
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

~Ugly Thumb~

Penny made it today, and I was glad, since they say friday will
be even worse than what it was today. The wind has slowed
but there is a second major storm coming at us.. Penny
went to the store and got us all clean..She swept off the front
porch as there was as much snow on it as outside since
that plastic came off... When its winter you have to plan ahead
or you can get stuck with eating nothing but crackers...if you
even have those.. Many people don't stock up.. COA brings
a special bag that is for emergencies.. It has a box of milk,
that doesn't have to be in the fridge, a box of cereal..2 cans
of fruit, 2 cans of veggies, a can of stew, things that can be
opened and eaten, well IF you have a can opener that is..
I don't have an electric one myself..I have one of the old kind,
that you open and clip onto the side of the can..then twist
the winder thing and it goes around the can.. I have better luck
with those than I do electric ones..those I have had so much
trouble with Ive called them everything BUT what they were...

Ive been asked how my hand, well thumb is doing so I took a
photo today of it.. Its not any better as you can see and in fact
it is bigger than what it was and spreading.. I am going to
have to break down go to the doctor, I cant seem to find any
thing here to work.. Its so hard to make an appointment
when I don't know what the weather will be... I keep hoping I
can get it to heal..since I hate going to a Dr so badly.. Im
just not one to rush to a Dr at the drop of a hat..not if I can
get it to heal.. When I showed it to the Dr before she didn't
give me anything for it then..she saw it when I had to go for
my elbow...which still hurts off and on..but the other Dr said
it would not go away permanently..It doesn't hurt near like it
did.. My hand however, it is really sore the past couple days,
and it hurts to move my thumb.. when I have to roll in to my
bedroom its like..I stop..look and take a deep breath, and
start the hard push to get up to my bed.. It really is hard to
roll in there..

Kenny came by last nite..and fixed the door..Put some strip
stuff around the outside. Its helped.. He took the torn plastic
off the screen, the sound of it drove all 3 of us nuts.. I wish
he had swept off the porch but he didn't.. Penny did today.
We had trouble a few times today with the door closing but
if you slam it really hard it will catch and stay shut.. Kenny
is just not the best when it comes to doing this stuff..but hes
young.. and hes learning I guess.. he needs to learn how to
be a tad faster on getting to his jobs..what..3 weeks since I
called about the door? Joys of renting...

The one place its TOO easy to roll in is my kitchen.. I had
Penny pick up a Danish pastry for me.. and I am gonna eat
half of it and save the other half for tomorrow.. then wait for the
boy and Ralph to come by. Ralph is a old friend and related
to Donnie or was..when he was married to his ex wife..Ralph
is her cousin.. He spent some time in a wheel chair and stayed
at Donnies to recouperate too..he had gotten hit by a car one
night when he was drinking and stopped on the side of the road
to take a whiz and got hit.. bet he doesn't ever do that again..what
was even worse..his dog was killed too..a beautiful black lab....
Well time for some pastry and my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

~What A Nite~

What a night and what a day. White out conditions, with wind so
strong it actually tore the plastic off my porch and woke me up
at least 3 times as hard as the ice was hitting the window.. Of
course having a window on each side of my head I had sterero
wind sounds.. The boys were very nervous, I logged off as soon
as I posted yesterday and they stuck to me like glue as the night
wore on it steadily got worse and they would have crawled inside
me I think if they could have. I don't like when they react to stuff it
makes me worry, cuz animals sense things we cant.. They said
all the loose animals and birds, before that tsunami hit they were
no where to be found..they took to the hills already.. They know..

Penny phoned and said she was drifted in the wind was so bad
out by her, and she would try her best to get in here today or by
tomorrow because they are predicting it worse for Friday which
is her next day to come here.. Its so hard when She misses... but
in the winter you have to expect it..Her boyfriend, Eddie, wont be
in until later today IF he has no trouble on the side roads. I called
the D's last nite to make sure they saw the storm warnings so they
could be prepared in the morning, I used to see this sort of weather
watch and would automatically set my alarm for an hour earlier,
just in case..plus if you don't keep your car in a garage, you have
the joys of scraping It off too.. I don't miss that at all... I told Dawn
last nite, "I watch the cars every day rushing to work , home at nite..
getting out in all this crap, and I am so lucky, yet I sit and I do
complain... I shouldn't"...

Which its very true, I don't have to get out in the cold, or the heat,
or the bad weather, I don't have to shop, do laundry, clean, even
cook if I don't want to.. I am VERY thankful.. but.. I sure wouldn't
mind having to do them again.. Honestly, if I could have my legs
back..and be able to do that again? you bet I would.. Id get out
in it everyday, drive, walk, whatever, and I would work..have a job,
see life going on better than I can through a window.. I get upset
sometimes if I don't hear from someone for a few days or so, but
I forget..others have such a full life..look at the D's.. they stay so
busy, every single day, I phoned Dawn at 7pm..and Donnie still
wasn't home from his 2nd job.. she hadnt been home that long
herself..as she had a list to do when she got off work, she almost
is working 2 jobs herself.. Its hard for them too.. just as hard as
it is for me.. I don't think any of us has it easy...

I write about what I do..how I affect others.. sometimes a good
way, sometimes bad, and I don't want to pat my own self on the
back saying "look at me, see what I did".. no.. I didn't get here
by myself.. when I read, 'good job Lois, or well done.. or from my
dear friend Mary telling me daily almost I am a blessing to her..
Mary, my dear friend.. YOU help to keep ME going.. I read what
you do..the burdens you bear, some of the hard times you have
gone through.. and yet you tell me I encourage you.. Mary, Raife,
Momar, Rob,d, ALL of YOU also do the same for me... I havent
made it this far on my own..Y'all help me a lot, Im grateful.... I
had many dear friends at the HHome..they would talk to me, try
to bring me out of that Dark World I was living in.. I didn't Get out
of there by myself.. just like I don't make it now by myself.. I need
the encouragement..and the good wishes, and even the sweet
fibs agreeing with me that I am a GORGEOUS WEEBLE... None
of us go thru this life alone.. we all need each other and as long
as we all keep looking up to where our strength REALLY comes
from.. well.. life is good.. and we can do it..

What I am going to do right now..is have some dinner and watch
some TV.. I watch that 2 half men every nite for an hour..and that
is my daily dose of laughing.. If anyone can make it through that
show with out cracking at least a smile theyre dead.. All the ones
on that show are great.. That Berta.. shes a doozy..shes my kinda
people.. big hearted and honest and says what she thinks.. just
like me.. and now im saying.. "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

~Dad's Birthday~

Yesterday was my dads birthday, he was born January 28, 1909...
Where the time has gone since he passed- to me... in my heart and
mind..... he was here just yesterday. and to me.. he was one of the
greatest men I have ever met in all my years.. One of the people
that I feel really made me who and what I am today.. Both my
parents had a big influence..and each in a different way.. The
way my life went along.. I needed both to be able to survive and
make it thru what I think was a whole life time of trials.. and of course
errors.. But If I didn't have what they instilled in me.. I don't think I
would have the same outlook on life..to be able to really handle
most of what is put in my path, if I didn't have both their input..their
sense of values put into me.. The knowledge of knowing I can do
what I have to do to get things done.. I will face my work..no matter
what it is.. and do it.. the very best job I can.. THAT my mother taught
me.. My dad.. taught me to do whats right.. and if you do the right
thing.. it may not seem that way at the time..but it will prove to be
the BEST way...and with the BEST outcome..

