
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

~Was A Shower Day~

Nice SatDay, I didn't do nuthin and Im tired still.. I was all
day..almost like I didn't wanna wake up and do anything.
I have no choice but to get up once I wake up tho or all I
do is lay down, sit up, go up and down a few times, almost
like an exercise..I really have no set schedule to do any
thing which is kinda nice, seems I still end up doing stuff
about the same times every day though.. The boys see
they get me up by a certain time..If not at 430, then will
try again about 730, then that time its both of them.earlier
its usually only Dutch.. I woke up feeling good, Im just
tired,inside, not weak..just give out..Some TV tonite, even
though there isnt anything good on that I can think of ..well,
COPS is on and sometimes its pretty ok..I get tired of watching
all the blood and violence and all that murder junk.. I prefer
a comedy, like cheers or Friends, I do like that Grays Anatomy
that's on though, that's pretty good.. Lost was but I got lost
watching it... If I cant find anything then I go to my good standby
animal planet..

I did take a shower today, which is a major deal..To pull that
shower chair out of the tub is just NOT easy to do..the legs
get hung up on the arms of the potty rails.. I have to lift it way
up to make sure it clears it to swing the chair where its over
the side of the tub..Then I have to get the towels..at least 3.
one just for my hair, and one is for sitting..depending on
which towel I get for drying off I may have to get a 2nd one.
Some of mine are not in the best shape..I don't think I even
have 2 that match! :-) theyre all in different levels of thickness.
Then I have to adjust the water just right before I get in..I have
the seat up close to the faucet, just enough room for the shower
nozzle to hang down..(Thats an old pic before the potty rails)

When I pull up to that shower bench I have to slide forward and
then pull the shower curtain across and sit on it..so the water
doesn't go out of the tub. The hand held shower doesn't have
a wall mount for it.. I tried using the higher up shower nozzle
but by the time it gets down to me it really splashes all over.
So by the time I scrub every thing and get the curtain back
and careful not to let the water out that piled up there, I put
a towel down and try to lift up and sit on it , then drag over
to my chair.. Then I finish drying off..

The other hard part is putting that shower bench back into
the tub, I have to because it sticks out and I cant get on to
the potty, I get that moved, and move around to get back
on the potty, and that's where I sit and get dressed.. I pull
my skirt over my head then the top..I push the chair back
a little from the edge, and my skirt will drop, I slide back
into my chair..and Im done.. well no then I have to go and
fight to do something with my hair.. I like long, I can do
more with it,, but its a pain to dry ..If I put it up it will take
forever even as thin as it is..

By the time I get through with this whole routine , I havent
really timed myself..but I know its close to 2 hrs.. All that
moving and I cant just rush either.. well takes forever to
look good..deciding which perfume to wear takes forever
since I ran out of my favorite White Shoulders.. And too
this whole shower routine Im fighting Dutch too .he sits
on the bench with me..hes goofy ..he likes the water.. Its
a major deal..The shower at the apartment was ideal..so
big and roomy.. I miss certain things about that apartment
but I don't miss the nosey neighbors and the lack of fixing
things..and needless to mention the lack of privacy...

Time to finish fixing my hair..and Im logging off early tonite
and taking a nap and just resting for an evening..wish I
had a caramel Sunday ..now THAT sounds good! It
also sounds like a chair shrinker too! "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Friday, June 29, 2007

~ I Are Tired~

Well, this woman is tired, I was going to take a nap and
just never got around to it.. I got up early this morning, at
2:45 am, I woke up with a bad stomach and spent the next
hour in the bathroom and by the time I rolled out of there,
hell, I was up ... I did try to lay back down for a while till I
just couldn't stand it and I Had to get up.. I did fall asleep as
soon as I went to bed tho, which was about 830. I don't think
I saw any TV, I don't remember any anyway, so that could be
cuz nothing anything any good was on.. I hate that cuz then
all I do is keep flicking to my favorite channels which is the
Animal Planet, travel channel and the food network lol..I did
watch QVC for awhile, but there were just too many neat
things on there, it was a good thing I didn't have a credit
card when I did watch it..The food they sell on there I know
for a fact is excellent..My sis gets stuff from there all the time.
But I don't remember seeing anything on TV, and I don't
remember shutting it off. so I may not have even turned it on
at all.. I know I did sleep.for a while anyway...

A friend asked me how do I sleep... I usually, most of the time
lay on my back, at times when my tail bone seems to ache
really bad..I pile all my pillows up in front of me, grab the top
one and just lean forward..its really comfortable. I think about
doing that when I had legs, it wasn't that easy, well not and be
comfortable, with longer legs, they almost need to be bent to
be comfortable in a sitting up position..Me, with out my full
leg I can fold right in half..to do that with legs was like an
exercise, its not now.. When I was in the Hellhome, I slept
sitting up alot, I had alot of trouble breathing and my legs
ached so bad all the time sleeping that way helped.

I dont sleep on my right side very much and I cant lay on my left
at all.. I have a abdominal bypass that goes down the side of me.
It was my 2nd. When I lay on that side it hurts so I dont.. To lay
on my right isnt too bad for a short time.. but I have to have the
pillows just so between my stumps or my hip will ache on the
left side.. I think its because my left stump is bigger and longer
of course, if I dont keep it propped up straight it puts too
much pressure on my hip and thats why I cant stay that way
for long..Lots of times I do lay sort of half way on my side with a
pillow under my left side,then one under my left stump and
thats kind of comfy..I know I used to like to sleep laying on my
back with my knees bent, this is close to that feeling...

My left stump being so much shorter I cant cross them at all.. I
try but they wont stay that way, usually with the left longer I
will try to put that over the right, which is not how I always sat
when I crossed my legs, it was always right over left. I will say,
I honestly do miss that I wish I could do that again..sometimes
here at my desk I will pull up close and raise my left stump up
and rest it against the desk.. I used to sit like that sometimes
at night to watch tv.. to just hold it up there not propped against
anything doesnt work..Its not relaxed, like it is with a whole leg.
At least thats what Ive found...When I prop it up here I bring my
keyboard up close, I can now, cuz its a cordless one and so is
my mouse, I lean back in my chair and really relax while I am
on here..usually when I am playing spider solitare.. I like that
game..I can beat 2 colors..not too bad..I like it cuz its kind of
like a strategy thing..if I move this here, I can move that there,
then this goes over there, I like it.. Once I get started though
its very addicting..I say "one more game" at least 3 dozen
times before I actually STOP playing :-)

Well the boy is off to Canada, his brother David,that looks just
like Barb, their mother, is babysitting Donnies house while he and
Dawn are gone for this week. He goes every year and looks so
forward to it..Hes not doing a fly in one this time though, just the
camp kind somewhere up there, me ? camping is good if its in
a motel or hotel..or a nice trailer..thats good camping for me..
Tenting? in the woods? no..been there done that little tidbit and
I am NOT a camper, tenter person. But I am a hungry person
and very very tired, this is a tad early but I am logging off early
tonite and watching tv ..I say that every time.. Time to say
"Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? love ya and thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Thursday, June 28, 2007

