
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

~Im Back~

I missed yesterday totally and was just lucky enough
to find some energy so I could feed the boys. Ive been
sleeping a lot.. but I ache and cant keep even water
down. It seems I just had this crap... Since the start
of all these meds I think...

I feel a small tad better, but I'm weak and I sure can
tell.. I didn't eat yesterday, but a container of peaches.
I could only eat part of them but I did drink the juice. I
think some chicken soup later will help...

I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I hope you had
a Merry Christmas... I shall return! Sorry I missed
yesterday, but I just couldn't do it.. that tells ya I was
realllllllllly sick.. :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, December 24, 2010

~Back again to Bed~

I am up Long enough to write this and I am headed back
to bed. My left stump is hurting so bad I can hardly stand
it I have to get some relief from it.. I am a tad nauseated
today as well.. just all of a sudden I had to throw up.. So
I'm confused as to why I feel bad! The pain or perhaps
a flu.. I dunno but I know I'm going back to bed.

Penny will be here any minute and she can do her thing
and perhaps go home early ..it is Christmas Eve.. She
has lots of things planned and could use some extra
time I think.. So..

For me its post this then bed.. I hope this goes away,
and I sure hope ya'll have a merry Christmas. I'm
still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I will be back...

Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

~Short and Early Post~

I woke today and am sick as can be. I am so tired and I
ache everywhere. Some one must have brought a bug.
Lots are sick, Donnie said Kirstin is sick and so is her
mom, Amber, so he could have contaminated me, or
even Penny or the lunch girl..I know I got something .
I don't feel well at all...

My Dr called and has called in another prescription
for some stronger anitibiotics. K something .. I hope
it works.. This spot has got to get better, it hurts so
much I cant even describe the pain. I just want it
gone. The less I move helps..

So, that is what I'm gonna do today is spend the day
on my bed. I hope that helps.. I am grateful though
that I am still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE and
I will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

~Woke Tired~

I woke up but I woke up tired. Ive been ready to go
back to bed since I got up.. I hate this feeling, but I
cant and trust me, Ive tried, to get rid of it and it leaves
when ITS ready... Ive gotten too many spots that are
giving me grief.. That rash in my right groin, thankfully
is gone, for how long, I have no idea, but it will be back.
The 2 spots on my left inner stump is spreading and to
even lightly touch it, the pain is unbelieveable.. The
transferring is the major problem that really hurts.. I
honestly hate feeling down, or unwell.. it gets very old.

Plus I think when I get down these other problems seem
to flare up.. Maybe its to take my mind off of what ever
was depressing me.. Gail is due today, I'm not better,
and the one spot on the left I think is worse.. My anti
biotics ran out so I need to find out if they should be
refilled as well...Probly yes since the sites are not

We have sunny day which is nice to see.We still have
all the snow and the TV says we are due for a storm
over the week end that is gonna leave a lot of snow.
We've been lucky here, seems it goes all around but
we're spared..Penny made cookies and brought some
for me.. Shes suck a good cook..

Time to post and wait for Gail.. I'm still a most
GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I will be back !

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~Travis Today~

Travis came today and we had a nice talk. Hes a good
guy. Hes married and has a dog, Frodo, its a bassett
hound.. Theyre so ugly theyre cute. His wife is allergic
to cats, cuz ive tried talking him into taking one of Pennys
baby kitties..She still has 5 of them. She keeps them much
longer she wont wanna get rid of them.. Penny said that
Sassifrass that was here, is a really sweet kittie..and she
will follow Penny around like a dog. Each one of Pennys
renters have adopted one of the cats and they all pitch
in to help feed them. I know that Dinky outside here Is
REALLY getting fat and heavy! So I know these cats,
if they have nothing else, at least they have food...

Donnies brother John and his son Ben are here with him,
but they are going on to Racine tomorrow and then Donnie
will go there on Friday, if not sooner.. Hes been working
even Saturdays at Monaco so I don't know if he will have
to work Friday or not.. Our forecast for weather doesn't
look good over the week end.. I told Donald to be sure
he phones and lets me know hes back. Kelli, I don't know
if they will go to Racine, specially with this new baby only
a week old.. I know Kelli's grandparents, her moms folks
would love to see the baby as well as Donnies folks. They
havent seen the baby yet either. Shes a Cutie from what
Donnie says..