Ive been told I am opinionated..and maybe to an extent I am..but I
believe in right and wrong.. I will give leeway but in the final outcome
things are Right..or they are Wrong.. I have a horribly SHORT
tolerance for lies.. and I try myself to be very truthful.. I remember I
phoned home..my Dad answered and he and I always talked for
awhile before he went out and got on the phone out in the garage,
while my mom talked on the phone in the house.. Dad told me a
story about when he did work for a garage down town.. Not long,
he preferred his own.. When he went there he took all his own tools.
drills, wrenches, everything he needed.. When he quit there one of
the other mechanics..started a rumor that my Dad had stolen a
drill from there, which of course was NOT true.. anyone that knew
him would know it wasn't.. But that lie this man was telling really
bothered him, and he lied because he didn't really like my dad..

Dad said this went on for quite a while till he got tired of his friends
coming up to him and telling him what this man was saying.. At this
time my dad was 62 years old..he said "I got tired of this man saying
that about me and I went and told him..he accused me right to my
face..and Lois, I hit the man...and knocked him down" .. I was really
surprised.. my dad was NOT a violent man..and that was probly the
only man hes ever punched ... but he said.. I couldn't let that go on.
Even though everyone knew it wasn't true.. he was making me still
look bad.. I apologized for punching him, but he didn't say that any
more either ." What a guy... :-) a good man.. I laughed at that, I could
just see my dad getting that angry to hit someone.. he was mad..
but he did shut the guy up :-) I would have done the same thing...
I mentioned I think I have a ghost.. well you see that thing up on
top my desk on the right? The small container that is sitting
SIDEWAYS? It was NOT that way.. I showed that to Penny
yesterday.. she said "ohoh, I didn't do that".. I told her I know..
but I didn't either.. so WHO did? I said is the vibrations of the
trucks going by..but you see on top those 2 bigger jars? those
are mirrors laying on top of them. cuz of the boy, he eats that
stuff .. so... if there was THAT much a vibration..wouldn't
those move OFF? fall off? if the vibration is THAT strong.?. I
would think they would vibrate off too..and they DONT MOVE.
The rose potpourri that's in the small container are from my
roses in Texas.. and get this.. Some the light color ones.. are
from my dads flowers from his funeral.. So.. WHAT is moving
my container up there if THAT is the only one moved? The other
two vases are from flowers I have received from when I was sick
with all this stuff.. I save them all.. The little horse? that was my
grammas.. came from England.. and you see my brass bowl..
I love brass.. so shiney ...I love my gold beads.. theyre sposta
be Christmas tree string beads.. but I like them up there..
There is what my front door looks like right now..I put that woolbie
over the door handle then I have a Christmas jingle bell that hangs
by a round beaded thing and fits perfectly and holds the woolbie
up.. The draft around the door is awful.. I cant reach up much higher
to be able to pound anything in.. Kenny came by..but had to leave
he had a emergency call soon as he got here someones water
line had broken.. he never did fix my door.. You see LB.. hes on
the scarf Theresa made me, my transfer board is there by the door.

I thought most of the morning today was thursday..can you believe
it? I was talking to a friend..said Becky and Theresa would be
here today.. I picked up and straightened. up.. well fooey.. I had
to look at the date while I was talking and noticed its TUESDAY!!!
I was shocked! I woke up and half the morning was going on
the idea it was THURSDAY ..now.. to lose 1 day is bad enough..
but to lose 2 ..well.. that is NOT good :-).. so now that I have my
days straight.. I can find out whats on tv..I hope something good
Im ready to get out of this chair.. and call it a "nitey nite"....

Y'all have a Good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, January 28, 2008


Ive been told that at times I have had an impact on people.
Sometimes not good, but 99% of the time I hope it is good.
Ive always had stamina I guess and well not really courage,
but I wont back down from a fight. . I may get discouraged
and not push hard to advance, but those times I am only
gathering strength for a major forward surge and most times
its been one of those re-starts as I call the major turns I have
taken during this lifetime..Ive made changes in how I deal
with things as my issues have gotten more intense and I have
had to have an attitude to deal with them.. But there are some,
when they hit a rough spot..just stop..don't fight, let the others
around them do the fighting for them..and then it takes even
longer to get back...some, many dont...

A former caregiver, came by with her new client, named Richard.
young nice looking man, long black hair to his shoulders.. He
had hip replacement surgery that he had a hard time to get over.
Then to make matters worse, Richard was involved in a very
serious car accident, broke both arms and both legs.. He was in
hospital for quite a long time..In fact he was very lucky; at one
time they had thought the only recourse was to possibly amputate
his left leg it was so severely damaged.. They didn't have to, but
Richard just had a 'I don't care anymore' attitude.. He was brought
to me for a afternoon visit.. only knowing I was a former client of
his caregiver , and in a wheel chair as well... was he in for a treat,
meeting me... I knew about him..and his attitude, but he didn't
know about me and how I AM.. poor guy..he shoulda been warned.
:-) no I was nice... :-)

He was pushed thru the doorway and into the living room, I noticed
he did very little for himself..even though his arms had healed quite
nicely, his legs were the problem, he didn't do enough to really get
them re-started... When he was pushed through the door he had
his head resting in the palm of his hand, and his elbow was on the
armrest, a sort of sad, poor me look on his face, a weak smile,
and the hello was hardly intelligible.. He WANTED me to feel sorry
for him.. Now- you KNOW I did ..yes?.. HELL NO!.. I looked at
him..up one side, down the other, said, "hi Richard, how ya doin
Hon ?" I was ready to listen to his SAD story... I glanced over to
his caregiver, she winked at me ..she KNEW what was coming...
I smiled so sympathetically with each word he said, nodded my
head at the right times as he told me all of his story..what I really
heard was... "I go to therapy, but it tires me out so bad, and I just
get so discouraged, its just been so hard, and I am just so fed
up, I almost lost my leg you know," and sounded so pathetic and
whiney, POOR RICHARD... :-( You KNOW I felt so sorry for him
dont you?.. If he REALLY was bad, yes, I would..but he wasnt...

I leaned forward a bit and said to him "are you complaining about
this therapy and HARD work that will give you the use of your legs
again? You say your tired and don't FEEL like working at it? ?
Do you SEE these there? (touching my stumps with my hands)
WHAT do you see when you LOOK at ME? Do you see legs? ?
MINE wont take therapy or work again, there is NOTHING I can do
and YOU complain?, KNOWING you will stand, walk again ?
I will trade places with you ! Look!... I would do ANYTHING to
walk again, to stand, stretch..not feel constant aches and pain
every day, to not sit constantly ALL my waking hours..." He sort
of got a Guilty look on his face and looked at his legs..touched
his thighs with his hands.. when he looked up at me again he
sort of nodded his head and mumbled.."yes, I have mine, BUT,
its hard work".... I told him.. "ANYTHING worth getting you have
to work for it.. If YOU work HARD, you WILL walk again.. NO
matter how HARD I work.. I will never walk again..YOU have a
REASON to really TRY Richard.. DO IT I told him..and smiled..
Its really easy when you know already the outcome will be a
good one, trust me "....

We all chatted back and forth and soon we were laughing and
the atmosphere lightend..Richard seemed more relaxed, then
it was time to go.. He looked at me, and kinda smiled.. a nicer
one than when he got there, and said "nice to meet you Lois,
and thanks.. they left.. A few days later I got a phone call from
our mutual caregiver and she told me that Richards visit to me
was just the "shot in the arm" as she put it, that he needed, he
was really doing great. He had a better attitude that he was
more looking ahead to what he was going to be able to do again,
not what pain and agony he was in or had gone thru.. I was
really glad.. made me feel kinda useful..and having a purpose..

