
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~UnComfy~ :-(

I didn't feel good yesterday at all..As the day wore on I felt
worse..I finally gave up and crawled up on the bed about 2..
They didn't start work on the roof till about 5.. I slept I think..
Off and on, I wake up at least every hour or so..just because,
I don't know why...to see what time it is I guess... When more
than an hour or 2 go by I'm glad that I slept more.. I know I
didn't have to get up again, to make a potty call..so I don't
think these water pills are doing anything..Gail still insists its
salt and I don't know why I cannot get it through to her that I
DONT like salt..a tiny bit to bring out flavor yes, but more than
that I don't ever add it..Maybe one of these times she will
listen to me on that..Something else has to be causing this
swelling, plus I don't drink much either..one possibly 2 cups
of coffee and then I drink 2 possibly 3 of water with lime kool
aid in it..that's not a lot of liquid... I never did retain fluids before.
I dunno, but I hope they find out...My stumps sometimes feel
like theyre gonna explode! Which is VERY uncomfortable...

I had that echogram or what ever last friday..she did my carotid
artery on each side of my neck..VPS called this morning and I
have to have another one but this time on my heart...I hate to
say it but I forgot already what day theyre coming..:-) Tomorrow
I think.. I'm getting bad, I need to start writing this down I guess..
They will call first since it will be someone else and more than
likely need directions.. :-)

I woke at 7 today to the sounds of hammers on the roof again..
I had hoped they were done..NOT... Carl and Joyce are out
there and Carl is up there .. I guess his helpers are at work..
They worked yesterday from about 5 to dark ..about 8 or so..
I will be SO glad when theyre done..The stuff on my walls are
even moving sometimes The boys are tired of it too I think..

Penny made my recipe for Calico Beans yesterday and they
turned out GREAT..unbelieveably tasty... I ate 2 bowls yesterday
and theres some left for today.. I am VERY GLAD..Other than
that I have NO plans for today..So... you know what that means
its time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to post this and get on
with my doing nuthin! :-) Remember though, I shall return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, August 30, 2010

~I Gotta Be Good~

This is short today as its already a hectic morning plus I
don't feel that great.. Penny is here of course and Gail just
left.. Gail is my nurse in case you forgot..My blood pressure
is high, very high, enough so that Gail is concerned .. She
plans to call the doctor..I explained that its been a very busy
week for me and this week end was awful, what with all the
pounding doing the roof... Gails suggestion was to get some
rest and avoid any more stress today...I'm gonna try, I don't
want to stroke out OR go to hospital..so..I gotta be good..:-)

Penny is making some Calico Beans for lunch today.. My
cousin June's recipe..VERY good.. Smells wonderful in here.
Its sposta be up in the 90's today but we got the oven on any
way and my AC is running, which stresses me out cuz all I see
is my electric bill being sky high and triple...That is enough to
stroke me out :-)

Anyhoway, I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE , just puny..I will
get better :-) Post time and try to unstress... I will be back
tomorrow ..:-)

Always, Lois****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

~Foot Stompin Meanie~

Today started with a LOUD THUD, up on the roof at 7 am.. The
sound scared me and it sure woke me up... I don't like this pounding
above my head at all.. The boys are scared silly.. I was feeding the
outside cats and they ran all of a sudden and I saw Carls daughter
walking across in front of the garages headed to the side to work
on the roofl.l I SAW her stomp her feet and make a motion like she
was gonna run ...She was scaring Eary and the white faced kittie..
I saw her do this.. I opened my door and yelled at her..I couldn't help
it...I bet she had HER breakfast! Foot stompin ... I wont put here
what I really called her... starts with a B tho... she must not like cats.

I said, ok yelled "WHAT THE HELL are you doing? LEAVE THE
CATS ALONE!!!".. she just laughed and asked if they were MY cats.
Don't matter whos cats they are... She had NO right to scare them..
I WILL turn her in for that..that's animal abuse.. Eary is starving..he
depends on me for food.. She doesn't want cats in her yard, fine..
but she had NO right scaring these...This has ruined my whole day.
Now I worry that Eary is hungry.. GRRRR.. Id like to find out when
SHES eating and go and stomp my feet at her! Well invisible feet..
I bet I could make her think I have feet.. Mess with my cats.,,..I am
SO mad about this... PLUS ...

I bet yesterday, cuz they are plugged into my electric for their
nail gun, they blew the fuse in here at least 3 times...They are
plugged into something else now.. I see Joe is out there now,
hes putting in his 2 cents.. Wait, I will catch him before he leaves.
This cat stuff and all this pounding..making me have a bad day..

I'm posting this early, VERY early as I am NOT in a good mood
at all.. I Did have a nice surprise yesterday.. my sis came by..I
kinda figured she would.... brought me some great tomatoes!
No green ones are to be found..she looked..They were gonna
go for a nice ride, it was a beautiful day for it..Shes a good sis,
and Stanley aint too bad either...He teases me constantly. hes
a good guy and treats my sis like a queen, so that makes him
ok :-)

Its almost 10 and I am totally in a bad mood..I bet my BP is
sky high..With this CONSTANT pounding, and the drama
with my kitties.. I need a break already. I'm gonna post this,
make a cuppa tea and try to unwind., calm down a little at
least IF I can.. I know this pounding will go on for the rest
of the day I'm sure :-( Yippee.. happy Sunday to me..

Nothing this GORGEOUS WEEBLE can do about it so I
just have to pray they hurry up and get it done.. But , noise
or whatever, I will return! :-) Hope YOU have a good day!

Always , Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

~Roofers here~

They started on my side of the roof today at 7 this morning..They
did pick 2 of the coolest days, its sposta be hotter NExt week..The
other side isnt done yet, they have to put the shingles on over there.
They are taking the old shingles off mine today..I cant see who it is
though, I know its not Carl or Joyce as I see them right out side here.

The boys are going nuts with the noise..They don't like it at all..Dutch
is beside himself hes so scared..They've never heard roof noises like
this..scraping and pounding ..its really loud. I will be glad when theyre
done. gives me a headache :-) Steady noise above my head is NOT
fun..but they gotta fix the roof...

