this..press 2 for that.. and on and on.. well heres a secret..after
that first press 1 or 2 for English, then hit the 0 the number 0 not
the letter O, keep pressing it, soon you will hear the operator say
" you have reached the allowed tries, please wait for a customer
represenative" and blip! you go right to a human.. :-)

I tell this trick to everyone, it works here and in the UK I know.
ask Raife, I told him about it here, that it works.. he tried it there and
it works there too ! I don't like the fact that we have to press 1 for
English, this is the USA, you live here, learn our language, just like I
would if I went to Mexico, or the UK or Germany or where ever.. I
know I said the UK , im just kidding y'all just speak the 'King's English'
as we say.. :-) no offense.. but when I think back of all the people
that have come here from other countries since forever, NO other
nationality has forced THEIR language on us.. Nor have we changed
the advertising or services to Include say Italian, German, or what
ever all these years.. NOW we here in the USA are being forced to
accept something that is not right and by people that are here Illegally.
This is not a good subject for me..but it does pertain to the having to
push the 1 or 2 on the phone for English.. That's why I wont press the
other numbers.. THey say its so they can direct your call to the right
person..well when you finally DO get to talk to a human they ask you
ALL the crap you just pressed into your phone to get to them..So..
NEXT time you have to call somewhere.. hit the 1 for English and
when the next message starts ..keep hitting the number 0 ..

I called the city here to find out about fixing a street light that was out,
this is a small town, I listened till I got to "press 9" for what ever, they
didn't have a number for what I needed ! Then when I finally hung
up and called back and used the 0 I found out the city has NOTHING
to do with fixing a street light.. did you? I had to call the Electric
company and go through the same .... press 1 now crap.. I don't
know.. but I sure don't like the way things are changing..sure not for
the better. I wont even discuss the "persons" running for president,
I do know the 2 main ones running I would NOT vote for. I see not a
whole lot in either of them..this is MY opinion...McCain is the best
as far as Im concerned. I dont like some of his ideas..but hes got a far
better reputation than the other 2 ..again.. MY opinion..End of that
subject.. Politics and religion are not good subjects..Im too ...well
opinionated on those subjects just like the English issue.. So I
will stick to what I KNOW best..and thats GORGEOUS WEEBLE
Amputee Livin, I'm getting pretty good at it .. :-)

I called and tried to find out who I call to come and repair my chair.
Well I asked R & R , Jim, when he dropped off my phone and he
said to call my caseworker, which is Sandra, so I will have to do
that.. I worry that the yarn will work down into the wheel and damage
it or something..be my luck the way it goes the bloomin wheel will
fall off !!! THATS all I would need.. But I do need the brake checked.
Yes, Raife, your so handy dandy, use your angel wings and fly over
that ocean and come help me fix all this crap here ! You're as handy
as a button my friend.. I know you could straighten this house out for
me right quick .. :-)

We are having more snow today but Penny made it..she got here late,
as it was really cold this morning and her key wouldn't go into her
ignition, it was frozen..she had to call someone to get some of that
de-icer spray so she could start her car ! They did get it fixed though
and she made it.. She made some spaghetti sauce for me and got
some angel hair pasta at the store for me.. That's my very best fav of
all the pastas.. I do like the ziti though too.. Well I just like Italian food..
I would say that is really my favorite next to just plain good home cookin.
Meat and potatoes and a veggie.. Works for me anyway.. :-) So.. you
KNOW what that means.. some dinner, then some TV, hopefully, and
then I HOPE I sleep all night.. That would be such a treat.. Time to post,
and time to say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE, "nitey nite"....

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks..:-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

~Gettin Weak ?~

I had to make my nightly trip to the potty last nite and as I
rolled through the house I noticed I was having a VERY
hard time moving, my chair just did NOT want to move, it
was hard to push the wheel.. I got off my chair on to the potty
and reached back and released the brakes to see if maybe
I had gained a ton of weight while I slept or something that
was causing the slowness of my chair.. I moved my chair
around and it seemed fine. I moved back into it and I went
towards the door..but the more I moved the harder it was.
I checked my big tire and the brakes and I just did NOT see
what the problem could be. I went back to bed and figured
maybe I was just weak or something...

I got up about 5:30 this morning as the boy decided Mom
had slept long enough and I got into my chair and started
to head into the living room.. I noticed AGAIN that my chair
WAs NOT doing good.. I got out to the kitchen and made
tea, fed the boys and my chair was just not doing right.. I
went to my computer and did email, played a game or 2 of
spider solitare, and I went to get another cup of tea..while I
was in there the phone rang, I couldn't go fast enough my
chair was so slow it stopped ringing.. I got to my desk..looked
AGAIN at my BIG wheel..THEN I looked at the smaller gray
one in front.. AHH HA!!! I saw the problem...
I have been knitting, with baby yarn, I had started one type of
pattern and it got knotted, so I just broke it off.. apparently when
Penny changed the bedding yesterday that clump of yarn fell
off the bed. When I looked down on my front smaller gray tire
was that clump of yarn.. not just on ONE side, but it had lapped
over the tire to the other and it was on both sides of that bolt
in the center INSIDE the brace that holds the tire on.. This was
a MAJOR issue. I didn't know what to do. so I had to figure out
a plan of attack or call someone and wait for them to come and
fix it..and by then my arms would have given out..I could get in
to my power chair, but its piled high with JUNK in my bedroom!
which would result in a MAJOR job too.. So I HAD to figure out
someway to get this off my chair so I could roll with out giving
my self a heart attack ya know?
So.. what I did.. I got on my couch.. I sat at the edge, first I had
gotten one of my little pen knives, I have a great collection, that
were my dad's.. and I put it over on the couch, then I moved to
that.. and I pulled my chair up along side with the side of it next
to the couch.. I tipped it back and there was the grey wheel. I
pulled and cut and tugged I bet for over 45 minutes it was wound
on there so tight..and you can see I did NOT get it all off either !
I was so mad at not being more alert to noticing I had front wheels
too ! not thinking only the big wheel would stop me.. DUH!~ I
put my chair back upright and scooted back in it..and tried rolling
around.. Its working ok.. but that yarn as you see in the photo I
did NOT get all of it out.. I will have to have someone come and
fix my chair.. I had to call Sandra about my VP visits so I will ask
her about getting this wheel fixed and the brake checked.. This
NEW chair as I call it is already 3 years old.. Its still not as good
as my old one.. Its sitting down the basement.. Getting all smelly
I bet.. I hate to get rid of it.. I like having a spare.