COA brought me the nicest poinsettia plant.. It was so
pretty, A green house donated them to the meals on
wheels people.. I had to give mine away. I cant have a
live plant here but a poinsettia plant is deadly for cats.
I had it for a while, until the wheelchair guy came in..
this was last Friday... I gave it to him to give to his girl
friend.. I told him "Do NOT tell your girlfriend I gave it
to you! she will appreciate it a lot more thinking you
went and specially got it for her, so don't tell.. I give you
that right to lie about where you got it... :-) He was
smiling when he left.. :-)

Lunch time and I'm having some more egg salad.
It turned out really good..very tasty..I will have that
now and maybe just some peaches later on.I feel
pretty good today and I am still a MOST GORGEOUS
WEEBLE.. you knew that :-) I shall return!! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, December 20, 2010

~Good Being a Gran~~

The boy came by last night and picked up the stuff for
the kids for Christmas. He thinks they will all like their
things..I wrapped it all and sorted and he took everything-
but only gave the doll basket to Kirsten, he had no choice
as it wasn't wrapped and only in a clear plastic bag so
she saw it instantly. My phone rang and this sweet voice
said, "Gran, thank you for my doll and bed, I'm gonna go
play, talk to papaw" Donnie said as soon as he handed
her them, she immediately asked to phone me to say
thank you.. He is amazed himself at how smart she is..
What a sweetie, even if she is spoiled rotten..We don't
care.. that's part of the fun of being a grandparent is
getting to spoil the grandkids..
The baby squirrel has been here a lot lately. He is so
funny to watch as he runs really fast up to the tree then
jumps at it and climbs as fast as he can up to the branches.
He found the peanuts and is stuffing himself full.. then he
runs.. comes back and does the same thing.. Graybelle
is a stalker.. Shes seen the baby out there and Ive had
to call her so she would not make a run at him..twice now
shes wanted to get him.. I think I would pass out if I saw
a cat with a squirrel or bird in its mouth.. That would be
awful.. this baby maybe doesn't know about cats :-)
Usually none of the kitties bother the birds.. and the jays,
well no cat can fight off a blue jay anyway.. Jays have
been known to attack people!
My house in Indiana I had a huge oak tree out back..Way
up top was a blue jay nest.. We knew when there were
baby birds in it cuz no one was allowed by the tree or
the jay would dive bomb them.. I had one hit me in the
top of my head and drew blood! The claws on a bird
are sharp! That bird was constantly on guard.. Its fun
to watch them here, Ive counted as many as 5 or 6 here
at one time.. They love the corn on the cob, doesn't take
them but a day or so to clean off one of those corn ears.

We are having egg salad sandwiches for lunch. I only
have some Christmas cards yet to send out and I'm done
with my todo list...Time to post this and have a sandwich
and write cards.. But.. this GORGEOUS WEEBLE will
be back tomorrow! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

~Finally Finished~

I have lots to do today, IF Donnie is coming up, which
hes sposta come up and get the kids Christmas. As
of now, I don't know, Ive not heard from him, he said
he would call..So, when I'm done writing this I will
go and finish up wrapping the Christmas stuff..There
is quite a bit thanks to Rebecca...and Penny.. The
picture is of a doll carrier, with a baby in it..I think
that Kirsten might really like that, specially if I make
some accessories for it.. That carrier is just almost
like the ones I designed and made for my craft shows.
My sister made them too.. We put our heads together
and we both came up with lots of ideas of things to
make, specially for kids. The carrier that I made had
a canopy over one end AND it was reversible. and
totally washable.. came with a baby and goodies..
I sold mine for 35.00 and the little girls loved them.
I sold every one I had when I was doing craft shows.
My sister sold all of hers too..When she and I get
together we can design and make just about any
thing you can think of.. I liked making hats and
bags too..I think what it really is we love to sew..
The blanket, I made, and the booties Penny made.
Arent they pretty.. Now, I will be honest about the
blanket. Its the one I started 2 half years ago, for
Alex. that is now 2 half.. Well now Andrea has it..
and I DID finish it.. That yarn is so soft.. I'm glad I
will get it to her before shes too big for it..Turned
out really well.. specially since is a dish cloth
pattern..I just kept going to the size I wanted then
put a scalloped edge.. very easy, if you want
the pattern let me know, I can put it here for you.
I didn't give an update on my Dr visit which went....
ok.. she wants me to keep my nurse for a while
longer. My blood pressure decided to show off
and it was 119 over 100 which is not good.. My
bottom number is going higher every time its
taken which means my heart is not resting and
could be a reason I get so tired...She checked
the 2 wounds and think its an abcess.. not sure
she is going to take a culture or something..I
know it hurts awful.. I would rate the pain at 9..
My new pain med doesn't do much and she
increased the dose by 10 mg.. which still makes
no difference...
Anyhoway, I'm gonna post this and put a roast
in the oven for supper..with some good onions
and gravy.. fries... MMMM...I'm hungry! I hope
you had a good week end and got all your stuff
done for the holidays..I'm still a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE and.. yup.. I'll be back tomorrow..