Gail came at 9. right on time..All is ok..same, same..The girl came
yesterday about 2 to do the sonagram or what ever you call it..Wasn't
hard..they do this same test for babies.. My neck sounded clear, I
could hear the blood pumping and it sounded ok to me....The nurse
or the girl running it didn't say one way or the other what she found..I
guess I will have to wait for the dr..

Since Ive not heard anything from the Dr about my blood work I must
be ok on that too..I hope so.. I still see no change in anything, nor do I
feel different.. I was up, well awakened at least 4 times last night but
I always do that when I know I am gonna have company or someone
come by the next day..I didn't have to get up to make a potty call
either, which I thought I might cuz of these water pills..nothings

So I dunno.. I'm kinda swollen this morning so... I DUNNO.. :-)
Gail willbe back on Monday, then wed then again next Saturday...

Other than this I have no plans for today, I kinda think my sis might
come up later..I'm not sure..Its always good to see her..Shes a good
sister..So anyhoway, its time to post and find some lunch.. Penny
made some killer potato soup yesterday and I just might have that
for lunch..:-) This GORGEOUS WEEBLE needs to get something
done, so I better get started before the get up and go leaves without
me.. :-) Y'all have a great week end..remember I shall return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, August 27, 2010

~Nuther Busy Day~ :-)

Today is a busy day again..This week has proven to be VERY
busy busy.. Penny is here of course, and they are putting the new
roof, well shingles on the roof, I think that is Carls daughter that
is helping him..I dunno..Ive only seen the 2 of them out there..
THEN.. between 1 and 4 the ultra sound girl will be here..
Tomorrow, Gail, my nurse will be here, busy week....
Three times a week she'll be here but I wont know till tomorrow
what days, maybe Monday, wed, and Saturday...I dunno..I told
Gail to make it easy on herself, since she has her regular job
at the hospital....as for me, I feel ok, I see no difference in any
thing..I'm not going to the potty any more than I did before I got
on these water pills, but I talked to my sis last night and they
may take a few days to really get into action..When she takes
one she goes ALOT...I havent at all..So I dunno..I'm a little
swollen today, but usually as the day wears on and I do more
is when the swelling really starts..But I feel ok..I still am amazed
at how low my BP was when the nurse took it..Lowest its been
in a LONG time, which makes me leary if she heard right..I have
my own BP reader so I may see what it says...

If you read the comments you have heard about my friend Mary,
shes had surgery and a few complications.. Brenda, all of our
thoughts and prayers are with you and Mary..Please tell her
for me.. She is a very special lady and a very special friend..

We are all clean, and Penny has made some potato soup..I
have been so hungry for soup..I would love to have some pasta
fazool..which is a lentil soup...with tiny pasta...My ex mother in
law, could make some of the best soup...but she had that great
Italian store, Lucci's, to get all this Italian stuff..we don't here..
I bet they do in Brooklyn by Momar! :-) I LOVE Italian food, I
have to say its my favorite..But there really arent too many that
don't like it. specially spaghetti..:-)

Well I need to get this posted and make out a grocery list to
stock up for the week end..The prices of food is outrageous,
but we got no choice ..its a MUST HAVE...Specially for this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-) remember,,, I will return!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

~My Nurse Again!~

Yesterday turned into a very long day.. I got a phone call ,
about 2 or so..Was from a nurse that is being sent for my
home care...She asked if she could come by about 5:30.
I wasn't very pleased with the time, but it was either that or
7:30 in the morning..I told her to come at 5;30.. I knew her,
she knew me, It was Gail, a nurse from the hell home... I
remembered her quite well..She was a good nurse..She
works days at the hospital in Three Rivers, that's why the
time she is available..This home care is a 2nd job....She is
my nurse again... :-)
I guess this swelling Is nothing to sneeze at since I have
this Congestive Heart Failure. And I guess my heart beat
is otta sinc...she says she will be coming 2 possibly 3 times
a week.. :-( Am I sposta be sick? I'm just tired, seriously
tired, but I think the thyroid will help that...see? Always some
thing.. I'm not breathing right either..Gail said I may need to
keep oxygen here..;. :-( she wants me to do a sleep test
thing to see how I breathe when I sleep..I haveta sleep sitting
up most of the time so I can get some of what I call "good
air" .. Its not one of those face mask things, just some thing
you put on your finger...she put one on mine and it started
beeping, that's why she started asking breathing questions.
SOOO..anyhoway.. she will be back Saturday morning at 9.
THEN..I got a phone call..Tomorrow they will be here to do
the echogram or what ever they call it..On my carotid artery
and my heart.. They will call with a time in the morning.. Oh!
Penny went and got my 6 prescriptions, I now havta pay a
co-pay...dollar for each one..I NEVER had to before..NOW
I do..Turning 65 sure sucks..This is turning out to be a totally
un necessary week..Too Much :-)

I was watching the kitties outside and I saw the garden lady,
she is, I was told, in her 90's.!.. I was a nervous wreck
watching her carry that ladder around, washing ALL her
windows! And here I sit at 65 too pooped to pop :-) some
thing aint right here :-) Look at her garden..the pictures
don't do it justice its so pretty....

Well..that's all my wunnerful news. :-) I'm still a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE though, and was good to see Gail..she was one
of the good nurses at the HH..she cared. so I am in good
hands.. :-) Post time ! But, I shall be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

~2 Trips~

Penny stopped by the pharmacy to get my prescriptions and
they said open at 9...well they werent...Penny said 3 other
people were waiting too. I called to inquire if they were gonna
be open today at all and they said yes so now Penny has to
make a 2nd trip back there to get them for me.. I honestly don't
know what all the Dr has prescribed to be honest. I know my
thyroid and nitro are there and the water pill.. I think a heart med
is there too that the Dr said I HAVE to take..With this swelling
all over its not good, its not helping the CHF.;or congestive heart
failure.. I had 2 amputee friends at the hellhome..Darryl and BB,
they had CHF, it killed them both...

