
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~Back to Hospital~

Well... things have transpired that I am forced to go back to
hospital.. My nurse phoned a while ago after Gail phoned them
to report my heartbeat is out of sync... Dr has told me to go to
hospital NOW.. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice...how
long I will be there I don't know...but keep me in your prayers.. the
fight is on with now my heart acting up on me... I am most unhappy.

I cant say when my next post will be.. but I WILL be back.. this fight
isnt over..


Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

~This Will Pass~

Another night of very little sleep.. I was up and sitting here
at the computer at 330 this morning.. wide awake... I just
don't know why this is happening...I know I'm not any more
active than I was before.. no LESS active.. I just SIT.. that's
not a lot of exercise or tired makingness... but that's all I did
before too.. oh well.. this too shall pass.. :-) and I'll be on a
good roll :-)

I was watching TV and my phone rang and I say Hello.. and
across the line comes this sweet voice.. "Hi Gran, my baby
needs jammies .. when will you make them for me.?.." It was
Kirsten.. what a girl.. so smart! She can carry on a really good
converstaion.. Some 4 year olds cant.. but shes like Kelli was..
shes around adults constantly and that makes a big difference.

So this Gran HAS to get to feeling better to make this babygirl
all the stuff she wants...she has a list and I told her I would make
anything she wants for her baby and her.. She was pleased.. I
talked to the boy.. he had gone to WI over the week end and
they sell these pastries there called KRINGLE.. It is DELICIOUS
He had 2 he brought home.. raspberry and pecan.. If you never
had one you have NO idea what taste sensation you are missing.
Donnie promises to bring one back for me next time he goes...

Penny made a great meat loaf for me yesterday and it sure was
good and that's what I'm gonna have today too... Got to keep up
my GORGEOUS WEEBLENESS!!! :-) Gotta go...but I shall be
back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, January 10, 2011

~Rough Night~

Was a rough night last night. I am not sleeping very well.. I
shut down the TV after that Undercover Boss show and that
was at10.. The next I knew it was 1:23 and I was wide awake.
The last time I remember before dozing off again was 5:15..
I'm not getting enough sleep and I don't know why.. Gail came
this morning and she has no idea either...

Gail, my nurse, shes coming 3 times a week.. She changed
the dressing on my backside sorespot.. Its about the size of
a quarter.. and was a tad bloody today, but Gail said that is
a good sign.. I still am nauseated at times after I drink some
thing, and I notice I feel like I have indigestion a lot.. When
Gail listened to my heart today she noticed I am skipping a
beat, which she said is not real good. Shes gonna notify my
doctor, she should be coming for a visit this week and Gail
is gonna suggest doing a EKG. Always something...

Penny came today and bless her heart, shes so good and
takes such good care of me.. She had to do the bedding,
well the quilt as I had an accident early this morning..and just
to make my bed is a job. She does good.. She is at the store
now and when she gets back is gonna make a meat loaf for
me.. with gravy and mashed potatoes.. sounds so good...

Rebecca called and she is coming by about 1.. shes been
quite busy at work with year end and new year meetings..Shes
a sweetie.. Tomorrow I THINK Travis is due.. I m not sure..

But every day I am slowly improving.. I'm so glad when I can
sit again with out pain...Soon.. This will all pass and hopefully
I will feel better than I did before all this started.. And.. guess
when this all started??? When I got that flu shot.. that seemed
to trigger all this crap.. and the doc said it wouldn't bother me.
Ya right, didn't bother me at all to go in hospital !!! HA! :-)

And the PACK won!!!!! YIPPPEEEEE !!! :-) Great game! :-)

Post time and lunch.. Thanks again for stickin by me.. I'm, still
a GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. and yup...I'll be back.. :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

~I'll Get Over This!~

I welcomed this new year laying in a hospital bed, fighting
for my life, knowing that I would survive, I HAD to.. This fight
isnt over and I plan to live another 20 years.. On the 20th of
this month I will be 66 years old.. my life isnt over and I still
have a lot of life in me, weak as I am right now, I WILL GET
over this.. I will accept nothing less.. :-) talk about bull-
headed hey? :-)

Being this ill and being alone has made me think of what I
should prepare for.. I think my Knight has seriously lost his
way and will never find me, so it looks like the rest of this
ride I'm on I will have to do it with the TLC from my dear
friends that worry and love me... and you have NO idea how
great that makes me feel..

I cant predict what is ahead, no one can, but I can make
arrangements now to be prepared, like the boy scouts..I
don't want to be a burden to my family THAT is not acceptable.
Penny and I have talked about my living in her house..Which
may be good.. I have a lady friend that is in a wheel chair, she
has asked me to live with her...There are lots of possiblilities
and I could find a bigger place and have someone come and
live with me...

I'm doing better every day, my problem now is sitting of course,
and no appetitite...And I am not sleeping good at all..I'm up most
of the night...That is not good...Today I am having some left over
goulash Penny made for me..and at 4 I will be in front of my TV
watching the PACKERS!!!! GOOO PACK!!! I hope they make
it to the super bowl.. if for no other reason to show Farve HE
was NOT the team... :-)

I'm still a weak but GORGEOUS WEEBLE, and I'll be back! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, January 08, 2011


Ive had lots of time to think about me, my health, and what is
ahead for me and especially what should I do to prepare...I
am the only one that can do anything to get on and do what
is best for me...

I have not been this desperately ill since I had that awful infection
in my stump.. This reaction scared me.. I woke up in the middle
of the night almost out of my mind with Itching and the most awful
feeling that at Times I really thought I was dying and there was NO
ONE to call out to, I was alone and had to survive until someone,
Penny, showed up the next day...

I havent been able to keep anything down and the dehydration
was rampant that my kidneys and organs were on the verge of
shut down. I don't remember the trip to the hospital other than
the sound of the siren....

Every day I am trying to stay up longer.. Last night was awful..I
couldn't fall asleep so many things going thru my head of what
to do.. Find a companion to live with me, go to a nursing adult
living facility.. But I have to be prepared.. and only I can decide.

I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE and thanks again Bev, and to
all of you faithful caring friends...thanks... I'll be back ... :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, January 07, 2011

~Lois Here~

im home and I still am far from well.. The doctor said it
will be a long time to get over this ....I had a severe
reaction to a antibiotic that contained sulpher..I now
know I am highly allergic to it..I was rushed to the
hospital with a rash that covered me totally and the
itch was horrible.. I dont remember the first days.

The doctor wanted me to go to rehab for a few weeks
to get my strength back. I havent been able to keep
anything down the nausea is the problem now . They
gave me a suppository for nausea so I wouldnt have
to swallow but that caused another chain of events
that is not good...but Im trying hard to fight this and
get back to me.. Keep me in your prayers...

Thank you for all your well wishes , I am most grateful..
Honeygirl, Bev, thanks honey...your a good daughter and
Im so pleased you are my honeygirl... :-)

Im off to bed, I can t promise to write again tomorrow,
but I will as soon as I can.. Thank you all again for the
wonderful phone calls and cards and even a lovely bouquet
of flowers. THank you....

Im still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE tho!

Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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