
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

~OK..Why? ~

Today is thursday. :-) you didnt know that did ya? lol..hey..some
times Ive gotten into arguments about just what day it is..I keep
losing the bloomin things !! any way..my point ..lol..wednesdays
they pick up trash..I have a question..WHY do they leave the lid
on the ground NEXT to the can..not On TOP where they got
it from? I mean it started to RAIN LAST evening..and it has NOT
stopped.. So guess whats going into my garbage can? yah.. rain
water..I know the logic as to why- they will say they leave the lid
off it so the can will air out..its 20 degrees out -frozen trash smells?
:-) Wellll no no no..They say you have to have a liner.. they will only
take 1 big bag.pull it out of the can and to the truck.thats it..what
they can carry in one trip..so they flip the lid off- grab the trash and
leave..Ive seen them.. They could just as easily reach in one hand
take the lid off with one, reach in and grab the BAGGED,
unsmelly trash..and put the lid back on the can.. My garbage is
bagged in here and then put into another bag out in the can!
I wonder why tho..it RAINS always the day after trash day it
seems to me!! lol..Sheesh..Thing gets me..last week 3 people
came in here and I mentioned to them my lid was left off the can
I looked out after they left to see if they would remember that I
mentioned it..they had to go right past it.. and none of them did-
lol..go figure..oh well Penny did last week, and tonite Dawn was
here while she waited for a prescription im only 2 blocks away,
and she said when she came in that she dumped the water out
of the can and put the lid on..making the same remark."WHY cant
they put the lid back on?" I said I have NO idea, cuz its the RULES
i guess..No lids do we put back on, i think thats got to be a
garbage mans motto lol. No offense :-)

I want you to know..now..this may be a delicate subject..it is to me
since it concerns a certain part of my anatomy that is VERY
sensitive .. ya.. My BUTT!!! lol :-) no no no..as far as sitting on a
Wrinkle.. I have a wrinkle in my chair seat.. I am still not back on
my cushion..well I have NO idea how this wrinkle got in there..its
right in the back..and about maybe 2. 3 inches from the edge..so
that hits me right dead center of my butt ! and that old fairy tale
about the princess and the pea? well it IS true.. Its driving me
nutz..ok ok Nuttier :-) I think its from folding it up. when I was
going out so much when I was at the shelter.. I still havent gotten
my state ID..I have no idea why..they said a couple weeks..
dont have it yet, might be a phone call day tomorrow..:-(

ANYWAY... sittin on a wrinkle ALL day is not a good thing..the
padding that is in the bottom of my chair is not very thick but it
feels like it may be cardboard in there and a thin layer of foam.
this wrinkle goes from one side to the other .. I may have to get
my other chair from down in the basement.. I still have NOT
heard anything about my powerchair..and well I guess its time
to start doing some real nagging..and just bug these people so
bad they ll do something just to shut me UP~!~ well hey.. they
need to get my chair Yesterday!!! I dont know how many times
I have to stress that but they still take their sweet time.. :-(

My therapyst came from CMH today..Theresa..sweet thing..
I see her every few weeks.. She commented on how nice
the house is looking but was concerned about no ramp yet.
I told her about my phone call from United Way..She was glad
for me.. I told her of my idea to put one on the back of the
house..with a nice deck..but boy the cost of that would be alot.
this place could be fixed up really cute tho.. and its not a bad
area at all ..just a busy noisey street out front..but I dont really
notice.. I did notice tho..that some of the car windows rolled
up tight but I can still hear that thump thump of a radio blasting
can you imagine how loud it is in that car? She and I talked
about what my goals were and what did I see ahead.. I told her
that I dont see what is ahead.. all I know is what I HOPE is
ahead..and that is, that I can live with no worries..no financial
problems..a nice place, I dont think thats too much.. She told me
she thinks that I am a survivor..that nothing gets in my way..that
I do what I have to do, and I impress her with my attitude of doing
what I have to do to live..and not afraid to go after it..That I should
be proud that i could go from a homeless shelter 6 weeks ago to
this great little house..and things going better because I had
fought so hard. !! ....And shes a professional giving this great
opinion of me !! I felt kinda good about that.. :-)

There's a yahoo group I just joined and I wrote and asked Susan
can I mention it here..She has this mail that waits for you in the
morning..and its just such a nice thing to read..well along with all
my other great mail.... She has some of the most gorgeous photos
and some cute jokes..and music..its just really a very nice way
to start a day.. I enjoy it.. check it out.. Susan's Daily Dose . a
yahoo group..Its worth it..trust me..plus she is very sweet..I wrote
and told her that I really enjoyed her sends..and that I would like
to mention her group here..so that maybe someone reading this
today might like a nice little fresh day starter..I do..I have so many
good new friends..Like CherryPie..thats what I call her..she makes
stationery for my very best favorite email program Incredimail.its
a great way to send mail..ITS FUN..These men dont understand
the need for a nice photo or music and a sparkly name for email.
just type it out and send it..lol..welll I LOVE incredimail.. CherryPie
makes some great ones and she does matching taggies IF you
ask right.. I get those group rules mixed up sometimes..thats how
I think I got to know Cherry..cuz I kept messing up on requesting a
tag with my name on it..all fun..and gives me something to do..
Anyway..check out Susans Yahoo Group..Get on her list..its very
much worth reading and seeing the great stuff she sends.. :-)
Well..Im gonna log off of all these programs..and head over to
my bed..I think I may grab a bite of pumpkin bread tho..Ohoh I
do have a mail to send.. its nice to get a good nite , sweet
dreams before you go off to your bed...I enjoy that..and i know
every one likes to get a little kiss and a sweet- Nitey nite :-)

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

~An Old Cookie Jar~

We got alot done today and I am really beat.. I dont know
how many boxes we went through and sorted out.. I have
a set of my mothers china..Noritake, just beautiful.. I will
never use it again..Its quite expensive..I may put an ad on
ebay or somewhere..to replace even just a small plate
costs quite alot..Many people need perhaps just a few
pieces to complete their sets again.. I cant see in the near
or distant future that I will use it.. I cant put it in the micro
as it has silver around the edge..i have another set, its
all white..I dont expect a ton of company. I may as well go
through all this and what I am not going to put out or in its
own place can go back down the basement and sold at a
yard sale ... I would like to find someone that would really
appreciate my cookie jar..was my mothers..and its so cute.
I saw it on Antiques Roadshow..Shes called Winnie The Pig,
I have the matching salt and pepper shakers that look like 2
little pigs.. but they are still packed up down the basement.
I would like to sell mine..I have no one to leave her to that
would appreciate the fact that it was my mothers, then mine,
so a collector would appreciate her.

My mother and Aunt Ethel..back when I was very young, I
dont ever remember any other cookie jar, they each got
one..my Aunt got the boy pig, no s & p set tho..and my
mother got Winnie..All these years these pigs have made
it.. My Aunt has since passed away and her grandson, well
my cousin Bobby, said he has her pig cookie jar, he sure
likes it.. Mine is prettier tho. lol No..the boy is cute. :-)

They hold alot you can see by the side view of her..It was
kind of fun, AND hard work, to go through and see all these
things again..They all were up on top my cabinets at the
apartment and I could only see them from a distance..All
my tea pots n old milk bottles from home..The Iron River
Dairy .. I had a friend in school named Susie.. she lived
on a farm out in the country and every morning before she left
for school she had to help her dad and sisters deliver milk to
everyone.. That was when it was delivered to your door at
daybreak and there were cardboard covers and the tops of
the milk had cream on them.. I never did like milk..I still dont..
I had to drink a glass at every meal..RULES.. I hated milk tho..
It has to be ICE cold or it sticks right in my throat..If I eat dry
cereal like corn flakes or rice krispies..then I put a dribble of
milk on it..but cold cold.. My stomach I found out in later years
is not very good with dairy products..