They were both diabetics and that's why they were amputees..
both were above knee, only in their 40's..both died of CHF.It
was very sad.. Darryl died while I was still in there, BB moved
out to the same apartment complex as me, just down the hall..
He only got to live there for a few months, I found him dead in
his chair one Saturday morning..He didn't come by as he usually
did..I got worried and went to check on him...He had been dead
for a while...

BB had come by that Friday night, we watched tv.he left about
10 and said he would be down as usual in the morning for coffee.
About noon I went looking specially since he didn't answer his
phone.. So young..but he ate anything, he didn't watch what he
ate..too many sweets..and he didn't listen when I told him he
needed to stop the sweets...Something I will never forget is
seeing him slumped over in his chair......awful...hes in a better
place now...but he was a very dear friend, they both were to
me when we were in the hell home..They made it more bearable.

Well Penny is back with my meds, so I need to check them out..
See whats what..I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I Shall
Return!! :-) Have a good day! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

~Animals Are Just Furry People~ :-)

Graybell, that's her, see her poor little mouth? I have NO idea
what happened..She got hit by a car maybe, or someone kicked
her? Shes had this for a long time..I even think she is missing a
couple teeth..She wont let me look..Penny either.. How could
someone abuse an animal. Or hit them with their car and just
leave them there... The city here patrols the streets every day,
and they I'm sure have found dead or injured animals...So sad..
I may call Becky, my friend with ARF about her..Maybe she
can catch her and take her to the vet..Becky loves animals too..
Theyre people...just furry kind...They hurt and love just like we
do.. :-) I wish I could let her in..shes tried to come in ...
Was busy outside for a while..was VERY nice to watch :-)
What? I'm not dead YET ! :-) They delivered the shingles and
supplies for the new roof..:-) Those bundles of shingles are
heavy.. :-) If those 2 guys are gonna help do this roof..they
can wake me as ealy as they want! :-) I think Carl is gonna
do it, he did the garage, I think his son helped him...
I had a nice surprise phone call this morning from a friend I
havent heard from in ages..3 years at least.. We just sorta
lost touch.. She is a amputee, congential..triple..Sara Pratt.
She is alive and well and doing good I was so glad to hear..
When I first got online and joined that awful yahoo group,
which shall be nameless, Sara was one of the first ones to
phone or talk to me..We have been friends since...she
introduced me to many that I am still in touch with and she
and I have discussed devs of course, and she feels the
same as I do.. We are all just people.. I gave her the url
to this blog and told her to stop by, I hope she does...It
sure was nice talking to her, it had been a long time...
HumHer posed for me..She sat on that sunflower and
waited for me to take that photo of her..Isnt that just
cute? I bet they would come right up to me if I WAs
out there. I keep looking for babies but not seen one..
Its time to post and eat something, I'm hungry..I dunno
what I want though..I have some frozen ravioli, sounds
good :-) Anyhoway, ... this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
gonna go in search of food! Remember though... I
Will return.. :-)

Love Always,
Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, August 23, 2010

~D Day~

I'm late as the Dr just left..They got here about 10:45..My new
doctor, I am pleased to say is a woman..Dr. Mazie.young too.
mid 30's maybe..and VERY nice...So heres the scoop....

My heart is not the best..Ashley, nurse, could not get a BP reading
from my left arm..On the right it was 185 over 110..Which the Dr
said is NOT good..She didn't like the high bottom number.. any
howay..Ashley took 2 stabs to draw me and we are worried it may
not be enough blood for all the tests..I hope so.. I have a few new
meds..well no only 1 for the swelling and a new one for my heart..
Ashley did a EKG.. the Dr wasn't too impressed with that either...

I will have to have an electrocardiogram done, but they will come
to me..The Dr is worried about my carotid artery especially..They
sometimes have to be bypassed :-( They will call and let me know.

AND.. I have to have a nurse come at least once a week to keep
a watch on my BP and everything..I wasn't expecting that..but Dr
feels its best and safer for me...They will call and let me know about
that too..And Dr said if when they get my tests back if she feels
something needs to be added or adjusted she will do it then..

I'm glad that's over but am SO glad my Dr is a woman, and SO
very nice too..very easy to talk to.. The boys behaved quite well..
Dutch only laid on one of Ashleys bags but she didn't mind..LB
came out of the closet..sniffed them both and slowly walked back
to where ever it was he was..We all did good..

Carl came by too..said Friday they will be doing BOTH roofs..mine
is worse than theirs next door..He wanted to know what time they
could start, I told him when ever they want I can sleep anytime..
daybreak is fine with me, I saw where he went and asked them
next door too...

Ok I'm done with this, Ive not had coffee yet even..The Dr left and
I started to write this..so..this GORGEOUS WEEBLE needs
coffee.. Bev, if you read this relay to mom for me :-) I will call
my sis later and tell her.. Not bad news, but Its not the best either.
but oh well..I'm still here!! AND.. I shall return!!! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

~Butterfly Needles~

Surprise ! :-) I was playin, hadta get my mind offa this D Day
stuff..Its small but oh well..its ME ! :-)

Its 10:40 am, ive been up since 7:30. Ive not made coffee
today, I had a cuppa tea instead..I'm already nervous.. I'm
on the countdown to tomorrow. D Day...Ive gone over what
all I have to do before they come and even to what I will
wear...Well I don't wanna wear something long sleeve when
I know they will take my blood pressure, I KNOW they will
draw blood.. I just hope they listen to me... so many don't
and just shake their heads and use what they want. They
get 4 tries to draw me and that's all...Ive been stuck as
many as 6 times just to draw blood...For IV's its worse..
I think the highest count on that is 12...finally they put in a
pick line..straight to the artery..no more getting poked
constantly....I was in hospital and they had to draw blood
every 6 hours I think..they ran out of places after the 2nd
day..I felt like a pin cushion..They finally agreed, was a lot
easier... But those are my rules..I told Ashley to make SURE
they had TINY butterfly needles, like for a child..If they don't,
I WILL be upset...