~A Shorter Broom~

Today has been a pretty good day other than making a
mess trying to put on a pot of beans it was ok.. I had a good
lunch for a change from COA, meatloaf, smashed tatoes,
mixed veggies..and desert was strawberry shortcake..NOW,
THAT was a GOOD lunch and needless to say I ate every
BIT of it..The COA does make good meatloaf, but it also
happens to be one of my favorites next to fries n gravy, I
havent made them in a while.. Was kind of a big mess that
Penny will have to help me with tomorrow. I tried to clean it,
but I wasn't about to get out that broom, Im going to have
Donnie cut the handle off one.. I have no need for that long a
handle on a broom.. I used the paint pan.. :-)

I got out my crock pot and safely put water in it.. with out getting
a drop on Dutch, who of course, was right there, then I got out
the big bag of small white navy beans.. was a VERY big bag.
I didn't know I had any until I started plundering through my cabinet
in the bathroom where I keep food too.. I cut across the top of the
bag then proceeded to sift thru handful at a time, ive found tiny rocks
and some ugly looking deformed beans sometimes..so I like to
scan the ones I cook .. I was doing this and Dutch of course, its
HIS fault..and LB, they both heard the beans falling into the water,
and had to see what the strange noise was..when LB jumped
up on the arm of my chair he bumped my arm hard enough so the
top of that bag fell aside and the beans went all over the table,
me AND the floor.. Dutch thought this was great and he spent
the next 10 minutes playing with navy beans slapping them back
and forth.. LB did the same thing when he saw Dutch was having
a good time.. :-)

I finished putting the beans in the crock pot and then started to
clean up all the beans that went all over the table which took quite
a while, they went under the microwave, the hot plate, all over.. I
looked down at the floor and they were everywhere, even moreso
since the boys were playing with them.. The chair sticking paint
pan was under the table so I used that to scrape as many of the
beans together that I couldn't reach.. It was fun, bending and then
up , then down..then rolling..Im glad those beans didn't squish
when I rolled over them :-) But I got as many as I could I hated to
leave a mess for Penny when I did this..well no the boys did, she
has enough to do..and besides tomorrow is the first and she is
going to the store to get groceries ..I am glad, as I am out of
everything... I made a list and checked it twice ... NEVER make
a grocery list or go shopping when you are hungry :-) I did that
a few times, I always got something I can open on the way home
and have a taste..I learned to open the package before I leave
the parking lot.. just cant do it going down the road .. not safe,
specially when the stuff wont open even though it says 'easy
open' its NOT... specially when your hungry for it.. I pulled open
a bag of chips the wrong way and a tad too aggressively - :-)
my car looked like it rained chips in it.. :-)

I got a phone call from Michele that came about the chair- to
inform me that she received the paper from the doctor and that
she was faxing it to Deborah at HPM..I called her and let her know
to watch for it.. Deborah called me back said she got it and the
chair is in the works and should be here in a few weeks time..SO.
NOW..lets see how long it takes.. I marked the date on my calendar
so.. I hope 3..but I bet 4.. Im anxious to get it..but now I have to find
a place to keep it..there is not a lot of room in here.. I may have to
move some stuff down the basement, I hate to but.. I have no choice.
The joys of a small house..

I want you to know I am really grateful for all the comments and email
I get..I honestly enjoy hearing from you.. Its such a treat to read those
nice kind comments when I get back online in the morning and the
mail in my inbox.. Thanks.. means a lot to me.. I like knowing this is
read and I appreciate the suggestions as to what I can write about,
they are always welcome..There arent too many things I don't tell, I
tell EVERYTHING .. . . well that's what being honest and open is..
someone has to be and not afraid to talk, well write about things..
and how they are and just what this life is really like day to day..it
sure aint easy and I know if I have a few easy going days can't
let my guard down.. no.. I have to stay "on my toes" so to speak..
But thanks hey? you are appreciated a lot.!. :-)

NOW, you know whats next from this GORGEOUS WEEBLE..
FOOD!! my beans are almost ready and I am SO ready for them
onions and sausage in them MMM good stuff Maynard..
"Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one, Y'hear ..love ya and Thanks!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

~Signing Day~ :-)

Im back in the van again and that's Curtis behind tying me down.
Today was the visit to the doctor to get this paper signed so
I can get a new power chair.. My appt. was for 11 and Curtis
got here about 10:45 or so.. I had to wait about a half hour.. I
was mad..This was a useless trip as far as I was concerned..
When Erica finally called me in back I told her why I was there
and she didn't need to do anything, just get the paper signed..
Well she said "im taking your blood pressure anyway" and
proceeded to do so.. I told her its going to be very high cuz Im
mad..she took the cuff off, put it back, and said its VERY
high..190/100 this is TOO high..she said some other stuff and
said the Dr would be right back as she left..

Few minutes later she came back and said the Dr will be in
in a minute but you have to take this pill to get your blood
pressure back down or we wont let you leave..NOW..did THIS
sound like deja vu? I think I have heard this before.. I told her,
well tried to AGAIN..saying "Just sign the paper, it will come
down". So she left, about 15 minutes later the Dr comes in.
a woman I Have never seen before..very young , pretty and
I don't even remember her name..very nice.. She explained
all the hazards of high pressure like mine and all it can
cause and all I have heard a dozen times... She finally got to
the paper and filled it out..I watched as she signed it..and then
I showed her the fax number to send it to...She promised she
would. I told her I need the stress of THIS problem gone..its
one less I can do without.. I hope she keeps her word...

She put me on a blood pressure patch now..I have to change
it every 3 days..so I will make it the days Penny is here so she
can remind me.. It will be a more constant feed of medication
to keep my blood pressure down..If I can get rid of all the stress
which isnt possible I will be fine. All my other meds are the same
however she does want me to go back and have some blood
work done.. To recheck my thyroid and cholesterol..which she
said was over 500, I don't know what normal or good is on
that..but that was before I have been taking these pills too, so
Im hoping that they have made a difference.. I am so just NOT
a pill taking person.. I even have one of those alarm thingies
to set to remind you..I do that just like I would do the alarm on
a clock..shut it off and forget it. Ive tried lots of reminders and
nothing really works cuz I forget if I take them and Im not sure
well then I don't want to take them again in case I already have,
so I wait till the next day and the same thing happens again..I
have gotten to where I have to keep the container right here on
my keyboard when I go to bed at nite I set it up there so I have
to move it when I get back online in the morning..that works..
so far..