We woke up to snow again, I would say about 6 inches or so..its
been snowing ALL day and not stopped.. Robert came by and
did the path for me and along the front of the house.. Im glad there
wasn't any wind so none of the snow got on my porch.. I mentioned
to Penny that my outside door was left open all week end well from
Friday to Sunday. Penny had taken my laundry and the door didn't
close good behind her and blew open.. I couldn't get out there to
close it.. That made me nervous all week end. I should put a sign
on the door to make sure its closed when they leave.. I thought it
was my niece that did it but Penny reminded me she was last to
leave friday..She said I should have called and she would have
come by and shut it.. This is what I mean, another reason I need
a better place... Im seriously looking..spring isnt far...and Im ready
to spring :-)

Out to my kitchen too :-) you knew I was gonna say that.. I always
have to have a snack after I post..today is no different..Before I
can have anything though I need to say my famous GORGEOUS
WEEBLE "Nitey Nite"...

Say, Thanks for all the comments yesterday! that was great! :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? luv ya !!! and THANKS :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, February 25, 2008

~Stump Boots~

Ive discussed with a few people about stump boots. I know
of a amputee that says she has some, but I havent been able
to reach her to really inquire about them..shes been offline for
a while.. But she says she has stump boots called stumpies..
and she really likes them.. I had thought about them..but for
me, I honestly don't think I would use them or a cart or anything
where I would be even lower to the floor. I cant reach anything
now :-) ... and in boots or on a cart, I would be VERY short.. I
think if I did get any that they would take quite a while to get
used to and I honestly don't think my left stump would tolerate
it.. As much as that scar flares up on that one, I honestly sure
would hate for it to do anything to jeopardize another infection.

From what this other amputee says she likes hers.. but then
she is a very small, well in weight, compared to me I think and
THAT has a huge bearing on it.. I think if I really did get stump
boots as short as my right stump is..and the 13 inches of my
left.. I have a feeling there would be a certain part of me that
would DRAG...besides my arms.. :-) I do think the stretching
part of being able to stand would feel very good.. But I could
do that in a pool.. I think a pool would be wonderful, where the
feeling of standing would be there but not actually standing..
I have a horrible fobia about germs.. which being as prone as
I am to infection is logical...but I wont go in a public pool..There
is a spa or health club just 2 blocks from me..well. I can see it
from my kitchen window, but I have heard so many awful things
about the pipes etc, and I just don't want to take chances going
into a pool that anyone in town can go into.. Now, if it was a
private one, then yes, I would go in it.. In fact I think I would LOVE
to get in a pool.. I saw a great lift to be lowered into one.. I wish
I had something like that to get into my bathtub, boy that would
save me a lot of work...To take a shower is a major deal.. I have
to really be NOT tired when I start out, cuz I know by the time I
am finished usually about 2 hrs or so later im tired! Its NOT

Penny came today and we have decided I definitely need a new
bed and pillows... My pillows are old and just look awful.. I bet
I was up every 2 hours again last nite having to move pillows
around so I could get comfortable, not counting the fact that
every time I moved being the plastic mattress I made wrinkles
well you KNOW this GORGEOUS WEEBLE does NOT do
wrinkles.. She totally redid my bed today so I am hoping I will
sleep better tonight, I think if Im careful with next months budget
I can get new pillows.. I sure hope so.. a new bed..well I kinda
doubt that.. but maybe pillows will help.. I sure need to sleep
better I go to bed tired and wake up tired.. THATS not good..

Like I said.. Im tired..and I want to work on the babyboys afghan,
its looking so pretty.. I had one of the Pasty Central pastys for
lunch..and boy .. talk about good.. worth every penny, I only ate
half its so big, and I plan on having the rest after I post this.. so
that means, time for my "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks !!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I was talking to a friend of mine, and Im told how easy I am to
talk to. I retain trivia I guess its from when I worked I kept a
headset on a lot listening to the radio, and I think different things
we hear we keep somewhere In a box in our brains and only
take them out when we need it. All of my adult life, most of my
jobs that Ive worked have dealt with the public.. nursing, my own
business, marketing, managing motels all deal with people, and
talking to them..plus the fact, I LOVE to talk.. :-) bet ya didnt
know that did ya? :-) sure cant tell by my LONG posts :-D

When I lived in Houston, Galena Park and Pasadena, my jobs
that I held were managing motels and houses and marketing. I
worked for a lawyer there, he owned quite a few motels on the
north side and out in Pasadena and Telephone Road... I enjoyed
that work..was quite interesting.. Plus I lived on the property.. The
Blue Top was quite an active place, there were I think 38 rooms.
Im not sure.. On the week ends with the strip bars across the
street, it was nothing to rent one room at least 3 or 4 times. Lots
of activities, some funny, some sad, some were just pure mean
where customers would totally destroy the room, tearing things

One morning, a man had not left his room at checkout.. The maids
were not sure if it was to be cleaned so I went back to talk to the
room to see what he wanted to do.. I had talked to him for quite a
while when he checked in early the previous afternoon. He seemed
seriously depressed and very sad..He told me he and his wife had
just split up and he just didn't know where to go.. I assured him that
perhaps a good nights sleep might help and to face their problems
after they had time to think and settle down.. He went to his room
and I had not seen him leave, and neither had the evening shift at
all.. I went up to his room, knocked on the door, and what I saw I
had NEVER experienced in my life.. He had committed suicide..
There was a gun laying next to him on the bed and I knew in a
second he was dead.. I felt so bad for him, to be so devastated
that he felt he had nothing left.. Ive never forgotten that... I don't
guess I ever will...

