
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

~Still Fluey~

RaeLynn called in sick today. I hope she is ok..This flu is
still going around. Lots I know have it. Seems its every
where. I know I sure dont want it back.. so I hope Rae is
really over it. Many say that it lets you think its gone then
the next thing you know your're right back to square one..
some have had it go into some severe bronchial stuff. I
was lucky usually that happens to me..My sis usually, she
ends up in hospital, she gets it so bad.. She is SO ready
to get that "DAMN CAST" (direct quote) OFF !!! She is
so tired of it.. I KNOW what she is going thru ..trust me and
it sure isnt fun at all..I've been there done the breaks and
sprains ..all of it...and none of it is fun...

I may have done another no no.. I saved the rose petals
from the roses I got at Christmas and had put some in a
pretty dish that has a cover on my dining room table.. For
a reason I forgot.. I left that lid off last nite and I noticed this
morning VERY few of the petals are left in the bowl.. I hope
Dutch didnt eat them..If he did I have not seen any signs hes
gotten sick..so maybe they are on the floor behind the table
and I cant get the table to move.. So when Rae comes I will
have her look.. I hope he didnt eat them..but Dutch seems to
be just fine.. He is in his normal place,, next to my monitor.
and is ok..so maybe rose petals are ok for cats..lol I dont
know..hes eaten them before too..lol.. they have 3 kinds of
food out there and he eats Rose petals? This kid is goofy..

I want to thank you for all the nice compliments on my picture
I posted here Sunday..was so nice to read all the nice things
that you said.. Means alot to me..I dont mind sharing photos
of myself..I am not ashamed of who I am.. Im just me..short...
yes..in a wheelchair..yes...but I only have shortened legs is all.
I was asked if I was ashamed of my stumps.do I look like I am?
lol..no.. I most definitely am not...Its just me... And like I've said,
if someone doesnt LIKE that view of me..well..don't look is all
I can say...I think its a cute picture of me and my boy..I guess
it amounts to WHAT you see when you look at it.. what you
notice first which parts or all of ME...
Me? I see my boy behind me..then I look to see how FAT I look
and say "HMMMM maybe I need another view..and snap , snap
take 4 more LOL...But it is true..what ever the photo is of..we
all look at a different part of that same photo..which is a good
thing...I think so anyway... Some would notice first I am wearing
a light blue silk skirt..with a lovely beige sweater...with blue flowers
on it... some would notice my hair is up..and think..hmmm which do
they like it better..up or down.. SOME.. would see the lovely little
legs peeking out from under that light blue silk skirt first, before they
saw the smile..or the clothes..or the cat.. which is what its all about
I think , we all see everything differently and that is a good thing as
long as we see its a person first before anything else...THAT is
the MAIN thing to see.

I still look in the mirror and sit and wonder.."hmmm WHO is that?"
I look up and down and really criticize myself..what I can do to look
better or what perhaps looks bad. When I was in the hell home, I
put make up on, got all dressed up, earrings.. had my hair done
once a week...but I saw a lot of people in that place.. At least once
a week they had a group of people that came in for one reason or
another to entertain or to teach us.. It was a fairly active place..I
did get sick of Bingo but sometimes when they had some neat
prizes I would play.. Some of the entertainment was really great,
so I wanted to look nice.. I dont see anyone now but I still like to
look nice for me.. It makes me feel better. It really does.. I Think
if we see ourselves in a way that looks good to us..that is the
main battle I think.. And like Ive said all along..I''m GORGEOUS...

Well, you know what's coming next I bet..lol, yup..lunch was really
a good "guess what it is" day..It just did NOT look good at all..I
don't really know what I want tonite.. I may just snack...then again
some of that good pea soup sounds good too..who wants to
come fix dinner??? lol :-) I AINT doin dishes either.. lol..I do.I
really hate doing dishes, paper plates are such a blessing arent
they? :-) Ok..kitchen here I come..as usual :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & Thanks :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, February 27, 2006

~The Same But Different~

I think the biggest difference is not What I do...but how I
do what I used to do.The same, but different..make sense?
lol.... I just about do the same things.only go about it a new way
I was always a home body, unless it came to going for a
drive, or fishing.. I pretty much stayed at home...well unless
was a special invite to family or a friends house.. I never
did have a problem with keeping myself entertained..and
that was BEFORE i got a computer..lol...I'm doing what I did
before.. entertain myself..like myself..but I had to change
the WAY I do things, which some have gotten harder..sewing
for one of them, cleaning, cooking. but still doable...

I was always a seamstress, I've been sewing since I was 12
years old if not younger. I can do any kind of crafty stuff, and
there is such a variety of things I liked to do.. I always had my
sewing/craft room, and could spend days in there and be
content..never bored. I am pretty much the same way, even now,
if I didnt have this computer I would be in there, doing some
thing, making something or designing. but staying busy. I was
in there before I got this computer but I was still so sick from
that infection..all I did was stare out the window and watch all
that went on outside, but way before I loved my sewing room,
it was like a play room and when I had a project going I treated
it like a job...I always had something to do in there..still do lol...

I really didnt have an interest in making anything. I did before I
lost my left leg..when I was in the hell home, they gave me the
sewing machine I have now..and It DID help me get out of that
depression, when I started making lap and baby quilts and sold
them..then the home put the stop to that said employees were
NOT allowed to give the residents money for any reason..whether
they bought some thing or not..I dont understand the logic but that
was the rules. So I stopped making quilts and shortly after I lost my
left leg..in November.but they got me the machine, and stopped
me from having a way to sell them..they made that rule because
of me, very few sold anything in there unless it was for their kids at
school or something, it got everyone pretty upset, including me. I
designed and made the quilts and made good money.. plus I enjoyed
it.. I made maybe 2 quilts or more a week depending on the size..
I had a good time.. even a couple of the Doctors bought baby quilts
from me.. and they were very pretty..machine quilted..not hand lol..
no no take too long.. I like short fast easy projects.I SHOULD find a way
to make this sewing machine easier to use. , :-)

I really dont remember alot of 2000, 2001 or 2002, I SHOULD get
copies of my medical records I bet they would fill in alot of the
gaps for me.. I get asked alot of different questions about when
whatever happened and I am NOT real sure date wise..but I
would like to know.. I know when I had my heart bypass, but I
dont know when I had the second abdominal or leg bypasses
I had in 2000..too many. i KNOW , but I am curious as to dates
etc.. I SHOULD gather my records..I have SO many SHOULDS
to do!!!! :-)

I should log off this computer for this day, and I SHOULD head
to the kitchen for a snack...thats what I SHOULD do lol...and
guess what? I AM!! Say, I am very glad y'all liked the picture I
put here last nite.. I kinda liked it too lol...I only took 5, and it
was SUCH a hard decision which one to put here LOL...I am
just so GORGEOUS :-) lol.. nitey nite :-)

Ps...I know what your thinkin.. I SHOULD put all 5 photos here LOL
ha ha I KNOW :-þ

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & THANKS~!~!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

~New Photo~

Well I took a new picture..hope you like it.. I kept my word..lol
And I just took it this morning plus - you got Dutch too!! :-)
I do believe this hand problem is carpal tunnel as I can hardly
move my wrist today at all..I called and asked my sis how hers
acted and mine is doing the same way. I cant move my thumb
or wrist..well I can but lets say why would I wanna make it hurt
even more? lol. I guess its time for it to act up..I used to wear
a brace on it that kept it still, I have NO idea where that thing
is now...Tomorrow is a day of phone calls..eyes, dr. teeth..
sheesh..I'll have a cauliflower ear by the time I'm done lol...Oh,
my sis is doing ok..just SO ready to get that "DAMN" cast off
and thats a direct quote LOL....