Sometimes I get days when I wonder, what is all this for.. I only
sit at a computer all day, and I type, and I gladly answer the phone
when it rings to talk to someone.. I enjoy the visits from Theresa,
and Rebecca, and I try to keep this place clean so Penny doesn't
have to do a lot so we have time to talk about her life, and how
she is doing.. But I still feel useless sometimes.. wishing I could
do more, then I will meet someone like Richard.. or someone
will write or phone and tell me I am "the bright spot of their day"..
then I feel I do have some use, and that makes this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE very pleased.. :-).

Now I am going to use the post thingie down the bottom and give
your eyes a rest.. Thank you for all the great Comments on my
True Love Story... Those- very few get to witness- it gives you
hope when you do.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear.. Love ya..and Thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

~Windows With Different Views~

I sat here today, looking out the window, listening to some of
my favorite music, which always helps me..it lifts me up when I
get low, when I think I wont ever laugh, or smile, or ever be happy
again.. like I used to be.. sadly.. when I had my legs... I think
back to those 2 years that were such a blur, full of nothing but
pain and depression...that was such a fight..then to go for one
more year, fighting infection and feeling so bad and alone I
wished I could just end it all..get away from the hurt and pain...
I would sit and look out that window in the apartment.. That was
my day, all my waking time.. waiting for more pain..it seemed
and I just felt it would never end... it took over a year really , and
as I sat here I scanned my body in my mind..comparing how I
feel today and how I remember feeling looking out that other
window.. The views have changed, and so have I.. and for the better...
I saw a lovely field out of the other windows..full of animals..a
whole family of ground hogs.. the birds, one was a hawk..so
gracefull, I would watch him soar thru the sky..looking thru my
binoculars to see better.. I loved to watch the geese, they would
lay right outside my door..and loved tormenting the boys.. The
butterflies and wild flowers were just breathtaking sometimes
they were so lovely.. Just before I moved from there.. they
transformed that beautiful piece of land into a 2 story apartment
complex..the view changed drastically, the beauty of the field
was gone..things changed...

The view from my window in this living room is alive and moving,
people walking or riding bikes..the traffic is constant.. Life is out
there..that I see every time I look out.. Its a great view to know
others are out there..but the other view..the beauty was great
too.. I think it was, for me, a way to know, its LIFE out there and
its time you get back in it...And to a certain extent I really have...

I do go more, I know more people, online that is..and even some
from the area, not from this town... I have more people coming by
every week..with Theresa now, and Rebecca, things have changed.
I will be honest and say many days Im NOT happy, when things go
bad, or if someone disappoints me and hurts my feelings...or
when things just seem to overwhelm me and I just cant, no matter
how hard I try, seem to resolve some of the stress things I have
going on just about every week... I think that I have as this time
goes on..adapted more to how to live as a amputee, accept the
things I cant do..find someone to do them for me, and just get
on with what I CAN do.. Even if I had legs..that's no guarantee
that I would have a better, well..less stressful,life.. none of us
have that .. But I do get unhappy sometimes... as I put it .. "I
wish, sometimes, I could tear my face off and be someone
else"... like that movie..'Face Off' with John, handsome man,
Travolta.. I loved that movie... But I think..Ive changed too. and
hopefully for the better...without tearing my face off , some
OTHER parts I wish i could TAKE off..but..well im stuck with
them :-) I have happy days, sad days, but Im very glad I still
HAVE days too ... :-)...

Well I have gone on and on havent I.. I have a tendency to do
that and just be melancholy, maybe is the word..I looked at this
month already almost gone.. This year is steady moving on...
me being in this chair..with round tires..well I have NO choice
but to go too.. Right now , though..This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
is going to get OUT of this chair for today and of course I
cant go until I say "nitey nite".... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

~ A RED Day ~

Well today was just FUN.. not really but.. well I did it to
myself again.. made the biggest mess possible and of course
had to clean it all up.. I got the box of the angel food.. every
thing in the box was VERY cold , mostly frozen.. well one
of the items was a bottle, a plastic bottle of ketchup.. RED
ketchup.. I was taking things piece by piece out of the box and
had set the catsup over to the side, as it was a salt free kind
and Dawn is trying to help Donnie stay away from salt.. So I
wanted to give that to them..

As I went through the box I put things here and there, where
ever I could find a clear place... I took some green beans
that were in a bag and set them by the bottle of catsup on top
of a bag of frozen fries.. The bag of green beans slid..hit the
catsup..the catsup fell off, the floor and HIT just the corner of
the catsup bottle and knocked a piece out of it .. Well the
catsup went ALL over.. It shot out of there just like my Icee did,
only this time was RED. :-) It was so cold..the plastic was hard..
why it broke like it did.. I would think that's the reason, what
ever it was.. It was EVERYWHERE!!! and GUESS who had to
clean it up::??? :-)

It got my white floor..my white refridgerator..my white garbage
can.. and.. my tire.. That was fun.. I just did my usual survey of
all the damage..rolled back..and just at that time the phone
rang..and I had to roll INTO the living room..to get there I had
to go thru the ketchup..but I didn't see that then, I did when I
had gotten to the phone and started back ...well I left a line
behind me..and by rolling onto the carpet.... THAT cleaned
OFF my tire!!! now I had to clean carpet TOO.. So I roll back
into my now RED kitchen .. and had to decide just what I was
gonna do.. I mean ..this was a major cleaning.. I knew Dawn
was coming ..but I didn't know when.. she had a full day..so I
knew if Ieft it and didn't get it up..it would be worse by the
time she got here.. So I had to clean it.. I bet I went thru a whole
package of napkins.. :-(

I must have bent over, sat up..bent over again.. well I KNOW
at least a dozen times..and had to unlock and move..lock down..
start all over.. Both the boys sat on the table and just watched..
I know they both were thinking.."the crazy woman did it again"...
I swear.. we were so nice and clean.. and then I go and do this..
I cleaned it best I could..before I just couldn't do anymore.. my
arms ached so bad and from squishing my self in half .. my
stomach ached.. Bending forward.. I can only JUST barely
reach the floor..so that makes me have to really stretch when I
wipe up stuff.. plus I have to hold on to my chair too.. I automatically
reach behind to the back of my chair and hold before I lean over
at all... its safer.. Only good thing was.. I hadnt eaten.. so I had
even more room to fold in half..

Needless to say.. I am tired.. I don't feel like cooking so Im just
making a ham and cheese sandwich.. I sure got my exercises
in today..my whole body got a work out in that cleaning session..
I do this to myself.. well I don't think it would be nearly as much
drama if I wasn't in this chair.. it would have been a lot easier to
clean up..thus is the joy of chair life.. we just have to adjust and
try to figure out plans of attack to accomplish what we need to.
I already know my plan for the rest of this day..and it is in there on
my bed.. but first I better say my GORGEOUS RED WEEBLE
words.. "Nitey Nite"..

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

ps..thank you for all the great comments about the love story..its
so nice to see a real one.. a true one.. we all need that kind of
Love Story...

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, January 25, 2008

~Ready For The WeekEnd~ :-)

We are ready to face the week end, all clean and drafty
still..but clean .. Penny came and we are all set for a few
more days.. She went to the store for me which I really
didn't need much I get the Angel Food delivered tomorrow,
so I took some things out of my freezer..dinners from the
COA and gave them to her to take home.. When Eddy, her
boyfriend is on the road, hes a trucker, shes like me, and
doesn't cook a lot and enjoys the dinners.. they are really
good too.. Shes having a rough go..the way the prices are
in the stores is pitiful.. so high..so I try to help her and of
course the D's... they help me so much.. its the only way I can
really show them that I appreciate them and how good they
are to me..and I would never want them to think that I would
take advantage of their being so good to me.. I am going to
ask for a raise for Penny.. I hope they give it to her..she has
been with me a year now..so they should.. 7.oo an hour is not
much considering how valuable Penny is to me..