I wont drink anything after midnight or in the morning, most
tests they don't want you to..So depending on what time
my appointment is..I will wait till after theyre gone..Penny
will be here in the MOrning so I hope they come then too..
Then she can get my prescription filled that I hope he gives
me for my thyroid..Then he may wait till after the blood test.
I dunno..Ive gone over everything in my mind a dozen times.
I wish it WAs already over....I am such a baby when it comes
to this..but when you have had as much as I have, you would
probly be the same way..Remember I had a year of the
worst infection and pain a person could almost endure when
my left stump scar was infected..I had a nurse come 4 days
a week..sometimes more sometimes less...I'm gun shy..
but I earned it.. I am still surprised I made it thru that year
of pain....You could say I had 3 years of doctors....doctors
doctors.....being poked, jabbed and well every time I have
a appointment I do this to my self...this is me. :-)

Other than to worry all day about tomorrow I have no plans.
Its kinda nice outside, not a lot going on out there tho..the
kitties came by for breakfast of course, 6 today;...Eary
came by, hes so skinny .. hes VERY VERY scared..He
sees me at all he runs..Slowly the others are getting used
to me..even Fuzz, he doesn't run anymore..Stinky and
Graybell I think have decided they live here..:-) Donnie
is making me 2 boxes...Cat Houses :-) But I do hope
Penny takes them home..they would have a barn there..
AND a lot of attention..Her guys each have kinda adopted
one of the 5 she has out there..None are as friendly or
lovey as Stinky and Graybell though..sweet kitties...

Well this SWEET GORGEOUS WEEBLE is hungry..
I KNOW I probly shouldn't eat till after the doctor visit
just to be safe, but maybe I will just have some Mrs.
Grass's Soup..I like that stuff..I don't think Donnie
took it :-) He raids my cupboards when hes here :-)
Spoiled brat.:-)

Post time and to continue counting the countdown
to D Day..Y'all have a great Sunday and don't forget
I shall return! Before or after I don't know..depends
what time the D gets here :-)

Always, Lois****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

~Nice Surprise~

I had decided to make one more potty call before I got on
my bed last night.. I hate when I do all that moving only to
realize I have to re do it all cuz I didn't go, or at least try to..
It was about 9:30, 10 maybe..I rolled out here to the kitchen,
just to see if any kitties were outside..I worry when I see any
out there during the night, which usually is when Eary comes
by..There were no kitties out there.. I was relieved.. BUT....
I had a nice surprise.. :-)

I looked at the birdbath feeder, and there was something there.
It was BIG! I squinted my eyes to see better..guess what it was?
Well it was 3 somethings...3 deer eating the birdseed..:-) I had
seen deer run through the yard, but these 3 just took their time
and ate, and then walked off.. I tried to take some pictures but,
was too dark even with the outside light and the flash only reflected
off the glass and didn't work.. It was so nice to see them! Carl had
told me about him seeing deer at night..This is my first time.. :-)
I would think the deer had a lot of corn out in the fields now..

Today started off really great, I hope its not a sign that this is gonna
be a crap day.. I always turn my coffee pot on first thing, then feed
the kids..by the time I'm done with that the coffee is done..I poured
a full cup, and reached over to get the sugar..all I use is 3 spoons,
level ones, of sugar, no milk or anything..Well my arm hit that cup,
it fell over and I had coffee EVERYWHERE!!!!.. I quick grabbed my
YELLOW kitchen towel..to try to stop this coffee from going over
on to the stove..ya its stained really good..yellow, of all the dish
towels I grab its that one.. duh...

By the time I got that all wiped off, I had to move canisters, wipe
the stove, it was a mess..I had about half a cuppa coffee left in
the pot..I was almost afraid to pour it for fear I would knock it over
too! I didn't make any more..I was very lucky that coffee went on
the counter and not me..I had my chair off , by the time I had gotten
it on and moved, well I would have had that coffee on me..These
chairs are NOT instant go when you turn them on then hit the joy
stick.they hesitate a minute..takes me forever to open the door.
besides the fact I'm not a good backer upper :-)

I feel ok today, despite the fact its a rainy day and dark out. Grayble
is outside and wants in so bad.. These cats break my heart..They
need lovin so bad..She is the only female..her poor little mouth
still doesn't look good.. But she is as lovey as Stinky, maybe even
more...I kinda hope Penny takes them both..Donnie said he would
make some cat boxes for me .. I will feel better knowing they have
some protection out there..... I wish I had a big barn for them all..

No plans for today which is good..2 days left till D Day.. :-) which
is Doctor Day.. :-) I'm hungry and I'm posting this ..My stuffed
peppers are calling. . good doesn't even describe them :-)
Excellent would be better ..This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
hungry and remember..I will return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, August 20, 2010

~Post #1756..Lotsa Writin'~ :-)

I wish you could smell it in here..It smells so good..Its kinda
cool outside today so we are using the oven..I keep putting 'we'
which really should be 'Penny'...she does most of it.. Right now
we have 5 stuffed peppers in the oven AND a white cake :-)
Shes gone to the store to get a few things and one will be the
chocolate frosting for the cake..White cake with chocolate fudge
frosting is my favorite cake..:-) Its gonna be a great lunch and
I will have enough for left overs for tomorrow so I wont have to
do anything, just warm it up :-)

I was trying not to think about the Dr appointment on Monday,
I was doing pretty good till my phone rang and it was Ashley,
from VP to remind me that they will be calling with the time the
Dr will be by on Monday..:-( I really didn't need to be reminded,
I DO remember.. I am NOT looking forward to it at all :-(...It will
take every ounce of will power when they call Monday to not
ask for next week instead..This is me.. and I cant help it...