I have been seriously thinking of taking a holiday..I think it
would do me good to get away..Anyone want a house guest?
lol..only for a couple weeks lol..There is a nice casino over by
the lake and I am thinking about going there. I had thought
about going to Europe, just to say I have been there, but I
dont really think I should. not alone anyway. But Its a nice
thought to go...I went to Atlantic City once and I had a great
time..I won $500.oo.. I won it on my 3rd pull of a slot machine
handle soon as I got there..Needless to say I just kept it and
didnt spend any of it.. I still won even more later that day.. This
was a long time ago when I was with my 2nd hubby, He had
a daughter lived by there then and it was great ..we went to
Caesars Palace...I had a wonderful time, I've never been to
Las Vegas either.. I wanted to go when they had those white
tigers..what great animals...

Today was fight the shower day..I mean what a major thing to
do.. Took me over 2 hours from start to finish I bet, if not longer.
I need to come up with a better way.. Its really hard since the
shower head is mounted on a wall slider thingie to adjust for
height..but it makes me have to go up so close to the wall to
get under it..well how close can you get in a wheel chair?
This shower chair is NOT comfy by a long shot..I have NO
idea why it is so uncomfortable to sit on..sure makes me want
to HURRY up and get the shower over with. I do feel safer in
it but its still alot of work to take a shower specially when you
have long hair and have to really hold on with one hand. It
works tho and I guess thats the main thing.. And a nice hot
shower sure does make you feel better.. I dont shower every
single day as it is such a procedure i do perhaps every other
or so..I take what I call a bird bath between...LOL .. I wash all
the major body parts of course, and it keeps me fresh and
sweet smellin. :-)

Poor Dutch has been working on trying to tear this bag of
kittie food open since Becky brought it.. I had to put it in
another bag as he almost got me when he spent 3 hours
last night trying to rip it..The picture up top is of Dutch and
I - he HAD to get in it...What company these 2 are tho..and
its really amazing how different they are . LittleBoy is so
laid back..and just fluffs around..where Dutch is so active,
anything he finds is a toy, even a piece of food.. I was so nice
to them I got them some treats!! and would you believe they
DONT Like them? Now is THIS picky or what? some peoples
kids I'll tell ya...saves me some money not having to buy them
treats tho doesnt it? lol...

Well I got up again pretty early today..I fell asleep at the end of
Cops..I didnt see the end of it and it was on between 8 and 9
so I fell asleep TOO early is why I got up at 4 am..lol...and no
nap today...I did get my inbox cleared out and caught up on all
my email and scolded the ones that quit writing to me.. I wonder
why people do that tho..start to carry on a email correspondence
then just quit..no rhyme or reason...I hate when that happens..
Ok food time I was lazy most of the day and didnt cook..*sigh*
wanna come cook for me? lol.. naaa its ok... Ill grab a snack and
head to my nice soft bed and gather all my pillows around me
and snuggle down and watch tv ..HAHA I KNOW what you're
thinkin too.."she will be asleep in 10 minutes " lol.well you
probably will be right :-) Hope you had a great weekend..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya & thanks!!!!
ALways, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

~A Shorty Tonite~

I got up early early this morning and I am really tired tonite
so this wont be a long post.. I woke up early, 3 am, because
I have been having trouble with my right hand lately and
this morning it was just throbbing I dont know why... I worry
if it is the PVD or the carpal tunnel, which its hard to tell as
both I would think are the same kind of symptoms...My hand
has been extremely cold at times...and aches..and my thumb
has refused to work right..it is really sore..but I think myself
it is from the carpal tunnel, I think i could handle that better
than facing the thought of losing fingers or even my arms.
What ever happens it would just be another revision I guess
that I would adjust to like the loss of my legs....

My sister has had both her hands fixed and she was laid up
quite awhile from it.. she could not use her hand at all for a
long time.. I worry what if I had no choice but to have it fixed
if I lost the use of my thumb etc? I would be bed bound..How
would I transfer? That would be most hard to do.. I would
probably have to have someone come here and stay or go
somewhere else to recuperate. I do have a power chair I
could use..but to transfer in and out of it..that would be the
biggest problem..and I dont know..how I would do that.. I
know I would more than likely figure something out..but i
bet would probly take a few tries of falling over and doing
a few weeble rolls LOL.. I bet I would look like a weeble
then for sure.. I have friends that are amputees ....but they have
been since birth.. I think that is the biggest difference..as they
know no other way..and have made their own way over the
years to do things ..where for me would be another major
adaption if suddenly I cant use one or both of my hands.. The
rate that my thumb has been hurting and my wrist locking up. I
guess its time to have it checked before it is really too late...

I have been waiting for the price of monitors to do down which I had
hoped after the first of the year they would. I know you remember Im
blind in my left eye and lately that is not even opening anymore lol..
I am hoping a bigger monitor will help to see better.. and it would
give me more room on my desk..I keep my keyboard in front of my
monitor now and its the big one..takes up alot of room, with the slim
monitor i would have lots more room and could type so much easier..
not counting the fact the boys would have more room to lay here too..
I have been debating to make a eye patch but thought I would see
what the eye doctor said as I do have go , I need new glasses..I
know this year I can get my lower plate replaced too but I
am not sure if they will need to know a specific date before they
will..I guess I will have to phone the hellhome and find out when I
had them done.. I hate having to call there but I may have no choice..
These things have to be done If I am seriously going to take a
holiday which I desperately need.. :-)

Well saturdays are fend for thyself days and i have some left over
sketti waiting for me..so you know what comes next yes? lol. oh
by the way..tomorrow is new picture day..:-) I KNOW you will
hate that lol... well this is my 2 ¢ today.. :-) thanks for taking the
time to read this.. I like knowing you do and I hope the little
explanation last nite from my friend Butty helped.. I post different
than y'all do so I asked him to write and tell me lol..i know -what
can I say ..I'm lucky I can do this..let alone other stuff LOL... so
kitchen here I come..and now for my final answer......

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? LUV YA !!!! & thanks :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, February 24, 2006

~BamBam Is OK~

The kittie is doing good..and he's a dark gray persian by the name
of BamBam...He had his right leg amputated and is now temporarily
at Becky's until they can find a home for him.. Hes a big boy and a
very sweet cat.. In fact..Ron had given BamBam to my friend that I
found dead in his apartment, well he was then given back to Ron..
now poor BamBam is looking for another home.. He is a sweet boy
I know him, Becky assured me he is fine...which with her taking care
of him..I am sure he is ok.. I just wish he could find a good new home..
My boys are so spoiled since I am here with them all the time..I guess
that is why they are so sociable, I think they are just sick of only seeing
me LOL...they see someone new its like "OH THANK YOU ! THERE
ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD " lol...Becky brought a nice
big bag of cat food.. This ARF is a good thing.. Soon I will have a link
to the site...Just so you can check it out...Any kind of animal support
is so needed no matter where you live, so if you can help out your
local one I sure hope you do...and if you dont have a pet..want a nice
gray kittie? I think Bam is probly about 5 or so, Im not sure...

Rae came today and got alot done.. She does good work, and I like
her..She always has some good suggestions.She takes care of another
lady that has MS..and needs alot of personal care..she spends the
mornings there, then comes here afterwards but only on tues and friday.
Which is ok.. I wish more hrs.but.Penny said her daughter gets 81 and I
just dont understand how she does..But I cant say too much seems
every time I do they cut down what I have..they cut any more hours from
me and wont even be worth them coming here at all..lol...So I am very
grateful for what I do have... and I should NOT complain lol...

My right hand is giving me fits.. my thumb feels like it is paralyzed lol..
to put my thumb to my pinky tip to tip is very hard to do...I think its the
carpal tunnel..or the weather is about to change, what ever the reason
Im glad I only use this thumb for the space bar..sure is sore tho...always
something lol..bloody aches and pains..but I guess its a way of knowin
we are still alive and kicking - so to speak ...My stumps arent too achy
today but I have done alot of bending..Becky brought the bag of cat
food and yesss of course.. Dutch had to open it..He can't wait for me
to do it...I gave some to Rae for her kids..since she has 5 of them...I
bet costs alot to feed all of them...theyre worth it tho...So I did get in
some exercises today..but I didnt get a nap in...so I am kinda pooped.