Robert came yesterday after noon after I posted and he did the
driveway and path and the front.. He sat and we talked for a
while..I guess the COA is giving him a raise too..these people
that help us.. should be very well paid..for the help they provide
and the care its priceless to someone like me.. I wish I would
have had some more plastic as he would have put it up for me
when he was here... Donnie is sposta get some more from Mike
for me so I hope he does.. Im hoping one of them Comes by to
get their ribs tomorrow I need the room in my freezer !.. if he
brings the plastic tomorrow I know it will only take Donnie a few
minutes to put up.. My sis is still looking for some heavy drapes
for me..once i get this stuff I should be warmer.. I hope so...and
that my gas bill goes down..but from all I am hearing and seeing
on tv.. I have serious doubts.. prices of stuff here is amazing they
have gone so high.. Milk is over 4.oo a gallon.. Im glad I DONT
like milk !!!

I posted early yesterday and as soon as I did I went directly to bed,
I did NOT pass go or collect anything.. I bet I fell instantly asleep.. I
don't know what these super tired spells are that come and go but
they sure are getting old.. I ate a sandwich for lunch and right after
my first thoughts were 'I'm tired now'.. I guess maybe I am eating
too much, the wrong stuff, or something that poops me out!.. I
know I don't RUSH and wear my self out..but the way I get tired
sometimes Im beginning to wonder just what the problem is :-)

Been a not too hetic week and Im glad..other than Penny missing on
wednesday its not been too bad.. I got some lovely birthday stuff in
the mail that I have had the most wonderful time unpacking.. A set
of LOVELY blue and white plates..to hang on my kitchen wall ..there
are 7 of them.. and just beautiful.. I cant wait to put them up...carefully.
if I dropped and broke one I would be most upset.. I had spotted the
plates months ago..and well I couldnt afford to get them. well they
came in the mail yesterday a lovely birthday surprise.. I love them..
As soon as I find a nice place for them I will take a photo.. The box
was a gift too.. The boy is still playing in it.. I tried to get rid of it..
and Penny put it by the door..and the boy refused to get out of it..so
well the box is back in the kitchen for a few days..By monday Dutch
will have tired Of it and will not care if its gone.. He loves to scratch
the cardboard.. They need a scratching post but Ive never gotten
them one as they used to use that old chair of mine down the base
ment.. I didnt care if they clawed it.. I just recovered the seat..was no
biggie..well its down there and now they dont have anything to use
and Ive had to yell when they try to claw my couch which I can see they
have but they must do it at night..so I cant see them..they KNOW not
to do that if I am here.... but its the old story..mice away cats will play..
well no thats not how it goes..its vice versa.. cats away , mice will
play..well I better NOT have MICE!! :-) I have enough~! :-)

Time for this GORGEOUS TIRED WEEBLE to get out of this chair
for today .. been a long day..and i sure can feel it.. its that time
again for me to roll off into the sunset and say "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

~Bad Eyes Again~

My eyes are acting up again. They did this before. I think its
because its too dry in here. We shut the de humidifier off that
was down in the basement..but up here I need the moisture. I
think that's what is bothering my eyes so much.. the inside
corners where the tear ducts are is so sore.. Every day I get
a warm cloth and lay it on them and it helps them for a little
while but not long.. They itch, burn...and to look at them you
would think I had been on a week long drinking binge they're
so red and bloodshot.. I guess I will have to get those drops
again to keep moisture in them.. Some days they drive me
nuts they hurt so bad, and I think its because of them that I
keep this headache, which comes and goes too... The thrills
of life..never ending..

I only heard from one person today and that was Becky from
Keystone to see if I needed any help since Penny didn't come
yesterday or today. Shes so very nice..and young, very pretty.
She set up a weekly visit for Thursdays at 10 which I will have
to reschedule as I totally forgot Thursdays, well every other one,
Theresa comes from CMH... I just will have to get a date book
to keep all these appointments straight..No, I have this thing
called Alarm Clock..and I can set alarms to remind me of what
ever is coming up ...and whats nice you can set it for a year
ahead if you want.. Its free too.. which is the main word for me,
I don't pay for anything I put in my computer..well I cant afford
the paid stuff..and personally I don't think its any better..Like
AVG, which is the very best..they have a free and a paid version.
I have talked to those with the paid..they don't do anything more
or have better protection than I do..and mine is the free one. AVG
I have to say, everyone ..well that I know, recommends it.. and
that Mozilla is the very best for the web access, which Google is
THE very best browser ....

We got more snow during the night, not a big lot, enough to make
the road crews have to get out there. By noon the roads were clear
and the sun was trying to come out.. We arent done with the snow
yet.. No word from the boy Kenny, I don't know why they call and
say this day or that..just wait till they have the time and just before
they get Out of their vehicles call and say they are here..I would sure
prefer that, instead of the waiting, wondering WHEN. .

We had NO major dramas today, I didn't do any thing stupid, I
was very good.. I didn't even make a mess.. Ive been very careful. I
try not to be too sloppy just for the reason that IN CASE Penny
doesn't make it, I don't have to worry. And that has proven to be
more than helpful many times.. I looked on line for childrens cleaning
toys..like a small broom to be exact.. I found a few but the broom
came with lots of other miniature things that I really don't need. I
mainly wanted the broom so that when I spill on the floor I can use
that and not have to fold in half to reach the floor to pick stuff up.. I
have a dust pan with a long handle that works great, but I just need
the broom with a short handle. If I had a saw I would cut the end off
the one I have, I may get another one and see if Donnie has a saw,
I should have thought of that long ago..DUH...Im slow sometimes,
but Im sure :-)

The flu is going around here really bad, I have heard its spread all
the way from CA to NY...and it knocks you right down..Chris had
it and was in bed for 4 days..Dawn was down for 2 with it.. And I
am sincerely hoping that is NOT what Penny has..cuz if it is that
means I was exposed to it..and I sure don't want it.. I get too much
Ickky stuff as it is..that puts me right down you might say.. Too
much work will do that to me.. Im kidding but.. I sure hope I don't
get that stuff .. Its really scarey to be very ill and no one to help you,
or to come if you call out for help.. That... I have to say does worry
me a bit.. The boys, no matter how hard I try I just cant seem to
train them to help much..Dutch will bring me his toys..to play fetch,
but that's about the extent of it.. and the way LB is..well that Garfield
cat would lay and wait for me to wait on HIM, whether I was sick or
not.. well he probly would come and lay by me tho :-)

Speaking of laying by me, I got up at 5 this morning and this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is tired and I want to get OUT of this chair.
My butt feels so flat sometimes, I feel like im sitting on my hips
and that makes them just ache..Any one sees me when I get like
this would think I had ants in my pants or something and we KNOW
that is NOT possible.. I wear NO PANTS!!! :-) "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks ... :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~ True Love Story~

I had a email sent to me that was sent as just a story about
love really .. But the thing about this story was.. I happened to
know it may well be very true..as I know a man that did just
what the man in this short story did.. I was at the hellhome.. A
tall man, very nice looking..very thin..neatly dressed every day.
I would sit and have lunch with him every chance I got..he was
so nice to talk to.. His wife was a patient there..well resident as
we were called.. She had been there quite a few years..She
didn't know what was going on at all. A beautiful white haired
lady, with sparkley blue eyes..and she DID know how to smile..
I saw a smile a couple times.. No, not a big smiley face one,
but you could tell by her eyes..and the corners of her mouth would
turn up slightly..we knew...