Other than this there is not a lot going on.. I talked to the boy
last night, hes doing good.He got his truck running AND he
got Kellis back on the road...Hes a good mechanic..Great
with Deisel engines...He and Becky have broken up..they
have before so..time will see what will transpire...Becky is
my niece by marriage..her mom is married to my brother
Kenny..Yvonne is very nice.. They don't live too far from my

Penny is back from the store so I better get on with this day,
which means its time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to
post this and remind you I shall be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

~Busy Man~ :-)

I watch Carl go back and forth across his yard out to his workshop.
I bet he goes out there every day at least, if not 2 or 3 times a day...
I think its really Joe's garage that goes with this property..Being that
Carl does the maintence for Joe, he uses it...Carl is steady outside
doing something..For a 70 some year old man..well..not bad I think.
:-) Plus he has the bluest eyes..My dad had blue eyes that just kinda
twinkled when he smiled.. :-) Plus my dad had a gold tooth..It was
on the left of his front tooth.. When he got his dentures he even had
that gold tooth put on that...No one knew he had dentures..My dad
just twinkled all over his face.. :-) Anyhoway.....
Joe and Carl were outside yesterday..First Carl walked all around
outside.. made me nervous..then I saw him leave, he has 2 trucks,
a brown and a green one...When he came back Joe was with him..
They both walked all around out side, next door, everywhere.. I
looked to try to see what they were looking at, and they were looking
up at the roof.. I cant see mine, but I notice next door, their roof don't
look too good..Those shingles, a bad storm I bet would rip them off
with no problem...I wonder if they have leaks over there...Roof in
that condition if they don't now, they will....the place next door is a
2 bedroom...Steve and Lisa have been there 8 years or so..long
time...Carl doesn't think they will ever move... :-)
3 days...then its monday..I'm already dreading it...by Sunday I will
be a nervous wreck..I dread this that much..I bet no one else on
this planet dreads Dr visits more than me..I bet I can remember
every one and id say at least 95% of them resulted in me either
going to hospital, losing some part of my body or having to go
thru a ton of tests..and I cant think of any I havent had done..I
think the tests make you sicker than whatever the problem is..I
had an upper GI and had to drink that rotten banana tasting crap,
I bet I puked for 3 days...I just don't like going to a doctor..

Ashley asked if I had any outstanding 'issues'..in other words,
was something wrong..well.. I have a few, besides my throat
and voice...I didn't know whether to name them all or not..:-)
Well I swell up like a balloon. I cant use my right hand..I cant
see for the swollen itchy watery eyes..so ya..I guess I do..and
if nothing else I can get my levothroid filled and get back on
that and maybe have some energy again.. I hate being this
tired, the pills will help that.. The carpal tunnel.. other than
surgery I don't know what will help..maybe a brace, I usta
have one..I have NO idea where it is... Anyhoway...

I have no plans for today, no company is expected...I did
get a nice surprise with lunch yesterday...:-) 5 VERY nice
fresh peaches , a red pepper, zucchini and a couple of
peppers that Ive never seen before..theyre purple.no..I
know eggplant, these are peppers..about half the size
of the red or green....I have not ever seen this kind..We
got peppers yesterday from the store, 2 for dollar.we
are making stuffed peppers tomorrow when Penny gets
here.. I LOVE those things.. I aint telling the boy either..
Ill let him have the peaches..he loves those..:-)

Post time, and I need to get some lunch..This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE is hungry :-) But... I will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

~Emerald Green~ :-)

Nice day today tho it started with rain...The grass needs it
though.. things get so dry with the heat..And as hot as its
been here, we need the rain too.. not floods, but a nice
steady rain. Things get so green..When I look out across
the lawns, and they kinda are a beautiful emerald green..
a nice warm glowing green... :-)

When I lived in Pasadena, outside Houston, there was an
associate pastor, Brother Tiner was his name, his wife was
Agnes..Dear sweet lady. She had MS and lost her sight right
after her youngest son , Drew, was born..They had an older
boy too.. Agnes only saw Drew a few times, and he was a
mama's boy..you could tell how much he loved her, he watched
over her all the time and didn't mind at all helping her...

Willie and I usta go over there just to visit we were close friends.
Brother Tiner, CB, had just bought a new car, A beautiful green
Lincoln.. Agnes asked me "Lois, just WHAT color is our new car,
describe it for me..when I ask CB he says 'its green'...describe
WHAT shade of green..please"... I proceed to tell her that when
the sun hit the car, it almost glowed..there were gold flecks of
metallic mixed in with the most beautiful emerald green, like what
the Emerald City was like on the wizard of oz".. She smiled and
said.."AHHH, NOW I know just what color green!" :-)

Amazing how just adding a few words to green can make you see
in your mind just what color is.. When I see outside all damp and
Emerald Green..it always reminds me of that day, describing what
color Agnes' new car really was.. :-)

I feel pretty ok.. Penny came and she cleaned out and re arranged
the freezer for me..some pork chops I had in there almost fell out
and if I hadnt dodged they would have hit me right in the face..I
wish I had a fridge with a freezer on the bottom...Would be so
much easier for me.. I had a side by side at the apartment..I liked
that but I was amazed it really didn't hold that much.The ice maker
took up a whole shelf! Which I don't use Ice, so I didn't have it
connected... But I sure would like a different fridge..There is a
dishwasher here too. but we don't use it.. I never did want one.
Hands work...

Lunch today for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE, I think will just be
some hamberger helper, I wanted some stuffed peppers but
Penny just wont have time..She leaves at 12:30 and its almost
noon now..So we may save the peppers till Friday.. I have some
ground meat in the fridge so I think the helper stuff is on the
menu..Some of it is quite good..So Anyhoway...

Post time and time to eat... Graybelle showed up today I was
SO glad to see her.. She hadnt been here for days..Poor thing
was so hungry and her poor little mouth still is not healed..These
cats worry me so much.. :-) Hope you have a good day and
remember,,, I will return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

~Travis Day~

Hum Her... can tell..males have red on the neck...
re bloomin sunflower...