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

~Peepants Funny~

The best show on TV, one that I watch every day and I
really look forward to watching it.. The show is Americas
Funniest Home Videos. I think everyone should watch it.
If you don't laugh or at least smile, you need to check to
see if your alive ! Laughter and smiles are so good for
everyone. I can have a rough day and feel like totally
ickky and that show comes on.. I always see something
that makes me laugh some times laughing to the
extreme.. I call it peepant funny :-) Well you laugh tooooo
hard... what happens? :-) Trust me this show will almost
get you to that point! :-)

They have some of the funniest animals which I REALLY
prefer to watch.. Sometimes vids of kids, to me, I think
they could get hurt and makes me wonder who would
want to videotape their child getting hurt and crying!
Much less want to tape their kids fighting ! I think then
it goes back to money, and the possibility to win lotsa
money like those people on that survivor show.. I
don't understand the whole logic of it and most of the
show is about all of them discussing it ! Not on my
to watch list...

I'm getting things ready for everyones Christmas. Ive
had some donations of toys for Kirsten and Alex which
has helped.. I still have no idea what to give the boy. He
needs something he goes and gets it.. Plus hes VERY
picky as to what he will or wont wear. I dunno.. Maybe
Penny can come up with an idea..

Well I have stuff to do I want to make some Barbie
stuff.. Something different to do.. These dolls come
with all these shoes and hair stuff.. So I'm making a
cute fancy box to keep them in.. Kirsten is very picky
so she should like this.. :-)

Post time and lunch time.This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE hopes you have a great week end and
I shall be back tomorrow !! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, December 17, 2010

~Chair Driver~

Busy day today, Penny is here and we are getting stuff
sorted out and she made spaghetti sauce for me for
over the week end. Gail is due in about an hour then
after she leaves the wheelchair guy is due to come.
I am worried that he may take this one with him to fix
it..Well if he does he better have a power one I can
use.. I can use my manual, but in here again? No.. I
cant it would wear me down totally...I hope he can
fix it while hes here. He should bring a new charger
and new batteries with him...I HOPE! The biggie is
to fix the arm.. plus Ive made it worse, I ran into the
wall and jammed the joystick so now it hardly moves.
I am not a good driver, as much practice as Ive had
I should be an expert chair driver by now! :-)

Gail is due anytime and this time I am having to be
re done well not redone, renewed, my contract for
care.. I think it lasts for 6 weeks then they have to
show improvement or a need for continued care.
My blood pressure is acting up and still not doing
what it should.. Drs reading was 110/100 or some
thing like that..The bottom number, which represents
how long my heart rests between beats..I guess my
ticker isnt getting enough rest time. So my contract
has been renewed..

Gail will be pleased to see that the 2 wounds on my
left stump are healing up.. I know I am..That stump
is still extremely painful though and transferring is
so hard to do...I will be glad when ALL my problems
are gone.. Health ones especially... Personal ones
I can handle, but the combination isnt fun at all..

Post time, then lunch and for this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE to wait for her appointments to show
up.. But I will be back tomorrow ! :-) Happy

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I'm just NOT in the Christmas mood. I cant figure out
why I'm not either.. I listen to the Christmas songs on
the radio and at times I do feel christmasy, but most
of the time I don't. I have no plans or do I plan to go
anywhere. It will be a Christmas this year just like the
past 9 have been..Just me and the boys. :-) Which is ok,
we have a nice day :-)

The last Christmas that I went anywhere was to, of course,
my sisters and that was in 2000. I don't remember a lot of
it but I can recall that everyone was happy.. Including me :-)
I found a corner for my chair and that's where I stayed put.
I learned from past parties that you don't get up or you will
lose your chair...:-) I came with my own chair then anyway, I
still had both legs but was in a wheel chair, cuz at thanksgiving
I had broken my right leg, just above the ankle.

I still don't have anything for Donnie or Kelli and I just don't
know what to get them.. Penny and I have an agreement,no
gifts. She has 5 grands to do for and I don't need anything
anyway.. I told her to save it and she and I will take a trip
to the casino.. I'm really gonna break down one of these
days and go! :-)

Rebecca came by today, shes so nice. I have asked her for
help in getting some things for Kirsten for Christmas.. Their
house burnt down that's why they are living with Donnie.. So
all of that babys clothes and toys are gone... They didn't lose
everything everything, but enough..so Rebecca is going to
see what she can do or come up with.. She knows a lot of
places that might help..