Other than getting this paper signed it was a quiet day of doing
email and I did chat today with a couple of friends, it was a nice
day till later this evening about 6 or so we started getting the
storms I saw on radar headed at us..Right now its pouring rain
and at least the wind has slowed and no more thunder n stuff..
the cats are under the bed..They hate these storms..Im starved
as usual, and I need a snack, then TV, strenous day and I am
really tired.. Im glad today is ending and can start a new one
in a few hours. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one Now , Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

~New Chair Lady~

Well Michele was here this afternoon, and measured me and
this chair and we discussed a new power chair..She went down
the basement and looked at the old one, and we decided that
the quickie I had is what I wanted and that they still make them,
and she said to my question of how long once you get the
prescription from my Dr tomorrow until I get a chair.. her words:
"it shouldn't take any longer than 3 weeks to get your chair to you."
NOW,, what is the difference here? John from that moronic
Wright & Fillippis said 8 to 16 weeks.. she was amazed..said "No..
it does NOT take that long". I wouldn't recommend Wright &
Filippis to anyone..the salesman was a moron and the service
was the worst of any company I have ever dealt with.. This new
medical supply, R & R have proven already that they are good
and keep their word..when Jim said he would be here he was.
I hope I have NO more crap about this bloody chair.. If I have
even one, as in 1, more problem I wont get one and just do with
out.. Im tired of this..

Tomorrow when I go to the Dr it will be to get this paper signed
and make sure those women down their in the office send it off
if I have to sit there and watch them.. I am only going for this..not
a check up or anything.. I hope Health Plan of Michigan likes
paying for these stupid useless visits to the Dr. I wonder how
much they charge for these kind of visits.?. 11 oclock tomorrow
y'all be thinking of me rolling into that Drs office.. I may take
photos of all of them too .. I will of the ride, just to document
that this GORGEOUS WEEBLE has been outside again..I know
when I leave that office they wont be very happy down there.

Michele measured me every which way..she measured my left
side from my back side to the end of my left stump..guess how
long totally? haha I aint tellin..y'all gotta guess ...when I measured
my left stump it was 13 inches..that's from the groin to the end..
I was pleased to find out how much was added on for my butt lol..
not a whole lot..so I don't have as wide a butt as I thought I did..
:-) ok..I will tell.. the total length from back to front on the left..was
.....17 inches.. Im just a shortie hey? That's what my boy, Donnie,
calls me.. we laugh about it.. Lori was surprised that he did and
it didn't bother me.. Like I told Lori, as long as they don't call me
late for supper, I don't care what they call me :-D .. well no..that's
not true there are some names that I really do NOT like..and I get
very upset if I am called them and will tell you off if you use those

This is a short postie tonite as we are under storm warnings and
I saw the radar and it doesn't look good..so I want to get off this
thing before the storm gets here..All in all was a pretty good day
today, I am..well now, you KNOW what im gonna say, Im
HUNGRY! .. again today I didn't eat lunch..I really need to get back
into that and not eat in the evenings..I very seldom eat sweets,
and the little I do eat I would think I would be just a skinny minny,
sadly..well you see those photos..I am NOT a minny skinny :-)
or vice versa either :-) I do need food though..I have NO idea
what I want.. as its still 3 days to freezer stocking time... I cant
wait..I have my grocery list ALL prepared and come 9 am on
Friday, when the food stamps are in..Penny Dear will be on her
way to the grocery store for me..and everyone said "YIPPEE"
:-) there is only one, 1, thing that I can think of better than good
food..and I wont go there ....im going to the kitchen,, "nitey nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya..and thanks!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Monday, June 25, 2007

~Todays Outing~

Well there you see this GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. getting
into the COA van..Curtis is backing me up into it.. its easier
than going in frontways.. Was beautiful day.. the van was
out in front of the house in the street..just in front of me
was the sidewalk..This is one of their newer vans..its very
nice and air conditioned too :-) Penny took the photo. I
told Penny we have to document my outing since many
think I never go anywhere..see? im fixing to roll..well ok
the van is :-D
Im in side the van, there are straps and seat belts.. next to
me is a chair that folds up to make room for wheelchairs..
There are 4 well 5 counting the seat belt..a hook that latches
on to the front and back wheels..to keep it in place.. It can
still tip sideways, which I found out when one of the drivers
once made a sharp turn too fast and my chair tipped sideways.
now that was scarey.. I hold on..I held onto the top of that seat
next to me there.. Penny rode up front with Curtis..
When we got there I was NOT happy when I saw there
were over 30 people there..inside and out. You can see
no one looks happy at all.. When I took my number I was
number 59..Penny was 60.. they called the next number
as we looked for a seat, the number was 25.. and it was
10:30 in the morning when we got there.. There were only
2 women behind the counter to process everyone...I told
Penny I bet some are on coffee breaks.. I was right.. within
20 minutes a man and another woman came out to wait on
people.. That place KNOWs how busy it is.. and people
there with tiny kids..and they just had to wait.. and wait ..
I was so glad when my number was called.. I rolled as fast
as I could..

I have to say..when someone in a wheelchair rolls past a lot
of people that are bored and tired..well I was stared at..which
I don't care.. I just smiled and said. " well aint this a nice way
to spend a Monday morning " and rolled around till I found a
chair for Penny to sit in.. I said very loudly " Boy am I GLAD
I COME with a CHAIR!!!.. I have fun saying that in a room
full of people been standing a long time. a few as I looked at them
smiled.... there was a man propped up against a wall..and
he said " you wouldn't happen to have room on that chair
for 2 would ya?" I laffed and so did everyone in there :-D
I told him he would have to sit on the arm rest , my lap wasn't
big enough to let him sit on it.. he really laffed at that..
Penny and I got our stuff done and as you see we are headed
back home..It was a great ride there and back as Curtis took
all the back roads..and that's what I enjoy.. .
Penny brought me some inpatients today..she found the box in
the back by the flower bed there, and planted them ..The box
just fits on the railing on the top of the ramp..soon they will be
just beautiful.. You can see my little porch.. its nice.

I got a phone call from my insurance today about my power
chair..Deborah called about it ..told me a new company called
R & R will be coming to measure etc..the lady called and she
will be here tomorrow about 2 or 3..I told Deborah about having
to go back to the Dr. again..that really makes me mad..I cannot
see why my Dr. cant just write a prescription for me to get my
chair.. when I go Wednesday that is the ONLY reason I am
going.. I will not allow them to take pulse..temp..BP or nothing
that is NOT why I am there.. I am so mad about this.. does this
Dr. Johnson not know amputated legs don't grow back?? I
honestly don't know what her problem is.. but I sure plan to find
out when I go on wed.. no one in that office will be very happy
by the time I leave there.. this really eats my lunch not to mention
makes me furious!! this is uncalled for.. I told Deborah.. I better
get my chair or I am going to find a lawyer.. this isnt right.. a
YEAR?? to get my power chair replaced? that's not right.. and
the bad thing is..those that CAN help DONT.. well I better get
my chair..and if I can find a lawyer I still may sue them all..this
isnt right.. I cant go out of my house alone, not without a power
chair.. and the bad part is..the ones sposta care..my Dr.. the
insurance people..they don't.. and there isnt a lot I can do..but
I bet I get a lawyer and sue them for this abuse and neglect..they
wont do it to anyone else ~!~ So, who knows a lawyer??