Every day..they put her in a special wheelchair and would put her
up by the nurses station..next to a nice couch that was there.. They
would sit there all morning..until lunch..when the nurses would take
her back to her room for lunch and then a nap.. Her husband would
eat lunch there..and then go and visit with her again..until she would
fall asleep..then he would leave... But all morning He sat next to his
lovely wife, and would pat her hand..sometimes lean across and gently
kiss her face, or he would smooth her hair, you could tell he loved her
dearly...Some times I watched her face when he would touch her so
gently and with such tender loving care..and I know I saw a glint in her
eye that she felt him, knew him..and she loved him too...

When we sat and had lunch together he would tell me stories about
their life together..they had no family, no children.. and he had a nice
big house but it was empty now that she was at the home.. He came
every day, there was nothing at home anymore and he wanted to be
by his wife... She was all he had left, when he went home there was
nothing.. All the nurses and alot of residents would stop by and visit
with him..and I know he had to have enjoyed all the company there,
he was alone at home...

The story that was sent to me was almost exactly the same as this
one that I knew as real.. At the end of that story the man was asked
why did he still come to see her.. the man said "she doesn't know
who I am..but I still know who she is"... and that's almost the same
thing the man I knew said.. They were both still there when I left there.
I know she has to be gone by now.. I think of that man sometimes..he
has to be so lonely..they were married he said for over 40 years..
and he knew no other women but her , and he stayed with her.. He
really loved her..and to watch him..which all of us did, we all sort of
envied that woman..to be loved so dearly, no matter what..well THAT
was enduring and endearing LOVE like no other.. I am glad I saw
those sparks in her eyes at times.. I knew she knew, if only for a moment
that he was there..and boy..THAT does mean a lot when you know
that.. she was a fortunate woman.. I hope she would have been as
dedicated to him..if he was the one in that chair.. looking at her..yes..
I have no doubt she would have done the same...True love is hard
to find..and theirs, like my parents..was just that.. A Love Story....

Penny didn't show up today and I had nice plans to cook some good
country ribs in BBQ sauce for me and the 2 D's.. but I needed Penny
to go to the store so I had to cancel the rib cookin..They had pork ribs
on sale..and I had to get them..not really for me but to help the kids too,
so no ribs today..Penny called and said she was coughing really bad
and had a bad sore throat..well I sure don't need OR want that.. She
said she will see how she feels in the morning.. and let me know if she
can come then instead... I got a callback finally from Chris..He said he
got hold of Kenny and he would try to be here today to fix my door, if
not, tomorrow for sure.. I have NO expectations..when I see the boy,
then I will know its gonna be fixed..not until then..

Rebecca came by for a little while..she brought some wall things for
me that are really nice.. I am going to see if Penny can help me or
if she will paint that wall by the sewing machine and I know that will
make it look 100 times better in here.. I had to give her a copy of my
big 14.oo raise on my SSI... Shes very nice and I had expected her
yesterday ..but well no one seems to keep appointments lately..

I know the one im keeping right now and that's with my self to get
this screaming butt of mine out of this chair.. I woke up at 4 wide
awake.. I was cold and the boys were pacing..so I had no choice
but to get up and see what the problem was..which it was just that-
it was COLD ..and my drafty bedroom. well the wind probly had
changed and made it even colder..Im hoping my sis finds the heavy
drapes she told me she has.. I put those up and I know it will make
a big difference..I don't care if its hot or cold right now Im still goin
in there and I'm saying "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks. :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

~Snow Again~

Well that is how it was most of the day, at that time when I looked
outside it was almost a total white out, you cant see much down
the road on that photo..and it got worse after that.. Right now the
roads are clear but its still Snow flurrying.. but we got at least by
the looks of it..4 or 5 inches of that white stuff.. Penny had forgot
a bag of my groceries yesterday that were in her van and she
dropped them by, she had mistakenly taken her boyfriends keys
and had to take them to him at lunch so decided to drop the bag
off..It was only dry cat food, but also my AA batteries for my mouse
and camera..and when my mouse ones get low, I have to change
them right away or it takes forever to come back and work right
someimes..so I like to keep a supply and if I use the flash too much
on my camera the batteries drain really fast..
Penny gave me the nicest card and she gave me one of those red
laser things for the cats to play with.. Dutch already knows the sound
of it..Its like the flashlight..that cat can be in another room and hear
the sound of that flashlight click on and he comes running..ready to
chase the light.. I have played with these two so much now my hand
is sore from holding that little button down.. :-) She gave it to me
yesterday so when she came to day she was standing by the door
to leave and both of the boys were on the other desk of course to say
bye, they do that saying hi too, I was telling her how Dutch knows the
sound of that laser already and I picked it up..he heard it and here came
full run, skidding across my desk flat on his butt and right off the
other side he was so excited.. We laughed so hard.. but she saw
how much he likes it.. LB does too but hes not one to get up and
chase it around he will wait till I bring it to him and he only has to
reach out to slap it.. hes pitiful.. a real Garfield..

I always talk about the huge trucks and how busy that street is out
there and while I was taking the snow photos that truck pulled out
from across the street..Its one of the bigger ones.. Look down the
street you cant see very far.. I was being really nosey and I dug out
my binoculars yesterday just to really see how far down I could see,
I was surprised I could see the light way down there on the highway.
I even saw a cop down there giving a ticket.. I know I see police cars
all the time here going up and down or on this side street... Its a
busy part of town.. You can see how butchered those poor trees are
now.. Looking down that street you are looking west..and that's where
the wind mainly comes from and hits this side of the house.. Ive been
keeping the blinds closed on all the windows..its helped.. I noticed
this morning, when I rolled out of my bedroom past the front door,
how drafty the cold hit me so fast it startled me and I realized just how
much that Blanket I had put there the night before and had forgotten
to last night, how much it must have really helped... So I am going to
make sure I put the blanket back up on the door again like last year.
I called Chris and asked him if Kenny could come and fix that stripping
he put on last year that's fallen off and he was home sick in bed the
past 4 days with this awful flu that's going around here.. But he said
he would tell Kenny ..and he would call back..and as of this post , hes
not called yet..

Other than that its been a quiet day, and the only one that came by is
the new lunch guy..I don't know his name but hes very nice, older man,
white hair which doesn't mean anything..but hes replacing Chris, they
put her on a different route..why they move these people around I have
no idea I still don't get lunch delivered before 1:30 or so..No matter
where I live from the COA..im still last delivered and the center is no
more than 2 maybe 3 blocks down the street..when I was at the apt.
I was across the street and still got mine last..Its just a matter of who
they want to have the cold food.. They deliver the farther away ones
first..then make the rounds in town..they have their system.. each of
the drivers have their own routes.. I quit trying to figure out their logic
in how they do stuff ..they do it ass backwards as far as Im concerned
most of the time.. and that's being NICE!

