
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, February 27, 2012

~Post # 2110~

Well, I was snowed in for 2 days, it just steady snowed.
Finally yesterday Penny got here.. We were glad to see
her, The kids and I both were just about out of food...
We arent now! Its beautiful today and all that snow is
melting fast .. :-)

Ive been looking for a place online where I can get a
will and print it out that will be legal.. Its not that I
have tons of valuable stuff, but I want to know where
it goes and to who.. whom... :-)

Each one of these attacks I have weakens me.. I can
tell.. and they are maybe not as often, but when I do
have one its really bad, a lot of pain.. Fanesse is going
to get some pain meds for me, just in case it gets too
bad... My back, after one of these, is VERY sore and
lasts for a long time....I feel that I am weaker that
when I do something tires me out alot...I can remember
what I felt before I had that BIG one ... so I can
tell.... I do have some questions for Fanesse when she
gets here about the tests they did.. Something doesn't
seem right..She'll know...

Lunch is ready, goulash today...I'm still a most GORGEOUS
WEEBLE, keep well and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

~Not a Good Start Today~

I really had a rough start this morning.. I get very
nauseated and then the chest pain, arm pain, back
pain starts.. This lasts for 20 minutes or so.. When
the pain eases I break out in a cold sweat, and then
I am extremely tired. Some days these attacks are
really severe, then I can go sometimes 3 days or so
without this happening... I don't like it...

Fanesse, my nurse came this morning and I told her
I wasn't feeling well, I didn't have to tell her, she
said she knew when she looked at me. My blood
pressure was extremely high, 193/111.. VERY high.
She ordered me to bed for the rest of the day.
Which as soon as I post this is just what I'm gonna

I spilled a whole cuppa coffee yesterday. It went all
over my desk and on my mouse.. Now my right click
doesn't work.. All my stuff is falling apart.. My speakers
are very bad, my keyboard is sticky and now my mouse.
Always something.. How do I get all these things I need
when I have a gas bill that's gonna take every spare
dime. Always something..

Time to post and get that rest the nurse ordered. I'm
still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE, just a tad sickly today...
Keep well and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~snow~ :-(

I'm sitting here writing this and every few minutes
I look up to see if its still snowing...which it is... I had
NO idea we were gonna get this, but then I don't watch
the news or weather.. I listen to the radio and I guess
I missed that yesterday... oh well.. we got snow...
you see Peeker, below is Graybelle, the white is Tigger, the orange is
The black cat is a new outsider.. In fact I have 3 new
outsiders. 2 big black ones and one small black and
white that looks like Dinky... I named the kittie that
stays in the garage and peeks out thru the rip in
the tarp.. Peeker, that's what I named her...She
wants to come up here and she will, but not if she
sees anyone.. Poor thing, at least she comes for food.

I'm waiting for a friend of mine to come for a visit
today.. Becky.. She was my first caseworker with DHS.
She was the best..always took care of business.. she
retired but we still are friends.. Shes an animal lover,
and gives a lot of time to ARF.. She has 2 or 3 cats
and I think a couple dogs... With this weater she may
not venture here...

Well, I'm gonna go and eat some linguine with sauce
that Penny made yesterday.. If this snow keeps on
she may not make it tomorrow... I hope she does.
I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, keep well
and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

~Im Late AGAIN~

Its been awhile again and I have no excuse..I'm
here though.. I wish that doctor hadnt said anything.
he was only guessing anyway... But his words hang
over my head like a guillotine.. I told that to my
nurse Fanesse when she was here.. Everyone is
asking about it and wanting to know if it depresses
me.. Well.. to be honest YES...

Wouldn't you be? To have some man, ok a doctor,
tell you, "you have possibly a year left"... how would
you feel? My year was up last month on my birthday.
That's when I was in hospital, the cardiologist said
that to me..
I know many people have had a time limit put on their
lives and live for another 20 years.. I hope I do too!
I'm doin my best to stick around! :-) But honestly,
I can feel me wearing down.. The least little thing I
do, I can feel the stress on my heart, making me so
tired... BUT, I aint givin up, I'm doin less so I don't
give out...

The daily attacks arent daily anymore so that's a good
sign.. I still have this cold, I sneeze and cough a lot. I
cough during the night which wakes me up , wakes the
cats up and then it takes all of us 30 minutes to find a
good spot :-) If the boys arent comfy NO ONE sleeps..

I'm hungry and I have left over chili. I have 2 pasties in
the freezer but theyre for Donnie. I promised I would
keep them till he can come and get them, which might be
today.. I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, keep well
and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentines Day today, a special day to let someone know
you love them.. When really if you love someone, you love
them all the time, and you don't need a special day to
remind you to tell them.... don't you agree?...

When you mention the L word, LOVE, I can honestly say
I saw 2 people that loved each other completely until the
day they died and I believe are still in love in heaven.. I'm
talking about my mom and dad... They were married in
1929, Dad died in 89 of cancer, Mom in 90, I always say
she died of a broken heart, she really committed suicide.
She hated every day she lived with out my dad..