Travis was here and left. Hes a nice kid..Easy to talk to.. I
brought him up to date on all my stuff, he was glad I have the
appointment with the Dr too.. I still am not happy but I will do
what I have to do to keep things rolling straight and forward.
And I guess getting my health issues straight is one of them.
Well if I wanna live another 10 years at least so I can keep
aggravating everyone :-) I hope I have that many years and
even more, as long as I feel good.. I would love to watch the
great grands, Alex and this new baby girl we are waiting for,
see how they grow...Alex, from what Kelli and Donnie tell me
is quite the character..Donnie just smiles from ear to ear when
he talks about that boy..Well hes got the 3 girls..so a boy is
nice...Donnie said Alex comes running up to him, puts his
little hands on his hips and says very loudy "WHAT?" :-)
Donnie sees Alex more than his other 3 grands...Nikki has
the 2 boys, shes next youngest under Kelli, then Amber has
the one girl..Donnie practically raised them..They are his
ex wife, Shirleys girls..but they know Donnie as Dad..He
loves them dearly and they are beautiful girls....Ive not seen
them in years.. I would like to though :-)
Lotsa sunflower seeds...now..soon they will be all gone :-)

My sunflowers are re-blooming! The flowers are very small
compared to the others..but it seems where ever one of these
big seedy ones are these new flowers are coming out..I LOVE
flowers. There are some brown eyed susans growing over by
the ramp guys house.. I would LOVE to have some of those..
I love Susies..and Daisies.. I had them both growing in my
flower bed by my lanai.. Flowers just make you smile.. do me
anyway :-) I have 3 glories out there this morning..:-) I love
my yard.. wait..next year... be even better .. specially if I can
get that friend...ya..Raife, to swim that pond. I bet I would
or could have a yard as beautiful as his.. Course alot of the
credit for his beautiful place goes to Ines and her green thumb.
She has a beautiful flower AND veggie garden...shes very
talented.. :-) Plus a gormet cook! Could be a great visit ! ;-)

Anyhoway, I have no other plans other than to make myself
some lunch....What.. I have no idea...I always find something.
I might have some ravioli, with the CLASSICO sauce..and
I have meatballs frozen in the freezer.. That sounds pretty
good.. Decisions, decisions..:-)

Post time for this so this GORGEOUS WEEBLE can find
food and get on with this day. Its really nice out..sposta be
all week. I feel pretty good today too which helps :-) BUT!
don't forget.. I will be back ! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, August 16, 2010

~Thats All I Got To Say About That~

I bet I woke up at least 5 times and I KNOW I got up
twice... Today I feel like I'm on pins and needles, waiting
for my phone to ring and its VP setting up an appointment.
I cant even describe how badly I DONT want to do this. I
dread it and its making me crazy..All Ive thought about
since I talked to them.. All I think of is being poked and
stuck with needles and I hate that.. Ive had MORE than
my share and I have earned this right to dread it..Like
Raife said, every time I go to the Dr they tell me some
thing different, wanna do all these tests, give me a bunch
of pills to take.. I HONESTLY HATE this..The feeling I
feel right now is awful.. I dread this that much...But if I
DONT see this Dr, I will never hear the end of it either..
I cant win. and I am NOT happy..This week has started
off not very good, with worrying with that and I got an
email from my son, Mark on top of it that didn't make
me very happy either..But not much I can do about it.

Mark has returned to the UK..I had sent him an email a
few days ago inquiring as to how hes doing..There was
a reply this morning saying he has returned to England...
I know he missed his boy terribly and I KNOW that feeling
all too well..It was his choice and I guess he wasn't the
happiest in Pennsylvania..But my thought is..here he is
a citizen, in the UK hes an alien...This was his choice and
I do hope its the right one for him and his family..At least
we got to see each other and meet.. We will probly never
see each other in person again.. My oldest boy.. hes still
in PA too.. I don't hear from him at all..He reads this I do
know that.. He is doing good I hope...

I'm glad I opened the door to my past and got to meet my
sons.. I will leave it at that...I will say I had hoped for more,
but, I left the choice to them.. They both know how to find
me and where I am..I never did hide from them or anyone,
However things have been said that are forgivable.. just
not forgetable..and I have always had TOO good a memory.
Sometimes that is a blessing and then again can be a
bad thing..Time marches on..and I'm rolling with it.. I have
no choice.. I tried, and that's all I'm saying on this subject..
My sons wont be mentioned here again.. As Forrest said,
"thats all I got to say about that" :-)

Well my phone just rang..was Ashley. I have a breather,
and I can honestly say I AM breathing better :-) Next
Monday, no this Friday she will call and verify I have an
appointment for the 23rd..They will phone that Monday
morning to tell me a time.. I did ask that they try to come
in the morning though.. I am just NOT good in the after
noon.. All I have set up for the rest of this week is for
Travis to come tomorrow..about 10 or so I think.. I wrote
a note so I remember :-)

Anyhoway, I can take a deep breath now the worst part
is over.. I can do these few days..by Friday and I KNOW
by Sunday night I will be a basket case.. Ashley asked
if I had any outstanding health issues needed attention..
I gave her the list :-) I did forewarn her that my BP will
probly be out of sight..but its natural for me..:-)

I dunno whats for lunch we have not decided..This
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post this and go find
out.. Hope you had a good week end and have a great
week..Remember.. I shall return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

~Tea Day~

I had tea this morning instead of coffee.. I sat in the doorway
as usual drinking it..Stinky and Fuzz were waiting outside for
breakfast..They are out there every morning, more than the
rest of them.They trickle in as the morning progresses..:-)
I noticed there were very few birds though..Ive not seen any
of those big black birds lately either..but as much as they like
corn they could be in the cornfields.There are a lot of farms
here..But I notice when I don't see any...

I want you to know I am a nervous wreck waiting till tomorrow
or whatever day it is that VP is gonna call and tell me when I
have an appointment and the Dr will be here... By the time
he DOES come my blood pressure will be really high...I am
NOT looking forward to seeing a Dr...Ive always been this
way.. Its only Sunday, Ashley or whoever said 'beginning of
next week'...I hope today drags and takes forever to be done.
I KNOW I wont sleep worth a crap..The more you sleep the
faster time goes...I know I'm awful.. this is me..I DONT like
going to the Dr. I have been like this since I was young..
The same with going to the dentist.... I DONT like doing
that either. I can feel the pressure rising... :-)

Other than that I feel ok..I still have my swolleness...My
eyes drive me crazy theyre so swollen, plus my hands
and stumps are too.. When my stumps are really swollen
they are SUPER sensitive and VERY firm..LB slipped
when he was walking across my lap and dug his nails
in and I thought my stump was gonna explode..felt like
he stabbed me..He does have sharp claws..They both
do..You can hear LB when he walks across the floor
cuz his nails snag..I aint holding this cat down to trim
his nails..and I KNOW Penny wont .. I will catch him
in a lovey mood and use a emery board..he likes to
chew on it ..dull his sharp teeth. Hes bitten me twice
this past week...and I have NO idea why..just to get
attention I think :-) Kids....