My arms are sore.. from unwrapping all this newspaper and
reaching.. I am glad to say that my scorch is not too bad..Its
doing ok..its tender a little but I have to sit ..so its the under
part thats giving me fits..well not fits..but aggravation ..lol..I
PROMISE I will NEVER put another cup of coffee directly
in front of me..I had just even said to myself that that coffee
could be hotter than what it was, only a few sips before that.
so it was quite warm..but not HOT HOT...

The lady that filled in to deliver the lunch..oh I do have the guess
what it is lunches back.. came in and I knew her from before..she
raises german shepherd puppies that are just beautiful ..she
sells them as fast as they are born almost they are so wonderful..
huge animals..I love that kind of dog.. She commented on how
cute this place is..so cozy and inviting. I mentioned to her that
I would like to have a shepherd.. this small place I dont think it
would be big enough..she offered to train one for me..they do
that as well.. I saw 3 of her 5 week old puppies over at the apt.
she brought them for me to see.. I think I wrote about it..well..
they are just darling..and she is expecting more lol..she has a
kittie with 7 toes.. on its 2 front feet..dont see that very often..
She asked if I wanted a new baby..and I dont think I should.I
think 2 little boys here would be highly upset..They are both
fighting for attention..and each other.so a new baby I think
would really cause the 'fur to fly' so to speak..

Ive gotten some nice emails lately too..lol..thought I better say
that ..instead of whining about the ones I dont get.. I love email
to look every morning to see who's written or who has commented
here.. well I really appreciate that you let me know..If you dont
write and tell me how will I know? Gee.. I need to KNOW these
things !! lol..Anyway..thanks for the mail..and of course the phone
calls yes..from Australia lol..My dear friend Blue. I enjoy a nice
phone conversation ... I spend my days here usually in email..or
lately I have been listening to some great songs..I love music..
keeps these invisible feet tappin..Well - these invisible tappin
GORGEOUS weebles feet are headed to lay it down and see
how much tv I can watch before my eyes slam shut..lol..Not
long trust me.. I snuggle down in those pillows..get my blanket
pulled up..my pillows up under my arms along my sides..( holds
my arms up) and Im down for the count lol.. Nitey Nite..

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

~Peepin Kittie ~

As you can see Dutch likes looking out the windows..he was sitting
there watching the wind blow the leaves.. in that bush out there the
birds seem to like it alot.. and there are squirrels..big black ones..
I saw a gray one too..I wonder does he know what they are? lol..
he sits and watches for hours.LB does for a while.then he does a
few circles..and plops down and goes to sleep in the sun.. That
window faces west..so the hot afternoon sun comes in..and you
can see the sunsets some are just so beautiful. I might get a bird
feeder to put out there ..the boys would love watching that..look at
the little statue of a cat I have there on the window sill..I did NOT put
that cat facing out..lol..I have NO idea who did..I didnt notice that
until I saw this picture lol..kinda cute tho :-)

Dutch loved watching the birds at at the apartment..he would sit
for hours there too..I would put out bread for them so the boys
could watch them Sometimes the birds would sit along the fence
and like stare back at them sayin "neener neener ..look the kitties
cant get us " ..I know thats what they were thinking..You can see
how Dutch would get excited..see the ears down? he was really
gonna get him a bird.. he sure tried..

While Dutch was sitting there I happen to hear this loud SMACK!
then THUD..I look out..and there are 2 trucks out there..the one
ran into the back of the other. lol.. too much in a hurry .. I said the
other nite about there are accidents here all the time..well today
was another.. you can see water on the ground..where the 2nd
truck hit his radiator..lol.. the guy in the first truck got out and is
standing there just as he is going to look at he damage...lol..
Gee maybe I should set up a video thing just to record accidents
lol..hmmm.. as many as their are lol..Well this is proof positive
that there ARE accidents out there.. Remember this is thru the
screen sure makes the photos grainy..The 2 trucks are headed
north..the school bus is headed west.. give you some perspective
which way everything is.. lol.. see all the leaves on the ground...
just looks gold everywhere..even across the street on the other
side of the bus..poor trees sure are naked..bet theyre cold! :-)

I was going to paint today..and I decided not to..I really dont
know why other than to just not feel like doing too much of any
thing.. hmm i think thats just called LAZY lol.. :-) I will.. but I did
get a phone call today that made my day.. I was very pleased..
I had called United Way..about a ramp.. Well a lady phoned me
said a man from a local company was willing to donate his
services to build a ramp for me..and that Home Depot would
supply the wood.. NOW..its THAT GREAT???? I am SO happy.
I was really hopin..I dont really go out.. but I like the idea that
if and when I do..or NEED to ..I can.. Im really looking forward
to spring..maybe I can fix a nice flower bed..the space between
the house and garage is wide open..and very nice..raised beds
I could do lots there.. and really enjoy it..

On the west side of the house from the back corner is a fence.
stockade..the high wood kind..down below it inside..is a garden
that is triangular with the house. i could plant some morning
glories to climb that fence..I could see it thru the kitchen window
that would be so nice..Yard work is alot..and I am worried about
that a bit..and with the snow shoveling..I cant ask Donnie to come
over all the time and do this.. I wonder what other people do?
I should contact COA and see if they have some people that do
this to help out for a few dollars.. The yard here is very big..and
its so nice..some huge trees.. be lots of work..hmmm I need to
think about this..I wonder if I could drive a riding mower? I could
transfer over to it.. ..I am a terror in my power chair could you see
me out in a riding lawn mower? lol..I bet i would cut half the blocks
grass before I knew it ..they go fast lol..I heard a story a older man
lost his drivers license..so to go back and forth to the store he
would get on his riding mower and say he was cutting the grass
along the road..cuz its illegal to ride them on the roads lol.. On one
of his trips back from town.. he was already half drunk.. the path
he left was all zig zag lol...he made it home tho..the police made
him stop they caught on to him lol.. David got caught once with
his 3 wheeler on the streets in town..pushing it..and the cops
stopped him almost took that bike..it is not allowed..there are
so many 3 & 4 wheelers..in the summer up there and in the
winter its snow mobiles..

They have this snowmobile RUN..a bunch of them all enter into
a kind of contest..and they have to get these proofs that they
went to certain places on the route..well...ALL these places they
had to stop and get their tokens were BARS.. talk about a bunch
of toasted snow mobile people by the end of the race....and it
was amazing no one got hurt sometimes as wasted as some of
them were when they got back lol.. Some winter fun..

I have for the past few days been discussing this dev issue with
some dear friends..we all can talk openly about issues the devs
have.. and the ones the amps have.. Ive talked to amps and
devs both. I want to see all the sides besides my own ideas and
thoughts..which sometimes do over ride.. but I am open about it
and willing to try to find well not solutions..but maybe ways to just
let everyone know..HEY..it is OK to be WHO you are! no matter
what it is..why these labels they have to put on things ..every thing
HAS to have a name.. well me.. the name or label or what ever
you want ..the one I put on ..is FRIEND...and until its betrayed..
I can be the best one you have.. really .. :-) o k ok ONE of the
best ones you could have :-) everyone needs a GORGEOUS
weeble for a good friend :-)...well thats my story and Im stickin
to it.. now its time for a bedtime one for me.. Got a phone call
from my dear friend Blue ..hes doing well and preparing for
summer..amazing hes hot way down under there and we are
gettin ready to be snowed on lol..I still think its so great I can
talk to him and its a different day entirely down there lol.. I
found an Australian Christmas Song for him that I really have
enjoyed listening too..its so cute..called Six White Boomers.
great song.. I love music ... :-)

OK..Im done..time to watch some tv..and eat some of that
pumpkin bread Penny made for me.. is it good.. Penny lives
in a adult foster care facility and looks after the 5 ladies
that live there..she said she had to fight them off to keep my
bread safe lol.. I am SO glad she did cuz it is luscious !!
Nitey Nite..