Even though that crap made me so stinking mad..it wasn't too
bad a day..my boys were so mad when I got back..they wouldn't
even come to me..they still wont.. little buggars.. they have a
temper as bad as mine.. we are a hell of a bunch here ill tell ya..
Im starved..by the time we got home was 1:30 and I had mail to
do and soothe my angry boys..so I didn't eat..ive got a little TV
dinner in the freezer and that's gonna be my dinner..then TV.
and of course..I KNOW I will hit that sleep button on that clicker.
I call my TV remote my clicker..my sister calls it a channel
changer..which it is.. but clicker is easier :-) I remember my
mom loved this Carmel popcorn that you can buy called Fiddle
Faddle..my mom called it Faddle Daddle :-).. "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Sunday, June 24, 2007

~Sunday Photos~ :-)

Trying to hold a cat down when he doesn't want to be
takes a lot of skill trust me ...Just as soon as I snapped this,
the boy, that's Dutch by the way, jumped down but not until
he dug his claws into my thigh.. It wasn't on purpose he just
wanted down.. I had teased him to get him up there by
shining the red laser light from my mouse on my shoulder,
he saw it and he was in my lap in a flash..I would like to get
him one of those so he can chase it.. I cant use the mouse,
its just not strong enough to project the beam of light.. He
would LOVE to play with that..Im sure LB would..Hes been
in a real snit today too and I Have NO idea what his problem
is..hes wandering around whining and comes running up to
me to follow him to the cupboard and there is nothing in there
but their canned food..They already had theirs for today..He
finally settled down after he found his gf and well................I
don't need to tell you..all he needed after that session was a
cigarette. . :-D...hes sleeping now..
I took 3 photos ..well I Have to have a variety so I can
pick the best one....well that's my story anyway.. I was
only going to put this one here today and then I had the
one with Dutch and I had to put that too.. Im so bad,
I should NOT be allowed to have a camera...But that is
what I look like today, and I am just GORGEOUS...and
everyone said "Amen" :-D...If you want these photos you
can take them from here, but remember..they are small
in size, if you want the bigger ones, just send me a mail
and I will send them to you.. My rules for my photos still
apply, they arent to be traded, shared, swaped or sold.
They are my gift..and you don't give away presents.. :-)
If you want the 3rd one... just ask.. :-)

Tomorrow,,,,,,,, well.. I go OUT tomorrow.. Curtis from the
COA will be here at 10 am to take me to the state drivers
License place so I can get my state ID again..Penny is
going to go with me and get her drivers license renewed.
Im going to take my new camera and take pictures the
whole way there and back..I will have Penny take some of
me just to show that I DID venture out..Then..Wednesday,
I have to go OUT again..im NOT pleased..but Curtis will be
coming again to take me the 2 blocks down the street to
my Dr, so she can verify again that my legs have NOT grown
back.. I am going to try VERY hard to be civil when I get there.
I KNOW Erica will be waiting for me to roll in there- I warned
her I was coming..and I will and I am going to tell them if they
did their jobs right in the first place they wouldn't have to keep
redoing everything and get 8 zillion phone calls about stuff
they should have done.. Im really mad about this..
I KNOW its the Insurance, they have to have these forms..but I
mean, I was just there,, she , Dr, has to have me come all the
way in there again just to be able to sign the form I need to get
my chair? No.. they could just sign,seal and send it..for me to
have To go again..Im mad..I get sick of this..just cuz im in a
chair with wheels doesn't mean I will be pushed around..this
is out of hand..and depending on THEIR attitude Wednesday,
I may just tell them all to shove that bloody power chair right
where I KNOW it wont fit..That's how disgusted I am with this.

I made the biggest mess this morning..I had made coffee, just a
cup..I have a cup at a time machine..I had taken a cup here by my
desk to drink it..and realized I hadnt put sugar in it..I take it with
sugar, no cream...so I had to go all the way back out to the
kitchen and put sugar in.. I had the coffee in my left hand and I
managed to get a good push off the desk to give me an easier
way to roll with only 1 hand.. I pushed too hard..and yes.. I HIT
the door facing the coffee went flying into the kitchen, cup and
all and I had coffee everywhere..on the floor, table,, me,,even
my new fridge,, needless to say I spent the next 2 hours cleaning
up my mess which was real fun..Im like a bull in a China shop
here now.. I keep the mop in the stairwell that goes down the
basement it hangs on the other side of the door, I opened that
door to get the mop and LB decides he wants down there and
made a B-line for the door, I managed to close the door with
him only getting his head thru, he backed up.. I proceeded to
mop, cuz I didn't want to keep bending and stretching and I
figgured the mop would be easier..well..it was..kinda.. till I got
it hemmed up and stuck under the fridge, I pulled it back
kinda too hard, it slipped out of my hands and hit the coffee
machine I had just made the coffee in that still had the coffee
grounds in it.. lucky I didn't hit the sugar bowl.. the coffee grinds
were hard enough.. Well naturally the mop did no good..only
caused more damage, I should have known that with all the
trouble I have with a broom! so I did have to do the bend, wipe,
sit up, bend, wipe, sit up..after about a dozen times of doing
that and I got the worst of it up.. I know there is still some out
there that Penny can get tomorrow.. I aint touchin that mop
again either..it can hang right with that long handled broom..
I got my exercise today that's for sure..and I can tell too !

Im starved and havent eaten all day and its 4 oclock right now..
I just don't know where today went..what did I do all day ? I
sat right here at this computer making all my online friends
happy lol. I send jokes n stuff.. Time for food and time for
some TV...my GORGEOUS words.."Nitey Nite".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Saturday, June 23, 2007

~Leggy Photos~ :-)

Yesterday a comment was left about a photo of me with legs...
which I know Ive put here before, but I do know its been a long
time...and I hadnt looked at these photos since then myself..I
love photos and I need a better way to keep track of them.. I
would like a file cabinet I think that would be a big help. I need
to spend just one day putting them all back into the photo
albums I took them out of.. :-)..THEN put them into the filing
cabinet.. :-)

That photo..... look at it.. I have legs..that was taken in 90. We
were camping..my friend Diane is sitting next to me, my ex,
David is in the foreground and on the right you can just see
Diane's son Daniel. Now..look again..what am I doing in that
photo? Do you see that cigarette in my hand? That tiny little
thing is what took my legs ... I smoked those things for over
30 years..cost me dearly.. My legs bothered me when that
photo was taken, I couldn't walk any distances..and steps
were agony even back then..but I didn't know I had PVD then.
Not till I moved back to Indiana was I diagnosed with PVD...
that was in 93 I think.. sometime about then..I was told I have
PVD, but I was NOT told the outcome would or COULD be
amputated legs.. I had no idea...
I scanned these photos this time.. I think before I didn't have one..I
used my webcam..big difference in this and the one I posted be
fore.. lots clearer.. I was standing in my favorite lake ..up north in
the UP of Michigan, the lake was Indian Lake where I went to
summer camp right across the lake where I am standing.. Camp
Ba-at-WA-Ga-ma...its still there too.. Where my shorts are is about
where my legs were amputated..except the right is shorter...I had
nice legs..went all the way from the floor right up to my butt ! :-)
This was taken in 90 too...
This is an older photo..back in the 70's..but do you see a
pretty nice pair of legs right there don't ya? My ex, Willie,
and that's his grand, Diane. we had gone to Florida to
visit his daughter and granddaughter..I didn't look too bad
I don't think... See whats in my hand in that one too? yup..
a ciggie..im holding a photo and a cigarette.. That's not
our car..ours was the truck behind..you can just see the
front of it.. a chevy gray and black...was brand new then..
we broke it in driving to New Jersey to see them.. I dressed
up back then too.. we were going out to dinner..