Well this NICE GORGEOUS WEEBLE is hungry the lunch they finally
delivered..late on a day like this is ok..to be expected..but what they
brought was ..well..one of the smallest chicken legs and thighs ive ever
seen..look like it was more from a Cornish hen...and so greasy..I guess
was sposed to be baked..it was awful..even Dutch wouldn't eat it..and
it came with broccoli and mashed potatoes..the broccoli now is NOT
the buds..no its the stems..and NOT cooked.. the mashed potatoes..
to me they have a tin taste..many like them.. I don't.. so all in all .. lunch
sucked.. I had Penny get some pork ribs yesterday I should have
cooked them..99 cents a pound and you should see them..they are
very meaty and look great.. be good in the crock pot with onions and
barbeque sauce.. I Bet they would be good with sauerqraut too..now,
I am REALLY hungry! I NEED food, I'm ending this and saying my
"Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, January 21, 2008

~ Was Great Birthday~ :-)

Today was an Ok day, I really didn't do too much of anything..
Penny came and we are all clean..we were pretty neat over the
week end so wasn't too hard on her.. I was out of cat food and
litter for the boys and had to get that replaced.. Keep the kids
happy.. They are behaving to day Im glad to say.. But I had
Donnie move the dehumidifier out to the porch..and I moved the
little bench here by the window over where it was.. It seems warmer
in here cuz that big box was blocking the vent that is over there under
the desk..You can just see it behind LB.. that afghan there on the
bench is the one my sis made for me for Christmas.. sorry its a
tad blurry but I was holding the camera and I do have a tendency to
twitch.... but sure looks better over there .. my candles are pitiful..
I got up this morning and was rolling thru the doorway there out of
my bedroom..well one of those candles is missing.. It got knocked
out during the night.. as I rolled out of there this morning ..thank
GOD I wasn't in a drastic HURRY!.. the 6th candle was across the
doorway, I couldn't Imagine what was stopping me from rolling
out.. I tried and tried and I could NOT move forward.. so I had to
go ALL the way back to my bedside..and turn on the lamp to see
what was stopping me.. The boys..one of them 3 guesses WHO..
knocked it down and it laid across the doorway..couldn't land
in the MIDDLE of it..no..right next to the frame..well my chair
takes up the whole doorway..this is an older house. we had to
take the doors off for me to roll thru the doorways.. Well I looked
and saw the candle..turned the light off ..and had to pick that up
before I could get out of my bedroom.. I probly could have rolled
over it.. pushing really hard.. but I hate doing that with this thumb
already falling apart cuz I have to use extra push power.. So
anyways.. Penny took the candle with her to get 3 more..3 were
broken..as you see there are only 5 up there now..

I laid and watched the whole Packer game last nite..I love that team..
well Im a born Yooper and I lived in Green Bay..great town.. I got a
call from Donnie and he sang Happy Birthday to me.. was so cute..
he was watching the game too so we watched for a while then hung
up.. that's the last I remember..hearing the announcer say.."the game
NOW goes into over time..its tied 20 20" well I didn't KNOW till this
morning when a friend told me "sorry about the Packers" well they
lost..23 to 20 .. ratz.. they are a really good team..I wish they would
have.. they just gave away so much yardage yesterday by making
fouls.. that one cute guy Harris.. hes so nice.. I saw a interview.. well
that one Giants player kept harassing him.. so un sportsman like..
and too those guys were playing in BELOW zero temperatures..
Was extrememly cold for everyone.. was a good game tho..even
tho the Packers didn't win..they are still FIRST.. great team..and
Green Bay? one of the NICEST cities I have ever lived in..

I had a really nice birthday yesterday and cards are still arriving..I
even had a wonderful birthday greeting from Brazil!!! how nice is
THAT... I love knowing this is read.. just means alot..and for this
person to take the time to tell me Happy Birthday..well was VERY
sweet.. I got some lovely cards.. and some wonderful email..
and lots of instant messages left for me on Yahoo and MSN.. was
a very nice day..then to have the boy call and sing Happy Birthday
no wonder I fell instantly asleep afterwards..was a lovely happy
day.. and Y'all made it that way for me and I sincerely appreciate
it.. well THANKS .. was a very good day..One of the very
best happiest Ive had in awhile.. and I LOVED the phone calls..

Whats calling me now..well is my bed.. I need out of this chair..
my BUTT says so.. shes talking to me big time..I guess tired of
being SAT ON :-).. Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words..
"Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now.. Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

~My Happy Birthday Again~ :-)

Today is my Happy 63 birthday.. Sometimes I wondered if I ever
would get older..Now, I still see lots of years ahead.. There are SO
MANY I havent tormented YET :-)... Just so much I havent DONE and
so very many things that I sure would LOVE to do..and Lord willing
and the creek don't rise, I may be able to do those things.. Im sure
gonna try!.. I want to take that train ride for one thing.. I saw that
wreck in Chicago of the Amtrack..kinda scared me, but I don't like
heights, Ive flown a zillion times..when I had legs.. mainly to Hawaii.
Now, THAT is a beautiful state, even though I was only on Oahu.
But Ive heard so many icckky stories about amputee flying..many
have no trouble at all..but..well I just don't like heights for the MAIN
reason.. I tolerated flying before because who wouldn't want to go
to Hawaii and stay for a whole month FREE? well I did at least
once a year..visiting ..my EX sister.. I guess that's the nicest way
to put it.. But I think if I put my mind to it..some of the things I want
to do..I may be able to.. I sure hope so..The word is TRY...
A few have asked how to send a gift to me, over on the right under
the list of the archives is a bar that says Donation.. that's a paypal
thingie.. Its very safe, and easy to use so Im told.. I really didn't want
to put one on this site..but well to be honest..that little button, bar Or
what ever you call it.. sure has bailed me out of some tight spots..
But if your so inclined..that's the easy way,, and if you would like my
snail mail addy you will have to write and ask for it.. I really don't
wanna put it here. :-)... those Meta Crawlers would post it all over
the net!...

I woke this morning to both my boys UNDER the blankets with me.
I looked up the temperature and with the wind chill it was 16 below..
as in BELOW...zero.. like in SUPER COLD.. I swear when I got up,
I could see my breath it was so cold in here.. I had NO choice but to
turn the heat up.. I decided today, if NO other one..being my day, I
WAS going to be warm... and I have Been.. :-) and I made my VERY
BEST FAVORITE food! 3 guesses... :-) yup..French fries N'Gravy..
I LOVE that stuff.. I do use package gravy..McCormicks Ive found to
be the very best..its a tad more expensive, but its very good.. when I
make a stew or a roast I always put a package of that in it.. I enjoyed
my dinner, however I will be VERY honest and say that I do wish I
could have had some company to have my birthday dinner with.. Dawns
birthday is tomorrow and they are going to her parents for dinner today,
to celebrate her birthday..I think she is..39? Im not sure..Shes younger
than Donnie.. I sent a card I made with a lovely pair of crystal earrings
inside for her.. I hope Donnie remembers to give it to her.. I think she
will like them...

Again Thank you so much for the lovely cards, phone calls, instant
messages..and wonderful gifts... today has been a very nice one,
and I can truly say in ALL GORGEOUS WEEBLE honesty..
I AM HAPPY... and Y'all helped... :-) Luv ya.. and "Nitey Nite"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and Thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

~Below Zero's~

Our forecast says for temperatures to go below freezing , as
much as 17 below with the wind chill factors.. I live right on the
corner and this whole west side of the house is totally exposed.
Even moreso now since they butchered those trees across the
street. We are said to get up to 11 inches of snow as well...
When I got up this morning it had snowed during the night, the
ground was covered and the roads were not clear at all... I am
just so glad I don't have to go out in this..I am just so spoiled...I
make everyone and everything come to me... Sometimes I do
wonder if I use that as an excuse to get my own way tho..and I
don't like that feeling...

When I ask for something or need something done.. Like I had
to call my Drs.office..I told them to send someone here to draw
blood, so I don't have to go through all the hassle of scheduling
a ride, then if the weather is bad have to cancel..and the time
it takes to go through all of it.. Not just for me but for the driver
as well.. I know that's their job..But my Dr could if she wanted
to be a bit more sympathetic and have the lab person Come
here .. The nurse, Erica, the one that likes me so well. NOT-said
that it was not possible to send someone.. I need to find out
just what the qualifications are then.. Sometimes when I call
different places and I have to say the words "Im a double
above knee amputee, in a wheel chair, can someone Come
here?" I feel sometimes..that well just go out and go there..
quit using an excuse but its really NOT an excuse....