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and Thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ***
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Monday, November 27, 2006

~Progress being Made~

Penny came by today and we got alot done. We are progressing
She went to the laundromat, It will be nice if and when I ever
get my own washer and dryer. Then she wont have to
lug clothes to the laundry..before, we, my ex and I, had ours,
that was the real time the fight was on as to who had to go to
the laundromat..we both ended up going together only
way to solve that problem..that way we got to keep each
other company..to sit and watch clothes go around for
an hour or 2 is not my idea of fun.. When I lived in Buffalo
there was a drop off laundromat and they would do your
clothes for you..I would take them before work or during
my break..and then pick them up after work..worked good.
I prefer my own anyway..you never know whats been in
those washers before you, although some places they do
take very good care of the machines.

Penny brought up some more things for here and we put
more things away and hung curtains and a couple of
things on the wall..a small mirror over by the desk and
picture..its gold frame is the same as what is around the
picture and looks really nice.. I forgot i had this shelf, I
was talking to Raife about a shelf to display my tea pot
collection and showed him a shelf at a ebay store..I just
happened to think of this one I have.but its wood..color..
lol..I have the white paint..i will just paint it white..put it
well Donnie will put it.hopefully above my table and most
of my teapots should fit on it.. I hope anyway. Painting
it white will really look nice against the blue.. Its so hard
to try to help Penny do these things Im more in the way
than not.. This chair takes up so much room, and when we
are both trying to move around and do stuff shes very
lucky I dont get her toes.. Its funny Dutch knows he can
go thru under my chair..If and when I ever get my power
chair up and running he will probly try to do it on that one
again..He did a quick fast back up before when he saw
that big battery in the way to go through.. he learns fast..

My stump is ok..its red and tender..moreso under neath
where my stump was on the soaked cushion and I just
had to sit..cuz I was here at my desk..I tried to go as fast
as I could to the bathroom to get off the hot cushion and
get my drenched skirt off too..Was a mad rush..then had
to streak thru the house naked cuz all my clothes were
in the bedroom lol. I look at the floors speaking of
streaking..ya..There are so many chips of paint on the floor
in these doorways its funny..and all from me running into
them and chipping off that old dry paint ..comes off really
easy..just a light touch will do it.. Its a daily job to pick up
those paint wall chippies.. My own fault I make my own
messes.. then have to clean them up..Sometimes I just
cant help running into them. My poor knuckes steady have
the hide scraped or ripped off lol..The joys of a chair..

Penny brought a loaf of pumpkin bread she made for me..
its barbaric..but its from a BOX!!! lol.. its good I dont care
where its from lol..I know ..just what I need ..make this chair
shrink even faster..Well I figgure this way.. I enjoy this stuff..I
dont really have a WHOLE lot of joys..you know? so Food is
a biggie..if you can eat what you like then do it I say..lol If I
gain 50 pounds..I would not be happy..but I would still have
enjoyed gaining it LOL then I can have the fun of getting rid
of it..which sure aint easy and I SURE dont wanna lose any
more like I have been doing..thats for sure..NOT that way..

I still worry that something will go wrong..even though I know
its ok..I am waiting for a call about my power chair..they are
taking their sweet time..no news on a ramp either..I can wait
on a ramp..but I will eventually need one.. I just have NO idea
where or how to get one.. I know I cant build it myself..so I
honestly dont know what to do..these places arent helping
me like the commission on aging or the community action
agency- well neither is the United Way..I even called them!!
I dont know.. Maybe Santa will bring me one since it is on
my wish list..so hopefully.. . .I would like to be able to get
out if I have to..with out being carried.. Seems my prince
is just so lost he will never find me ..so..I better make camp
here and wait for the guy lol.. ya.. like im sure hes comin..

Well I am tired..its looking so good in here..really nice and
homey..wait till Dawn sees it..she will like it.. the dark blue
and white with the yellow is great..just cant find daiseys in
the winter time tho lol.. ratz.. Time to go watch my show. I
think its on tonite..Prison Break..boy that brother with the
tats..M M M..what a doll..those eyes will make ya melt..
Nitey Nite! :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya and thanks bunches!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Sunday, November 26, 2006

~I Got Scorched~

Lazy day, my right stump did get scorched a bit..ok..ok quite a bit..
lol...Its red and tender but not bad..I will survive..lol... It is making it
hard to sit comfy today as it got down under as well into the cushion
which got the underside of my stump ..thats where it really is sore..I
have to use a mirror to see it..Its ok..not to worry. The joys of being a
clutz...i'm very good at that you know..if you dont..then you havent
been reading lol...

I have been told by a few that the photos here are small.Thats because
blogger only lets us put in 50 kbs or lower photos.. Ive put some a tad
bigger but they do something to them I dont know. These 2 photos here,
I have them bigger..they arent the best, but if you want them in bigger..
send me a mail and I will send them to you. Ive been playing with my
cam as thats what I use to take my photos..you know..this is NOT easy to
take them of yourself lol..Its hard to set the focus up and you look at the
carpet under my wheels..you can see how farthey sink down, so going
back and forth..its not easy lol...

Looking at these photos you can see my living room is not
very wide..it looks narrow..it is a tad bigger than it really
looks Im not up close to my desk either.. With the window
right behind me I look like I glow lol.. Well GORGEOUS
people do glow dont they ? lol..You KNEW I would say
that lol.. But right there is where I am most of the day, I
have little groovies in the carpet already from parking in the
same spot every time lol.. And DONT look at my messy desk.
I really try to keep it straight..

Today, its Sunday..I got on that Do Not Call list 3 months ago?
well I got a call today about credit card debts..I dont have a
credit card...its maybe a good thing I dont! No sometimes I do
wish I had one because I shop online..and lots of places wont
take paypal..so Im very limited..I like that cuz its taken right out
and I dont get a bill later then have to pay it..I did have 2 credit
cards that I got in MY name from EDS.. ya..the Ross Pierot
company..Great company to work for..I got some wonderful
benefits..Well my ex decided to charge up the cards while I
was in and out of hospital and crazy, they were only in my name,
so naturally I am . was responsible for them..just like I am a
old phone bill from 4 years ago that I didnt make the calls..I
had a caregiver when I first moved into the other apartment,
she left a boyfriend..out west..she made almost $500.oo worth
of phone calls..then left.. My phone.. my credit cards..my debt..
and ON my credit history. I'm responsible..my ex is in Mexico,
and he sure wont pay them.

This telemarketer actually called me 5 times..I hit the 1 to talk
to a person..this man came on, I told him I was on the do not call
list..he said if you were we would not call you.. so.. I got mouthy of
course and told him I was on the list and he better not phone again
and I was filing a complaint. he kept on and on.. 5 times this jerk
phoned.. So I call the do not call place..they say you need to get the
name and phone number of these places.. well I didnt hear it.. so Im
going to re register again..It doesnt work.. I called the operator too..
and on a sunday? sheesh.. I am so sick of them ..why do these
marketers think anyone would be stupid enough to agree to some
thing they sell or want to give you over the phone anyway? I dunno..
I check online for stuff.. Anyway this man keeps calling me..doesnt
say a thing..and when I say hello.all i hear is beeping. this started at
3 ..and every 10 minutes my phone is ringing..its got to be that
person.. what a jerk...