So there you see, I did have legs at one time..and some
really nice ones too ... I do miss them.. well no..maybe what I
miss is what they provided for me..an easier way to get
around..to get there easier..to reach things up higher.. That's
what I miss... I looked GORGEOUS back then.. and I am
STILL GORGEOUS.. just no escaping beauty :-D im still
me..the best part is still alive and kicking so to speak :-D

Speaking of dinner, I tried a new chow mein ..the same as
that Ramen soup mix..that's so cheap to buy, but its really
good..They have this new stuff called chow mein..all flavors.
I tried the teriyaki beef and then the shrimp.. I have to say,, well
was so good I went to the site and sent them an email..that's
how good this stuff is..and theres a lot of it.. and less than one
dollar..worth every dime..to me anyway..That's what I am going
to fix myself for dinner as I havent eaten anything all day..well
I was fixing myself some tuna fish for a sandwich.. I opened the
can..drained it..some got into a spoon that was in the sink..
While I was cutting up the onion and putting the tuna in a bowl,
Dutch got up on the sink and drank some of the water off the
tuna fish.. he sat there for a second.. then he started to get
the erps.. as in puking? I looked and watched this poor cat,
throw up..and then run like crazy away from there.. I thought ..
"hmmm, that's not good".. so I smelled the tuna..it had a kinda
faint ..well..icky smell.. I flaked the tuna, and was kinda mushy
too..so.. I dumped it ALL in the trash.. My food taster prevented
me from being just like he was. :-).. I felt bad for him. he gave me
such a dirty look like I deliberately tried to poison him or some
thing.. :-) he avoided me for awhile, but hes fine.. LB? well he
doesn't eat people food..sniffs it..then gives you a look as tho
how dare I expect him to eat THAT ??? Kids.. :-) Time for
food..TV and to say "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one, now Y'hear? love ya..and thanks!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Friday, June 22, 2007

~Grass n Plants~

The boys are cool...Poor abused babies, got it rough hey?? :-)

I have been told some of the nicest things lately that just
really make me feel really good and like I am not just a
dot on a map of zillions,unnoticed, that who will remember
me.. I sent an email this morning, it was a song that was
sung by Don Ho, Tiny Bubbles.. great song and a very
nice sort of relaxing kind.. but most Hawaiian music really
is..very soothing. But he passed away this year, a month
or so back.. I saw his photo and was listening to him..and
I thought 'this man will never die', just like Elvis, or JFK,
and that lovely Princess Diana.. those people will be always
remembered..where some one like me, with no one really,
just a sister , and Donnie, and I think to a point they will maybe
remember me.. but I think.. I am the last from my parents, who
will remember them? I get melancholy and think about this
stuff..usually when I have nothing else on my mind that is
cluttering up my head with problems.. :-) and there wont be
many of them until the next batch of bills come in .. :-)

I have been threatening to get that ancestry.Com but it is just
so bloody expensive.. I just cant do that..!50.oo a year..that's
a lot.. I will say that if you find what your looking for and all,
then yes, its probly worth it..but what I want to find I am starting
at knowing nothing but MY original birth certificate with my
birth parents names on them.. I would like to know my nationality
and something about my birth father, none of us know anything.
My brother does have the news paper clippings of when he died.
He wasn't very old.. My friend in the UK , bless her heart looked
up and found the birth records of my adopted mother and her
family, but I knew they would be there..There are so many things
I would like to know and people I would like to find, perhaps some
may be looking for me, many use that looking for family, so perhaps
the cost is worth it..for that kind of money you would think it would
be limited ..not for just a year...
I was sitting at this desk this afternoon about 2 or so, and I heard
this noise which sounded like a lawn mower.. There have been
trucks out there washing the streets, every day now for 3 days
they have been washing them..I thought it was another one of
them..the streets here must be really nasty the way they have
been steady scrubbing them.. Ive counted 3 times now they
have gone past my house and along the side of it.. a spray that
comes out the front, and 2 scrubby disks that go round scrubbing
at the road, leaves a wet trail but when it dries I look out there
and I honestly see no difference. I think they do that to get rid of
all the gunk from cars, trucks, then all the stuff put on the roads
in the winter, salt and sand, probly gives the roads longer life.
That's part of the joys of summer putting up with road repairs
from damage done by ice, those pot holes are deadly, I hit
one once and lost my hubcap.. I wish I had thought about doing
the sides being different.. who would notice? I bet there is not
ONE person that has gone around to notice if someones car
has all 4 matching hub caps. I didn't even on my own! I never
paid attention even when I washed it now that I think about it..
I had a cute little Plymouth Reliant,, 86..nice little car..My Dad
bought it brand new..I gave it to Kelli when I lost my right leg..

anyway... I looked out and saw that a path had been cut around
the edge, and I knew Robert was here.. He had been coming on
Sunday, which he was due this past one..I figgured was fathers
day that he didn't work. But I've not heard from him all week..my
grass really needs cut.. I look out there and its hard enough
looking at the sad state of my flower beds, let alone the grass
being a foot high..well not that high :-) it was long, needed cut.
Penny came today and brought me a nice surprise..2 tomato plants..
she planted them outside by the garage...lots of good sun there.
I put arrows to show where they are.. in the middle of them
is the new rose bush Penny brought me. The tomatoes
shouldn't have any problem with the rose as small as it
still is..come this fall we can pull the tomato plants out.. She
found a flower box in the back of the flower bed, filled it
with dirt and put it out by the front door on the outside
landing.. She is going to put some Impatients in it.. They
do so good in shade. This place could be so nice.. I am
going to go out side there one of these days..and I may
do it next week.. I have to go OUT 2 days next week, to
get my state ID and to the bloomin Dr to let her veryify ONE
more TIME..again..that my legs have NOT grown back...

Well Im starved, lunch was so bad and ugly and totally pathetic
today and I was so mad when I saw it I sent it back told them
to keep it.. Add it to someone elses to give them a full meal..
The tiny amounts they put in these its awful.. They make sure
theres only enough ..JUST enough for one person..heaven
forbid, there would be leftovers. Sad. Anyway.. Time to find
food and do some serious TV tonite.. Ive been up late every
day this week and I still have NOT caught up with my inbox,
Im behind in answering which I hate to be..so letter writing
is on the schedule for tomorrow.. Im just SO busy :-) my life
is just SO HETIC ... haha.... This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
bids you a fond.. "Nitey Nite" :-D

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

~Meet Theresa~

Ive talked about this sweet lady so many times and I never
took her picture.. This is the very sweet Theresa from CMH.
Every 2 weeks this girl comes and listens to me go thru all
my gripes and happys and just sits and takes it..And of course
not to mention being harrassed continuously by the boys..
From sniffing her feet or her dress. or Dutch of course trying
to get at the cord on her cell phone, pulled it right out of her
pocket once.. They really love her and both although not seen
are laying on each side of her..They knew she was coming
and naturally greeted her at the door..

