Valentines Day today, a special day to let someone know
you love them.. When really if you love someone, you love
them all the time, and you don't need a special day to
remind you to tell them.... don't you agree?...
When you mention the L word, LOVE, I can honestly say
I saw 2 people that loved each other completely until the
day they died and I believe are still in love in heaven.. I'm
talking about my mom and dad... They were married in
1929, Dad died in 89 of cancer, Mom in 90, I always say
she died of a broken heart, she really committed suicide.
She hated every day she lived with out my dad..
There wasn't a day went by that they didn't hug, kiss,
give a special touch on the arm or shoulder, never a
day went by that they did not say "I love you". I know
that from the days I lived with them and when I visited
and spent time with them after I left home to start
my life. I can honestly say I only heard one as in 1
argument they had, and it ended with hugs & kisses..
My whole family was that way, when we saw each other
and when we left their company a hug and kiss were always
exchanged.. When I was little, I always kissed mom and dad
good night before going upstairs to bed.. When we had a
housefull of company I just went from one to the other
giving goodnight kisses.. :-) I took my time to delay going
to bed while we still had company !! :-)
I hope you have a great V Day, that you have someone
to give kisses and hugs to on this special day, If you
were closer I would, just to let you know you are special.
I appreciate you coming here and reading my 2 cents
and so lovingly worry about me when I get careless and
don't write every day.. Thanks and this most GORGEOUS
WEEBLE loves you.. Keep well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today, I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....