I had to write replys to those 2 letters today, very hard to do..I was
sad, mad, hurt, yet, I did understand.. I can see all the sides.. I was
told a few times I am too logical.. which I dont think so.. I just take
everything into consideration- go from there.. This is their decision
not mine..so there is really nothing I can do about it..Sure I can be
and am upset about it..but..well.. Its the same as everything else..I
have to keep rolling on, the places they took up in my heart will be
there, waiting..but if not..I have put some good memories there..Life
goes on, and none of it is easy.. just pull up your pant legs..and step
over the crap..for me..I'll grease my wheels and just ROLL on thru..
what else ya gonna do? lol...:-)

I made a nice crock pot of ham and beans today, I love that.. I wish
I had my book so I knew how to operate my combo oven..so I could
make some corn bread..I have to admit..while i was going thru the
beans and cutting the onion and ham..I thought of Willie..my 2nd
hubby..He was from down south..raised in Florida..real southern
boy.. he LOVED beans and corn bread..collards and fried chicken
buscuits and gravy..all that good stuff . When I put that on the table
you could almost see the sparks fly lol. So Im off to try those beans.
no cornbread...but oh well.. still be good.. even better tomorrow..
Nitey Nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one Y'hear ? luv ya..and thanks..
Always, Lois ***

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I did a major no no this morning.. I had just gotten a cup of coffee,
it was sitting here in front of me while I looked at my email .. I had
taken a sip, and thought to myself that perhaps I would see about
getting a brand new one as this really wasnt hot hot coffee.. I set
the cup back down, between me and the keyboard, arm on each
side..ive done this before.. I went to reach for the cup to take
another drink and didnt raise my hand up high enough, and hit the
cup of coffee knocking it over onto the desk and into my lap. It
wasnt HOT HOT..I did have to stop for a minute as it did take my
breathe away, it had gotten mostly on my left stump..between my
legs,and part of the left and of course my stomach..my cushion
is still soaked..I had my skirt on and it was dripping wet. it ALL
went on me, not a drop even got on the floor. If it had been hotter
I could be in very serious trouble..thankfully Im not. my right stump
and of course my belly are red..the left is a little but not bad..it did
a direct hit on the right.its tender.my poor cushion will never dry.lol

Ive been having some serious conversations about the Dev issue....
which to me should not be, but it really is. It does affect so many that
arent even aware of it.. I have a friend said " I am going to quit being
a dev" Honey, you cant.. . . . just sit back and enjoy the ride...lol.. In
the past few days, why I have no idea..but 2 dear friends..have said
they have to 'back away, then its the "its not you, its me" No..that is
NOT so! it is ME as well..it affects me..it makes me feel bad .. I have
feelings too.. Why do I have to be left out because of who and what I
am... Yet..I can understand..especially if the dev is married. . what I
think many dont see,, is that I am NOT a threat..to anyone..no.. I
could be friends with a Devs wife..IF she would let me! I would try
to help her to understand..to try to explain that its the same sort of
thing as being intrigued by horses or women with other good body
attributes..or any kind of thing that YOU are interested in..

Maybe since I am new at being a DAK, well its only 5 yrs..thats still
new...I can see both sides. a wife, or husband would feel threatened
by anything that took any kind of attention away from them. I think
so.. I mean my ex and his hunting drove me NUTZ . He had to have
ALL his camo clothes the same material now..ALL had to match
from his pillow he sat on to the cap on top his head....like you KNOW
the deer fashion police will get you lol...its the same thing..and
MONEY? wow..THAT is a VERY VERY expensive habit..specially
when you have to have a gun for every kind of season, small arms,
shotgun, rife, blackpowder and of course his favorite BOW hunting.
So whats the difference? A man, or woman even, collects photos of
amputee women? I see no difference my ex could sit and watch
hunting videos for hours..we didnt have a computer but his mom
did and she put a hunting thing on for him well guess where he
stayed when we went over there? see what I mean?

This does bother me though and I really try hard to explain it..and I
try hard to understand it .. I get so MAD sometimes..and I try very
hard not to..and see both sides of why some people do this.. I dont
think that it will ever be resolved..because we are all so different..
and there are good and bad in everything.. Im not saying my friends
decisions are bad ones..by no means..This is what they felt they had
to do..only THEY know what is best for them..Best for me..would be
to not lose them.but..well..this is NOT my doing.its theirs..and their
choice and their loss.. Heyyyy Im GORGEOUS here.. *wink* lol

After slopping coffee all over me, I got up at 5:30..every day this
week I have been getting up before the birds...I went and crawled
up on my bed and took a long nap..slept from about 930 to 1 ..and
sound asleep..woke up with the boys right next to me, so i really
didnt do alot today other than try to figure some peoples kids out
lol. People are just people..gotta luv em.. some I could just SMACK!
but..well...I am always here..and I dont hide..my mail is posted..so..
I can be reached anytime. :-) I hope they keep in touch.. I did get
a post from a dear sweet friend in Chicago..was so very nice to hear
from him again it has been a long time. hes been missed was so nice
to know all is well by him..dear man, and I was pleased he left a
comment..see? its easy to stay in touch with me lol...NOT that IM
easy now lol.. I have a nice pumpkin doughnut out in the kitchen
with my name on it.. I keep ice tea in the fridge (can) and I put it
into a cup, warm it..and have HOT tea! easy..no sloppy tea bags lol.
and with a doughnut, works for me!
Hope I didnt rag but well .. i get in these snits..so bare with me :-)
and its an interresting subject.. . . dont ya think?
Nitey Nite :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Friday, November 24, 2006

~My Boys Fight~

My boys have been fighting really alot lately..I- myself- with my
degree in animal psychology, think- new house.Dutch feels he
can be boss ..well LittleBoy is NOT hearing it..HE is the Big
Kahuna (boss) around here. LB gets so mad when Dutch
shows his butt.. and lets him know it real fast..Today..they just
kept on..you will see ahead lol.. :-) they had a fight...Dutch was
being a pest..LB was gettin mad...

LB is on guard, he is ready to take on Dutch's challenge,
I can almost hear him say "come on little brother, lets see
what you got " If this was video..LB's tail is twitching back
and forth and hes slowly taking steps towards Dutch..

Look at how mad LittleBoy is..you can see it in his face..his
foot is up and he is ready to strike out and just slap the CRAP
otta Dutch.. LB is sayin.."lets do it...come onnnnn ... "

Notice LB's ears, his back is this way, his tail is twitching
so fast it isnt even showing up..Dutch has backed up..and
not taking his eyes off LB...The old man is angry with the boy.
I know LB is thinking 'Time to teach this kid a lesson'...he's
ready to pounce...

See them circle..they went round and round..look at LB's
ears..flat on his head ..Dutch is headed towards the bedroom,
he always hides in there..lol you know hes thinkin 'boy i'm
in CRAP now- I done pissed off the old man' lol.. :-)

They both want to slap each other so hard..During all this
LB is growling sort of..I could hear him , sort of like under
his breathe..as a warning hes mad...lol..My boys are
armed..they have their claws..I wont, dont, and cant do
that to an animal take their claws..you can teach them not
to claw the furniture, get them toys dont take their only defense.
They need them, just like we need ours..can you imagine not
having nails and a itch? ohhh no..well.. when my back itches
tho..I cant reach it..i have this LONG LONG knitting needle..and
it works really good..worked good too when I had that cast on
when I broke my right ankle.. that needle came in handy..still does.
anyway, my boys got their claws..now they are missing their little
furry padoobies.. I did have them neutered..I cried..when I saw LB
with out his pretty little furries when he'd strut through the room.
I felt so bad..but well to stop him from spraying ..It was best..still
has NOT curbed his DESIRE!! thats why he drags that bloomin
meowmeow stuffed cat around lol Ya! hes neutered I dont think it
took or something . :-)

This is like a stand off postion..LB says " ok 1 more time and
Im gonna hurt you kid " look at Dutch...like neener neener..