I have been asked a quite a few times about how to put a comment
on here.. This is what you do:
1. Click on the line at the end of the day's blog that says " comments"
2. Type your comment in the box at the upper right of the comments page.
3. Under the line that says "Choose your identity",
click on one of the choices:
a. "Blogger" Here you will have to enter a username and password.
DON'T Do that...
b. "Other" Here you can enter a name, (put one so I will know its you
Please :-) and a web page if you wish. no password is required
c. "Anonymous" Your comment will be published without a name.
No password is required
4. When you are finished, you can preview your comment, or publish it by
clicking the appropriate button.
See? its easy.. and you wont get into trouble lol, you wont be tracked
or any of that good stuff lol...

I had Rae brown some ground meat and onion and I made some spaghetti
sauce and I am starved..Lunch today was some of the most HORRIBLE
fish was really fishy smellin..well yesss i know sposta smell like fish but
was a really smelly smelly fish..not my kind...so I didnt eat it.. Id rather have
some of my spaghetti anyway.. I made some wide egg noodles and all I
have to do is warm it up.. Italian food is one of my favorite kinds..well I
guess to be honest I like all kinds..I watched that Iron chef or something
on the food channel and now some of the stuff they show on there? no..
I am not going to try out..just doesnt look good.. I like the plain ole fashion
home cookin..lol.. so on that note you know whats next - I'm headin out
to the kitchen on a food search lol.......happy weekend.!.

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv Ya!!! and Thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

~Kinda Sad Day Today :-(~

Today was sort of a sad day..kinda..made me do some serious
thinking anyway.. Penny came over and had a cat in her arms..well
her son did, that was with her.. asked if it was one of mine..well both
of mine were sitting there looking at her..The cat he held looked just
like LB tho .. I mean they could have passed for brothers.. he just
hung there in Mike's hands..nice as could be..looked like a sweet
cat.. Penny said he was right outside my door..I told her was probly
Kathys down the hall, I didnt know anyone else here that had cats..
It turned out, I went down to Kathy's later, cuz i was worried about
that kitty..well was a huge cat, but they are all kitties..lol..and it was
hers..she didnt even KNOW he had gotten OUT!!! I know where my
boys are all the time, and if anyone has been here or my door is open
for any reason I make sure they are both here when its closed again..
Well theyre my responsibility and I'm the Mom here..So you look
after your kids..lol.. you are sposta KNOW where your kids are ALL
the time, human, animal , vegetable or whatever !!! lol...

To the kinda sad part.. A guy that lived here down in the center hall,
named Ron, I would say in his 60's I dont know for sure.. but he was
a diabetic..they found him monday, I guess he got meals on wheels..
and they last delivered..on friday..or was monday a holiday? i think it
was..so tuesday then..the lunch guy found him...he had been dead for
days.. Well he had a cat..and I dont know how..but the cats leg was
broken and Becky sent me a letter wanting to know If I would foster
this cat that belonged to him.. The poor kittie had to have his front left
leg amputated.. I Feel SO SORRY for this poor animal.. Can you
imagine? He lost his dad, his home and HIS leg too? He may only
be a cat...but they still FEEL things.. It has just DROVE me nuts
all day..all I have been thinking about..

Becky asked me If I could foster him..and boy I sure would LOVE
to ...wouldnt we be a pair? me and the cat AMPUTEES?? how
cute...But I just didnt DARE take him.. If Chris, the manager here,
found out they could evict me.. I am only JUST barely allowed to
have 2..only by special dispensation do I have my boys.. I just
couldnt jeopardize them for this poor kittie.. But I feel so bad for
it.. I really do.. I can almost KNOW, if he was human, what he
would be feeling.. This poor little animal., Becky is going to take
him home and put him out on her porch..he will be warm and
well fed..but she cant risk her cats being around him being just
out from the amputation.. so this little guy, since Becky works,
will be home alone , sick..and just so horribly sad and alone...
I could just cry for this kittie...

Well it made me do some SERIOUS thinking about my boys..I
would roll over in my grave and do my best to come back and
haunt someone that abused my boys if something happened
to me.. I would lol.. I asked Becky If I can put her name down
to be notified to come and get them if something did happen to
me. which is just being a responsible parent.. lol..I know some of
you think I am totally NUTZ lol no no .. They are MY responsibility
they deserve the best care they can have just like they do now
with me.. Becky LOVES my boys.. she always comments as to
how friendly they are with people...She would make sure they
would be provided for... THey have a organization here called
ARF..and they take in these animals and they will neuter and
spade? no spay..lol.. for almost nothing.. They even provide
food to people..Becky has brought food here for my boys. Its
a great organization... I wish I had a house so I could do foster
care for these poor kids left behind.. I love animals..and I sure
wish I could do more..What they do for people like me is just
amazing..any kind.. but specially cats & dogs.. I miss not
having a dog..I really do..Ive always had one..I just cant here.

Well all this got me really thinking..once Rae leaves here on
friday , unless someone calls I dont see anyone until Monday
when the lunch guy comes..myself..so It could easily happen
to me or anyone that doesnt have alot of contact with anyone..
I Think more people on here would notice me gone for just
ONE Day than anyone HERE HERE lol.. Isnt that amazing?
But this kinda stuff gives you pause to think you know? IF I
hadnt expected my friend..how long would HE have sat there
before anyone found him? Thats kinda sad I think...but what
do you do when you live alone? My friend had to have died
instantly as he was in the doorway going into his bathroom..
I dont know...but sure made me have a THOUGHT filled day...
Sheesh.. lol.. just what I needed too,, like I dont have ENUFF
stuff I worry about LOL .. *sigh*

Well now that I have totally depressed everyone with SAD
stuff :-) I'm gonna go find some food.. Dutch did NOT approve
of todays daily offering from COA..before I even got out there
I heard him scratch at it , then it hit the floor LOL..so nope..if
he's gonna bury it..you think I AM GONNA EAT It? nooooo..
be NO days like that naaa nope.. So..yup.. I AM HUNGRY ..
ahhh y'all knew I was gonna write that anyways LOL.. ok I am
off to raid my kitchen.. and I only have 3 letters to write so If
I hurry I can get it all done before 8 and can log off early and
watch tv.. lol ya ok..I know ..I should say FALL ASLEEP lol
soon as I snuggled down last nite I was down for the count
and out like a light lol.. I was pooped.. so ok.. nitey nite..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & Thanks ...
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

~I Passed Inspection ~

Well My apt passed 2 inspections today. The fire inspector for
the city came and did his walk thru and Chris came to do his as
well.. which he is in here at least once a month but I guess he has
to make it look official with his clipboard and all..The fire inspector
only took him 2 seconds to just walk room to room, Chris just stood
there looking busy :-) But I passed.. I figured I would..but it has to
be done or HUD wont susidize i guess or something and then THAT
would NOT be a good thing...

I had to move my humidifier and my big old tv from in front of the
door in the living room so I am glad I got up early to do that..I knew
they would be here early so when Dutch woke me at 7 I got up..My
tv and humidifier are both on wheels and very easy to move.. I still
have to go and put them back ..Dutch is giving me the evil eye as
if to say "how dare you MOVE the tv..how do you expect me to get
from window to window?" He's so spoiled, well they both are worth
it for the pleasure they give me..They love me too :-)

I have a window on each side of the door and this cat runs from one
to the other across the top of the tv if it wasnt there he would have
to get down on the floor and then up into the window. and heaven
forbid he should have to do that..he wants it back NOW..I dont know
why I keep this tv I cant use it at all I get NO reception on it , but it
looks nice in the living room lol..I have one tv that works and its in my
bedroom its a 19". I had it in the living room but decided it was more
comfy to lay on my bed to watch it than get on and off the couch.. Its
not hard to get on it, as I have my couch up on blocks to make it the
same level as my chair...Its just hard to move on it as it is covered
with a velvet or velour type material..And plus the fact I do have a
tendency to fall asleep while I watch tv lol...why it takes me so many
times , at least 3, to watch a movie..lol...Well I get comfy on my bed
and by the time I go to watch tv its kinda late, and plus I just ate.well
you know how it is... I FALL asleep :-) ..