I think not just for me..but look around the next place you have
to sit and wait..your Dr or the dentist, is there a special spot for
a wheel chair if some one came in , in one? Even the lab here
at the hospital.. IN the hospital..does NOT have a place for a
chair.. My Dr. doesn't.. Most places..notice next time.. there is
not a spot..not for a wheel chair.. When I get to a place like the
lab here, I get angry when I roll in there and there is NO space
for me.. I sit right in the very center of the room and make myself
VERY conspicuous and announce to EVERYONE..especially
the person at the window.."well..isnt this just great..a place for
everyone BUT not for someone like me..THIS isnt right" and I
look at everyone in there and laugh about it.. and just say
"I don't mind being the center of attention at all" and smile .. I
LOVE when I find places like that.. I DO call their attention to it.
Well specially a Drs office and a lab at a hospital? THEY should..

Most places SHOULD have a place, but when a chair person rolls
in they have to move chairs, tables.. people.. to be able to put that
person at a table.. You would think they would have ONE spot..I
know that the Oasis here, All they have to do is remove one chair,
and a wheelchair will fit perfectly at at least 4 or 5 tables that I saw
while I was in there..In fact I had to roll by 2 other people that were
in chairs when I was there.. That was a nice sign.. That's a very
nice place to eat..The only problem with it. for me..is the fact they
have 2 doors to get in..first one..then a sharp right turn thru another,
why they have that I guess saves on air conditioning and heat with
that extra entryway... its not too hard to maneuver tho.. Its a good
place, If you come to visit..we can go there :-) good food too :-)

I have gotten so many lovely cards in the mail I have to say that I
just feel so special..and the emails..I really appreciate them all..
Its great to get younger every year.. Well I can..I can do anything
if I try to..and I try REAL hard to be younger :-) Im gonna try to get
out to the kitchen and have some dinner, Im tired and I need to
watch some TV .. Thanks again..and "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and Thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, January 18, 2008

~Not Enuff Plastic~ :-(

Another hetic day...steady going it seems.. Penny came today
and got us ready for the week end..For some reason Dutch is
very angry with Penny and has bit and slapped her today every
time she goes to play with him..when she left..he bit her.. I don't
know what the boys problem is.. I saved one of the stuffed peppers
for her and she had it for lunch.. she said how great it was..and I
reminded her SHE made them... but then too like she said ..it was
my recipe...and they were really good.. there is still some left..
It doesn't take her long to clean this small place..mostly she dusts
which she KNOWS is one of my "quirks" I hate dust.. turn on a
lamp and see all the dust on the shade or the base.. I cant stand
that..or to see dust anywhere.. and she runs the "beast" every
Friday.. I cant use that vacuum at all.. it pushes me.. but it does
a good job..and once a week she runs it..and the boys Run..
LB hides in the bathtub :-) Dutch has tried to attack it.. But my
carpets are clean..and so is the kitchen floor..but then we are
not really trashy people here..Nutz maybe..but not trashy :-)

I had major disappointment .. Robert came today..he got here about
10 or so..he had a meeting he didn't know about..but I didn't have
enough plastic for the porch.. I was so mad.. I thought sure I had more
than enough.. but just didn't work out.. Now I have to get some more..
and LORD knows when I will get THAT put up..IF I can get the plastic..
Penny no matter what cannot find it at the store..for what ever reason..
and Robert says its there..but he wont go and get it for me..says that's
not part of his job..which I guess is true.. he wont use his own tools..
want something fixed..he uses YOURS... He said if I got a carpet
cutter he would cut this carpet out..AND...it would be up to me how
much I PAID him...so you know what THAT means.. so much for my
carpet coming OUT.. So anyway.. I do have the one side of my
porch done..the west side.. I hate to call Donnie and ask for more
plastic.. I hate bugging that kid....but I just don't know where to get it.
Chris the landlord is no help..Ive asked him MONTHS ago...Oh
well I do the best I can..

I have heard that DHS will help pay our utility bills..Penny says yes..
and Robert says so too..but when I called they said NO..so I don't
know what to think..I know CAA used to..but they stopped.. I know
next months bill will be worse specially with it not going above 10
for the next few days and supposed to be below zero.. That's why
I was hoping to get this porch done... the draft around the door is
awful..when I got up during the night last nite.. as I rolled past it I
could feel the air just blowing in..most of that stripping Kenny put
on last year has come off...I guess I could start hanging that afghan
back up..I should have had Penny dig it out for me..

Last year I used my crocheted afghan cuz it being loose crochet. I
could use my grabber and reach up enough for it to hook on the
nails I have up above the door on each side...that sure kept the
draft out..When I first tried to put a blanket up there and used my
grabber ..but cloth..well that was NOT going to work, wont catch.
It fell so many times..my arms gave out trying to hang it..till I got
smart and realized that the crochet would be a lot easier to get
up there.. Then half way down.. I used one of my woolbies and
used a thumb tack to put it up on to the door..then I wouldn't have
to take it down every day like I did the top one.. That afgan was
hard to put up.. I still had to really stretch to get it up there and
then was no guarantee it would stay.. One day I had finally got
that thing up there.. I bet I tried 6 times If I tried once.. It stayed..
I rolled back to my desk..turned around to admire my good work..
and blip..first one side..then the other ..and down it went.. I sat
there for a long time looking at it.. "how badly did I want to fight
that afgan again??" well I went and put it back up...got it that
time in 1 try and it stayed! I was happy .. :-)

I got up early and Im going to bed early.. I have gotten some
wonderful cards in my snail mail..and I want to thank you so much
for these wonderful birthday wishes.. Means so much to me..and
I am very pleased to get them.. this year has started out to be
pretty good.. I have heard from some friends I havent heard from
in over a year.. I am so very glad..I lost some dear ones last year..
and I will miss them terribly..but..time marches on.. The proof of
that is in the birthdays.. Sunday will be my 63rd... and I plan to
have many many more.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE has a
LONG way to roll yet.. but.. guess where Im rolling now? :-)
"nitey nite"

Y'all have a good one now , Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

~Much Company~ :-)

What a busy day today.. Steady stream of people in and out...
First Chris and my new caseworker, Becky, from Keystone
came by about 930 or so..Becky will be taking the place of
Heidi..shes very nice.. young.. and very pretty... Shes new at
this..but seems to like what she does.. She was a host at Keystone
first..like one of the 'guards' so to speak..they had to have some
one there 24 - 7...and they did in shifts..Some of the hosts did
live there..3 did when I was there.. The 2 Scotts and Que's mom,
Sheila I think was her name..cant remember ! :-) Becky has more
or less been upgraded to being a homecare specialist I think is
what Chris said.... Im sure will be good at this ..she will be
back next Tuesday,, I asked that she come only on either Tues or
Thursday when Penny or anyone else is here.. Im a very private
person..and no one else needs to know of my other business other
than what THEIR business is with me.. So this way will be good..

SO.. after Chris and Becky leaves.. Im sitting in the kitchen eating,
some of my left over Stuffed peppers- by the way which are ..well..
theyre so good I wish y'all could have a bite :-)... I see this white van
park out on the street..and then I see Robert coming up to the front..
I waited in the kitchen doorway, he knows to just knock..open the door,
and yell its him.. when he knocked..I saw the door open..and he said
"HEY SHORTY! ARE YA HOME??" and came in and sat down on
the couch.. He said he wasn't feeling the very greatest today that he
was having.. some 'personal seating problems' If you get my drift.. and
he would be back tomorrow to put up my plastic on the porch.. LORD,
I hope he comes back.. We are not even going to get above 10 all this
week end I saw on the weather last nite...I have a 100 gas bill now..can
you IMAGINE..next month?? Well I hope he will show up tomorrow.. I
asked him if he could give me an approximate time..he said about 9..
which Im up early..and I like my business done in the mornings.. I steady
fade in energy after lunch time..:-) I told him I HAVE the plastic and I
have FOUND the stapler.. anything happen to that stuff between now
and then.. and I will be TOTALLY UPSET.. as crazy as this house is..
well NO guarantee it will be in the same place tomorrow morning.. :-)
Sometimes I swear I have a ghost.. My kitchen cabinet door was open..
wide open.. and I KNOW I didn't do it.. and the cats cant reach it ...so..
WHO did? that vase of potpourri..on top this desk..was totally moved
SIDEWAYS.. now I KNOW there is vibration..from all the huge trucks..
well to move that vase as much as it was..would have taken 9 dozen
fully loaded semis..and 2 dozen elephants..to vibrate it as far as it
was moved!.. I wrote a note to my self..so I KNOW where that staple
gun is..and that plastic I went and got..its here on the couch.. so...All
I need now is ROBERT!!!...