Thats the goodie photo..LB reaches out, slaps Dutch so hard,
hes up on his HIND legs and going to pounce..look at his paw,
the fingers are stretched out..his tail is a blur its goin so fast.Dutch
has his foot up ready to block lol..Dutch is mad but scared..see
his ears are down now? This went on for quite a while..they
jump down run to the bedroom then around into the bathroom
Im glad they still have room to run..they need the exercise..I
think if Dutch couldnt run and burn off some of his energy he
would explode lol..

I didnt do too much of anything to day..other than play with the cats
and of course take those pictures of them ..I like doing that..Dutch is
such a ham..Penny commented on how nice the wall looked and the
desk..D & D really like it..everyone says, they like it ..that its homey
and cozy,, warm welcome feeling..well for Donald to sit for longer
than 15 minutes ..he is comfy here..at the apt he used to pace, and
very seldom sat down.. only stayed but a few minutes..now he stays
and talks for awhile. and of course i just HATE that!! .lol..he and
Dawn are 2 of the finest ..I just cant say enough or give them all
the credit they are due for all they do for me.

I was feeling a little down in the dumps a bit ..a few days ago I wrote
about friends that stop contact for one reason or another for them
selves and I am not given privy to know why they stopped contact,
I heard from one of a few of these people..just out of the clear blue
there was a letter there in my email..saying i was missed and
thought about.but they felt guilty because of their feelings of being
attracted to someone with a disability namely a dak..I didnt know
really what to say but what I did say was I felt bad..that because
they felt this attraction to me they could not be my friend..and felt
they had to stay away because I stirred feelings they maybe didnt
want or i made them uncomfortable..I can still be a friend cant I?
Cant I be seen as just a woman.. a person..THEN as a woman with
out legs.. I dont know..I try hard to understand this.why a person
feels guilty about any attraction they feel no matter what its to.a
person, place OR thing..its an honest feeling.. I try hard to under
stand it.really..and I do feel bad that because someone does feel an
attraction to me or any woman ..or man for that matter, that has a
physically impairment that it would make someone feel guilty
because of inner feelings.. I dont know..but I feel bad that there is
any kind of guilt feelings when those feelings can make someone else
feel so good..and wanted and NOT a person with a physical
impairment... But until they can come to grips with this guilt..or bad
feelings..theres nothing anyone can do..its up to them to fix that
problem since thats how they see it..I have a problem..well you see.I
FIX it lol..at least sure try, i sure let everyone know when I have
one too!! And isnt just being a friend and there- the most important?
Thats ALL i ask anyone to be. . . . :-)

I will be really glad when they get my power chair or get this floor
fixed. my arms are about to fall off today maybe cuz I was stretching
so much yesterday to paint the kitchen wall in those 2 spots .and
then tried to pound that flippin ,droppin nail in the wall.. Dawn
laughed so hard when I described me trying to pound that nail in..I
do now too!! i sure didnt then! I'll figure out a way to do something if
I want it done bad enough lol..

Right now I'm figuring if I want to and eat leftover dinners..or eat a
pumpkin doughnut Penny got at the store for me..Penny brought
a great dinner over too.had 2 pieces of THE most wonderful pumpkin
pie.... I mean good ..when she went to the store for me she got some
pumpkin doughnuts.Im anxious to try one.Im all clean and ready for
the week end, got some supplies..ice tea and coffee and doughnuts
hey.I'm set I may initiate the house this week end too and make my
fries n gravy lol.. Im still counting my blessings..:-) Nitey Nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya and thanks ..
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Thursday, November 23, 2006

~Happy Thanksgiving~

Todays weather update... lol.. FOG! Never know what your
gonna see when you look out your window hey? Even headlights.
these were taken at 8:38 this morning..AND...know what??? I
woke up happy..I DID~!!!! :-) hey..thats good.. I got some of the
nicest Thanksgiving letters in my email this morning with some
of the most wonderfully kind words..just almost made me cry,
all the kind things said to me.. to know that I am admired for having
strength and honesty and for all I write here. Means alot to me,
and to know I could encourage someone else ..well I am really
glad that I do..Then I AM doing something arent I? :-) Not just
rolling around in here knocking the paint off the door facings,
and painting what is NOT ment to be painted.... lol

I painted my wall in the kitchen I put the photo there as proof I
DID IT ..finally.. and well..Ya, I got paint on me, the floor and did
you know those roller thingies the paint goes up inside, then they
drip? lol..hey! Ive never painted with rollers before..I used brushes,
I wasnt allowed dangerous stuff like that..lol..I got some on my
tablecloth, and on even the white trim..but this paint is washable..
just wipe it up..THANK GOD!!!

See my hands ? I did not wash it just so I could tell on myself lol..

Hey ..the wall looks good..and I did it all my own self lol..

This wasnt easy.believe me.. but I like the blue. That wall looks
nice, but it still needs something else,, I dont know what..But it has
to have daisies..white ones with the bright yellow centers..I put that
old bird cage stand in the kitchen and put a plant in it..No..not real
silk.. I cant have real plants.My son does NOT allow me to have
real plants.. I tried..no no..as the boy grew..he found there is DIRT
in a REAL plant.. Many times I had to drag him out of my ivy,
thinking he was hiding. Even if its hanging in the birdcage stand..
he WILL try to get it.. I had to pull him out of that even..he had jumped
from the dining room table up into it.. Hes bad...lol.. so I have
just learned what is allowable around this cat..These 2 are so
different its amazing.They have been fighting quite alot lately that I
have had to yell at them to break it up.. The comparison to children
children is astounding..I get busy..and they want attention they
know exactly what to do..Both will get in front of my monitor and
walk back and forth..Dutch found out since I have this new slim
one that now he can walk all the way around it..so when he decides
its time for attention he goes round and round. till I yell at him to
"GET OFF!!!" then he DOES run lol..Kids..

I did get alot done though..look at my desk and the wall above the
chair..Do you have any idea how hard it was to pound that nail in
to hang that bloody picture there above the desk? well..let me see.
I tried from front of the desk, then I tried from the side, then I tried
at an angle..THEN I had to figure out a way to hold the stinkin nail
AND pound it in at the same time all stretched out from my chair!
I bet I dropped that nail 6 times..now this is holding on to the nail
with my grabber..so I take the grabber, look at it.. and realize..hmmm
im holding this really hard, well so I wouldnt drop the nail yes? well
also the stupid thing wouldnt pound into the wall I was holding it so
tight!!! I couldnt hit it that hard now, so..anyway, I get it in..and I lift
the picture up and the nail falls out..this is a sheet rock wall, the
studs are not even..well I had to do another nail.DO NOT LOOK
behind the picture lol..:-) anyway theres the proof the picture is hung,
I hung my clock above the chair, and even my burgundy candles
in their brass candleholders are all lined up on the desk as well..I
kinda didnt like that picture and I hadnt planned on my candles there,
but they look kinda nice.. so maybe for a while I will keep them there
until I see what I can get for over by the mirror..that wall is next its
just BARE..lol..So ok..I get a pat on the back now and a nice Atta Girl,
I worked hard today.. :-)

I think I may have to put risers under the legs on my bed..lol.. well
its kinda hard to drag my butt up and back into my chair.. its not
a huge distance, maybe a few inches..but when you wake up and
have to make a potty call or just get up in the morning..well me,
for one,, Im not at my strongest you know? so this GORGEOUS
weeble butt kinda DRAGS..lol..even though its not much..it really
is when you have to pull backwards..thats how I do it anyway..I
honestly dont know how other amps do their getting into bed etc.
I made up my own way..No one honestly really ever told me OR
showed me how to do what I had to do..They did teach me how
to use the board, to safely transfer out of the bed using it..which
I dont..I only use the board to transfer into a car..not in here..But
I taught myself really...specially the pottying part..I guess being a
sak first for almost a year..that when I became a dak I knew how
to maneuver in the bathroom..well..I just made up what was easy
and safe for me.. I saw a dak young woman fall when she was in
the bathroom, even before I lost my legs..I was in rehab in Indiana,
and there were 4 daks there..The one girl..young..only 20's..a real
sweetie..fell..she was trying to turn I guess .. but she got stuck
between the toilet and the wall..AND got hurt.. so no ..I am NOT
turning ..no.. who said the rules were you cant sit facing the back
anyway? I havent seen them lol.. :-)