When I worked at the Admiral on the north side of Houston, there
were 15 rooms I think and a huge building in the back that we
called the lodge, 2 floors.. I was working the 2nd shift with my
then boyfriend Sid.. He would make routine checks of the place
and as he entered the lodge , he found it filled with smoke..He
saw the smoke pouring out from around a door to a room that
was in the back by the stairs.. He opened the door and found a
man laying in bed with a cigarette trying to put the flames out on
the mattress.. as he patted and fanned them he hit a bottle of
whiskey or Something he had which fell over onto the already
flaming bed, which made it worse!

Sid was a merchant sea man...he used to work the supply boats
going out of Morgan City to the oil rigs..he was quite strong.. He
litterally grabbed the man.. and THREW him towards the Open
door, In the mean time I had run to call the fire department from
another room that was empty, Sid had run to get the fire putter
outer and by the time the fire department got there it was out..
We never had a dull moment at that place either.. I wonder if
these places are still there.. Be interesting to find out... I ran those
two motels and 2 small side by side ones out in Pasadena, not
far from Mickey Gilleys.. I went there a few times.. That's where
I saw Willie Nelson in person.. I swear he sang Blue Eyes Cryin
in the Rain just to me :-)

I enjoyed the jobs I had when I lived in Texas.. and I loved going
to Galveston to fish.. Sid loved to fish too and usually every week
end we made the trip there and spent the day fishing off the jettys.
The wait for the ferrys at the end of a Sunday was a long one, but
it was either that way or the other long way around..only 2 ways to
get into Galveston..but it is a great town too... I liked it there , but
I honestly missed the 4 seasons that we have here. I got to Houston
in 72 I think...I really don't remember for sure.. But I know I left there
in 83 and moved back up to Indiana to be closer to my newly found
sisters and brothers too.. A move I don't regret making..

My next move is of course to get some dinner.. The kids are due to
come over later, when I called Dawn she was taking the dog, Jerky
out to play for a while.. hes such a big dog..hes chocolate lab..and
very hyper...and HUGE!.. My dolly Kelli has gone to Wisconsin for
another baby shower given by her aunt and gramma there.. I know
she will get lots of nice things.. After her 3rd shower, given by her
friends at work, THEN I told her to let me know what she needs..In
the meantime I am knitting a afgan and I am going to make a couple
polar fleece blankets as well..babies go through stuff So fast in just
one day..so you really cant have too many Of anything, well unless
you want to steady wash clothes every day.

Time to post, time to eat, and time to watch TV, I think the emmys
or some thing is on tonite.. I like watching how some of the women
dress paying thousands of dollars for dresses that I could make
probly for 25.oo :-) Now my GORGEOUS WEEBLE, "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

Ps: I couldn't decide which photo, so I put all 2 here .. Do NOT look
at my Ickky hair.. I just wasn't up to tackling the shower today.. It was
a bird bath day.. :-)

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, February 23, 2008

~Restless Sleep~

For some reason I did NOT sleep good last nite. I was awake
at least every 2 hours.. I know cuz every time I open my eyes I
always look at the time.. I know I saw 230, cuz I had to get up
totally THAT Time..I woke up again I think it said 4:20, and then
I got up up at 6:45. It takes me awhile to fall back to sleep, maybe
15 minutes or so, depends if the boys are trying to get back to
sleep too.. If they were laying by me or on me when I got up..they
follow me till I get back to bed and then go back to where they
were laying.. We have a routine to our madness here.. :-) But I
know when I sleep and its a restless sleep I seem to wake up
tired and the whole day is a tired one.. Today is one of those
days, but it has been a hectic week.. For someone that does
NOT go out, I do see a lot of people in a weeks time I guess,
specially if its a week of appointments. I don't mind, but I do
enjoy the days when I have no one expected to come by.. I
think everyone I know likes that special "ME" time.

I was thinking today of things I may have to do next week, I
know Ive not heard from Visiting Physicians, nor did I get
the special phone Sandra said was coming.. I should have
heard from VP by now, its a week..They may not want me
back as a client, which is their right.. I hope that's not the
case but well I have no control over that. The one Dr I had
with them..Dr Beams.. he was not a good man and I did not
like or trust him... He caused me some severe problems that
he had no right to give me.. I know they fired him.. Hes NOT
a good Dr at all..

I may have to make an appointment with my Dr if I don't get
the VP, to get my hands checked out.. The crap or what ever it
is my right is not really worse, but its not better either.. Ive been
trying yet another creme I have and sometimes I can see that it
looks Better, then at others it just looks awful.. I not only have this
crap on my right hand but I have it on my left as well.. If I cant get
them to come here I will see about how soon I can get into the Dr.
Most of our snow is gone and It wouldn't be too bad if I had to go
out.. Although you cant predict for sure what things will be from one
day to the next, that's the bad part of winter.. I plan to call Sandra
Monday and see what she says, I would rather have the VP..but if
I cant I guess I will have no choice but to go.. I sure cant afford for
anything really serious to go on with my hands,, I need them too
much.. well they are my feet, my arms are my legs you might as
well say.. I have to take care of them...

Its been such a quiet day, and I had the rest of my steak omlette
that Maryjane brought for lunch.. I bet they used a dozen eggs that
thing was so huge.. Was really good, It did have mushrooms which
are NOT my favorite things..put they picked out easily and the rest
of it was really good..The hashbrowns were good too.. I ate that,
then started to write this.. and 3 guesses where Im headed as soon
as I post this? yup..to watch my CLEAR TV ! I am tired from the
restless sleep but after I eat I get tired.. If I stay out here I probly
would end up with the keyboard imprinted on my forehead when I
woke up after dozing off here,, which as tired as I am I KNOW I
would.. GORGEOUS WEEBLES need their beauty sleep but the
alphabet imbedded on her forehead doesn't look the greatest.. :-)
So.. before that happens.. its time to say "Nitey Nite".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Luv ya! and THANKS ! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, February 22, 2008

Meet My Niece & John~ :-)