Theresa a very sweet, easy, mild mannered person..quiet and
listens to every word.. She lets me go on and on..and then tells
me what she thinks..and she is very honest and open.. we talk
about everything..lately its been about all this aggravation with
this power chair and all I am having to go thru to get it.. I took
the card out my Drs office sent me telling me now I HAVE to
go back AGAIN, for her to SEE me before they will write my
prescription to get a new power chair.. I don't know.. but I really
don't think too much of a lot about me has changed and my
legs damn sure aint growed back! Makes me so mad.. I
HAVE to go AGAIN.. so..next Wednesday, Curtis will be here
to pick me up to take me, Im thrilled, those people at the Drs
office will NOT be very pleased to see me when I roll in there..
This is just not acceptable.. I may just tell them all to push that
chair SIDEWAYS where I KNOW it wont fit..Im very very tired
of this CRAP...

When Theresa walked in .and after stepping over Dutch, she
sat down and first thing she said. "LOIS! you have an AIR
CONDITIONER!... I've been so worried about you in this heat,
I'm so glad, its so nice an cool in here." She really was glad
and she WAS worried, shes that kind of person.. She only
comes here every 2 weeks..but she and I, I think are friends
too..Well hell ..I tell her EVERYTHING ..she better be hey?
:-D..no, shes very tender hearted, and you can tell that by
just looking at her photo.. I told her how many blessings Ive
received ..then showed her the new refrigerator, that she
had to go and look at..She brought me some JAM!! bless
her heart! Some homemade Strawberry I think she said..
Don't matter what kind, looks wonderful.. now I have to get
some peanut butter.. A good PB & J with banana slices,
the long way, that's good now..and with home made jam,,
Penny comes tomorrow I may have her make a loaf of
fresh bread, now...THAT would be good...

I want you to know, I have my GORGEOUS WEEBLE BUTT
sittin on this NEW cushion...and do you KNOW what it is
saying? well nothing..its a butt!! duh.. :-D.its feeling good..
This new cushion is EXACTLY the right size and firmer..
AND a little bit thicker.. I found that out when I rolled up to
my desk and my left stump hit the tray underneath..with my
other cushion it didn't.. and it doesn't have the nylon cover
like my other one did, but the covers come off, so I am
going to have penny wash the old cover and then put it on
to this new cushion.. I like the nylon its so much easier to
slide.. I took the new cushion into the bath room with me
and while I was sitting in there I put the new cushion in ,
when I went to slide back like I always do.. I reached back
and pulled my self back but that material being like it was
I forgot and didn't raise up as high as I would, had I thought
about it.. but I dragged a bit..well my skirt didn't drag..and
by the time I got all the way back in my chair..well you KNOW
where my skirt was yes? ..around my stumps..almost OFF!!
So I had to move back forward and put my skirt back on..
and trying to be very careful that it doesn't drag in the potty
or I would have to change it.. unused potty by the way lol..I
learned the hard way on THAT too.. I got all situated , skirt
back in place and did the same thing all over again butt I
had to make sure my GORGEOUS WEEBLE BUTT :-D
was LIFTED a tad more ..and I got back to my chair with
my skirt where it was sposed to be.. Daily trials.. :-)

Well I got up early and I said I was going to bed early last nite
and didn't do it.. I play that darn spider solitare..and the buggar
lets me win a few..just to keep me playing.. its better than the
regular solitare .. it came on my computer.. I didn't start playing
until Blue told me about it.. THAT stinker will be talking to me on
the phone and playing that game ! :-) Time for some food.. I
have N O idea what I want either.. not much I did eat the COA
lunch today, wasn't bad, mac and cheese with tiny bits of ham,
stewed tomatoes and peas.. the desert was AWFUL!! they
took strawberrys, blue berrys and raspberrys from what I could
tell . mixed them together and it was the MOST sourful CRAP
I have ever tasted! I had to take a drink to get the taste out of
my mouth..nasty! HOW can you ruin fruit?? well I ate the mac
and cheese its good.. just a light snack then some TV and Im
logging off early .. I AM!! :-) "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!!!
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

~I Kept My Promise~ :-)

As promised - here's a photo showing the ends of my shortened
legs. To be totally honest and open about it.. I think they're ugly.
I have sat quite a few times..and looked at myself in the mirror,
I still sit and look and shake my head and ask myself that question
we all ask ourselves when things go bad, "What did I do to deserve
this?" I really don't know that I have, but maybe this wasn't done to
me FOR me, but for others.. I can handle this 95% of the time..so
many cant, so maybe I'm kinda like the GORGEOUS poster
WEEBLE for amputees, to encourage and say "HEY!, get ON with
it..Shit happens". did to me.. I hate it..but well the best part is STILL
here and that's me..so maybe this was meant for others, I don't
know.. But I will tell em all to "lets get rollin, no lagging behind and
boo hooing.. not on my shift anyway .." its not acceptable.. :-)

You can see the difference in them..The left is the one that gave me the
problems and still does off and on.. its a tad red. If I do even the tiniest
of wrong things to it..or put the wrong lotion it lets me know real fast. I am
guessing that's why it has the folded end as I call it.. The left was not
prepared at all for a prosthetic leg,like the right was and I think that's
why the size and shape differences in the two. I have seen photos
of amputees and I have noticed quite a few others that have the end
folded like mine, maybe its just the way some Drs do surgery, but I had
the same Drs.

The right, I had it in that binder as I called it, for quite a while, till I just
couldn't stand it anymore because of the heat and the bloody thing
was so uncomfortable..it was tight and the slightest movement, it
would slowly slip off my stump, then the belt part that was around my
hip would dig in and pull. Plus it was so hot then and they didn't have
air conditioning at the hellhome, it was NOT good..But I think that is
a lot of the reason the right is smaller and shaped differently. I would
think the left would be since that is the one I mainly use first when I
go to transfer or move at all, that it has more muscle but it isnt.. I
just wish they could do something about the phantoms..

When they start, sometimes in just one..sometimes both at the same
time, even putting my hands on the ends doesn't tell my head that
there is nothing past my hands..I wish that would work, the phantoms
are a daily thing..for me anyway..and I just have reached a point that
I tolerate them and put up with it..telling myself that it is only for a little
while..then sometimes if I change the way I am sitting that helps a lot
too.. I get some really bad stabbing kinds, the one I hate is the stab
that goes right up into my heel..that hurts...

