
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

~Still Not Well ~

I am still sick and I have no idea what it is.. I got up long
enough to post these few lines and I am going back to
bed.. Was a very rought night of numerous trips to the
bathroom with trying to sleep in between...

Penny came this morning and is helping me get things
done.. I would be lost with out her.. I am so grateful she
comes here.. I don't know whether to call the doctor or
what.. I think this is just the flu and stomach virus.. I hope
so anyway.. Its aggravated my system I know..
I apologize for the short post but my bed is calling and I
have NO choice but to go back there.. Thank you for the
good wishes and nice words.. Means a lot to me.. Y'all
are very special..
Im running out of energy and I hear my bed calling me..
Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE .."nitey Nite" even
though its not even noon yet.. :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya, and Thanks:-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

~Early Post Again ~ :-(

Im Posting early again as I really do NOT feel good today
at all.. I have been up and down so many times to the potty
I should have just stayed in there.. I woke up with a slight
fever and of course the screamers.. Im still a bit nauseated
but I havent tried to eat anything.. I am sneezing and have
a seriously runny nose..

When I posted yesterday I went directly to bed and instantly
asleep till about 7 then the rush was on and I bet every few
hours I was up and dragging my self to the bathroom.. That
wears me out.. Its hard enough to do that when I feel ok, but
when I feel bad its even harder.. To pull my self back in to
my chair takes every ounce of strength I have.. I worry some
times as to how long will I be able to do that.. That worries
me.. when I cant that would NOT be a good thing.. but its
something I think about and worry about every day...

My main worry this day is to get to feeling better and I hope I
do.. I managed to keep my pills down so that is a plus.. I am
still running to the bathroom every little while which I wish THAT
would stop.. Hopefully soon..

this is a very short and early post but I wanted to say my daily
hello while I could.. I sincerely appreciate all the wonderful
comments here and the mail you send.. I enjoy every one of
them.. Now I HAVE to go and lay it down, I will be better
tomorrow but until then..my GORGEOUS WEEBLE .....
"Nitey Nite".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, April 28, 2008

~I Got Up Late~

I woke up late today, 8:45, just before Penny got here. I
was being a lazy bones.. I had been up for about 30
minutes and got so violently nauseous it was awful.. I
hadnt eaten anything and all I had was a tiny sip of coffee.
I was steadily nauseous when I was in hospital too.. This
is the first since I Have been home that this ickkiness has
come back.. I hate feeling bad when I have so many plans of
what I would like to get done and I just feel like all I am doing is
treading water-not moving anywhere. I did get my wreath hung,
Penny did that on her way out to get my Icee... They know
her at DQ and if there is a line when she pulls up the ladies
in there will bring my Icee out to her so she doesn't have to
wait in line.. I had wanted a Ice Cream bar and wasn't sure
what kind, they charged me for one but not the other 2 .They
sent 3 kinds so I could see which I liked better..This is the joys
of a small town..

I was raised in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan..and it is
truly God's Country up there its so beautiful..no matter where
you travel its all breathtaking scenery with some of the nicest
friendliest people any where on this planet. I am quite biased
when it comes to the UP... Yoopers as the are called..So many
different nationalities came there, from all over the world, to work
the mines.. Swedish, Finnish, British, Scottish, and the accents
so varied and over the years its sort of melted into their own
dialect.. Yoopers comes from the word UP.. with a ers on the

Most of the towns are small and everyone knows everyone..just
a short run to the store you could meet 4 or 5 people you know
and by the time you stop and say hi or wave going past it can
take forever.. Its nice though to have aunts & uncles living close,
when you go to school..the teachers have taught not onlly YOU
but your sister AND your father..but everyone knows everyone.
and its really nice.. I miss that closeness that small towns have.
Bigger places and we are just lost among all the tons of other
people and given a number.. like we are with the DHS or even
with the SSI people.. Its a shame its gotten to that... but it has..