I had the nicest visit today. Meet my Niece, Mary Jane, and her boy
friend John, that is Chippewa Indian.. Such nice people.. MaryJane
is my brother Kennys daughter she lives in Racine, Wisconsin. Ive
talked to her on the phone, but not met her. She came here to check
on her dad, she was worried, which she had every right to be...Hes
got what I have. Mary Jane is a CNA, and John drives truck..does
long hauls.. We had such a great time talking about everything and
I was so glad to know John is Chippewa..perhaps he can help to find
out about our heritage. She just got a new computer and is hoping
to do some investigating on her own. She also informed me she has
tons of photos of my mother, her gramma, that I would like to see.
Apparently she spent a lot of time with her and she has quite a bit of
stuff.. She plans to come back in a few weeks..
They drove here in MaryJanes new suv, its new to her, not a new one,
but she got a great deal..only 1000 for that jeep I think it is.. They stopped
at of ALL places my very best favorite restaurant, the Oasis, they had a
steak and cheese omlette with them for me.. I was VERY pleased!!!
They stayed for about 3 hrs or So, then are going straight back to WI.
Penny was here while they were, and after they left, Penny said..she looks
like YOU !.. I told her, I kinda thought so too.. well shes my brothers kid,
and hes ugly, no just kidding, but for her to look like her GORGEOUS
aunt..well what could be better for this girl? She is named after my oldest
sister, MaryJane, that passed away on my birthday 3 years ago.. She
has such a vibrant personality, you can tell by the photo.. John is very nice,
and I guess they plan to get married at some point..They live together, and
to me that is just as good as being married..She has another sister, I have
not met, named Tammy. Mary Jane has 3 children..and 6 grands... John
has 4 children..and 3 grands.. they are already a big family... :-)

It will be interesting to see what we can find out about our mother. John
being Chippewa.. he may have an inside edge to help us find out.. I would
love to know my real heritage.. I claim my adoptive parents ancestors as
mine, which legally they are.. I would like to know my blood heritage..We
know nothing at all about our father..only his name.. nothing else.. I would
love to know about him.. who he was for one thing.. if he had family.. We
think he was French Canadian.. but have no proof of anything.. We only
know where hes buried.that tells us nothing.. I wish I had that Ancestry
. Com thing.. its expensive and I just cant swing it.. 150.oo for a year.. It is
worth every penny, but.. I just don't have any leftover Pennies ! ..and they
wont take this living Penny I have so..:-)..I don't think she'd go anyway
as a payment for me. :-) I would like to have it. My friend Julie in the UK
has it.. and looked up my mothers parents..and family..all were there..was
so nice to read that.. I just wish I knew if any family still there, I
would love contact. But I would love to find out about my birth mother and
father..My mother was one of 13 kids.. I would like to know more..

I got up early, I was awakened by a phone call from Australia..which I was
very glad to get.. My friend Blue's computer had blue screened on him a
few days ago and he called to tell me he had gotten a new one.. I was so
glad to hear that.. I know if mine went out with no back up I would be sick
I couldn't get here to post every day.. and I KNOW y'all would miss my
daily drama.. not to mention seein this GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-) Ive
been watching the prices on a lap top.. when they come down maybe by
then I will have enough saved that I can get one.. Then I wouldn't have to
worry about that anymore.. THAT would be a big relief...

I didn't eat all my omlette and I am going to go and finish it.. It came with
hash browns..which are a fav too.. It was a good day today..We are all
clean and I had a wonderful visit with my neice...It was a good day..well
worth getting up for.. But now Im SO ready for it to be over.. Im really
tired.. I have NO plans for tomorrow.. so it will be a lazy day .. I HOPE..
Mary.. I have NO idea what has happened to your card and the surprise
I put in it.. so I will send you another my dear friend, so watch your mail
again.. What happened to the other I Have NO idea..so I hope this one
will get to you.. Time to post , eat, and knit.. and say "Nitey Nite"... :-)
Life is good.. Im happy today... :-D

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

~Some of My Family~

I write a lot about some of my mothers family, my dear Aunts,
Uncles and cousins.. That is my Uncle Ernie that is now about 90,
still living, and my dear Aunt Gladys, and their 3 sons, Dennis the
oldest, Then Robert, or Bobby as I called him, the youngest is
Richard, Dickie was his nickname.. A great family, very close, just
as all of us were. We all did things together as a family which I wish
familys now did the same thing, but so many things have changed
so it cant be possible.. My 3 cousins, I havent seen since my mother
died, and then it was Bobby, I havent seen Dennis in 40 years I bet,
and Dickie, I havent seen him since I left home in 64. That's sad.
At one time, good times, we were CLOSE family.. That photo was
taken on one of our outings up to Lake Superior and Porcupine
Mountain... Lovely spot.. We gathered agates along the shore of the
lake, then drove up to the lookout on top of the Porkies as they are
called.. Lake of the clouds is a lovely spot...
We had a great time. That photo was taken from the lookout
at the Porkies, they have hiking trails and its a great recreation
place and quite popular. In that photo is my other sister that I
don't talk about and her husband that I NEVER mention, Top
left, Clifford, Gayle, then Dickie, then my Dad..See those Binoculars
hes holding..They are here next to my desk, I still use them, they
have given me many hours of window looking pleasure when that
was all I did that first year out of the HellHome, when I sat and just
looked out the window, waiting for the day to be over so I could
get to the next and the next. The bottom row, is Aunt Gladys and
Uncle Ernie, then GUESS WHO?? The other blonde is my cousin
Dennis's girl friend then, wife now, Janet, then Bobby in front..