Nothing exciting today, in fact my phone , sadly, did not ring all day.
Penny was here and cleaned then ran and paid my water bill before
they shut it off and of course picked up my icee....these things are
addicting.. I have 2 in the freezer! for tomorrow, cuz shes not here..
ohhh and guess what she DID do? She got me 2 lottery tickets..and
I AM going to win..soon too.. I KNOW it..:-D I play 2 sets..I have
decided to play them every wed and friday..When I win, I promised
Penny she and I would take a trip to Europe, as I have to have some
one travel with me to help me.. She is REALLY hoping I win :-) So,
NOW, its just a matter of time..

Time for some food, TV and to say "Nitey Nite" love ya, and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

~What Kinda Tree?~

Woke up to rain today which I thought it said nice most of
the week..Im glad it did, Penny had to water yesterday its
been so hot.. Theres a Lilly growing outside and Im so
anxious to see it, It looked so droopy, it needed a drink. I
wish we had planted the morning glories on the fence . I
wonder if they would still have time to grow..I like impatients
they bloom constantly too..I think they may need to cut that
tree down out there by the garage..its right up next to it..I
have no idea what kind it is..There are a lot of trees in the
yard, the one by the fence in the corner.. I have never seen
one like it before..

That's the tree, and I have no idea what kind..but its really
pretty. I wish they had left a tag on it so I would know what kind.
Ive seen so many but none like this one. I guess its a tree...
what it looks like..its not bushy all the way to the ground, its
an odd tree but really pretty... My little yellow daylillies are so
pretty and covered with buds, those grow so easy I wish they
lasted longer.. I love holly hocks..many times I planted them
and all I got was some leaves close to the ground.. I think the
seeds were just not any good.. I am going to have Penny
get two tomato plants for out there on the porch. They would
do good out there and I could have my green ones..and then
the red ones.. Every year someone promises to bring me
veggies from their garden , but few remember..Donnies ex
brother in law, Mike has a huge one and keeps Donnie in
full suppy..theres never any left over for me! Stinker.. I do
love the fresh veggies though..

My company arrived and has left. Was so very nice to have some
company for a couple days, company to sit and eat dinner with.
Talk..it was very nice and I really enjoyed every minute of it.. I
worried when I got up this morning and saw the bad weather, so
I was glad to see it had cleared by departure time.. I knew it was
going to rain..My stumps ached last nite when I tried to sleep,
but I didn't hear it or know it was till I got up.. It was pretty mean
out there , rained really hard..of course I went to Wunderground
right away to see the radar and it wasn't that bad here, below
us it looked worse..then animating the map..shows it moving ..
Detroit got it later I bet.. I had a Drs appt. this morning and I
called and cancelled it cuz of the nasty weather.. by the time
I would have gotten in the van I would have been soaked and
then my chair would have gotten really ickky. I don't like going
out in nasty weather, Id rather watch it through the window.. I
cancelled the ride from COA and made another appt..then set
it up to get a ride to sturgis to go to the drivers place and get
my state ID done again.. I hope I don't have to pay for it twice.
So probly next week , Norma said she would call and let me
know when it could be set up.. Robert didn't come and cut the
grass Sunday, I had thought because it was fathers day..but
he hasnt shown up..sposed to be cut every 2 weeks he said..
they only pay him 5 dollars an hour to do this stuff.. these
people that do these things for us..like Penny are so under paid
it makes me mad..and nothing I can do about it..

Well this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is tired and needs to lay it down
for this day..I need a rest..been kinda hetic the past couple days,
but the good kind..I am NOT complaining.. a short post, and say,
thanks for leaving the comments for me.. I really enjoy them and
appreciate that you come here and take the time to do that for
me.. :-) "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Monday, June 18, 2007

~On A GOOD Roll~

I got a new cushion for my chair, is it nice..First one they
brought was the wrong size, I bet they sent it to the wrong
person. They took it back..im glad as I would have no use
for it.. I have received this past last week some really great
blessings , getting a new refrigerator and a new air conditioner.
Life is good. . . not the greatest, but I honestly should NOT
complain...yet I still do. . but I think if we don't have something
to complain about we don't appreciate the things that we
are happy with..maybe having that something to gripe about
makes us more aware of the gooder things and appreciate
them or we would take the good things for granted.. For me,
every little thing I honestly am grateful for..Well I got a new
phone book in the mail today, I griped every time I had to use
my old one..couldn't find anything..I appreciate having this
new one now ...maybe I can find what im looking for. I was
glad I had my old one, but I griped when I looked for something
and couldn't find the number so I had to look on line for it.
I was glad to have it.. New cushion..and new book today....
hmmm I think I may be on a GOOD roll.. :-D I just HOPE
its a LONG ride! :-D

The man, John, that delivered my cushion said it was really
hot out..I looked and wunderground says its 90 out today, I like
that place, even has radar that you can animate to see which
way the storms are moving..That nite I looked and read where
it said to take cover immediately... Well, I was glad I had them
to tell me that :-) I didn't move..where was I gonna go anyways..
But that's a really nice weather thing and I think anyone in the
world can go there and get that for their area. plus it gives a
forecast ..that I love reading for the next 5 days its gonna be
over 90, and no rain in site.. As hot as it was outside..its that
cool in here..even Chris the lunch girl noticed right away the
difference.. but its very obvious.. Lori was here today and was
so glad I had one..and I told her FIA got it for me ..she was
glad..shes so proud of being able to get me that fridge..she
is so very nice.. she and I could easily become good friends.
Shes single..but has a boyfriend.. like Penny, shes single..
well Penny and her boyfriend broke up..shes on her own..I
wish I could help her more, but she got a new client so her
days are all full now, she is raising a 14 yr old grand son
all on her own with no help..I try to help her when I can. Just
keeping her van on the road with the price of gas is enough
to eat anybodys lunch..its awful here.. I don't know exactly
what it is..but its high..Donnies trip up to Cadillac in that
big 4X4 truck pulling that 32 foot trailer, well cost him a lot.

I see a lot of people out on bikes..of all sizes..and you cant
blame them. Donnie has a small plymouth..he drives that
to work down into Elkhart every day..to take that truck would
defeat the whole purpose of working ! well just about..:-)
He went this past week end over to some races by Detroit,
somewhere east of here..and took the trailer.. THEN the
first week of July, he takes it all the way up into Canada
by the SOO..Sault Ste. Marie.. Good thing he makes good
money and works 2 jobs most of the time..well this is why
he does..He works for his treats.. This street out here is
always busy, people walking up and down or bicycles ..
its a busy area, and the stores, Meijers and that are down
west of me..on this street..I see them when I look out the
I saw a car across the street at that repair place..I need to
find out the name of it..instead of saying 'that repair place'.
Im not sure what make it is..I want to say a Pontiac.. who
knows what it is? I know I sure would look good in that baby,
isnt that a gorgeous car? Could you see me driving that? it
reminds me of a LeMans I had..burgundy with a black top..
I have a photo of it somewhere.. this one is almost the same
color. But I think its a Pontiac..and year? hmm 78? 9? I
know SOMEONE has to know..well I could call over there
and ask couldn't I? they would think I was nutz.. :-) And I
cant call over there cuz I don't know the name of 'That
repair place'... :-D... see? 2 times.. I will find out... I bet I
could learn hand controls.. Im gonna have to if I am gonna
be able to help drive my bus ....:-) daydreams..