My Dolly brought a dinner to me.. talk about good..wow..I mean..
Dawn did good today.. Then later..Penny came by with dinner!
IT was excellent..I LOVE pumpkin pie..that is my VERY BEST
FAVORITE.. ..well I like blueberry and lemon too..no its my fav.
lol..I LOVE pumpkin bread too..MMM.. well now im on food..
why is it when you write about food you get hungry or even talk
about it.. I talk on voice with my Dear English friend with the
wonderful accent or Blue..and food is talked about I get hungry!
amazing.. I think though that is a subject that ANY age grouping
can always talk about..brings everyone into a conversation lol
specially women with recipes..Although I do know some men
that are EXCELLENT cooks that really like getting good recipes.
Men make wonderful cooks I think because they are more avid
eaters than women, not that they enjoy it more..but they are more
seen showing their big appetites... I see these women that are
cooking.. like this Rachel Rae, shes so pretty, lots of teeth..and
talks very fast while she cooks..then flips her long hair around,
and looks anorexic..she must not eat all this food she prepares!
There is another one that does a show that is just SO pretty..some
bash (party) dinners..she is SUPER skinny. I watch that Emeril..
too.. all these cooking shows make all this elaborate stuff that I
dont keep in my fridge !!! lol..But I do like the food shows tho..I
like the ones where they travel around going to restaurants and
small cafes..or recommended places in small towns.I enjoy
that, and THOSE places are where you get the GREAT full bodied
meal..not one that should be up in a frame on the wall. lol.. I like
fancy yes..but..I like plain and GOOD and lots of it.. lol..But then
dont we all..in no matter WHAT it is lol...

Well Happy Thanksgiving..I am not done counting my blessings
and I know I will not have a day that I dont have at least one..I have
my boys..thats a daily one..so is my computer..and most of all
ALL my dear friends that live here in this machine..that I can visit
with every day, that write or tell me all those sweet kind things..
Blessings never end.. :-) and this GORGEOUS weeble has
Many,Many blessings..Nitey Nite..:-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks bunches :-)
Always, Lois****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


We have frosting out side this morning..and it was only 25
degrees..or -2 C. Thats what I call when the ground is all white
and sparkly in the sun as it comes up..the trees, ground all the
rooftops..its really kinda pretty. Any live flowers still going like mums
I bet bit the dust though..thats not real warm..I took the 2 photos,
I wish that screen wasnt there..thats what makes the picture grainy,
the windows are painted shut on the inside here.. I wish they could be
opened, but I think that would be a big job. there are 2 windows in
every room so..only 8 in this house. I think once the windows
are covered right..and sealed it will nothing to heat these 4 little
rooms..There should be some sort of weatherization program ..
My friend Gray informed me on that..So I will make some phone
calls about that.. I dont mind doing what ever I have to do to
get what I really need.. Im not one to take something or do some
thing that wont benefit me just for the sake of taking or because
its free.. If I dont need it..well I wont take it..let those that DO need
what ever it is get it..Look at the ground and you can just see the
frost that was out there, I wish you could see the sparkles. This
is just a light frost..

I know I sure am ready to get my power chair up and running. This
carpet is killer..I dont know when they plan to get the runners..but
as thick as this carpet is..I dont know if that would work either..I
think the bare floor is best..Only ones walk around here in their
bare feet are the boys..and I dont think cats notice if their feet are
warm or not.. Funny. I dont have feet, legs..and they have never
seen me with any..but when someone comes here? LB is bad
about rubbing on their legs..or sticking his head in their shoes if
they take them off..He loves feet..lol..My sister in the summer time
wears these open toed sandals..LB sees her toes..and he takes
his little cold wet nose and tries to push it between her toes..drove
her NUTZ lol...he wouldnt stop..she laughed..she doesnt wear
sandals here much tho anymore either.. Stanley,,, well hes not
the greatest animal lover..he Tolerates them ..my cats especially,
he knows he has NO choice and better be nice or my sister will
RAG on him ALL the way home lol.. he did once..made the mistake
of picking Dutch up by his tail!!! I came unglued.. He was very
small..but still.. I got so mad.. I locked both cats up and told Stanley
I was protecting HIM...he mess with my boys again he was in
big trouble.. I could hear my sis just giving him all kinds of crap
about "WHY did you TOUCH that CAT! , you KNOW how she feels
about them STANLEY!!!" lol..Its funny now, back then, I was mad..
BUT I KNOW he heard it all the way home as well lol..tell him
Shirley lol... ;-)

She and I are really surprised how much we are alike even though
we hadnt been raised together and didnt meet until we were in
out 30's.. She loves to sew and craft..I do too..we are both very
accomplished seamstresses..we each have our own style you
could tell whos work is whos, we are both creative..and neither
of us..take CRAP..Ask the utility people in Elkhart..lol They knew
us both, specially the phone company for awhile it was bad..

I had to call about the bad way they installed my phone..I was
really mad,they said I should have watched the installer to make
sure he put that box thingie where I wanted..Ok..that was MY job?
no I dont think so..but the thing was..what made me so mad..is
this moron put that box thingie so I couldnt close my basement
door !!! now? HE didnt know enough to NOT put it there? Well
I called and this lady I talked to .was in the local office.. My sister
happened to be in there at the same time and this lady says..
"Some customers are just SO hard to please..never satisfied"
my sister could see the screen on her monitor,, saw it was ME,
her sister, this clerk person was talking about ..lol yeahhh.. My
sis says .."I hate to tell you this.but you should not be talking
about customers like that to another customer especially when
the one you are complaining about is my sister... " the woman
looks at Shirley , turned 4 shades or red and blue , excused
herself and left, another lady came and finished helping my
sister..LOL.. True story..lol..She is just like me..People need
to do their jobs..and do them right..and she is the same as
me with the "HEY..lets do this NOW" shes good.. I would put
her photo here but I didnt ask her..but i will, shes a good
sister..very good..I would be lost with out her ..Shes the one
stuck with me those 2 years of hell..came every week end, even
when I didnt know it or remember it.. she was there..shes one
of my blessings.. I may have them all named by tomorrow..I
dont know..im close but they dont stop..so I guess I cant name
them all can I? :-)

I made some killer sauce yesterday, like a spaghetti sauce, then
cooked it on low..its so nice at my little lower work area there in
the kitchen! Its not bad at all...My wheelchair fits up under close
to the table..and I dont have the pan in my face.. Today I added
elbow macaroni and corn to the sauce and cooked it for a
few more hours and made like a goulash.. its very good. Penny
was here today..let me tell you is my house getting cute.the kitchen?
I first saw that deep dark royal blue I said OMG..what the....and I
did NOT like it.. NOW? I do..lol...the darkness of the walls..the bright
white of the trim, doors and cabinet, windows..then I have the
yellow..bright yellow, curtains are small yellow and white gingham
check. . cute? yeahhh it is.. I happened to have a little thingie of
silk flowers of daiseys..one of my favorite flowers.. I had so many in
my garden..all heights.. I put those in a white vase, then I put the
same material table cloth on the table..I found a picture thats blue,
with daiseys..hung it above the table, you see.. Now..DONT look
at the white line still there lol..well I just didnt want to tackle the
paint thing again..but I will tomorrow..so look at that photo and then
you can see one tomorrow where the line is gone..just to prove
that I did DO it!!! lol.. well what im gonna DO now is get some
goulash , find my bed, and say Nitey Nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