We made these family excursions at Least once a month if not more,
just to get outside and enjoy where we lived, we loved all the seasons,
and made good use of all of them. Snow, didn't detour us at all..Rain,
yes, but snow, we all enjoyed it in different ways. My Aunts and Mom
didn't ski, they loved to go though.. they still enjoyed snow shoes or
even a toboggan that Dad used to tie to the end of his jeep and us
kids would get on it.. Dad would take us out to Kaufmel Road, a
lonnnnnng straight one, and he would pull us behind the jeep, THAT
was fun. Well except for one time when my cousin Bobby got smart
and drug his feet and made us veer off over the side and we ended
up in a snow bank before Dad could stop the jeep..It was fun though.
We didn't get hurt there was too much snow... :-)
The rides we took in the winter, we would just stop along the side
and have a picnic or just let the guys ski.. I wasn't a skiier, but I loved
the snow.There are all of us again, you can see Dennis and Janet in
the back, Uncle Ernie, Aunt Gladys, Dickie,Bobby,Mom, and Me..
Notice all the snow.. Just like what we have outside here today..
I don't think it was as cold that day like it is here today though. I wish
I had the albums of photos that my mother had..3 of them just full.. I
had to give them to Gayle, when she settled the estate after mom
passed away. That is a whole huge chapter, that I very seldom ever
talk about, much less mention Gayle. We are NOT in contact at ALL,
and havent been since 1990, and don't ever plan to be.

There are 2 times in my life I do NOT talk or write about or tell about.
They are very private and very personal... I do mention Gayle off and
on, never her husband, and the other phase of my life was the very
first one, I was married, but I don't write or talk about it. Perhaps one
day I will.. It was a very learning time, and very sad, the outcome of
those times was NOT good..but I learned some very valuable lessons.
I honestly think If I did write a detailed book about my life, NO ONE
would believe that a person in one lifetime could go through so many
different things of happenings- my life I have to say Is like a comedy
of errors.. Laughable , cryable..but the biggest was I LEARNED and
I have survived.. that is the main thing :-)

I still am.. I learned last nite that my Brother, Kenny has just gotten
home from hospital.. His wife Yvonne phoned me last nite.. Kennys
right kidney has stopped functioning..and.. they had to BYPASS
both his legs. He has blood clots.. like me, and sadly like my sister
RoseMarie, that passed away from an aneurism that killed her
instantly, she was 57. I am worried for Kenny. He was diagnosed
with PVD, like me. My sister Shirley, has severe leg problems, but
hasnt had bypasses...YET.. I talked for a long time to them and I
hope I didn't scare them, but that is how I started.. and why I am like
I am now.. I fear for Kenny. But like I told Yvonne, as long as he is
still alive and here, that is the main thing.. we can handle every thing
that is thrown at us.. That is one thing I can say about each of us
that are left, only 4 now, we are fighters, and we stand our ground..
I told Yvonne, Kenny was resting and she needed to talk to someone
that she knew would understand.. She loves Kenny dearly they have
been married for over 30 years. They live by my other brother Frank
and not far from my sister Shirley...in Elkhart..

Well time for me to close this day, was a quiet one, no mishaps,
no spills or falls and not much stress, I can handle these kind of
days, I hate when I have to get upset or angry or those ugly feelings
I like happy the best.. Which GORGEOUS WEEBLES are of
course mostly happy, you can be if you try.. Im gonna try to get out
of this chair for today and watch my great CLEAR TV..THAT will
make me happy :-) "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

~Re-Arranging Stuff~ :-)

As today as moved on Ive gotten a really bad stomach, I
wont go into details, but Penny came today and she hasnt felt good
either.. I told her we BOTH better not be coming down with crap..
Then we WOULD be in trouble. I hope its not the flu. I hate when I
don't feel up to par. We got a lot done though and I have earned my
tired again today..Friday will be even more so.. I plan to move my
credenza I have in my bedroom next to my bed out here by my desk
in front of my window. I wanted a filing cabinet and had thought of a
new desk with a file drawer in it..but I cant do that either I checked
the prices on those.That's why I havent gotten a filing cabinet.Theyre
not cheap either.. So I decided I need this storage that I have in the
credenza..It is up off the floor by about a foot and has sliding doors
on it.. Its full Of stuff now and I would have to take all that out, to put
the stuff I want to hide in here in it. All Im really doing is re-arranging
stuff, but I would need some place to put the things I have in it now.

I looked on line for a metal cabinet with shelves..I thought that
would be handy in my bedroom to keep all this sewing stuff in
it too, to neaten it up a bit.. Well I didn't find one, not at Meijers Or
Wal Mart, so I looked at 6 shelf wooden pantries are what
theyre called.. Meijers has them under GARAGE storage. fancy
Garage with Oak cabinets, :-) The price on those are almost
100.oo.. Everything is so expensive.. I had a nice wooden one,
just like what I want now, I had it in my kitchen for all my baking
and spices, noodles.. I kept in it.. When my ex packed up MY
things..well of course..he kept that. I sure could use it now.. I
wonder if he took it to Mexico with him ?

But I have to make a plan of how to do all this moving of stuff..
Penny and I talked about it today. If I move my credenza out of
my bedroom then I have no table by my bed to put my lamp,
or anything on it..and I need that, but I could get a smaller one
like a night stand for in there..but then Im right back at the cost
factor.. But If I can get some of these storage things..and can
re-arrange this stuff it wont be so cluttery in here which drives
me nutz.. I hate clutter and stuff everywhere. I told Penny that
even though I do plan to move, I need this place to be in a
better organized way. I watch those shows on TV where they go
into someones house and redo it for them.. Boy would THAT be
nice.. Or have one of those extreme home makeovers..where
they build a whole house and furnish it..and fix it to the needs of
the people..Sadly they never do that stuff for single people..which
is understandable..Kids need a good place to be raised and to
be safe, big familys need that.. Its a good thing they do.

I plan to IF I feel better in the morning, to start to undo the credenza,
and I don't know how, I havent figgured out how I can move it by
myself..Its not on wheels..so I cant pull or drag it.. I would have to
move it , just move by move..which..wow, with that carpet in that
bedroom I bet would take me a while.. But I bet I could do it.. I bet
I could get in my power chair and move it easier..I have to plan so
that Penny doesn't have to do it all.. I think I can, wanna come here
and help me? :-)

Sandra phoned today to inquire about the visiting Physicians, had I
heard from them, I told her I hadnt but I hoped I would so I could get
back on their schedule..I wouldn't have to worry anymore about blood
work or Dr visits or anything..They come once a month. Its been a
long time since I had them.. I bet..4 years at least If not longer..before
I got my computer...that was the end of 02.. She said she is going to
get me a new cordless phone.. I dropped mine and there is so much
static its hard to hear it..Its a hearing impaired one. Sometimes I get
calls and I cant hear what theyre saying and there is a button on this
one I can hit and it makes it louder with a control just HOW loud.. I
thought my phone before was bad..then I realized it wasn't the phone,
was my ear.. I have a broken ear drum and it has gradually gotten
worse, so I cant hear out of my right ear very well.. My sister is REALLY
deaf.. You can stand right next to her and she wont hear you.. When we
talk on the phone I can hear her TV loud as can be in the background
until she turns it down.. so I can hear HER better..Sandra said the phone
is on the way.. I have put off asking Donnie to put a phone jack in my
bedroom.. I could ask the phone company but they would charge for
that.. If I could get down the basement.. I would have a phone in every
room.. I can wire that my own self.. Ive done that before ..all you need
are splitters..

