
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~Morning Glory~

For someone that has no schedule really, I seem
to continuously lately put off posting here... I
have no idea why either... I do stay busy, I play
on this computer a lot.. I, of course make my
calendars which everyone seems to really like!
I'm very pleased with that... and I do jigsaws
on my desktop.. its like doing one on a table,
drag and drop the pieces, whats so great about
it is I can work one and not have to worry about
my cat eating and playing with the pieces!

Everyone is teasing me about my seeing a skunk
out on my deck and thought it was my cat Dinky.
They say it reminds them of that commercial on
TV where the lady lets a raccoon inside , not her
cat.. If it werent for the big fluffy tail, it looked
like a cat! :-)  Here kitty kitty :-) I would NEVER
have lived that down... :-)

Penny made 4 pasties yesterday, I had 1... My boy
came to visit last night after he got off work.. He
drove straight here, took him an hour and 10
minutes to get here...  That's a long drive.. he does
that every day when he drives from home, he lives
40 miles from me... closer to work.. he went home
with 3 pasties and a huge container of chili that
Penny made... I had one pasty and 1 bowl of chili,
I ate that before he got here !

We had a full day of rain yesterday and my flowers
are doing just great... we need the rain... I notice its
getting dark earlier and getting daylight later...soon
frost, and snow.. which is ok.. I enjoy watching it thru
the window :) 

Its lunch time and of course this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE is hungry... What I'm gonna have I don't
know yet... I always find something... Keep well
and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

~I Didnt Get Lost~

Well, here I am.. was ya worried? Ive just
had so much stuff going on that when I would
remember to write, I would get side tracked
and space it out and not write... My sis phoned
me last nite and her exact words were.." you
have NOT written your blog in 11 days, everyone
is worried about you!!!".. So, here I am Beverly! :-)

See the skunk??
I got approved for section 8 which only took 5
years on the list to be eligible... Its a good thing,
I wont ever have to worry about help with my
rent... I could never live on my own without it..
The paperwork is endless and I had to have this
place inspected, then I have to sign a new lease.
I cannot move for a year, but after that I can
move anywhere in the USA... So that's a good

I have been trying to get help with my electric
bill, its $175.oo.. And I KNOW this next one will
probly be even more... I only just got caught up
with my winter gas bills...I cant win! :-)
And on top of all this, my cordless phone is not
good either! *Sigh* I try but sometimes I just
cannot get ahead...But I still try, I aint givin up...
I done fought too hard and too long to get to
where I am now... anyhoway.....

Last night, I went out in the kitchen to get a soda,
was dark outside but I always look out on the deck
to make sure the outsiders have food during the
night.. I thought I saw Dinky,  I looked again, and it
was black and white just like that cat.. I turned the
deck light on so I could see better... and guess what
it was....a SKUNK!! I ALMOSt opened the door, I'm glad
I took a 2nd look! I cringe when I realize how close
I came to scaring that thing and then he woulda
sprayed ALL over.. Its bad enuff when the cats
spray, but a skunk? It takes for ever to get rid
of that smell.. My ex ran over one once on one
of our rides.. The smell was so strong it made us
both pukey sick... we had to sell the car even!
Word to the wise... DONT run over a skunk.. I ran
over a turtle once too.. THAT was THE most
awful sound I think I have ever heard... A loud
Pop  and then a crunchy sound.. I got sick then

I'm just goin on and on aint I...I shall try to
do better and get back here so I don't give
ya eye burn out from reading all my escapades ...
I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE though...
that will never change.. Keep well and God Bless!

Always, Lois ****

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....

Thursday, August 09, 2012

~Summer Fun~

That is my greatgrand Alex having fun with
his dad Jorge.. Isnt that a great photo?  My
boy Donnie lives on one of the best fishing
lakes in the county and every Sunday his 3
girls and their families go to his house to
enjoy the water...

Kelli & Jorge have just gotten their own pontoon
and they bring it with them. Donnie has a huge
one and they put them out in the middle of the
lake, tie them together and have the best time.
These pontoons come with radios and fridges
even potties !! The kids, Nikki's 2 boys, Kellis
boy and girl and Ambers, Kirsten...They love
to go to grandpas.. They don't have to force
them to go!

I loved summers when the heat wasn't unbearable.
I lived in Texas for 15 years, and it was HOT.. I
live in lower Michigan now and Its hotter here than
it was in Texas !! This heat everywhere is awful..
I woke to thunderstorms today and pouring rain..
I was so glad.. My grass was awful.. only thing I
didn't miss was the sound of the lawnmowers! No
one is cutting their grass these days!