I talked to my sis and she is having the hardest time being in that
chair..she tells me how hard it is..because of her shoulder..I tell her
"I KNOW" lol... My arms feel like they are gonna fall off sometimes
when I get back from going all the way down to the mailbox which
is 3 hallways.. My arms ache so bad..they dont if I take my power
chair . but...its always got stuff on it or is in the other room and then
I have to transfer and well I just hem the cats up and just go and
take my time..If Penny goes with me she will push me.. Its a treat
to have someone push my chair for me...gives my arms a break..
Shirley said she has to have her cast on for 2 more weeks..she
is just going totally nuts.. I told her.."well try it for 6 years." lol.. I
tried to tell her some easier ways to do stuff but we all have to learn
what is easiest for us.. I tried to tell her about wearing slacks that
it just makes it so much harder but to each his/her own...Thank
goodness she only has to be in it for 2 more weeks...She wants
to get one of those on tv called a hover round.. ...

It wasnt too bad a day today and lunch wasnt too bad either . was
turkey and dressing and theirs is pretty good . and NO CARROTS
was broccoli and cauliflower instead..which was ok if it was cooked
a little more.. I should NOT complain I get them delivered and for
free..I am so ungrateful sometimes I know..But lunch was good
today and I did eat it..so I will just have a light snack tonite I have
some of those peanut butter & jelly crackers.. I want to watch that
show LOST tonite too.. I've been watching that from the start but
still havent figgered it out yet but I did miss quite a few episodes...
So I'm gonna watch it, eat some crackers..have a can of my
favorite soda.. and put this GORGEOUS body up on that bed on
all those nice feather pillows and watch some of those 120 channels
lol.. IF I can stay awake..no nap today so I wont last long lol...

Just want to say how pleased I am that y'all agree with me that I am
GORGEOUS, I knew you would :-) I'm so bad.. but thanks for agreeing
with me :-) y'all are the best...so...anyway...like i say every nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA... & THANKS !!!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

~Revised, I Like That Word~

The first thing I do every day is come here and read all these
sweet things.. You have NO idea what it means to me. You
keep me lifted up and make me feel worthwhile.. For me to
tell my self and all of you that I am GORGEOUS is not near the
same as reading it from all of you. No matter what mood I am
in when these eyes open everyday, I know I am going to find a
smile here, or in my inbox every morning waiting for me. Do you
know how nice that is? It sure makes my days go alot better...
I would hate to think of a day ahead that I would not be able to
read these sweet things that you all take the time to write to me.
Is this great or what? Well Y'all just make MY day I know !!!

Momar left a comment this morning and said about his friend
adjusting to his revised body.. I had NOT thought about that
word at all.. Isnt that odd? But, thats really true.. My body WAS
revised..and depending how I look at it myself, tells whether it
was really "new & improved" like most revised things are...Well,
Its new. yes .and Improved.? .well - depends WHICH way you look
at how it could have been "improved" yet parts of your body be
removed. Think of all the people I would NEVER have met had
I not been made into a amputee....so is that NOT an improvement?
I think so. I truly do NOT believe I would have as many good, dear
friends like I do now, were I NOT an amputee.

I try to tell people, like my sister, or even Rae, Donnie, that I live
in two worlds.. Theirs.. and mine. I have more friends and people
I KNOW here,, in this world, the Amputee world...And I am so
grateful..this world IS here....I've gotten hurt, stepped on and I
guess used, disrespected, but all in all...I dont really think I could
go thru these days with out this world that lives here in my computer.
I know its a real world too. but the main way I have to reach you is
thru this wonderful machine... I think EVERYONE should have one,
well those that are going to use it for GOOD things.. It makes me
so sad when I hear about all these hackers that are just out to hurt
and take the enjoyment that is in these things.. I can go anywhere
in the world and talk and see for free..How great is that???

Plus the fact I dont have to work anymore, I have a caregiver to help
do all the chores here... I have many benefits..I would consider them
an improvement as well...And who knows..my Knight in Shining
Armor may come riding along and sweep me off my chair and just
carry me away, and if he is NOT like my ex..well .. isnt THAT an
improvement ??? LOL...so... I am Revised,, and new,, AND I
would have to say..IMPROVED...To some I'm more GORGEOUSER
now than I was before.. I KNOW - thats NOT a word..but hey, I can
say that- this is my 2 ¢ worth here LOL.... :-)

Well I got up early, and I didnt eat alot lunch was its usual awful stuff
and yup.. CARROTS! ! I am SO sick of looking at those orange
thingies... I wonder if its the color? cuz I dont like oranges either...
hmmm, and the smell of oranges makes me sneeze LOL...I know
Im an ODD weeble too..lol.. * sigh* well time for a food search
I'm starved, thats one thing hasn't changed about me.. I still LOVE
to eat lol...:-) I think its IMPROVED too by the size of me LOLOL..
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya!!!! & THANKS BUNCHES
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, February 20, 2006

~The Transition~

I get asked alot about the transition from being a person with
legs to being an amputee.. I don't think I was really aware of the
fact that I was adapting, I was in such a state of depression ..
I was more upset because the dust bunnies wouldn't play
with me.. than anything else..so I dont think I was really paying
attention ! I was in a chair before I lost my legs.. They
were so weak.. I couldnt trust them at all .. By the time I was
put into the first rehab I didnt walk at all..... I could but was not
safe. I couldnt stand for very long either. So I was steady
learning how to live in a chair...but didnt realize it ...

Once I did lose my right leg.. is when the depression got even
worse, and I dont remember alot.. but I do remember some
of it..and it was most certainly NOT funny at the time.. I felt I
was losing my mind .. and then snap out of it only to keep going
back and forth.. but the point is .. during all this time I am really
adjusting to handling my self with one leg and living in a chair
with out really knowing I was adjusting.. I had fun trying to run
over those bunnies LOL.. little buggars were fast tho let me
tell you..:-)

I guess we all have to adjust and adapt to changes in our lives
in our own way.. Its ok for me to say what I did and how I did
but what works for me may not for someone else because we
are not the same person...we each are affected in our own way.
But I think if we see ourselves just as what we are.. and like what
we see.. and accept ourselves ..THAT is the way I get thru it any
way.. I tell myself,, knowing it IS NOT true..i do on here .. i say
every day.. I AM GORGEOUS... and I have adapted.. I liked my
self before..I was just as picky a dresser too.. I loved to sew..mainly
because I knew NO ONE else would BE like me..lol.. well thats how
it is tho.. NO one is me.. cuz I AM, and I like who I am... :-) You
won't find another weeble like me any where LOL.. :-) well not
one as GORGEOUS anyway :-D

I am kinda glad I lived in Goofy Land during that transition time tho..
Knowing how I am , such little patience.. I would probly get so
frustrated at myself who knows how hard a time I would have had
to really LEARN all of it...Being in Goofy Land and not eating almost
did get me in serious trouble because of the extreme weight loss so
I am glad when they told me that they were going to tube feed me I
was in my right mind.! I probly would have laffed it off and who knows
where I really would be now ..So everything worked out the way it was
ment to I guess.. Goofy Land had its ups and downs.. it was funny tho
some of the things now I can laff, but at the time- wow-I mean, it was
scarey.. People hiding in my closet..yellow ants all over my bed.. my
stuffed animals STARING at me LOL.. its funny now specially when I
accused them of hiding my room cuz I couldnt find my way back lol..
Well that is how I made the transition.. I did, but didnt know i did lol..

