
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

~Im Back~

Its been a long while again since Ive written.. Ive
not been in the best shape.. The heart attacks are
coming daily and more than once.. I was woke up
last night feeling nauseous and then the chest pain
started.. I laid still and it went away... It seems if
I move around a lot is when this starts ...

My Dr was here and explained these attacks and
put the name to them that Ive been avoiding to say.
Heart attacks... its just showing me my heart is
getting weaker every day. And with this PAD,
moving increases the blockages.. But when I feel
good, I feel really good, it just doesn't last long..

Ok, enuff boo hoo, its life.. we live, we die.. I do
wish that Dr had kept his mouth shut tho... I
accept every day with a "Thank You Lord" and
my day seems better... One day at a time is
what I do..

Our leaves are dropping like crazy.. This coldness
is helping.. I had to turn this furnace on and every
time I hear it run I cringe, knowing the bill is gonna
be sky high.. I'm still not paid off my electric bill
yet! Cant win...But its so pretty outside.. Dutch is
having a ball watching the leaves.. The wind blows
them around and I know hes wishin he could be
out there in them I bet ....

Anyhoway, I'm still here and holding my own..
I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE of course..
Y'all keep well and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....

Sunday, October 07, 2012


Here I am! I have no idea why ive not been
coming here and posting.. I really don't.. Its
not like I'm so busy busy.. I just play on this
machine.. I notice the count is going down
and that's my own fault cuz you don't know
when I'm gonna write something.. I'm bad..
I have been getting TONS of spam on here.
They put stuff in my comments and it doesn't
show up in comments but I get an email of every
comment soon as its posted, I woke up this
morning to 22 spam emails! I don't know how
to stop it .. I'm gonna check and see cuz I hate
all that extra mail... I might have to put a code
thing on the comments just to stop it maybe...

Its COLD I want you to know.. I'm still trying
to get caught up with my electric bill,  I got a
shut off notice for the 8th and I owe these
people 362.oo... Ive been trying to get help
with it, but this state is broken and there is
no help available.. so other than going out and
robbing a bank, couldn't you just see that?
Well this chair goes about 30 miles an hour
I bet :-) I have to call the electric company
and see what kind of payments I can make
to catch it up, and now I have to worry about
gas bills... I cant win !

My doctor has been here, and he has taken
note of I guess my decline.. The attacks are
almost daily, this morning really scared me,
I had to take 2 nitros... The phantoms give
me so much stress too besides the bills.. and
try as hard as I can I cant avoid stress...
Maybe if I won the lottery, I already have
my list for that! First I gotta play and I
don't have that many dollars left over!
Maybe I need to take up a collection.. I
do have that donate button that works...
I'm kidding... this too shall pass...

Ive been making calendars and these
new things called head tags, I can put
my head on another body.. if only that
were true! I did see that movie face off,
with Nick Cage & John Travolta, THAT
was a good movie...

Well I'm done here for today, I will try
to do better, I'm gonna go fix this spam
thing.. Y'all keep well and God Bless.. and
WEEBLE !!! :-)

Always, Lois

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....
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