There wasn't a day went by that they didn't hug, kiss,
give a special touch on the arm or shoulder, never a
day went by that they did not say "I love you". I know
that from the days I lived with them and when I visited
and spent time with them after I left home to start
my life. I can honestly say I only heard one as in 1
argument they had, and it ended with hugs & kisses..

My whole family was that way, when we saw each other
and when we left their company a hug and kiss were always
exchanged.. When I was little, I always kissed mom and dad
good night before going upstairs to bed.. When we had a
housefull of company I just went from one to the other
giving goodnight kisses.. :-) I took my time to delay going
to bed while we still had company !! :-)

I hope you have a great V Day, that you have someone
to give kisses and hugs to on this special day, If you
were closer I would, just to let you know you are special.
I appreciate you coming here and reading my 2 cents
and so lovingly worry about me when I get careless and
don't write every day.. Thanks and this most GORGEOUS
WEEBLE loves you.. Keep well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

~I Forget~

Dutch & Tigger- I dont know whos more jealous..

I don't know about anyone else, but is the time going
faster? I cant seem to catch up on anything cuz the
times goin too fast.. Or do you think its maybe cuz
I'm just slower? :-) I know one thing, I'm forgetting stuff.
I was in the doorway to my closet waiting for Penny to
finish hanging a top, and as I sat there I couldn't
remember why I was in there!

That's bad! And I know, I can click on my browser cuz
I thought of something I needed to do or find out.. By
the time Google opens, I forgot what I was looking for.
I remember in a few seconds, but to do that I have to
look see what I was doin to jog my memory.. I hate this.

I'm not the only one tho, my sis is the same way...I wonder
if this is just getting older? Shirley is 6 years older than
me, so she should know :-) I feel stupid though when I
do that, but I still have to laugh at my self... :-)

I woke to SNOW this morning.. about 2 to 3 inches id say..
Dinky has come home, his face is so scratched up he
worries me.. Tigger has taken over the cat house which I'm
glad to see its in use.. We think Tigger is a she.Tiglet then
I guess her name should be :-)
I'm late today, but Ive been busy...I'm still a most
GORGEOUS WEEBLE, and I'm hungry! Leftover
spaghetti today.. Hope your're having a good week
end.. Oh, the Doc gave me a nose spray, thinks I
have a bad sinus infection. and a anitbiotic after
he checks with the drug store to find out what I
reacted to so badly last year.. I'm not taking that
again!!! Keep well and God Bless..

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Thursday, February 09, 2012

~Nurse Rules~

My boys, LittleBoy in back, and the smiling one in front of course is Dutch!!

Busy Day today, my nurse Fanesse is coming and so is the
doctor from Hospice.. Both in one day, I'm not pleased but
Fanesse says she needs to see the doctor here, when hes
with me.. So, shes the nurse I havta do what she says :-)

I had a really rough start this morning, I had one of my
attacks.. I felt so bad, its not even describable.. Both arms
hurt, my chest is ready to explode and I'm so nauseous that
I have to sit with my head over the garbage can for at least
a half hour.. I managed to get the kids fed before it started,
but I could tell it was gonna be rough...

I got the most wonderful treat possible in the mail today! A
very dear Friend, Catherine, sent me COOKIES!!! I opened
the box to find 2 kinds! what a treat... Isnt it funny how just
cookies can make you feel better.. I sure needed it after the
start I had!

I have some stuff to do before they get here, I'm still a
most GORGEOUS WEEBLE ... Keep well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....

Thursday, February 02, 2012

~Nurse Delay~

Wonder who is teasing who, thats Graybelle outside, Dutch inside lol
My nurse, Fanesse, was sposta come by today but
we changed it to tomorrow. Shes bringing something
to help with this cold and with the scar on my left
stump... I usually can keep it under control, but this
time its just not co-operating with me, and its red
and super sore too... Ill be glad when all this is fixed
and I'm not sneezing anymore or feeling bad.

I heard that my grand daughter and great grand
daughter, Amber and Kirsten both have pneumonia.
This weather is so crazy, its making everyone sick.
It warms up everyone takes their coats off and
goes outside, that's what will make you sick.. The
flu is super bad and I sure hope I don't get it..

I got the flu and pneumonia shot last year and it
put me in hospital for those 2 months...it caused
other problems and all together it took 2 hospital
stays and the rehab for 3 weeks too.. I don't
want that again.. I'm very leary of antibiotics
that's what they gave me last year to knock out
the cold and flu.. I reacted with that awful rash
and .. well its past, I survived.. :-)

I'm hungry, which is a good sign, but I do notice
I don't eat near as much as I used to.. which is
reallly a good thing, I'm paranoid about gaining
too much weight.. then its MORE I have to DRAG
around!! So, that's not a bad thing... I'm still a
most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, Keep well & God Bless

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....
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