Speaking of kids, Ive not heard from the boy, so I may
give him a call to see how hes doing on his truck.. I
hope he got it fixed...My Dolly, Kelli is doing good..I
feel so bad for her being pregnant in this heat. She
has it air conditioned at work , in her car and at home,
so shes staying cool...Been in the 90s all week and
sposta be this week too..HOT HOT HOT..even with
AC its hot..

I'm hungry and need to get something made for lunch.
I'm not really hungry and my hands are swollen so I
wont fix much... BUT..This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
needs to post this and get on with this day..Hope
you have a good one, I Shall Return! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

~38 Photos~

White faced black and white kittie ..
I just downloaded 38 photos off the camera card. Its a little blue SD
or San Disc card...Ive used it for years now..I only say, maybe a week
or so ago, noticed on the side there is a little white thing, and by it, it
says LOCK.. I did NOT know you could do that ..It keeps you from
erasing certain ones..To totally clear the card, I had to put it in lock
and unlock.. It took me a while to realize that cuz I kept seeing that
there were photos on the card but I didn't know how to get to them!
DUH...NOW I KNOW :-) But there were 38 photos on it..and I took
those only this morning...and today is only half gone! I am SO bad
with a camera, EVERYTHING I see I think would make a great photo
of these birds and critters, well even Carl and Joyce.:-) SHHHH :-)
Well I give everyone that comes here fair warning they may possibly
have their picture taken..They don't mind :-) I would like a better
camera, one that zooms in better and will focus better when it does.
Mine, well Pennys, loses focus when I zoom in too close...But I DO
enjoy taking these photos. I just need to learn to delete them after
I take them.. I dont..I KEEP THEM..and don't ask "for what"..cuz I
don't know..:-) If I knew someone wanted them I would gladly share.
Ive been discussing phantom pains again, with a friend of mine..
A Dev... and a very good friend..We can discuss just about any
thing that pertains to my world and his.. Its nice.. I think I give him
a different outlook as to how it REALLY is...We talked today
about how I think that until the gene or what ever is removed from
my head, I will ALWAYS feel and know where my now invisible
legs are..I don't see how a pain pill or muscle relaxer or anything
could stop phantoms..I believe that every one of us, feels them differently
because we ARE different.. I honestly think and believe that no
matter what I will always have phantoms..which to me is the feeling
of knowing where my invisible legs are.. Right now I have a foot
on each tire in front..well no, just my toes..my foot is arched.. Like
I'm standing on my toes... I believe I will always know where they
are.. Very seldom do I not know..but 85% of the time I do. no,
maybe 95%..... :-) Anyhoway..it was an interesting conversation.
Lotsa hungry birds :-)
So was Squirrley :-)

Its trying to rain or do something outside.clouds up,, gets all dark,
then the sky opens up again.. Yesterday about 4 or so...It got SO
hot..was awful..like I didn't even HAVE air conditioning.. I had to
turn the ceiling fan on..I saw where the temp got up to 93 here
yesterday, sposta do the same thing today..I know my AC came
on at 9 am ..That's early for the heat to start.This is sposta be
the hottest summer on record.. THAT don't make me feel good..
Worries me.. Whats this winter gonna be then? The coldest OR
the most snow? Snow sounds good now tho..
I Love the finches..

I took a photo of the black and white, white faced kittie that belongs
to that little girl..He wasn't loose for a while, now I see hes back..
You can see hes almost like Stinky..hes pretty too.
I'm hungry and there is some left over spaghetti that Penny made
yeterday that is VERY GOOD! Best shes made in awhile..She
didn't use ground meat, but tiny dices of smoked sausage that
she sauteed with onion and green pepper then added the
Classico 4 cheese sauce..Its SO good. :-) With angel hair pasta.

ANYHOWAY, This GORGEOUS WEEBLE hopes you have a
good week end..Stay Cool :-) I shall be back ifn I don't melt:-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, August 13, 2010


One of my favorite movies, that stars 2 of my favorite actors,
is Face Off with John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. John is a
cop, Nicolas the bad guy.. They trade faces.. Well I saw a
show last nite called Boston Medical..truly amazing..and what
I saw as fiction in that movie is now a reality! There are 2 people
that have gotten new faces...:-)

A man died, and the hospital had a man that was missing his
nose and mouth and that lower part of his face..it was so sad..
A young guy too.. The man that died, they asked his wife would
she donate his organs....4 other people would survive if she did.
One of the things she donated was the lower part of her husbands
face, besides his liver, kidneys and lung I think.. There are now 2
survivors of a face transplant...a woman and now this man.. I think
its just amazing..Was kinda hard to see, but this is life, and what
these doctors will do..Said It took 25 doctors to do this operation.
Can you imagine the cost?

When I watched this show, it reminded me of that movie..Which
WAS fantasy...But you know, I think back to what I watched James
Bond and Get Smart had and did..Things they showed in a movie
as fantasy..well even going to the moon was fantasy and not thought
to be possible..NOW its a reality..I wish someone would come up
with a way to grow body parts back..and If I remember right I think
I watched a show about that too! It may happen in my life time..I
wonder if my legs grew back what they would be like..My luck they
would be short and with ugly toes, probly what I had :-)

We are having spaghetti for lunch today..That CLASSICO sauce
that comes in a jar, the 4 cheese one, they have other variety too,
but this is the best..We really like it.. It IS better than Prego and
Ragu cant hold a candle to it...;Ragu usta be better..Over the
years its flavor has not been good..I don't use or like it...Anyhow

Its time to eat and send Penny on to her next client..So this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is closing this down for today, I never
did get all I wanted done yesterday so I might try to do some
more of that..Maybe..:-) BUT.. I shall return!! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

~Gettin Stuff Done~ :-)

Thats Erie.. see his ear? Hes so skinny I HAD to give him a can
of food..Poor kittie..