Rebecca phoned from Keystone and informed me she wont be
by this week which I don't mind having days with nothing at all
scheduled.. I think Theresa will be here Friday and other than
that this is a quiet week, same with next week..After that are
the Doctor appointments on the 5th and 14th.. the next one in
June, for this rash.. Hopefully by then it will be gone.. It is doing
a bit better and I keep the cream on and even though it really
makes it very red I think it still is helping it to heal...

I was late posting last nite as Donnie was here and I am going
to be early today since I don't expect any company and I do want
to take a little 5 as my mother used to call a nap after lunch..That
was a daily thing.. not long..just a 5 minute break.. worked..So
that's where I am headed for the rest of this day..But first I have
to write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

~I Didnt Know~

I had no idea to write about today and just kept putting off
putting anything down..That's why Im so late. Not one thing
stressful happened today and it was a quiet day. I did nothing
to provoke anything is why. I was going to try to hang my
wreath since no one showed up to do it for me.. I got to looking
at it and decided I can wait until tomorrow when Penny gets
here she will hang it and I know we will do the plates.. Id like
to paint the door facings again as the are so banged up from
me running into them... I bet I hit the facing every time I go thru
one of these doors here, we had to take the doors off so I could
get through them.. and I don't DARE put my hands down on my
wheel or I will hit it for sure and THAT HURTS!!!..

When I went to the Doctor Penny was pushing me and I just pushed
the door open, she had misjudged and I hit first the right side of the
door way then the left.. I sounded like 40 people were coming in
with me.. I announced to everyone " just ignore me I just LOVE
making a Grand entrance ". Thank goodness there were only 3 other
people in there and they all laughed.. I hate when I do that.. and its
happened a lot.. Its easy to do specially if you are in a hurry..
I did an update photo on my hand. I think its a lot better.. not gone..
but Its better.. Ive been faithfully putting this cream on and it does
seem to be working.. He said it would take time before I saw it
had improved and this past week I can see a big difference and
its not near as sore as it was before either..I didn't take the left
hand but its better too I think.. when I put this cream on ..as soon
as it soaks in a bit every spot of this stuff turns bright angry RED.
then is sorts of mellows out, calms down I guess and then I can
see that its improved again... If they bring the baby back again in
a couple weeks I want to be able to hold that boy and I need this
crap to be GONE!!!

I did notice all my bruises from the IV's and drawing blood are
looking awful.. purple and green and huge! They stuck me so
many times that first nite..I know at least 5 until they finally did
listen to me and used the vein on my left thumb.. That one nurse
went down my right arm almost in a line trying to draw me and
every time I told her that she had to use the thumb.. and it doesn't
even bruise nor does it HURT getting stuck there.. Most I have
told that are really afraid to use it till they see how easy a vein it
is to get to..

I havent eaten today and I will admit I am hungry but I don't know
what I want.. I had some strawberries that were SO good .. I wish
I had more of them...sadly I dont..so I will have to see what I can
find. Hope you had a nice relaxing Sunday too just like mine..So
now my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? Love ya..and Thanks !! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

~Something To Do~

I was sitting here earlier looking around for something to
do that would at least be doing something other than just
SITTING here staring at this monitor and waiting for a
email. So I got to looking around and saw the plates that
I had wanted so badly still sitting in the box.. Theyre blue
and white and there are 7 of them all different sizes and
shapes, and they hang by a ribbon.. Very pretty and will
match my kitchen really nice.. I had to come up with some
way to be able to reach and put these up high enough..I
decided I could perhaps hold the nail with my grabber..
Well it doesn't work.. I bet I dropped that nail a dozen times.