Company is here and brought dinner, I am starved, nice to
have friends visit.. And ..Chinese food too..I LOVE
Shrimp Egg Foo Young..or Yung? I dunno..but its good..
and I hope egg rolls. I better get the table set up."NiteyNite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya..and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Sunday, June 17, 2007

~Fathers Day~

Fathers Day today..this is my Dad, its one of my most
favorite photos of him..
This is how I remember Daddy, always a smile.. :-)
I read a few lines the other day that really made me stop
and think..and I think that's what I do, I respected my Dad,
he was a great influence on me, he was honest, respectful,
hard working and a happy man, never a bad word to say
about anything.. I think that is what I do when I have met
the different men in my life, compared them to him, I honestly
have to say, the closest I can match any man to the integrity
of my Dad is my boy Donnie.. hes so much like him as far
as never saying no, always ready to help, and a softie as
melting as ice cream...

When you log on here, over on the right, it says My Stories,
If you havent gone to my bravenet site, click on that link or
go to http://butterflylois.bravehost.com/ and that will take you
to 2 of my stories I wrote..the one of how I got my name tells
how compasionate and loving a man he was..he made me
feel like I was the most special little girl in the world..But I
think most Dads have a way of doing that for their daughters.
Mine sure did..

I took a photo that I had planned to put here today but I have
changed my mind as this is Dad's day, but during the week
this week, maybe, I will post another photo.. I received a
request to post a photo here showing the ends of my stumps.
Which I have NO problem doing, I just havent put one here
like that.... There are some that don't like to see what the
end of an amputated leg looks like, its too much of an up
front and staring you in the face saying the leg is gone..
Which I respect. I have a couple photos that I have where
they are exposed, also in a video clip as well..If you want
one..please write and let me know..I will post one here, I
just am not sure when..this week..promise... The one here
today is just a casual and not that great..Im expecting
company and doing 9 million things and thought I would
take a photo when I took a break and save the other for
during the week.. anyway...a nuther purple one..different
clothes though... heaven forbid I post a photo wearing the
same clothes!!! THAT would NOT be good..:-) I took this
only a few hours ago..thats me..:-)
Time to finish up and get some snacks ready and just sit
and be my GORGEOUS WEEBLE self.. That's ONE thing
I DO know how to do ..:-D im so vain..its pathetic..I AM
kidding you know..but I am GORGEOUS.. trust me.. :-D
"Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..

Saturday, June 16, 2007

~I'M COOL !~ :-D

Yesterday turned out to be a great day as I said at the
end of last nites post , I got my new air conditioner. I am
so pleased. FIA got it for me. I called Julia, my case
worker and told her I just couldn't stand it anymore that I
really need an air conditioner..she knows my medical
history. She said "let me call River City, I'll call you back".
I waited not even 10 minutes I bet, there was Julia, she
informed me there was a new 10,000 BTU air conditioner
at River City waiting for me that all I had to do was go and
get it..they don't pay delivery... go..and get it..??? ok... so...
I called River City, he said FIA wont pay delivery, I asked if
they do... he said "for $25.00 , we will deliver it and put it in
for you". I asked could he take a check, yes, was the reply,
I asked "when?" he stated it would have to be possibly late
afternoon as their truck was in the shop...and the shop was
the one across the street ! I said, "PLEASE DELIVER".
He did. You see him leaving with the empty box, you see him
putting it in..and THERE! is my new COOL air conditioner.
Is it not gorgeous? ALMOST as GORGEOUS as me :-)
I left it on high cool all night, this morning, this whole house is
cool, I turned it down , set the thingies and it will stay this
way....or at least it should. I put the fan in the doorway to bring
the cool out here in the living room, and right now it is just
great in here. I did have a hell of a time with the fan though,
moving it.. I put it up on the table over the end of my bed. I
didn't watch the cord, I got it up there ok, but as I just finished,
the phone rang and my back is to the livingroom..it wouldn't
have been easy to just back up no turning room there in front
of the door, but there was right where I was, so I turned.....

The phone by the time I got turned around after going back
and forth a few dozen times, and headed out to the living
room to answer the phone it had rung 3 times already. I
usually by 3 ..4 at the most , answer. I started to roll a bit
faster once I got through the door way then I felt a TUG,
heard a CRASH, turned and looked, the extension cord to
the fan got stuck on my tippers in the back, and had got over
that little wheel on the end of it, and pulled that fan right off
that table. I rolled backwards which by then I was in that bad
spot between the couch and chair where Ive gotten stuck
before, I tried to move and I could NOT budge, in the mean
time that phone is over on the desk just ringing its patootie
off and im having a hissy fit. I was STUCK!!

I turned every which way in my chair trying to reach it. this
brought back some bad deja vu with the paint pan tray,
I finally just SAT for a second..listened to that phone .STILL
ringing..and made one really HARD push, and I pulled that
stinking extension cord out of the wall..the fan wouldn't come
towards me cuz it was wedged in the doorway!!! :-D In
the meantime..this phone is just STEADY ringin'... I got loose
and just as I made it to the desk and that RINGIN PHONE!
that son of a gun STOPPED ringing..now....aint that ALWAYS
the way? I sat there for a few, waiting to see if they would call
back, everyone knows im always home.. well I decided then,
I would make a quick roll to the potty.. I scoot on the potty,
and YES!!! the PHONE starts to RING again..Now, I waited
before I left in there..but NO..had to wait till I was in the middle
of something.. So I hurry up and DO make it to the phone, it
was my sister! She said "I got worried, you ALWAYS answer
the phone by the 4th ring at least, what happened?" I told
her the whole funny story, we laughed.. It was funny though,
if anyone could have seen me moving back and forth , steady
moving around in my chair, I KNOW the cats had to be ..they
sat and watched the whole time! they didn't run till they saw I
got REALLY mad.. :-D.. But I am just THE most COOL
GORGEOUS WEEBLE anywhere I want you to know :-D
I had Penny take this photo for me today of the yellow day lillies
that are out by the garage and the pink roses. They are full of
buds.it will be just beautiful in a few days.. The rose bushes by
the door are gorgeous.. Who ever had this place loved flowers
too.. Im glad..I sure am enjoying them .

That time of day for me to wind down I got up at 430 this morning,
all on my own too. I guess im so used to waking up at that time
now that I just do :-)...Penny got a burger for me, and of course my
favorite icees.. We are all clean and shiney for company tomorrow.
Will be so nice to have visitors.. I always enjoy that.. But I am in
need of food again..sadly :-) well leads to that "chair shrinkage"..
and I don't need that.. I am tired of sitting though, another week is
gone..wheres the time going.. just too fast. then some days...too
slow..."Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

Lois says" Thank you Lord for making me a COOL GORGEOUS

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
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