So.. anyhowways.. my 3rd visitor today..was..Theresa..that sweet thing
from CMH.. she is just so nice.. She had mentioned the last time I saw
her she wanted to crochet again..well I know how to do all that stuff- I have
books etc.. I had made a copy of one of my favorite how-to books and
gave it to her.. She carried a bag in with her.. She opened it..and handed
me this LOVELY white scarf.. long..fringe.. just beautiful.. she said "Lois,
I started to crochet again.. and THIS was my first project, and I made it for
you.. You said how chilly your shoulders get..and I hope you can use it" ..
Look at the photo..you can see who has taken over my scarf.. I took it off
to eat lunch after she left.. Of course I put it on immediately..Its so soft..
like a angora yarn.. she did a wonderful job.. she was so sweet to make
that for me! what a wonderful surprise.. I told her was my birthday this
Sunday and I considered it a very nice birthday surprise..

Theresa is very good at her job and knew I wasn't up to my usual self..and
I told her I had a very bad week end..things had built up too much and I
had let things get to me and wear me down.. Too many things again were
worrying me plus being the holidays.. I explained some..well..most of them
the major things.. finances, the grant, my doctor, this house, and things
happening in my personal life that made me doubt my self..and my own self
confidence.. but this time I didn't fight them off fast enough and that's what
I think caused the backlash over the week end.. So I told her.. new year,
new rules.. and I have to STOP these things before they get to that point
again.. Worry has always been a problem.. I don't like surprises..well bad
ones.. and I know I cant plan Everything ahead..but what I can I like to know.
I know I cant afford too many more week ends like this past one..well ...to
be honest I don't know how easy it would be do to another one like it any
time soon! That was I have to say.. the closest ive come to calling 911.. I
was NOT feeling good.. Theresa understood and agreed.. that is not a
good thing.. So we talked and she left to get to another client..

of course the boys welcomed her but they are not in the best moods today..
Mother had to show who was boss..They have really been fighting lately..
moreso than usual . Their behavior lately- they have stuck to me like glue,
till they drive me nutz...or they are fighting each other.. or licking and loving
on each other.. They both had girlfriends..that they..well.. Diddled.. and
for quite a while now..they have NOT.. months.. so I don't know if they are
going thru some hormonal thing or not.. But one will challenge the other..
Sometimes LB..will start it.. then sometimes Dutch will.. Well today Dutch
started it.. and he drew blood on LB.. That made him scream.. and of
course I am not going to tolerate that between these two.. I grabbed Dutch
at the back of his neck..like a baby is carried..and I forced him to lay down..
pushing him.. he fought me too.. but I held on.. I made him stay there, the
whole time telling him that was BAD TO BITE... I let go.. and he sat up..
went to LB.. and proceeded to lick him.. they havent fought since.. I have
NO idea what their problem is.. but they find out REAL QUICK who the
head kittie is in this crazy house :-).. ME~!~

Was a busy day.. and Im glad its on the slow down..you can tell im feeling
better look at the length of this post :-) Im glad I am..Im not 100% but not
far.. I have to get better..Hell I cant feel bad when I turn another year
YOUNGER.. I refuse to say OLDer.. I wont be old..no..I shall always stay a
YOUNG GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. so there you have it.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and Thanks.. Oh and many
thanks for the birthday cards Ive gotten in the mail..Means a lot to me..
Y'all are greatly appreciated I hope you know that .. :-)
Always,Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

~I Made Some Calls~ :-)

I got a few things accomplished today, I made some phone calls,
one to the SS dept to find out what happened to my papers that
I sent to them that they promised to send right back.. That was
quite awhile back.. Its time I got them... They better not have lost
them.. That's why I hate when these places ask that you send stuff
in, unless you pay for registered mail..well you wont know if they
even got it.. I should have asked about sending copies.. I could
have made them.. Not that I really ever expected to need my divorce
papers..but well I kept them all this time...and I did need them but
I keep everything..that's part of my problem..
Ive seen different things that were offered at special prices and
even some for free and they struck my eye so I got them.. I was
talking to a friend of mine today and we were discussing stamps.
Over the years I have kept ones that I liked ..the color or what they
were of.. I sent away for a first issue of our postage stamp that
was of the American flag..for free too..it came in a nice presentation
envelope..and you can see the gold one.. and there was the card
that told all about it. For giving it away it was really nice, that's why
I sent for it.. That was in 1985. I will keep it and pass it along to
Donnie and then I know he will give it to Kelli.. I would imagine in a
few more years it might be valuable..well if it isnt already.. I didn't
look it up to see.. I just liked it, sent for it..and I managed to keep it.
I bought 4 of the Elvis stamps, just because I like him..Talented man.
I gave 2 of them away but I cant remember to whom.. I just liked them
and bought them too..I don't remember when they came out... Those
arent post marked..they've never been used and kept in a cellophane.
They look like brand new.. I like keeping different things.. I even have
some old marbles and some wonderful coins... I managed, with the
help of a friend to put together 2 books of the state quarters and Im
working on 2 more sets but in each of the printing sets..there is the
D set and the P set.. meaning they printed in Denver and Philadelphia.
They are almost full.. Next year the last in the set will come out..as
they do I told Donnie I would get the ones for his book too. I gave him
and Dawn a set for Christmas..they really liked that.. I think Donnie
liked the box with the sausage and cheese in it better tho :-)
I have had a killer headache all day and I have NO idea why..but I wish
it would quit.. There is an updated photo of my ugly thumb.. I just don't
know what to do with it anymore.. Sometimes it itches so bad..but when
I put any pressure on that light spot..it really hurts as its raw under there.
You can see sort of a line going up kinda from the right side, that's where
it got so dry and ickky that it cracked open when I bumped it against
the wall.. That is a lot of the problem.. I get in a hurry and I misjudge the
door and then slam my hand or get a finger..jammed and that hurts..All
my finger nails have gotten so damaged that I have cut them all back
to get them all at the same length again...That green bottle is my Icee,
from Dairy Queen..I LOVE those things..they are sticky tho :-)

Penny came today and we are all clean..and she even made 4 stuffed
peppers that are cooking out in the kitchen in the crock pot..They smell
so good.. I havent made them in..well I don't remember the last time..
Its been TOO long.. Im not inviting the boy over till I have eaten them..
Or I will get only 1 of the 4 in that pot out there..and I promised I would
save one for Penny, she made them, but by my recipe and not hers, so
she would like to try them.. I know these are good.. and can name a few
that could give a good recommendation on my recipes.. I have my
mothers and my grandmothers recipe boxes and books.. and they were
some of the best cooks in Iron County..

I am posting this..and going to lay it down for a while and see if this
headache will stop.. I do feel better though.. I still get very tired if I do
too much , but Im better..cant keep a GORGEOUS WEEBLE down..
and I HAVE to be better by sunday..y'all better NOT forget THAT day!
"Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and THANKS! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
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