Well, there was no lunch today, some holiday i think..so I am really
hungry.. Rae came today..she cant come tomorrow she took 2 of
her kitties to be neutered and has to pick them up and she doesnt
want them to be home alone just getting home from hospital like
any good mummy would be lol...welll they're her kids lol..So I'm
off to get some dinner.. Dutch is waiting looking at me ,, I can
see what hes thinking " OK OK COME ONNNNNN" Kids :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & THANKS :-) !!!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

~My First Year As A DAK ~

I was chatting with a friend today and the subject came up of
what the first year was like when I first became a DAK. To be
honest, I really don't remember very much of it other than the
intense excruciating daily pain and agony. I DO remember
that all too well... The only way they would agree to let me move
out of the hellhome was if I agreed to have a nurse come here
and take care of the infection in my stump. I agreed I wanted
out of there so badly, to be FREE..

The picture is one of the very first I took of myself, with some
lovely Iris's that were sent to me, "Just Because" just like the
roses I got this past Christmas... from a very dear friend, I was
alot thinner then as you can see.. Not sure of the date of this..I
am so careless about doing that, it was taken with my first cam..
All my other very first pictures are trapped in my other computer.

I am not positive of the date of my left amputation other than I
know it was a few days before Thanksgiving, 2001. In January
2002, on about the 11th or so I moved into this apartment.. I
did have help from a program that disability resource center
had and has only lately restarted, that helped me get out of the
hellhome and start my own life again. I couldnt have done it
without their help and Mona's of course.. She was a blessing
let me tell you..All I had to do was roll thru the door with my few
belongings I had at the home...She set up everything....

The nurse came on Monday, wednesday and fridays. And it was
one of the most awful experiences I can say I ever had to endure.
I honestly dont know to this day how I made it thru that. Many times
when the nurse would change the dressings and try to clean and
apply new cream etc on it that I would come so close to just passing
right out from the horrible pain. So much so that it got to where she
had to give me injections into my stump to deaden it so I felt nothing
until after she was gone..Then the agony really would start... Before
she got here I would get so upset and cry knowing what was coming
as I would sit and watch the time click by, knowing she was on her
way and how badly it was going to hurt..and there was no way I could
avoid it I had no choice.. Many times I know I cried to please just kill me
dont do this to me. I felt I was being tortured.. I had to go thru this or
agree to go back and have the stump redone and start all over from
scratch again.. I couldnt go back..I wanted it over..

My nurse was so sympathetic..she felt so bad she was hurting me so
badly yet there was nothing she could do other than what she knew
she had to do to try to clear up that infection.. I think that is why the
end of my left stump looks like it does because of that horrible mess...
She tried so hard to help me, I could see in her face when she watched
as I sobbed hysterically while she dug and probed at the massive hole
in the end of my stump.. My sister was here a few times when she came
and even she was upset at how painful it was, i think they both cried
with me...

During all this time.. lasted about a year...I gradually adapted to being
a dak, but I dont really remember doing it..But I had to adapt. I was
so sick then I didnt feel like doing anything the less I moved the better
so I found the easiest ways to do what ever it was...Thank God that
the infection healed.. but ONLY after I fired everyone and decided
that I would take my chances and try to heal this gaping wound my
self with soap and water and a daily clean bandage, did it finally
clear up.. I think the more and more different things the nurse kept
trying to use.. is what really kept it active..All I know is that is what
worked for me.. If I had to go back to those times, well just shoot me
now...put me out of my misery.. THAT was a horrible year and I am
really glad I dont remember alot... I dont think I could even handle
any more graphic memories other than the ones I do already have.
Thank God that is over.. I think that is part of my fear of anything else
going wrong or more surgery ..

The good part is... I'm still here..and I did make it thru... I think tho
it was all just part of life.. we all have to go thru our trials and tribulations
for what ever reasons ..perhaps to make us stronger.. If I could make
it thru that horrible time..well I guess I can make it thru what ever else
is ahead no matter what it is.. I do have to say tho I hope THAT was as
bad as what its going to be for me.. I sure hope so.. :-) THAT was a
MAJOR test, I passed with flyin' colors I think..well look at me !! - Like I
been sayin' "I'm GORGEOUS" lol..and thats my FINAL ANSWER !!!

Well its that time again.. time to find FOOD ! I got up late this morning
and havent eaten all day again..as usual.. So I need to eat something
today...I am so bad on the weekends..lol..And this one I really did
nothing.. I talked to my sis , she is doing ok..just SO wanting that-
and a direct quote - "DAMN cast OFF~!~" lol..Bless her heart,
I KNOW what she is going thru ...The kitchen is calling and the boys
have already headed out there so I'm headed there as well...Hope
your week end was as quiet and relaxing as mine....

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA !! & thanks :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Would you believe its below zero outside today?? Talk
about COLD~!~ The wind is awful...I have a air conditioner
in the wall in the living room and they dont bother to put a
cover over it in the winter.. You should feel the draft that comes
in thru it.. I try to keep it covered, but this is a really a drafty apt..
I knew was super cold, my right stump was aching so bad it
woke me up.. I mean the invisible part and visible..all of it
now talk about HURT!!! sheesh...It was bad this morning.
I even had to find my woolbie to cover with it was so cool in here
during the night...Thats one way I can tell when the temp has
dropped really bad, I have to find my cover. Even the boys were
snuggled up to me when I got up at 7...Ya, I was up early too ...

I did get some good exercise in this morning tho when I got
up..Yup..I left a bag of cat food out where Dutch could get it..
lol.. looked like cat food had invaded my kitchen...Even though
there are 3 bowls of food out there..well - I'm seeing which they
prefer..and it doesn't work cuz they eat about the same out of
each bowl...lol... But I had to re-sweep the clean floors that Rae
had done yesterday because I was so careless.. again my own
fault.. I will NEVER learn.Then while I was sweeping up the cat food
my broom has the long handle of course.. and I have stuff on my
counter tops so I can reach it..and ya ya .. I cleared off half of
it with the broom and had that to bend over and pick up all the stuff I
had knocked off too.. lol.. I'm my own worst enemy :-)

When I try to pick up something flatter to the floor I have a really
hard time to reach it.. My fingers just barely reach the floor.. I
measured yesterday how far the seat of my chair is from the
floor.. its 18 inches... and add what it is to lean over my stumps..
well thats why I cant reach too, not very well.. I cant touch the
floor at all if I lean over the arm rests either..But anyway.. I did
get in some good floor sweeping exercise and picking stuff up
well BENDING exercise too.. When I have to pick something
up off the floor I can only use one hand..as I have to hold ON
to the back of my chair so I dont fall out.. lol.. This is such fun..
my sis says "HOW DO YOU DO THIS CONSTANTLY !!! " lol
it aint easy let me tell ya lol... :-) And if I keep expanding lol
I may NEVER reach the floor again LOL.... well if certain parts
of me keep expanding that is.. lol...

I am going to have Rae help me with my sewing room a friend
gave me a good idea for trying to use my sewing machine.. I
miss not getting the NEW (old) clothes Ruth used to get at the free
store for me...She knew what I liked and would always find
something there for me...I miss that..so I guess its really time to
fire up that machine i have and do some sewing ..I have some nice
pieces of material in there that would make some nice outfits..
and my sis said she would see what she had..I am getting rid
of that cart that trapped me in there before i even get CLOSE
to going in there lol.. I do miss my computer being in there tho..
I wish was a way I could drill a hole thru the wall for the cable lol
I would so I could put it back in there and see out side... i do
miss that... I am going to get a disposable camera too so I can
take some photos of this apt.. I know many have NO IDEA what
a roll in shower is... I can take a photo of mine for ya lol..