~Not A Good Start~

I got up this morning and got my little cup at a time coffee
brewer ready, poured the water in, put in the coffee, closed
the lid....turned it on..and rolled over to feed the boys that
were doing circles in front of their empty dishes..They are
eating alot lately.they HAVE to have food first, after I put
their dish down, .well I turn around to wait for the cup of
coffee to finish and I hadnt put the cup under the dripper
thing and the coffee was going all over the table..and the
floor and just every where!!! I grabbed a towel and sat
for a minute and SERIOUSLY considered going back to
bed.. If this was a sign of what was ahead today ..hmmm..
i dunno.. I thought twice let me tell ya.. but can you believe
it? I didnt put the cup under? DUH!!! Bad Start! :-)

I honestly didnt do a whole lot today, I tried to empty some
boxes and just was moving stuff from one place to the
other and nothing where it should be.. I was just re arranging
clutter lol. I did clear off the little table next to my desk so I
can hook my 3 in 1 back up and scan some photos so I can
have some more stuff to write about lol.. Like I dont have
enough already lol.. I did make a big pot of spaghetti sauce
though..It smells so good in here..I have it in my wonderful
crock pot..I use that thing so much..its really handy..its one
of those double kind thats easier to clean, just take the
bowl out..and wash that..lots easier..I did try out my new hot
plate today , to brown the ground meat ..it worked pretty
good..I think it would have cooked better if the bottom of my
pan was flat lol.. well its old and I leaned over and looked at
it and only the very center is sitting on the burner lol.I think I
could use some new ones..I'll make some angel hair pasta.
I love that its my favorite.. :-) i keep on like this and all that
weight I lost will find me if im not careful lol...

I got a call from Que today from the Shelter, she informed me
that my rent will be 60.oo a month. It is half what my rent was
at the other place, so it works out where I am really about the
same level..as my gas will be 55 a month.. I will be the same.
which is fine, it was a no frills but I made it ..I was so worried
that It would be even more..which then it would make it hard..
They give me food stamps..which i deeply appreciate, but they
make no allowance for the dry products..i mean like paper stuff
or cleaning supplies, laundry, or personal care items..it has to
be paid by cash..I wish they would have a little allowance for it
it sure would help.. I know just not getting that little box of free
food a month makes a big difference...every little thing helps
when your budget is tight.. I am just glad I wont really feel any
financial difference, to stay the same, not worse is all I ask.
sure a raise would be nice..but..well this is just fine!!!

Que said that she may be able to get a grant for me to be
able to get a ramp built..It doesnt bother me I cant go out. I
could go out before and didnt.. I will admit..while I was in the
shelter there were some times I did enjoy going out..specially
to eat..I did enjoy that. but I didnt go out before..I can surely
stand it now.. I did get my lunches re delivered from COA..
those wonderful ones that are "guess what it is" no- Im grateful
to have them, and I shouldnt complain when things are given
to me for nothing.. I just feel that they could make their lunches
a little more appetizing..to look at a container and the food in
it looks like its already been eaten..well. I just cant eat it..Then
when Dutch smells it. and tries to bury it? no .. I wont even try
to taste it.. Dutch is a good judge..that cat tastes EVERY
thing I eat..he has to have a bite or two.. LB? naaa he doesnt
care..he will come up and smell it. look at it..and slowly walk
away after giving me a 'you expect ME to eat THAT?' look..
hes fussy but ..he DOES like raw coffee grounds.. every other
morning or so..he will get up on the arm of my chair telling me
he needs a taste of coffee.. I put some in a spoon and he licks
it off .. We're weird here..but happy lol..

I seem to put more photos of Dutch here than LB..which is not
intentional..its just that HE gets in the picture when I take them
of something else.. I wanted to show you a beautiful face..LB
is such a love.. hes a wonderful cat..so easy going..but get him
riled, and wound up..or Touch his girl friend or Dutch..well hes
a cat of a different color then..very protective.. I woke up with
all 3 of them by me this morning and of course I reach out to
see who all is on the bed..naturally I feel meowmeow first..
ICK..I hate when I do that.. I try VERY hard NOT to touch that
stuffed cat any other place but the very end of its tail lol.. :-)

Penny comes tomorrow so we will get some more work done.
shes really good and very eager to help me with what ever I
need.. I like her..so do the boys..they wait for her now..sit by
the door..Did you know cats are almost better watchdogs than
dogs? They dont bark..but they will stare at the door or go up
to it and sit there waiting.. I would faint if they barked lol.. But
with us..well anything is possible in this weebles house lol..

Time to log off and see what is on the tube and finish doing up
my living room...Its a mess from moving stuff back and forth and
not accomplishing anything lol..im good at that, one of these
days I WILL get this all done lol..just a matter of time.. time to
say . Nitey nite :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Monday, November 20, 2006

~Butterfly Birthmark~

I put that, not really great, photo of me up there so you could
really see my birthmark and why I have the name ButterflyLois.
You can see the shape of it..It is almost a perfect one.. Over
there on the right - you see a thingie says my stories..in there
is the one about how I got my name. the stories are on my
bravenet site. Get a chance ..read it.. its true. Most of my photos
dont really show my birthmark as clearly, if I put make up on it
I can hide it quite well, the butterfly is very obvious as you can
see..it makes me very different, and now being a dak I am for
sure VERY different..a GORGEOUS weebly butterfly dak :-)
My hair is sure getting long!!!

I met some people when I went down to the bayous of Louisiana
for a wedding and some people there thought it was just wonderful
and would you believe they wanted to color it in like it was real?
One said they wouldnt mind having one of their own.. I know growing
up with this on your face was NOT an easy thing..children are so
honest and straight to the point, I dont think they really intentionally
would hurt me..but you know how kids are sometimes. Ive been
very self conscious about it all my life, since my dads reason for
it when I was very young that helped me like it...and accept it..

I think with that stigma that ive had to deal with made me even
more prone to stares or looks. And now being in this chair well
I get even more looks..everyone looks at someone in a chair..
I do..I always wait to catch the persons eye..and smile..just to
let them know its ok, that they are who they are..Sometimes I
have noticed looks on some faces, and I can see the questions..
'wonder what happened' or 'I bet shes a diabetic'.. i have
done the same thing..it doesnt bother me at all..I look back and
smile and if they hold my gaze then I will speak to them..Id
rather sit in a room full of people, like a waiting room, and talk
to everyone than just sit there and twiddle my thumbs waiting for
a chance to go back and wait some more !!! These waiting rooms
just gripe me..I have YET to go into one where they have a spot
already prepared for a wheelchair..when I go to my dr. they have
no spot for one AND when I go into the back part there isnt any
back there either and I have to wait in the hall for them to drag
the stuff out so I can fit in..wheelchairs take up alot of room...