Time to post and make myself some lunch, what I dunno,
but I always find something. So until tomorrow, I am still
a MOST GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I shall return!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

~Good Help~

I'm running behind today and its my own fault. Ive
been on the phone. I got a letter from the Salvation
Army that a box of food can be picked up in Sturgis.
Penny said she will go and get it for me. I just have
to write a note giving her permission to get it.. I will
share it with Penny of course. This is NOT on her
list of job descriptions :-) Shes does a lot for me
and I sure appreciate it. Good help is hard to find.

I have been calling the boy for 2 days and he has
NOT answered OR returned my calls.. He is in BIG
DODO. I know the excuse already,"I lost my charger"
or hes lost his phone :-) what ever the reason Donald
better find that phone! I even called his land phone
in hopes someone would be home, no one answered.
I guess everyone is at work. I will call again later when
I know Kirsten is home.. shes such a treat to talk to.

I got a great call from Kelli. I had called her a couple
times and no one answered..So I'm glad she finally
called and I bet we talked for almost an hour..well....
during her drive to her work. Her company was having
a Christmas party and she was going to it.. The place
she works for Keystone RV is doing great, they are
even hiring. Its a very good company to work for. I sure
enjoy calls from my Dolly, ive called her that since the
first time I ever saw her.. cuz she was.. just a little doll,
hence she was my Dolly.. :-) still is.. shes a good girl.
We are all very proud of her..and I love when she phones.

Penny and I are having hamburgers for lunch. She got
some great onion rolls and with sauteed onions.mmm. I
LOVE a good burger ...:-) Other than that I'm ok and
its just another day.. I have no other plans till Friday,
when Gail and my wheelchair repair guy is due.

I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, but you already
know that :-) And.. yup.. I will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Its turning into a rather busy day. I didn't hear back
from Gail so I had to call and make sure she got my
message, which she did and she phoned to redo
my appointment and changed it to Friday. VPS,
my drs office called to tell me she will be here about
noon or so. THEN Travis called to verify HE still
had a date with me, which we changed.. hes gonna
come by NEXT Tuesday. So.. as of right now, I'm
waiting for VPS to get here.

I told the nurse I wasn't shoveled out.. well a little,
what Penny did so she could get in and out of
the house. But this nurse hauls stuff so I dunno,
but I warned them.. I'm hoping Joe keeps up on
the mailbox this year.. The people next door never
get mail so they figure they don't have to clean
by it.. But the people across the road, whos box
is next to mine, don't keep it shoveled either ! Joys
of winter. Its a treat having it brought to your home
but Ive thought of getting a PO box. I don't like giving
out my street address, which is my mailing addy..
I still have to send cards.. I'm behind again this

Ive been searching online for Barbie stuff.. With
Kirsten liking her I thought about our new baby girl,
and I bet she would like a Barbie too..So I could
start one for her ! Thing is, I will probly have big fun
doing it! Ive even considered making clothes! Its
not hard, just tedious, working with such small stuff.
But, I HAVE thought of a doll house! THAT would be
fun..I could start one now and by the time Andrea is
ready to play with it..I should have it finished :-) Then
again though I couldn't guarantee I would give it to
her ! I might wanna keep it for my self!

I still have stuff to do before Dr gets here so I better
get busy. They renewed my nurse for another 6 weeks.
Gail told me.. I guess these 2 open wounds are not good
and need supervision. Joys of amputee life.. I have so
many joys :-) Including the joy of being a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE :-) Gotta go but.. I will be back !

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, December 13, 2010

~Cold cold today~

Super cold and I think the snow storm has gone by.
We have about 4 or 5 inches of snow. Even the cat
food was frozen this morning.. Dinky came out of the
house all warm and dry.. I was pleased. I feel so guilty
when I see these poor cats outside. I then think that I
could go ahead and bring Dinky in.. But if he sprays,
there is no more awful a smell than cat spray..and
the smell is super hard to get rid of.. But then I feel
so sorry for this kittie, just breaks my heart and I want
to open the door and drag him in and just take my
chances. I just don't know what to do...

Penny was an hour late this morning because of all
the snow and the roads were icy from that rain we
had before the snow. The roads were treacherous
and I'm so glad she made it safely, I was worried
till she walked through the door. We are having
sausage, and fried cabbage and potatoes :-) It
smells so good in here I'm HUNGRY!

I got a call this morning from my Dr and she will be
here tomorrow, so I had to call Gail and cancel for
her to be here and I have to call Travis and reset
him again.. Poor guy I keep putting off his visits
and they really are Important.. I had expected to
hear from Rebecca but ive not. Its gonna be a busy
week. Christmas fun...

I'm not really in a Christmas mood the Christmas
songs on the radio help but I just have a rather
hard time handling things during the holidays, I
think its just more noticeable to me during the
holidays when everyone is so busy and I'm by
myself.. Its my choice I know, just everyone I
know has other plans..