Well I am pooped.. I did do not a whole lot but floors wear me
out.. I dont know what I am gonna eat yet tho.. im not real hungry.
maybe just some of that good Mrs. Grass soup..with the extra
noodles of course lol. OH I have been thinking of maybe being
real nice and say sundays or mondays every week post a new
photo of me.. what do y'all think? I had such wonderful comments
on the photos I posted for the days before valentines day and I
dont mind sharing new photos with you at all...so let me know..but
same rules apply..they go from here to your puter and NO where
else !!! :-)...so let me know I dont want anyone to get tired of seein
me either.. well I may throw in one or 2 of the boys or my apt too..
Y'all seem to want to see EVERYTHING ....LOL.. :-) ok on that
note I'm signing off for tonite and you KNOW whats next lol...I dont
need to tell you.. "YESSS KITCHEN I'M COMING !!! " nitey nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA BUNCHES.. & Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, February 17, 2006


It rained all last nite and we were under tornado warnings for a
while too. We even had hail which makes me worry as sometimes
hail is before a tornado...This morning was below zero by the
time I got up at 7am, *please note TIME* lol..yes, I WAS up
early for a change..lol.. With the wind chill factor was very cold
today..We are sposed to get snow as well. We had snow flurries
all day...The wind gusts were between 40 and 50 miles an hour
the tv said...A really wintry day today...I was snuggly warm tho and
I watched all this wintry cold stuff thru my window lol....:-)
Rae came today and brought a treat with her when she came!
She brought me a burger and some chicken nuggets..MMM
they were very good..I thoroughly enjoyed them..Bad part was
after I ate them I got so sleepy I had to take a nap!!! Thats the
trouble I have when I eat I get full, then I get tired and then I have
to take a nap..I KNOW..after I eat I should exercise..lol..Well I
do get plenty of arm ones..its from the waist down I NEED the
exercise for..well lets say I'm sitting on the part needs the MOST
work LOL... :-)

I did learn something new..no not about how to navigate and do
things on this blog..but did you know that windows xp comes with
a thing called movie maker? I didn't..A friend told me..I made the
video's for my Valentines giftie and some couldn't open it with win
media player as it is in AVI format..it needs to be in wmv...well avi
will sometimes play in quick time tho..Anyway..this movie maker
thingie..will transfer or change your videos or what ever for you.. I
had NO idea it existed..AND was already in my computer!!! Well
why didn't they tell me? ..I spent I bet at least 2 hours today looking
thru my start and programs and found stuff I have NO idea what it
is much less HOW to use it... lol.. But this movie maker thingie I
will for SURE check out lol...

OHH here's a little tidbit I didn't know either..If you have trouble
reading a site or letter or what ever..If you have a mouse with the
little wheel in the middle of your clicks..that If you hold down your
ctrl key and scroll, that it will magnify what you are reading? I did
NOT know that either..That's pretty handy I think..I haven't tried it
as I only just got that mail a while ago telling me this...But I will
try it out.. My friend Judi has a hard time reading..so perhaps
this will help you Judi..watch her not be reading this today LOL..
I will inform her via email just in case..I know most puters have
the magnifier thingie that you can turn off from windows but I
didn't know about the ctrl key ..So I learned 2 new things today.
So any day that you learn something new is that a good day or
what? I think so...your never too old to learn.. I found all sorts
of stuff in my puter when I went snooping around in start and
my programs that I had NO idea were there.. I have NO idea
how to work half of it.. I have microsoft money and all of this
stuff..notebook . notepad..I cringe when I open them as I
have no idea how to work them..I look at all the thingies at the
top and just think..naaaaa i don't really need this..lol...

Since I learned some new stuff today was a useful day.. I didn't
just sit around for hours and not do anything.. AND I even got
my INBOX cleaned out!!! NOW that was a good thing... I did
do a no no last nite and I ordered a pizza I just was too lazy to
cook and I did..I know I shouldn't have was NOT in my budget
but I just wanted one so bad..and I ordered a medium sausage.
and I still have half of it left for tonite..and yup..that is where I
am headed right now. to nuke it..then eat it..then to snuggle
this butt down onto my favorite spot on my bed,, turn on my tv
and more than likely give me 10 minutes and I will be snoring ..
OOOOOppps.. ladies do NOT snore..we breathe heavily :-)

Oh,, my friend Twinks..needs your prayers..She was diagnosed
after the biopies to have basal cell carcinoma..very serious..and
she needs all the prayers we can send to her..Shes a wonderful
dear dear friend to me.. She is a poet..and she sent me a lovely
poem she wrote and I will ask her if I can share with everyone
here..Its a very very touching poem.. She is such a dear lady..
PLEASE keep her in your prayers...IT does work you know..:-)

Well the pizza is yellin at me to "COME ON - NUKE us and EAT
us LOL..so I'm off to do a bit of nukin' and eatin' and snugglin'
down for a long winters nite..well i dont know how long ..as I
don't know how many times I will be up during the nite or how
many times Dutch will be patting my face saying "I love you mummy"
lol.. kids...Id be lost with out them let me tell ya..

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? LUV YA..& thanks..!!!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

~OK,, Who Took Today???~

You know....I'm really getting good at not doing a bloomin'
thing all day? ? ? lol.. I mean.. where did today go? And would
you LOOK at the DATE? ? Wasn't it JUST my birthday??
WOW...see what I mean about if you just stop and really
LOOK.. boy this time is flying by... I was talking to Donnie to
night and I asked him the same question..I told him "OUR
GIRL" is 21!!!! soon to be 22 in May...She was only just 3
a couple years AGO!!!... I laughed and told him "Sheesh,
Donald ! You're A GRANDPA ~!~" He laughs says " Like
I DON'T KNOW THAT??" lol...He just picked up this 3rd as
in - THIRD.-.job,, on the week ends.. I dont know about this kid,
He wants this bloody garage so bad.. lol.. I wish I would win
the lottery so I could build him that garage so he doesn't work
himself to death!!! lol.. He's gonna be hauling something some
where ...lol.. well I forget...he knows...lol...

But this is just what I was talking about the other night..how
differently things are now and what people have to do to just
live day to day.. Its really scarey.. I talked to my sis, she lives
in Indiana, I thank GOD I dont live there.. Her son is declared
disabled..and he gets nuthin hardly but a hard way to go.. I
feel sorry for them.. They have 3 kids..and get $6.oo a month
for them..I hope they move out of that state, Here the benefits
keep getting cut, but they're still better than there.. I hear Illinois
has good, well better, than what is here, why I had thought about
the Chicago area.....well somewhere where I could live a little
better...hopefully on a LAKE lol...where I had better surroundings
when the field was out there wasnt so bad..I would love to have my
own little patio with some flowers, screened in so the boys and I
could sit outside, I love sunset..best time of day....lol...I know -
Keep Dreamin' LOISSSS lol...well its a nice one..
Day Dreams are good for ya :-)

I think sometimes about what would I be doing or where would I
be had this not happened..And I really cant even begin to think
where- if my ex really wasnt happy before all this got to the really
bad stage, so maybe I would be divorced but who knows doing
what? I would still have had to move out..was his moms companions
condo..so..I couldn't stay there..So..that would have stayed the
same..but how would I be providing for myself? Working more
than likely..sewing probably in one of the Van places like I was..So
I dont have to work anymore...but at the cost of 2 legs..so I dont
know which I would rather do ...No.. I would still rather have my
legs.. I would go out more and see people i knew cause they
would all still be my friends...where are they now? I Dont see or
hear from any of them..Not since being like this..So I've changed
or they have, But I think where or what would I be doing had I not
lost my legs... I'm not unhappy now.. as its NOT really that bad,
I don't have to work,, I have RaeLynn, so many NEW friends...it
Really is not that bad.. its harder ..oh yeahhhh LOTS harder but
other than I worry a little more about health crap and reminded
about needing to "GO TO THE DOCTOR LOISSSS" ..lol.... I
will ...I Promise.. I DONT wanna,, but SHEESH..it is time for
a check up, so I will..lol.. I WILLLLLL :-D Its NOT that bad...

And on that note I WILL go and find some food..Its still kinda
early ,, haha.see? never know when I'm gonna post :-). I
have 3 brass candle sticks and I just found my brass cleaner
and I'm dyin to SHINE Them up..then get the 3 burgundy
candles I want, for in them.. I saw some GREAT candles on
QVC that were battery ones and couldnt even tell they were..they
were nice.. But I like brass..I have mostly that in my livingroom..
well it goes with burgundy really well..Im gonna go eat..nite..