I made a couple phone calls today and still no progress with the
ramp situation.. I am finding this really hard to accept there HAS
to be other people here that have had to have ramps.. I see them
on houses thru town..theres a house about a block down the
street that has the same kind that would work out front here..I'm
not in any hurry to go out..I dont have any where to go..but if I do
want to go..I like to know I can.. I am just really amazed that of all
these disabled agencies that no one has any resources for getting
one for me. I did call and put an ad in the paper to see if I can sell
this stand up recliner I have..with that money I will put it towards a
freezer or a washer/dryer combo.. I think getting the washer/dryer
should come before the freezer though..I can wait for that cuz I have
my HHA now and I can get groceries..I just like some of the quick
foods you can keep in a freezer, and a supply..snow country you
never know.. . . I think however..the laundry aids would maybe be
the best things to get next, then if worse comes to worse I can do
my own laundry..not like I will run out of clothes lol.. I do have a few.
I like clothes as well as jewelry..I havent worn earrings in ages
tho.. I should.. I have quite a few pairs of them.. All the company
ive had the past week I should..not as though they would improve
my looks..that would be impossible GORGEOUS cant be made
better it already is the best !!...you knew I would say that. :-)

Penny came today..shes so pretty and tiny little thing..im all clean
and she hung curtains in the bathroom for me.. The boys are getting
used to her she likes cats which is a good thing.. I think they miss
Raelynn though..Dutch loved her.. she played with him so much..
she would grab him up ..hold him tight and kiss the daylights out of
him and he would wiggle and squirm, pretending to try to escape..
then jump down.. he plays string with Penny she cant help it..he
brings it to us..He brought me his string when I was in the bathroom
this morning at 4 am ..lol..ready to play.. Ive been up since then!!!

Needless to say I am tired.. I think its catching up with me again
time to slow a bit..I know when I over do. today I am so tired..not
sleepy tired..just wore out tired.. I just wanna lay and wallow all
over my bed like a big shooshy weeble. I would fall asleep and
be up with the birds again lol.. I guess fighting that paint incident
yesterday wore me out.. that was pitiful..was like looney tunes lol..
all thats missing is the goofy music to my antics lol.. Im gonna
find some supper.. I got the COA lunches delivered again and
today was spaghetti I didnt eat it then but I maybe will nuke it and
eat it now.. Penny brought us some McD's sausage biscuits over
this morning she was here at nine.. was so good.. :-)
I love good food, I keep eating and I wont notice my being
thinner anymore tho hmmm that may not be good ;-)
nitey nite !! :-)

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Sunday, November 19, 2006

~Sunday Photo~

Your sunday photo with my blessings..hope you like it. :-) its hard to
focus from over there. oh well..blink and dont look..just read lol :-)
Thanksgiving is this thursday..and you know Ive been thinking
I maybe better start counting my blessings now, by the time
thursday gets here I should have them all named I have had so
many.. to name my blessings these past months, with the steadily
increased blessings..daily..some kind or another.. Its been so
great..I think these ups are so good when we get there that THAT
is what really keeps us going.. it does me.. I mean as hard as
this life is? I could be sitting in a nursing home..sure I would have
to share a room with a Dearie, but I would be waited on hand
and foot all I had to do was put the light on and someone was
there to do for me. I just dont wanna give up maybe.. I kinda like
it out here.. I NEVER ever thought that I would ever end up in a
homeless shelter.. and I dont think I can ever describe the feelings.
not exactly..its the same as trying to explain the extreme loss I
feel about my legs.. Its so deep inside..that I dont think I can find
the words.. Its NOT a good feeling. And until I experienced it.. I
mean..do I appreciate this? This house? LOL..yessss I DO!!!
I bet every day, I thank the Lord for it, for all my steadfast friends.
and where I am now..safe, secure..happy, and I wont say no worries
because, I do have some..THATS my middle NAME!!! lol I am
a worrier..I started counting though :-)

I have a friend in Australia..I dont know if my friends would want me
to say names etc.. some I do because they leave me those sweet
nice comments I like to read..:-) Blue, in Australia..says "G'Day !"
A dear friend, we talk on the phone..and he says I talk funny lol.. He
has a wonderful accent but.. no offense..but y'all got the accent y'hear?
lol...sometimes Blue talks very fast..and I say "huh" he S L O W S
way down lol.. Raife has a accent too..hes UK British and what a love,
I pick on him all the time..he reads this and sees all the grammatical
errors I make with my writing style..well..keeps it interesting .. My spell
checker doesnt check grammar and punctuation'n stuff. :-) good thing
it would probly fault out..:-) Its one of the perks of being the writer lol...
I enjoy knowing who reads this, i do..I smile when I get a letter from
someone telling me they enjoy reading this saga of life with the weeble
family lol.. :-) well the boys dont weeble. :-) I get a kick out of some of
the comments too.. I get up in the morning and get coffee , and first
thing I do is look for the comments and read email.. after I feed the
boys of course.

Today, I tried - I Did- paint the kitchen ...sort of...well it was one of
those bull in a china shop syndromes again.. I hit the paint pan..one
of those big roller kind? with the back tippers..just the right height to
hook that bloody pan, they stick out you can see one in the photo
lol..well.. I turn the wheel the pan goes.. i turn the other way I cant
reach the pan.. I sat there... I was SO MAD.. WHY does this crap
happen to make it even harder when I am doing a good thing hmmm?
well Fooey.. I bet I must have kept turning back and forth a dozen times
trying to grab that pan.. I finally take the arm up..it doesnt come off just
tips back up..and get the roller, its on a long handle-I put it in the pan..
note ROLLER? ok..well I reallllly hold it down tight.. so that
it would STAY in the pan..you KNOW it did yes? well.. out it came..
I was holding it DOWN ..so it came out of that pan..off the end
and did the FLOOR!!!.. I just sat..so I finally leaned way back and
around till I got to the tipper nubbie..this was NOT easy. I had to
turn totally around in my chair to reach the tipper..and..yes I got
it off.. it FELL right into the PAINT.!. :-( i couldnt believe this crap.
lol.. I mean..so.. I roll.-.away from the pan..so I can pick it up..
you KNOW what I did then yes? I rolled thru the paint where I
painted the floor.am I good or what ? I had to laugh at me.. I sat..
did NOT move.. reached for a towel..and put it on the floor over
the paint..and made sure the tire was clean and came in here
back to the desk.. lol.. I'm afraid to go back in there.. lol..

Is THAT a domino effect ?? I am so bad.. Im not good in these
chairs... Donnie dreads when I am in my power chair ..in fact
when I said I will have to use it now his first words were "I'm
not coming over there your in that chair..your dangerous" I
ran over Dutch once in it..and Lord..that cat SCREAMED. I
ran over my friend Debbies cousins foot..while he was helping
to move my desk.long time ago..and poor guy I saw it go over
and I stupidly backed up and ran over it again!!! he Cringed..
just got the tips of his toes...didnt hurt he said..lol.. Im so bad..
Chairs are not that easy to maneuver..trust me..I get stuck so
many times a day in this thing that I just have to stop or just
SWEAR ugly words lol.. :-) How is it I can only go ONE way
when I get stuck!!! then if the wheel jams..well fooey I have
to reach down and try to get my weight off that front wheel to
be able to turn it so I can move! see? it aint easy..not all just
cruising smooth no no lol.. but Im grateful I have it.. I dont do
floors ..lol no way. Im not draggin nuthin on the floor lol..

I did get the floor wiped up in the kitchen..thank goodness
that dark blue paint is washable....the linoleum in there is
almost white..its very light and the blue shows up.. I looked
again ,, I see I missed some from the last time when I dropped
the paint brush.. I got the baseboard.:-) :-) . Im not good at
painting..I dont know how i get it on me so bad..and all over
everything..I should not be allowed around it.. Sometimes I
worry if I get that huge 5 gallon bucket of paint open..the lid off
that could be a disaster in the making you know? lol.. I was bad
enough with this quart can lol..hmmm I might better reconsider
opening and using that lol..

I have slept all night for the past 4..im so grateful..but I am
noticing..Im getting up earlier..4:30 this morning.. I lay there
and try to go back to sleep ..and get to thinking of all I want
to do and where I want to put stuff and I get anxious to do it..
then Im awake.. I went to bed early last nite..i watched a bit
of cops..not all of it I dont think..lol. I had some of the sauer
kraut..sure was good..the 24 hour slow cooking is just great.
Im off to get the last doughnut..I love them.. specially the
blueberry cake ones.. M M M..Nitey Nite.

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
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