The plans for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE now
is to eat..then do some sewing on a purse for
Kirsten. But ! I will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, December 12, 2010


It sure changed over night. Yesterday we had rain for
a while, so you know ALL the snow disappeared,, by
the time I went to bed, there wasn't any snow outside.
When I got up.. well theres a photo or two so you can
see all we got so far. Id say about 3 or 4 inches already
and they say to stay in that its going to progressively
get worse that we can expect at least a foot. The way
it looks out there now and its just steadily coming down,
we might get that 12 inches.. I worry though that Penny
may not make it.. Then Tuesday both Travis and Gail
are due. Ive seen the plows out so hopefully the roads
will be clear.. I worry about them tho, specially Penny,
shes a good driver, but shes also got that light small
car. Id rather she stay home tomorrow than take a
chance on the roads.
As you see the kittie house is covered. I made a big
mistake placing it there. The door opening is facing
WEST.. all the weather comes mostly from the west.
I hope there isnt a lot of snow in there. I'm going to
have Donnie move it to the right side by the peonies
and the door facing East. I know Penny cant its way
too heavy for her.. Donnie himself didn't have a easy
time unloading that house. Its solid wood and its all
been weather treated too.
I don't know what dinner will be.. and thing is I just
am not really hungry.. The antibiotics seem to be
helping this open area on my left stump.. Its still
VERY sore and causing a lot of pain specially
when I transfer..So I try to stay in one place :-)
I did get some cleaning done and now am in
search for a small suitcase to put Barbie in.
I want to get some stuff for Kirstens Barbie. I
might even get my own and do some designing
for special stuff that Kirsten and then even this
new baby girl :-) Andrea is doing great and so
is Kelli...

Time to post and watch the snow and have
another cuppa coffee. I'm still a most MOST
GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I will be back !
Happy Sunday !~

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

~New Bird~

Its 10 am and I am gonna write this post now and
get this done then I can start on cleaning this kitchen
and doing some sewing. Ive been thinking about
making some things for Kirsten. 4 is such a good
age to be .. specially when theres a gramma that
sews.. :-) Kelli was one of the best dressed and
most of her clothes were hand made by me.. :-)
But I do want to make a carrier for her Barbie and
all her clothes. Its fun to sew for kids. My sister
and I mainly sewed for kids when we each had our
craft shows. Its a known fact that an adult will buy
for a child before themselves or other adults..So
most of our sewing was centered around kid stuff.
We both did good but then when you really enjoy
your job you will do good work ...and get paid well.
There was a new bird out in the yard. That thing
came gliding down and was chasing something
across the yard. I guessed it might be a mouse
or maybe even the little chippie... He stayed out
there quite awhile but I did get a couple photos..
I sent the photos to my friend to see if he knows
what kind of bird. Ive not heard back from him,
but I'm guessing its a hawk. Ill let you know what
I find out if its not one.. :-)Was snowing heavily.
Time to get busy and accomplish something. We
are under the gun for a massive storm.. Don't bother
me what it does out there.. But I worry about the
ones that have to get out in it..and I believe Penny
said she has a very busy day so I hope shes careful.
Id be lost without Penny.. Shes been with me for over
3 years now..Shes also a trusted friend.Anyhoway....

I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE ~!~! And..
yes, I shall be back ...:-) Happy weekend!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, December 10, 2010

~Side Effects~

Did you know that some medication will make you stop
up tighter than a drum? I'm taking a narcotic for pain. I
was told it could cause constipation.. Ive NEVER had
that problem.. but NOW.. well I had to send Penny to
the drug store to get something for me. This is an awful
feeling and I don't like it at all.. But this is one of the
things that you have to deal with when you take any kind
of medication..the other problems they can give you..

My doctor gave me a 10 day supply of antibiotics because
of the open area on my left stump.. Gail felt it would help
since it was a open and very nasty looking area. I carry
a staph germ so I have to be careful.. Well I got the pills-
on the bottle it says, side effects : could cause drowsiness
or dizziness.. See? There are side effects with EVERY
one of my medications..

Sometimes they advertise pills on TV and the side effects
that they can cause are scarey! The patch I was just on for
pain has been recalled. I saw that on TV. I'm glad I wasn't
on it for very long.