Thanks for the great comments on the video..I'm really glad you
liked it and all the pics too, I have posted the past few days.. I'm glad
you liked them.. Never know when I'm gonna fire up this cam and
take some.. I had thought of getting one of those disposable ones
and take some of this place, I dont know why I didnt think of that
before LOL... duh... :-) Ok time to go SHINE ...lol..:-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & THANKS :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

~I Don't Know How To DO THIS ~

I have been having the worst time with this blog.. I have NO idea
what I am doing but when I log on here I go to last monday the 6th..
I dont know what I am doing wrong.. strange.. and I keep writing to
the blog people but they don't answer and tell me what I did.. I saw
on last nites post that it says 0 comments when that is not so as well.
I dont know what it is.. And it is driving me nuts and I have NO idea
how to fix it.. I dont think I changed any of my settings that I KNOW
of.. I wish they would write back and tell me how to fix this.. I would
hate to lose all my posts etc.. But something is not right and every
day it seems something different changes.. I just dont understand
this thing.. *SIGH* So if anyone is used to how these blogs work..
well will you let me know what I am doing wrong?? I dont know.
Doesnt make sense to me.

I am glad that everyone enjoyed the pictures.. and I really don't mind
sharing photo's of myself as long as they are not posted anywhere..
I have had that happen and that is a major issue with amputees.. I
dont understand why someone would want to take a photo of some
one and put it in a group or where ever..for what gain? I dont under
stand and ones that I have caught doing it of course deny it was
them.. I had a photo that was sent to a person and he took the
liberty to post it in a group as he felt was his.. well no.. he may have
had permission to have it.. but NOT put anywhere else..I think the
excuse he stated was "I didn't realize" that it would cause any
problems.. and they removed it.. but I felt awful..like I had been
totally betrayed.. I didnt like that feeling at all.. and was why I
closed my first website on AOL... I had a cute little site there that
I had a really good time playing in..until that fool took my photos
from there and posted them as well.. I closed that site and i said
no more sites for me.. I FELT awful... how could anyone do that
to anyone else? but that just shows you takes all kinds...

I didnt do a whole lot of anything today but stay on the phone..I
have been calling around to find out about new glasses and teeth
and seeing what I can find out.. My left eye, I am legally blind in
it..and may be eligible for some different things that could help me
see better, one of course new glasses. I wear them all the time,
mainly for protection, to protect my good eye , which after all these
years is showing the wear and tear of being my only good seeing eye.
I lost my left eye in....hmmm..84? yes, I think 84..in the fall.. a piece
of metal went thru it...I had a tree service back then.. its been a long
time..A VERY LONG TIME lol. I think my good eye is having
problems tho as I cant read very well up close or with our with out
glasses and I find I have to look a bit sideways to see anything...which
I dont understand...I have no idea but I will find out I guess..they told
me I maybe able to have someone come here which would be really
great then I wouldnt have to go thru the routine of setting up a ride
that has to have a weeks notice to set up...and then verified etc ..its
a routine they have of how you have to make arrangements for a ride.
at least with my insurance people..that pay for it...so be nice if they
can if not well then I will go..badly as I hate to go ..I will lol...:-) I
would like to have some nice glasses and see a bit better...

I havent eaten all day and my lunch is in the fridge still .. I did put it
up as I wasnt hungry when they brought it.. So now of course I am..
and look how LATE i am in posting tonite tsk tsk LOIS..lol... I know
I just have N O excuse other than well i just dont have one LOL...
so im off to go and find some food hopefully someone can help me
with my blog and explain what I am doing lol..I sure hope so..heck
of a note its my blog and I cant see what I have in it hey? lol..well..

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? LUV YA... and Thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

~Happy Valentines Day!~


This was a really GREAT Valentines Day.. Thank you all for the great
cards and good wishes. Meant so much to me . I Hope you have enjoyed
the video I sent out.. Wasnt alot but a part of me to show how much I
appreciate all of you... Your sweet words to me and the encouragement
WHO could ask for more? Thank you all so much...

I really didnt do a whole lot today,, well I took that picture up there and
of COURSE had to take at least 10 LOL...well I wanted a variety to pick
from ..lol..They were ALL GORGEOUS of course lol. I thought I would
wear my hair up today as it is a bit dressier..and I did wear my RED
silk...and I did make a nice video clip..Its bigger than the other I sent
out before so I hope it mails better..Its a bit longer than the other..I
found out my cam will only let me record 1 minute videos.. If it makes
them longer I havent figured out how to do it...give me some time lol...

Raelynn was here today, and she had gotten me this duster thingie
called a swiffer I think its called and WOW let me tell you is this a
handy little buggar!! it even takes CAT HAIR off the sofa!! I do wish
it had a bit of a longer handle tho..But talk about a great little duster.
wow..I was so impressed.. I had seen them advertised on tv but to
see it in person it looks different.. but it sure works!! well does for
me anyway.. I can do alot of my own dusting now .. and so easily..
If it had a longer handle would be really good for me...but I am
really liking this thingie..and do I need to say that Dutch just Loves
it too? it is so HARD to dust with a cat grabbing constantly at it..but
it made if fun..he had a good time.. He lays on the couch sometimes
and sheds, as most cats do, and this swiffer took the cat hair OFF!!!
I just wish Dutch would learn how to do it now..save me alot LOL....

My apt is looking better and better.. Rae is doing a good job.. She is
also a very frugal shopper which sure comes in handy, being on this
budget I need all the sales I can find..and she gets the same kind of
cat food I get here for 42 cents a can she gets for 31..welll needless
to say she is picking some up for me when she goes tonite to get some
for her 5 cats...With having kids of her own she is used to putting up
with cats around her while she is working.. Dutch follows her around
like she has a rope tied to him. lol...He has to be in the middle of

Well I am headed back to email to send out my Valentine giftie. Then
its supper time.. I'm already behind schedule but I stay that way all
the time it seems lol... I can't win for losing :-) naaa,, its not so bad..
really I have some of the SWEETEST, DEAREST friends that,,,, well
with out them..id sure be in a mess...you know im talking about - ALL
of YOU reading this dont you? well now ya know lol :-) Without you
all helping hold me up everyday..well this weeble would be VERY
wobbly let me tell ya... on this note...Nitey Nite.. Sweet Dreams..

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? LUV YA!!!!! THANKS... :-)
Always,,, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, February 13, 2006


Well I KNOW you are gonna find this hard to believe..but I
actually dont know what to write about.. lol.. hmmm a blonde
moment you reckon? Well I did have some thoughts in my
head then my email program got kinda skittish and I got
froze up.. Every time I use my cam it seems it does this...I
think it has something to do with resources or something..
and I guess cams use them up real fast..And I had it on for
awhile so..froze me up and when my email program is in
trouble I Panic I use mine as my secretary keeps track of
everything which I guess is not really a good thing I dont
have anything backed up on cd.. well..:-) I dont KNOW how
to do all that..YET...