Well im done for today and I am ready to get out of this chair.. I hope I
don't have to keep rolling back and forth to the potty WIth this stomach
tonite..that is the hard part of being sick and in a chair. Its hard enough
to get up and stand and WALK when your sick..well.. think how NOT
easy it is when you have to scoot around in the bed, back up,, and do
ALL that 3 more times before you can get back INto bed... Aint easy...
that includes On and off the potty and back on to the bed :-) Im off to
get on my bed, lets hope I can stay there for a long while.
But,.First my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~Glad Its Not My TV~

I am so amazed at my cable.. I cant believe the difference. The
cable guy said my cablebox was too old..well I got it in 02, when
I first had the cable. As soon as he put the cable wire on to his
box and I saw how good it came in, I had worried it was my TV,
The picture is so clear, I Got ALL 62 of my channels. I don't have
any of the movie channels, even though I love movies.. My sis
has all of them.. I hate commercials..so when they come on I
click to another channel..then forget where I was and by the time
I figure out where I was the show is over.. But I am so glad its
not my TV..I am most grateful... :-)
Both the official greeters met him at the door of course, Jeremy
took the time to pet them which they love when they get
attention... The lunch girl takes the time every day to stop
and pet them.. LB gets on the desk and he has even reached
out and grabbed her arm for her to pet him again.. She keeps
telling him she will take him home.. They are good kids.. Most
cats arent as friendly as MIne.. I have to say they arent afraid of
anyone..leary sometimes.. I think they can sense who likes them
and who doesn't.. They are very perceptive..and as good a watch
dog as a dog.. They don't miss a sound.. I know when they hear
things.. when they jump up and stare at the door or the heat register,
then I kinda wait to see what I will hear next... I need to get a lock
put on this inside kitchen door.. The outside one is locked..but.. I
think I would feel better with one in here too..I have windows down
the basement..thick glass kind..but. still... windows..
I put so many photos of the boy and happened to take this one of
his Highness LB.. Look at those green eyes... I had just told him
to get OFF MY PRINTER...hes sitting on top of it.. He did NOT
like me yelling at him..couldn't guess that by that photo could ya? I
told him I took his photo and was putting it here too, so everyone
could see him glaring at me..and the stinker! . . .He didn't care!
kids.. :-) But I have 2 GORGEOUS CATS.. but then.. why would I
not have ? Im a GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. only stands to reason my
boys would be too.. :-)

Lunch today was bbq and beans that were so hard I could NOT
eat them.. usually they have good baked beans.. Even the bbq was
not up to its usual good taste.. They said they got a new cook..Well,
I think shes changing the recipes..its a shame they arent BETTER!..
I shouldn't complain, I get them free and I really am grateful..I do eat
some of it.. and I do eat the fruit that they send for Desert.. I need the
fruit and the veggies more than the usually iccky meat. Keeps me in
balance..I had Penny get some ham for me and I am so hungry for
a grilled ham and Swiss cheese.. They are just so good. That is
what my dinner will be ..then im gonna go watch my nice CLEAR
Tv ... Its that time again.. "nitey nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks..:-)
Mary did you get your card yet? I hope you have by now.. :-)

Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, February 18, 2008

~I'm Getting There ~ :-)

I, well WE, Penny and I got quite a bit done today and I am
sort of pleased that things are getting squared away more or
less. We worked in my bedroom and we did fix my mirror here
in the living room above the couch.. Looks so much better thanks
to a wonderful valentines gift that was sent to me. I LOVE brass,
and with the burgundy and pale yellow in here..Its so nice and the
colors just are so rich looking and I love it.. I still need some thing
for the right side of the mirror.. I wish I had some more of those
little brass butterflies like the only one I have on the left side of my

The leaves came with flowers in them and I tried it both ways, I like
it plain with out the flowers..I think it just looks 100% better than it
did.. I had this gold wire edged ribbon that I made into a bow there
in the very bottom center and that just added to it even more..Penny
was very pleased with it as well.. Im so glad she already got her
Income tax back, she was really waiting for that.. When she got here
she told me how bad the roads really are after that Rain and then
Snow.. There is what we call Black Ice..you cant see it..but If you hit
it, trust me, you WILL know it...Its very dangerous.. We are expecting
at least 6 inches of snow.. Was amazing.. When I went in to watch TV
and to do some knitting, it was raining..we had snow.. I got up about
11 pm..the snow was gone.. I got up again at 430..and the ground was
covered again.. Its snowed on and off all day and sposta all week..

I got up this morning for a potty call and when I locked down, and went
to transfer forward on to the potty my right brake gave out. I almost
fell. I have learned not to trust my brakes, hard way I might add. I
caught myself..sure woke ME up, but now I have to see about getting
these brakes checked.. Its been gradually going and I ve been keeping
an eye on these brakes..but at 430 in the morning..well Im not as aware
as I am during the day, and the brake not holding caught me off guard.
No damage, just a "TAKE NOTICE LOIS"...so I don't have a nasty fall
out of this chair backwards.. that would NOT be a good thing. I plan to
call and see who I call to get it fixed..