Penny came today and got us all set for the weekend. We
are, according to TV, sposta be in line for a blizzard!~ The
COA brought extra bag of food, and now they have started
the morning bag. Bread, slice of ham and a slice of cheese,
a hard boiled egg and juice. But I will sit back and wait to
see if we get the blizzard and 12 inches of snow...:-)

Time to post and get on with this day. I have stuff I need to
do, one is to put together a wreath for the door. I havent
gotten my tree out, but.. I don't know if I will or not. I'm not
really in a christmasy mood.. I'm trying to get that way by
listening to that radio station.. It helps.. I'm still a most
GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. and I shall return! :-)

Happy Weekend! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, December 09, 2010

~Got Appointment!~

I'm late today as you can see and its NOT my fault!
Guess what I have been doing for the past almost 3
hours? Ive been calling and online, trying to get my
wheelchair fixed. The rigamarole I had to go thru was
staggering and it put me in a very bad mood. But I
did get an appointment for a tech to come out and
totally go over my chair and even the charger.

I first had to look up the number for Wright & Filipis.
You remember them? They were the company I was
gonna buy this chair from.. UNTIL they sent that guy
that was in a chair to tell me what HE wanted me to
have, not what I wanted or needed.. then he sent that
HUGE all terrain vehicle that got stuck in the house!

I talked to Trish, that was having a bad day and kinda
rude. She said I HAVE to KNOW where I got my
chair, the style, the date I got it and thru what insurance.
Well I didn't know all that.. so I then had to call Deb
at HPM, she was out of course. So I spent another
half hour trying to find someone at HPM that could
give me the info I needed.. I then talked to Kelly.

Kelly was very nice, gave me all the info I needed and
I then called Trish back, who was in a better mood. I
was too by then.. ANYHOWAY, after ALL this I have
an appointment next Friday for a tech to come out and
evaluate my chair and see what all needs done to it..
I have accomplished something today ! Arent ya proud
of me? I got it done with out blowing a gasket.. Those
phones with the push 1 now crap drive me insane whom
ever came up with that should be tarred and feathered !
Worst thing could have been, but 2nd to that, Push 1 for
English.. That really makes me mad. I wont do it and I
hang up.

Well I'm hungry and I have pills to take yet and I'm
kinda hungry.. I did get stuff done, I'm proud of me. I
hope I can get all the rest of my todo list done.. :-)

Post time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. but.. I
will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

~Christmas List~

Penny and I have been discussing Christmas and
what is all on our lists.. Penny stays so busy she
was hoping to find some extra time to hand make
some of her gifts..I had told her to make them all
afgans or quilts. She can knit and crochet with the
best of them.

Ive been trying to find something useful for her and
for the kids.. I get this catalog called COLLECTIONS
ETC. its one of the nicest ive seen and Ive ordered
from them before, the quality of their merchandise is
excellent. They have an item, which is a cover for
windshields. Has magnets around the outside edge
and will keep the snow and Ice off your window. I
think it would be great for Penny and Donnie. Save
a lot of window scraping.. The Collections one comes
with 2 covers, for front and back.. and the price is only
$14.99. which is not expensive at all.. I am seriously
thinking of ordering it for them.. I have a dear friend
that is over 80 and I told him about this.. sure would
save him and his wife from a lot of extra work. When
you don't have a garage, this is something you got to
'put up with if you drive. :-) This cover I think will help
these kids, I might get a set for Kelli too.. :-)

My gas and electric have both tripled. I get so discouraged
when I see these bills.. I cant stand the cold so I havta keep
the thermostat higher.. Today is super cold, I even gave
Penny and extra blanket for Dinky out in his house. Id heat
it for him if I could :-)

Time to post and get on with today, I'm still a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE and I shall return!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

~Little Snow~

a little bit of snow :-)

I just now looked at the time and realized that Gail
is due any time. I want to get this posted before she
gets here. I am worried about that spot on my left
stump.. I just cant seem to get it to heal...She gave
me some cream for the rash that is working great.
But the rash was on the right groin area and this
open spot is on the left.. inside.. its so sore I can
hardly stand it.. To transfer is agony..

When I transfer onto the potty or my bed, I always
start out with my left stump since its longer and
more stable. But now with this sore.. to just even
move a little is torture. Ive been really keeping an
eye on it and I'm glad I have Gail coming when
things like this go wrong.

Speaking of wrong.. well I STILL have not had any
one come to fix my chair! I just don't understand
what the problem is.. I guess I m gonna have to
make some phone calls of my own.. If I fall out of
this chair because I cant get anyone to come and
fix it.. something is drastically wrong.. All these
people not doing their jobs would be in trouble, I
would see to that.. This isnt right.. I need this chair
to be in top condition...

Well I need to post this and get ready for Gail.. We
didn't get near the snow they said.. Yippee! They
sure did all around us.. up by my niece Bev, from
what the TV says she got snow!

I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, and I WILL
be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, December 06, 2010

~Mon Day~

Monday, Monday and my niece said she was already
having a good Monday and that was about 9 this
morning.. I'm glad she is.. she deserves the best. Bev
is such a hard worker and just stays busy.. Of course
3 grandbabies help keep her on the go too. :-) Plus
she is a wonderful daughter. She takes good care of
my sister and keeps on top of everything, I'm very
grateful for her... Plus she keeps me updated on all
the family, which I like to know how they all are..