One of my drs came Tuesday.. I'm doing ok in some
things, and not ok in others.. My blood pressure is
dropping really low all of a sudden which is not good
either.. I cant win! lol.. Ive not had any attacks, other
than the other night with the smoke detector scare..
I don't think I could handle another one like that!

A nice quiet day with nothing to do till next Tuesday..
I have appointments that day, 2 in fact.. I plan to
just sit back the rest of this week and only do what
I have to .. which is make calendars lol... I'm still
a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, I shall be back again
soon.. Till then keep well and God Bless..

Always, Lois ****

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....

Sunday, August 05, 2012

~Magic & Smoke Alarms~

I was hoping to have a nice quiet relaxing
weekend.. I was wrong!...First thing that went
wrong was I got my electric bill Friday morning.
Was up by $100.oo.. my bill was 174.oo.. rounded
off..  Its been SO HOT here its awful.. I tried
turning it down so it wouldn't come on so much,
but with it being in the high 90s every day, even
the rain doesn't cool it off... and my AC keeps
on running... If I don't have it, I cant breathe
and my Dr wants me back on oxygen anyway
but I hate it... so I turned my ac back on...  :(

Its magic week here in town.. Magicians from
all over the world come here to perform... It
has the town FULL of people.. The shows are
put on over here by me at the high school...
Friday night there were fireworks even.. its
a big do for this little town...lots of business
for the local shops which is good...

So, to further ruin my weekend, Friday about
2am I was woke up by my FIRE ALARMS...
Both of my smoke detectors, one in the living
room and one in my bedroom went off! I jumped
up, i reached to turn the lamp on and I had no
power.!, the electric was out! it was pitch dark
in here.. I keep a flashlight now in every room,
I learned that long ago!

I was charging my chair, I unplugged it and I
got into my chair in record time.. I didn't know
I could move that fast.. In between trying to
get my flashlight on and get in my chair I'm
listening to these screaming smoke detectors
and trying to calm my cats down, they were
screaming TOO! And running back and forth
and going totally nutz...

As fast as I could I shined the light to see
if I saw smoke.. I didn't.. I rolled into the
kitchen looked all around, this whole time
my chest is hurting and I'm about ready to
pass out I'm so scared... I look everywhere
and there was nothing, yet these damn things
were just screaming and tweetin.. and my
next delema was how do I reach the ceiling
to hit that little round button on them? :-)

I tell ya, I have more crap than the law allows.
So between these screaming alarms and my
cats running all over and my chest hurting I'm
trying to figger out how do I shut them off? I
remembered the carpet sweeper that the handle
steady falls off, I rushed to the laundry room
and grab it and roll back to the living room.. Now,
remember its pitch dark and I'm trying to do all
this with a flashlight! I'm getting a bigger one
tomorrow by the way, my little one just wasn't
enough to see good...

So here I am sitting under this screaming alarm
with the handle  to my carpet sweeper trying to
reach that little round thing on the ceiling.. I
reached up and the handle, it fell over, hit my
lamp, it hit the floor and the alarm is STILL
screaming.. I pick it up and I swung with all
my might and hit the little button and the
buggar shut off.. I went into my bedroom and
did the same thing but that one refused to
shut off!.. I didn't know what to do so I let
it just go till hopefully it would shut off itself..
About 15 minutes later it did.. In the meantime
I had to try to pick up my lamp, thankfully it
did NOT break, and try to calm down 2 cats
that were totally hysterical and meowing like
crazy... What a site.. and all this done in total
dark..  :)

I have my share of crap hey? I thought maybe
the fireworks had left a spark, but there was
no fire.. I guess cuz we lost power it triggered
the alarms.. but ive lost power before and they
never went off.. I thought sure my neighbors
would hear it and come over, but nope... oh well
its all fixed now and QUIET...

I had to take 2 of my nitro's to calm my heart
back down and I had to take a pain med it hurt
so bad.. always something.. but I survived  and
can tell about it.. I live in such a wonderous
world .. of screaming smoke alarms, howling
cats what a life :)  I'm still a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE though... and that's my story for
this week.. I'm calling Carl and ask him about
it.. I cant have these going off when the power
goes, it goes off all the time! I don't think I
could handle too many more episodes like this.
Keep well and God Bless..

Lois ****

   "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
  I'm so honored to call you "friend"
  I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
      until I write again.....
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