I'm posting early again today I have stuff I need to do..I
want to put some of my sewing stuff away.. I honestly
don't think I'll be doing a lot of sewing anymore..Not the
way my wrist and hand are...The right is worser than the
left..Guess cuz I'm right handed.. My wrist really hurts,
specially if I do any sort of grabbing stuff. Putting in
elastic or hand sewing with a needle and thread and
sometimes I have to do that.My stuff HAS to be perfect
when I make it.. :-) But I have lots Id like to get done.
My niece, Beverly is the same way, it HAS to be exact..
She doesn't sew very much anymore either...But id like
to get my kitchen back to just a kitchen...I still have stuff
to go up on the wall here by the table. Some plates that
I just love, and theyre blue..They'll look nice up there.....
Id like to get it done..
Humhim aint fraid of that cat.. :-) Stinky dont care either! :-)
So anyhoway,,, heres the scoop..NOW everyone should
be MOST happy;..those of you that have been 'reminding'
me to 'go to the doctor' :-) I HAVE called Visiting Physicians.
Happy NOW ? :-) In fact I called Tuesday and Ashley just
called me back to tell me I would be covered and that she
will call me back the first of next week to let me know when
Dr. Murphy or something like that is coming to Colon..He
will be my Doctor.. DONT ask if I am happy... Well I am,
KINDA ..be nice to get rid of this tired...but I really don't
want to see a Dr .. I don't feel sick.. :-)

That photo is of the cat I call Erie...Cuz of his ear..He is
SO skinny.. He came by one day and ate so fast I was
scared he would fall over..Seeing him just makes my
heart ache....Poor kittie... I watch Stinky out there . hes
all by himself..he looks so lonely.. I hope Penny will get
him neutered and take him home. She knows how much
I REALLY like that cat..But truth be known, I would feel
so much better knowing he will have a nice barn, other
cats and Penny, and all Pennys residents.. As lovey as
he is.. I KNOW they will love him.. He needs lovin..he
rubs and just is all over Penny when shes here..She
reallly likes him too.. :-) I hope she takes Graybelle too..
Erie if she could get him..hes too shy ..

Cloudy , HOT day, no rain. I'm making some pork strips
with sauerqraut today..with potatoes..Doesn't that sound
good? Just typing it here makes my stomach growl :-)
Time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to get some stuff
done..But I will be back tomorrow ! :-) Have a good day!

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


He's sayin thanks.. thats the one I call Fuzz

This is gonna be short today because I started late and
we are having a really bad storm and I need to power up
my chair..I shoulda charged my chair last night..I'm down to
only 2 yellow lights, then it goes to 2 red lights, Ive never
run this chair into the red..But with a storm here and it
may get worse for what Ive seen on the weather channel
trhe main thing I need to do is charge this chair up...Or
I could get stuck..I can use my manual its here in the living
room covered with a quilt..I would transfer into it if I saw I
was too far in the red..THEN charge up the chair..I have
to use the power one in here or I couldnt navigate ..this
is a big place..
Fuzz, then Graybelle, and Stinky.. :-)

I sent Penny to the store and made out a grocery list
knowin I was hungry..I know better than to do that..You
never go to the grocery store hungry..well unless they
have a little snack bar in it.. :-) I used to get snacks that
I could open and eat on the way home from the store..
Well..you KNOW how that goes too..Takes practically
an act of congress to open the flippin bag or what ever.

I was trying to open a bag of chips on the way home from
the grocery store to tide me over till I got supper made..
I grabbed opposite corners , which usually works..Ya,
I ripped the whole bag in half..and I had chips EVERY
where! Looked like a chip bomb went off in that car..
Of course the bag said, 'easy open, tear here' ya ok..
sure... :-) Didn't work..

Anyhoway, I'm closing this post and gonna go eat..I'm
still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE..hope your having a
good hump day...Weeks half gone, so is this month
already..I guess we are having fun.. :-) That's when
they asy time goes the fastest.. Remember.. I shall

ALways, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

~New Box~ :-)

Guess what I got? A new mailbox! I am most pleased..Wet
mail, even damp was not good... No telling how old that mail
box was..There is a before and after...Carl put it up..It looks
like the neighbors put a new one out there too..Looks better
I think..Lets just hope it doesn't confuse the mail lady :-)
Joe came over this morning, hes still here in fact..Hes cutting
the trees that have grown along side of the apartments.. I was
hoping someone would before they got too big..They could
cause a problem with the foundation here..Plus they scraped
the siding...

After..will go a bit more to the left :-) and be painted :-) white..

Carl couldn't lift that milkcan its full of Sand, so Joe brought a
dolly and it really IS heavy I could hear it "CLUNK" as he drug
it onto the cement! I dunno what Carl did to the 4 X 4 post, cuz
I wanted that left in it! I can have Donnie bring one and a board
for the top of it ...be a great feed holder :-) Its a matter of the
boy FINDING time to do it :-) He stays so busy....
But I think my birdhaven will be so ince.IF I can get that ALL done!
And that cement cleaned off.. I keep debating to ask John if he
would come do it..I KNOW I will have to offer to pay him.. Which
is only fair..It wont be the easiest thing to do..clear all that off that
slab and then the sidewalk..Sure would make me happy though...

Its been a busy morning already and I did have an appointment
with Travis and I asked to put it off till next week..I will have to
start writing it down..The time goes so fast... Only 4 months till
Christmas you know !!! This year is flyin by, its almost fall...
and another year has gone by.. Wish we didn't get OLDER
with these fast flyin years..add a year for every 5 or something!

I'm doin ok today..and I am still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-)
I'm hungry and its time to post this.. Have a good day, and I'll be
back! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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