Penny made it today, but we didn't get the 8 inches
of snow, although today isnt over yet and they say 3
inches due today..well.. the sun is shining bright out
side and the ground is lightly covered with snow. It
didn't snow like they said. But I checked the weather
on that wunderground, which is a great site, and it
says 70% chance of snow.. I think we are just out of
the line of fire for these lake effect storms.. I told
Penny this morning I don't think this town gets near
the snow that 3 Rivers does.

I got the sweetest phone call last night. I guess our
girl got back from her other grandpas.. From now on
there will be NO days that Donnie cant put his grands
in his vehicle cuz he has no car seat. He went right to
Kellis and got one. Kirsten said "Thank you for my
Barbie Gran, I love her!" She then gave the phone to
Donnie, cuz she wanted to play with her doll.. The thing
came with a brush and a ring. Donnie said she combed
that hair on Barbie at least a dozen times and she even
combed Donnies a few times :-) I know papaw loved
that.. :-) Anyhoway, I told her I would get her some clothes
for her Barbie.. I refuse to make them.. They can drive a
person nutz working on those small pieces of fabric.. I
prefer to buy them.. :-) I don't like making doll clothes .

We are having meat pie today and right now its still in
the oven.. It smells so good in here its making my
stomach growl :-) Wanna come have lunch with me?

I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE , always, will be :-)
AND... I'll be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

~Dinky inda House~ :-)

Ive been complaining that Dinky wont go in the house.
The photo I have of him in it, Penny had to pick him
up and cram that cat in there. He did NOT want to
go in there...Hed rather sit out in the rain and snow.

When I opened the door to feed them this morning,
Graybelle was there and guess who was coming OUT
of the house? Yup, Dinky... He ate and I watched as
he got back in it.. NOW I hope Graybelle will still go
in there.. She is such a growler and they really don't
get along but I'm hoping they will share. Donnie said
he put a ledge or shelf inside. I may have to get another
house.. maybe not as big. I'm glad Dinky is in it tho.
I know Graybelle will go inside the garage, so I don't
worry about her as much.. Eary and Fuzz I don't know
where they go..All I know is they sure look fatter ! With
8 inches of snow coming I worry about these cats...

Lake Effect snow is headed at us.. I think where I am now
is kinda out of the loop to get all the snow. Last winter was
not near as bad as what I saw in Three Rivers. So this
storm might just pass us by...

I didn't hear back from Donnie so I called this morning to
inquire if Kirsten liked her Barbie.. Apparently she is at
her other grandpa, Ryans dad, and she was gone before
he got back. He went to Kellis and they liked all their
stuff, and he relayed a thank you from her to me :-) So
Kirsten hasnt seen it but when she does he will let me
know.. Hes sure she will like it.. I might make a purse
for her. Donnie says shes very fussy and likes things
in order..that's why she has to have gifts wrapped :-)
so she might enjoy that..

Our new baby is doing great. She looks like her mom.
Kelli appreciated the diapers. If she needs anything I
tell her to let me know. She wont be going back to
work until mid February. She will have a hard time
leaving her just like she did when she had Alex. He
is very pleased with his new sister, touches her very
gently and says "baby"... :-)

Lunch time and I dunno what. I'm watching it snow
outside and its not heavy. that storm may miss us.
I'm glad I worry about Penny on the roads. But she
knows I don't expect her to come when the roads
are bad. Hopefully they will be ok in the morning.

Post time and find some material for a purse.
I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE .. I'll be back!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

~Sweet Call~

I got the sweetest phone call this morning. I picked
up the phone to hear "me and papaw are coming
up to see you. I'm going with papaw today!" Kirsten.
She was so excited and I was too.. Donnie got on
the phone and said she wanted to be with him today
and he was bringing her with him.. I was totally glad.
He said it would be a few since they all still had to
get dressed..

I had told Donnie I got Kirsten a Barbie doll and he
told me to make sure it was wrapped. She has a
thing about her presents all be wrapped :-) so of
course I wrapped it for her :-)

Just a little while ago Donnie called and I will say
I am VERY disappointed.. Apparently Amber went
off to work with Kirstens car seat still in the car. So
she cannot ride with Donnie to come up here. He
said when he told her that she couldn't come with
him to see me he said she screamed and cried and
he felt terrible.. I told him to go buy one at meijers
and bring that baby up here to see me!