I have been talking about getting rid of this useless hard and slippery
hospital bed I have and looking through the sale papers, today I saw
a double seated recliner..Like a love seat type..holds 2 people. I talked
to my sis as she has had to sleep in her recliner for almost 2 years..
She has a really Bad arm and shoulder problem, she has a hard time
sleeping in a bed. But I think this double recliner might be really nice
for me.. They go almost flat..and I cant lay flat anyway..only problem I
see would be when I sit up to sleep that I could just keep going forward,
and THAT wouldn't be good. I started sleeping that way in the HHome
as I had trouble breathing and It was a different way to sleep.. Now I
do it, I get tired of always laying on my back. I wish I could lay on my
left side, but Ive not lain that way since I had my 2nd abdominal bypass,
and it goes down my left side.. Hurts when I lay on it.. I have more crap
that gives me problems its disgusting :-) oh well..joys of amputee life...

I earned my tired today, and Penny has earned hers, and poor Penny
when she left here she had to go to another client..that well.. from what
I know of others that have atken care of those clients.. they are NOT
the easiest ones to care for, LOTS of work.. Shes very good and Is so
willing to do anything I ask of her..and that sure means a lot to me. I
try to give her extra things..we look out for each other..:-)

Im gonna go look out in my kitchen now for some dinner.. I had a fish
sandwich for lunch from Mc D's..they are the best of any of the fast
foods, so Im not really hungry, I may make a PB&J sammich.. I love
those things.. I don't have any banana though ..oh well.. theyre still
good.. A sammich, the rest of my icee and to go in and watch my
now fixed CABLE! the cable was due to come Wednesday, The
guy called and asked if he could come today..silly man..had to ask..
Ive been waiting for a week well not really but when cable is crappy
it seems that long when your waiting for the repair man. Now to
post and finish today ... First, my GORGEOUS WEEBLE..
"Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

~Sis Came To See Me~ :-)

After I logged off yesterday just as I was getting ready to
move on to my bed, there was a knock on the door and it
was my sister and Stanley ... She brought me 3 new skirts!
They had them on sale at Wal Mart..and they are so pretty!
She is so good to me.. We had a nice visit.. Stanley said he
is going to start taking piano lessons..Shirley got him a key
board for Christmas, and he wants to learn to play.. He has
a natural gift for music.. He taught himself the guitar, the
harmonica, banjo, and now he wants to play piano.. He has
a special holder for his harmonica..so he can play it and his
guitar at the same time.. He goes to nursing homes and to
church functions and plays for them.. He is very talented.
When they left here they were going to go for a nice ride over
by the lake and then stop and have dinner. They know lots of
good places to eat.. They have taken me out to dinner many
times.. They have a special steak place down in Ft.Wayne,
that is just wonderful..its over an hour ride here but well worth
it.. We went there one Saturday, my ex, David, and Shirley
and Stan.. We enjoyed a great dinner..and when we went to
leave and walked out side, It had SNOWED.. We climbed in
to the car and as we went down the road it steadily got worse
and worse..till it was almost a white out.. How Stanley could
see I have NO idea.. He knew the road I guess.. I was scared,
all I looked at was the floor of the car... Every time I did look
up all I saw was white.. My sis was in back with me and she
was doing the same thing.. We looked at each other and just
looked back down again.. By the time we got home Shirley
and I were both nervous wrecks.. Winter driving is so un
predictable.. Stan is a good driver really, he has scared me
many many times how he does things on the road..and he is
NOT a SLOW driver either.. He never gets a ticket tho. Why. I
have NO idea.. He scares me driving tho..we laugh about it..
When he got his pilots license he wanted to take me for a
ride in their plane.. I was nice and politely told him.. "Stanley,
I love you dearly, but you scare the hell out Of me on the road,
do you think I will get up in a plane with you?" I never took that
plane ride either.. :-)

It is raining to day and boy do I know it.. My stumps are behaving
badly today.. They woke up very unhappy..My right one this time..
She is just very mean to me ..shes achey and twitching..and
is sound asleep.. I have been wiggling and turning and trying to
find a good way to sit to shut her up and she wont listen :-) I know
its the rain.. Then after the rain is SNOW!.. I love winter.. I don't go
out in this stuff but it STILL affects me.. just seeps through the walls.

I got confirmation yesterday that I can get help with my heating bill..
and there is Still some left over if I need help again. That will be such
a relief..some thing less to worry about, and I sure need that. I didn't
hear from VP.. so hopefully I will on Monday.. I had to call my cable,
as my TV is just not coming in at all.. I am hoping its not my TV set,
its old.. and was damaged before I got it.. I hope that it is NOT that.
I have been hearing that we will have to replace the tvs we have that
soon they wont work or something... or get cable.. I hope that's not
so.. I don't want to have to get a new TV.. Between my cats..and
my computer..my TV is my only company.. I turn it on sometimes
just to listen.. I cant see it from my desk here but I hear it.. Its So quiet
in here all the time only sound is from my computer. Its nice to hear
talking.. I miss eating in front of my tv..was a good dinner companion..
cant take the place of a person but next best.. :-) The cable guy will be
here Wednesday, noon to 3. I was hoping today.. and I HOPE I wont
have to pay for a service call. that would be iccky...be nice to see all
the channels I want to watch.. I love the travel channel..:-)

Well im going to get out of this chair for today and go and work on the
baby afghan im knitting..its going to be so pretty. Im anxious to get it
done. If I work on it every night for a while wont take long.. I just have
to keep my hand off my clicker so I don't hit that eyes shut button :-)
gets me every time, so its time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, , and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

~I'm Gettin' Something Done Today!~ :-)

Its only noon, but I decided I am going to get something
done today. I have a desk area here that is disgustingly
sloppy, and if you could see my bedroom, well you would
think the 3 Stooges lived here not just me and 2 cats.. I
have stuff everywhere.. I think I need to go through a lot of
this and get rid of what I really KNOW I wont use.. If I am
lucky enough to find a place better suited to me, the less I
have to pack and move the better...I have to stay ahead
with my plan of attack.. so I am going to post this early today,
well earlier than most times.. Im so unpredictable lately...
and see how much I can get done.. :-)

But I feel a lot better today especially after I logged off yesterday
and my phone rang and was Sandy, my gas bill will be paid,
and I can expect a call from Visiting Physicians..that they may
again take me as a client.. I hope so..Solve a lot of stress for
me, and her telling me yesterday about a moving place that
will come in and pack this up and move me, for free..well I cant
beat that at all..THAT saves me worry, and when Theresa was
here, she almost guaranteed me I would not have to worry about
my grant.. I think Its really time to look seriously for a new place.