I get so many things going on at one time then I get nothing
done.. I was in the middle of writing a letter when my stuff all
froze up and I lost that letter and I had started tonites post in
there , well i usually write it out in email then bring it here and
post it.. is easier I have spell checker on that ,, well I do on
this blog too but I don't know how to use it.. I tried..but don't
highlite the mistakes like in my email program I use the best
one on the net I think Incredimail..its free and easy to use.. I
like it.. I need EASY to use.. trust me ... :-)

I was studying on this blog as to how I can make it maybe
more interesting or look better and well to be honest I had
to give up.. I kept going back and forth so many times as it
would tell me to make sure this setting was like this and that
other one was at that.. and I passed myself 2 or 3 times there
for awhile.. sometimes I had to keep going back and forth cuz
by the time I got to where it said to go I would forget what it
said..and then, well, it was the same thing back and forth, back
and forth..But I guess there is alot I can do with this..this is a
good stress reliever tho.. well cuz i like to write too..I did read
where it said some bloggers get published and to be careful
you use good grammar and spelling and punctuation and stuff ..
well guess Ill never get published then I use my own rules LOL..
well its MINE..I can..lol.. Be nice to write a book tho..I HAVE
Thought of that ...putting all my stories together..and then make
my blog into a book as well.. ya like im SURE it would be a BEST
SELLER too hahaha DREAM ON LOISSSSS ...:-)

Boy, glad I dont live in NEW YORK CITY are they getting buried
in SNOW..wow..Momar..hope you dont get buried out there.. AND
be careful shoveling that stuff thats heart attack snow you know..
and whats a spade to shovel with? I know a spade as a garden
little thingie..you need a snow blower..lol.. Much snow as the East
has gotten these past few years..I think I would ..share with all the
neighbors and pitch in on one lol..they're great, We had one when
we lived up North in the UP of Michigan..Just be careful when you
shovel its NOT easy work , specially 2 feet deep of it ..sheesh..
Stay in and just wait for the SUN .. Snow days can be fun you know.
LOL and DONT ask how I know that either LOL..

well so much for tonites BLONDE WeeBle posting lol.. A new pic
up top for ya's .. Same rules..now..NO putting ANYWHERE but
y'alls computer ..or Ill get really pissy you know.-.I CAN.-. ya I can
lol.-.really!!! :-) hmm lets see who you can ask - lolol..well trust me
I can.. anyways.. its that time for me.. Im starved ..lunch was
chicken and some kinda dumpling with CARROTS of course..
they put them in EVERYTHING...lol..ICK...Raife, I want a nice
dinner like what you had ! wanna come here and cook?? :-)

Y'all be good now y'hear? luv ya..and thanks...LOVED all the
sweet compliments just MADE my day.. was so nice to read
thanks bunches.. :-)

Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

~Had A Laugh Today~

I had a good laugh today with my sister. She is so funny.. She
was telling me all the FUN she is having being in that wheel
chair lol.. I had to laugh she got caught between the door facing
and a bookcase, and could do nothing ..I told her.. I just did that
in my sewing room..She quickly replied "I AM NOT going into
mine, no one would find me in there!!!" lol..we are ALOT alike,
specially when it comes to our sewing rooms.. :-) She is finding
out what life is partially like, being in a chair , since she still has
one leg..what its like for me....Said she had a "HELL of a time"
and was SOOO MAD lol.. all I could laugh and say was " I
KNOW SHIRLEY !!" was too funny...:-)

She says this knee wheeler thing she has is about useless.
The wheels dont turn..so to go say around a corner she says
you have to pick it up and turn it yourself..I said I thought that
would be kinda dangerous..well be a good way to lose your
balance..having to pick that up if its all your using to get
around...I don't understand why they wouldnt put wheels , well
casters that swivel..be easier to navigate... She hates that
little thing.. I told my sis, well now your seeing why I dont come
and visit alot..she says "YES, I do NOW" bless her heart..She
is really having a hard time.. she says "I dont KNOW how you
can STAND being in that chair ALL the time".. well its just a
matter of not having any choice, not if I want to be able to go
anywhere... I told her .."well imagine then you had NO legs,
how hard it is.. you still have one.." she said no , she couldnt
that it HAD to be so extremely hard.

But until something happens to us or a family member do we
even THINK there is a possibilty that it can happen to you or
someone you love..that their or your own life could be so
drastically altered..no one is prepared for that.. If you watch
the tv news.. a little elderly lady was found dead at home,
someone had broken into her house.. when they interviewed
the neighbors.. they always say..who would have thought this
could happen here, or to the family or if it was about them,
that it could happen to them.. WELL .. food for thought for ya..
DO YOU SMOKE?? well you need to consider quitting for
sure dont ya? THIS could be the outcome..I didnt know that..
not saying I would have quit..but to find out that it can cause
something else so drastic..cancer is bad enough was a big
deterrent made me slow way down.. I had quit once for 3 yrs..
and big dummy started back...as I gradually got worse with
this tho I cut way back from 2 packs a day to only a few ciggies
like after I ate or something. But I never thought something
this drastic was going to happen to me either.. and it did.

I don't know what I would have really changed that I did b4, to
be honest..I dont think other than the smoking, I really did any
thing that I would change to try to prevent this..as I wasn't really
doing anything but living, working, being married, the usual...
yet here I am..single, in a wheelchair , no legs..only thing hasnt
changed is I'm STILL GORGEOUS LOL... Y'all KNEW I HAD
to say that lol...

Well there is a new photo up top for you... PLEASE ..same rules..
this one was taken the same time but I just took my hair down..
its quite long.. middle of my back I think..and I like long hair..there
are so many more ways to fix it.. It was well is..naturally wavy when
its short it will curl a bit.. when I was small I had ringlets I was a
beautiful baby..I will share that picture with you one of these times..
so you can see even as a wee weeble I was GORGEOUS.. lol..I HAD

I was lazy all day and I have not eaten..I am starveddddd..so
yup..you KNOW where I'm headed I dont even have to say it do I?
lol.. so ok I wont.. but THAT is where I'm headed..the boys are
sitting here in the doorway looking at me as if to say 'OK OK
come ON!~~!! kids...

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? LUV YA~!~ & Thank you SO
much for the wonderfully sweet comments . I LOVE it :-)

Always, Lois ***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

~Fast Day Today ~

Well today went fast.. just sneaked right on past me..
I dont know where the time went.. HMMM wonder did I
have fun? lol...I really didn't do a whole lot..was a good
lazy day. I did talk to my sister she is doing ok.. still hates
that chair and kneeler thing.. I KNOW what she means..
Although they didn't tell me about a kneely thing when I
was a sak.. was the chair or hop with a walker, crutches
whatever, but no knee wheeler...I dont know if I would
like that, not in the hellhome..but at home probably be ok..

My rehab after my first amputation..it healed up nicely..
had no trouble with it.the 2nd time. although I did at one time
have a really bad infection in my right groin from one of the
bypasses they did.. but the end of my right stump the 2nd
time, I had no trouble with it healing.. not like when they took
it below the knee..Well rehab after that all they had me do was
use a walker and hop up and down the hall and then sit in front
of a pulley and lift these weights from off the floor about 50 times
it seemed very boring... I hated hopping up and down the hall too..
that's jarring to a body and I would end up with a raging headache.
hop and move hop and move .. I was glad when it was over.

The rehab after the left leg was done was really hardly not at
all as it got infected right away and so they didn't make me..
I saw a therapist here in my apartment after I moved in to
show and help me how to do what I already knew how to do..
I learned from february to november..almost the same as
when your a sak really.. I used my chair when I was a sak..
only difference is I couldn't go as fast as I didn't have a leg
to help push me along and was hard to carry stuff...My sis
asks me "HOW do you CARRY stuff and WHEEL straight?
lol..well got to keep switchin hands..do one wheel then the
other..If you don't, you go in circles.. lol...

I have to say.. I like my old chair better than I do this new one.
Its broke in I guess it just seems to drive straighter and is not
as slow as this one.. This one perhaps isn't broke in.. but I
just don't like it as well..I have to switch hands more when I
carry stuff cause I use the furniture to push me, well pull and
push me along when I come back in here to eat and watch
tv.. so I carry what ever it is I am going to eat..well this new
chair when I do that I don't go as far..and It seems stiffer..if
that makes sense...lol..They are identical chairs but the
smaller wheel (hand one) is black on this new chair.. I guess
my old one just was broke in better ...its still like new as it
wasn't hardly outside..even the chair guy said that.. but it
was time to do it just to be safe they said .. I think was just
to have me get a new chair lol...its nice tho..

Here is the first photo, remember the rules..lol.. aint I just
gorgeous? LOL you better say YESSSS :-)

Anyway sis is ok and I am too.. just hungry now.. time to
see how much i can trail behind me when I get my supper
lol.. I dont know what I am going to have yet even.. I've not
ate all day and its almost 6:30 .. I think I'm hungry .. yup..
I hear the kitchen calling me..Better go..

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks :-)
Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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