He said he felt bad too cuz he and Kirsten while they
were on this outing that they were gonna stop and
buy a Christmas tree. She was so excited.. Its a
shame all because of a car seat but she has to have
one..I don't know what age or weight rules there are.
Shes only 4. But Donnie with all these grands you
would think this papaw would have his OWN car
seat for these kids to go with him! He will.. trust me.
and I betcha Kirsten will maybe even come up here
tomorrow! :-) If that girl and I both whine enough
papaw will get a car seat :-) Wait till I tell Kelli, she
will get him too ! :-)

So hes coming alone, which is better than not at all..
So I better finish this and get their stuff together.. He
will take Kelli her stuff. Post time for this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE.. happy week end ..we are due to get 8 as
in EIGHT inches of snow starting tonight :-) But.. snow
or not.. I'll be back !! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, December 03, 2010


I called Donnie last night to find out what happened,
that he didn't come by..It was already 7:30.. Kirsten
answered the phone..shes 4 remember.. Do you know
this is a smart little girl? I carried on a better conver
sation with this little thing than I do with most of the
adults Ive talked to ! She was amazing.. Donnie
says, shes very spoiled but as smart as she is she
can get away with it! It was a treat talking to her, I
really enjoyed it..

During my conversation with Kirsten I asked her
If Gran could buy something for her and what would
she like.. She quickly replied, "A BARBIE!" She
doesn't have one! I bet she is the only 4 year old
without a Barbie.. Penny is getting one today for
her with an extra outfit. Donnie said she will be
very happy when she gets this. I hope so.. He
didn't come up last night as Kelli got home with
baby yesterday and he wanted to stop by there.
Hes a great dad and even greater pappaw..

Gail is due today and Penny is here . She had a
mess to clean up in the laundry room. She had
just got a new big bag of cat food and she left
the top open which is most enticing to Dutch,
who has a weakness for bags as it is..but one
with good food in it.. well he wasn't gonna stay
out of it...He knocked the bag over and the food
went everywhere. Even UNDER the washer.. I
told Penny wasn't me.. She knew it was Dutch
with out me even telling her.. :-)

I have stuff to do before Gail gets here, which
should be in an hour or so... I'm still a most
GORGEOUS WEEBLE and Ill be back...

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, December 02, 2010

~Stuff for Baby~

Donnie is coming up tonite to pick up some things
I have for the baby. Diapers n wipes, stuff you need
for new babys and run out of right away, so maybe
the extra will come in handy and save a trip to the
store.. I am wondering how Alex is going to take
to the baby. Hes a spoiled boy but a sweetie..
He's a daddys boy I think. :-) I know hes a grandpas
boy.. Donnie says Alex is his 'pick me up' when
hes had a bad day...after a couple hours of playing
with his grandson he feels a lot better, tired, but
better :-)

I have decided since Donnie is coming up tonite I
better get these receiving blankets made. Wont
take long at all to just sew a hem around the 4 sides.
I have about 5 pieces of some cute girlie baby
prints. I think Kelli will like them.

So, as soon as I post this I am setting up my machine
and gonna sew. I'm almost antsy I want to sew so bad.
I think that's the ONE thing I can say I'm addicted to.
Just like my sister.. If we cant sew, we are miserable
and feel useless.. anyhoway....

This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post, then get
started sewing.. But.. I'll be back !!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

~2 Specials~

see all the different birds? Bluejay on the stand, and squirrley, If
I had asked them all to pose they woulda left ~! :-) I got 'em ...

Well, guess what? 2 specials today..~!~ first-
Baby girl has arrived.! She weighed in at 7
pounds 2 ounces. I cant remember her name,
isnt that awful? I know her middle name is
Kimberly after her gramma, Kelli's mom. I
am not sure of her first name I will ask Donnie.
He phoned at 6 am this morning, he was at
work. I'm not sure what time she was born.
But Kelli and baby are fine...We are most
grateful and happy shes here.. :-)
The 2nd biggie of today is...well you see in
the photo! I woke up to snow! Its not gonna
amount to much.It is pretty though at times
when the flakes just drift down, its kinda
windy too. I'm listening to that great radio
station playing Christmas songs and watching
the snow outside, puts me in a Christmasy
mood.. I don't know what I'm gonna get the
kids. With Amber staying at Donnies I cant
very well ignore them.. Specially Kirsten,
Donnie says she sticks to him like glue and
shes spoiled but smart as can be. I was
very impressed when she talked to me on
the phone. I'm sure they will still be there
for christmas. Donnie kinda likes it, he
says Amber is a great cook and keeps the
place clean, best company hes had !

The photos of the squirrels are of a mom and
baby.. can you tell the difference in size? The
baby was so cute...

We are having meat loaf today. Smells so
good and this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
hungry as usual :-) So post time for this..
But,, I'll be back !

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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