I was discussing this with a dear friend, a suggestion was to get
a bigger apartment if I cant find a house.. I tried them before and
I hate them.. There is NO privacy.. I still had dealings with the
maintenance problem, just like here, but I don't have people taking
my mail or deliveries..or lurking outside my door listening to what
is going on in my apartment..and the biggie is I don't have to hear
that poor man scream at the top of his lungs at 3 am.. No, I will
stay here and endure before I will go back to an apartment.. I can
make do here, If I could get this carpet out.. It would make such a
huge difference..I wouldn't work so hard to maneuver.. and maybe
the floor of the front porch could be raised so I could go out there..
I know I will stay here before I go to an apartment.

And- I need to start working on the 2 blankets and the quilt for baby.
He will be here April 7th..so we have to be ready..Kelli said she is
having a baby shower tomorrow, then next week one in Wisconsin,
and THEN another at work.. I told her when all the showers are done,
to let me know what she still needs..and I will get that.. Then she wont
get a dozen of all the same thing. Plus what I give her will all be hand
made.. I plan to make an afghan.. and Penny is making a few more
pairs of booties but a little bigger in size... I may knit some wash cloths
like the one I just did..but smaller. I have lots of ideas of things I would
love to make.. I miss my sewing room so bad.. I could just roll in there
and get what ever I wanted to make what ever I wanted.. I think of my
ruined material down the basement..material I could use now..I knew
better, but I had hoped it would be safe down there.. I learned the hard
way on that.. My sis did give me a couple quilt tops and I do want to
put those together..theyre easy..and cute..

Speaking of cute.. this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna go have
some left over meat loaf and roll away from this puter till maybe later.
if I have to make a potty call..I'll see if I have any messages or mail..I
KNOW that meat loaf is going to be SO good, and I have lots to do..
Its early-well, take a nap, cuz, I'm still gonna say "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? love ya..and THANKS!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, February 15, 2008

~Sandra Had Good News~ :-)

Today, was a good day. I had a visit from my caseworker,
Sandra from APS..she came with paperwork to fill out to
get help paying my over 200.oo gas bill.. They are going to
pay it for me.. While she was here we had a really good talk,
I explained all my problems with this house... and I do like it..
where it is.. but I just cant function here..Its so HARD.. She
totally understood.. She is going to see what she can find as
well for me.. I explained to her about my Drs office and the
treatment I get there.. That they refuse to refil my prescriptions
unless I go there and get the blood work done.. I told them
months ago.. I refuse to go out and take my chair through snow,
rain or what ever.. That they need to send someone here to
draw me.. And they refuse..she agrees that it is best, for me,
to have home care.. I agree :-)

Sandra is going to make some phone calls for me to see if I
can get back visiting physicians.. It would relieve so much stress
for me.. Not having to worry about going down to the clinic , making
arrangements for the ride, watching the weather, I wont take my
chair out in the rain or snow..Not unless I absolutely HAVE to.. The
mess it makes on the under carriage of my chair..the underside
of my seat and the splashes of stuff all over my clothes..well Its not
worth it to me to damage this chair or myself..I sure hope I can get
them back.. Then every test I need can be done here at home..
Sandra did say she is temporary as I will be getting a new case
worker in March.. I like Sandra though..I wish I could keep her.. She
has worked more with childrens services and she is a bear when it
comes to kids... which is good... Shes a good caseworker, I just
have to remind her once in a while.. which I don't mind doing..

She also informed me they have a new dental clinic..as soon as the
weather breaks..guess where I am headed? I want ALL my teeth, not
just the tops.. I watched my favorite show last nite, Two and a Half Men,
and they are steady sitting watching TV and eating popcorn.. I LOVE
popcorn, and I do miss It BADLY, I wouldn't mind helping Charlie Sheen
eat popcorn, I'll tell ya.! :-) Id even make it!. to be able to eat the things
that I could before..hmmm..well maybe that really ISNT a good thing :-)
but I still would like to have my bottom dentures.. From not having them I
can feel my jaw line almost out of sync with the rest of my face! Well the
height of my lower teeth is gone, so naturally my mouth Is going to close
more..then I have a flat line for a mouth.. I don't like it. :-| Im calling them
when the weather breaks..

Sandra was full of very helpful info for me. I dont know if this is a new
policy with DHS/APS but she said when I am ready to move, they have
a fund that pays a company to come in here, pack me up and move and
unpack EVERYTHING..piece by piece.. NOW..is THAT good news? I
was worried about making a move and all it would entail..even Penny
looked relieved on that news! Packing and unpacking is NOT easy..
She said to just let her know when I find a place.. well.. I am going to
really start to look.. I will have a new caseworker again in March, so I
am hoping she is as nice as Sandra.. Liz I think is her name.. They
switch them around so bad its pathetic..but Sandra has over 300
clients again.. That is SO not good.. I feel bad sometimes when I call
needing something..I know there are so many others that need things
more than I do.

Well my kitchen is calling, Penny made a meatloaf for me today and I
tasted it at lunch.. Good? Its Excellent.. A nice meatloaf sandwich, my
Icee and Im ready for TV.. I made the mistake of watching Donald
Ugly Trump.. I just don't understand why doesn't he do better things
with all his money like helping people that need it.. The celebrity one
last nite..well gave me a headache listening to those 2 on there argue.
That Amarosa woman.. well.. I don't have a single good thing to say
about her, she does know what shes doing tho..being the 'type' of
person she is like, obnoxious, is how shes getting famous.. so..she
knows what she's doing it all deliberately..and whats amazing, is its
Working !...Why Trump Brought her back on his show.. I don't know..
I don't know why I watch it, then complain.. go figure...:-) Time for
food, and for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words..This was a good
day, "thank you Lord and Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Luv ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
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