Its hard to hold the nail with the grabber and be able to swing
with a hammer with the other hand.. I looked like a duck flappin
its wings I was up and down so much... Was so funny, I had to
laugh at my self... I sat there and said "See how bull headed you
are..wont ask anyone to come and help, just do it and look like
an idiot".. I just tell on my self don't I ? well.. needless to say I
gave up on hanging my plates.. I think I need to get some better
nails too.. Penny isnt the tallest either but she can get up on the
little step ladder I have.. I probly could get up on it..but I wouldn't
be any taller !! :-)

So anyway I gave up on hanging plates and decided to fix the
wreath for the front door.. I got the one I used before and dug
out the new daisies I had Penny get, then stuck all the flowers
into the wreath and tried to hang it on the front door.. ok.. now,
the nail for the wreath to hang on is ABOVE that window in
the door.. I cant reach that either.. so I got my grabber and
tried to hook the string on the back of the wreath over the nail
that is up there on the door.. After about 6 tries I gave up and
put it over by the desk.. Next person comes thru that door
when they leave they don't know it yet but theyre hanging up my
wreath for me ! :-) That's why I keep the snow shovel in the
garage.. wanna come see me and no path? well get the shovel
and make one.. When I had my wood stove and my ex was gone,
I made everyone that came in bring at least 3 pieces of wood
for the stove ! Well, they wanted to be warm while they visited
didn't they? so.. bring your own wood.. well no.. carry in mine..
Everyone knew.. Maybe that's why I didn't have a lot of company
in the winter :-)

Was a cool but sunny nice day outside..after we had above 80
yesterday.. We wont have a spring this year either I bet.. we went
right into summer last year.. I bet it does the same this year.. Im
done looking for something to do , now Im looking for a snack. Im
not real hungry but I need something.. .THat means its that time for
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words.. "Nitey Nite"

Y"all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, April 25, 2008

~Meet My New Little Man~

I would like you to meet my new great grandson, Allessandro
Joseph. Isnt he just a doll? His weight has dropped down a
little he is now 7 pounds 2 ounces.. Hes very alert and is so
strong for only a week old. He was born the 16th... Donnie
said hes yet to see him with his eyes open, hes been asleep
every time hes seen him..He was wide awake while he was here.
but he slept in the car on the way,,,What a sweet little man....Barb
and I enjoyed time with him.. Barb has to get a big filling of this
boy as she is in Wisconsin and doesnt see these kids as often as I
do.. Joys of living by your grands :-) I LOVE it :-)
Kelli is doing really well and enjoying the time with him..she plans
to go back to work in another 2 months or so..See how he is looking
at me, I was steady talking to him and he just paid close attention..
Hes a little doll.. and was very good the whole time they were here.
Kelli said hes a very good baby and sleeps alot..which is a big help
to new moms.. I was so pleased that they took the time to bring him
here for me to meet him.. Made yesterday quite special for me.. To
look at those two I have to wonder where all these years went.. How
fast the time flies..Next time I turn around he will be a daddy.. IF I
am still around..which I hope I am...20 years? sure, I can do another
20... fast as these last 20 have gone.. will be easy to do 20 more ~!..
Was so nice today and warm, I had the door open for quite a while..
The fresh air in here was good.. Helped to air it out freshen it up a
little.. I got a piece of mesh that works really great across the door..
Its not easy to see through but the air gets thru which is what I want..
I looked all over online this morning for windchimes.. Ive sent Penny
to Meijers and to WalMart and neither place has them.. There was
one on line that I saw but the price was ridiculous and not worth
what it was selling for.. Im sure if I keep looking I will find what I
want, but, I think the chimes and a nice hanging basket of some
pretty flowers would be great out there on my front porch.. I have to
remember to ask Donnie if he would put my Air Conditioner back
in my bedroom window.. I know what kind of heat is ahead and I
don't want to be stuck without my AC.. I don't think I could make it!
Id just be a Melted GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-)
Im feeling better today and I am so glad.. I called Barb, Donnies
Mom as I had taken some photos and I made 3 videos while they
were here...I wanted to invite them back over to see them.. I couldn't
get my digital camera to work so I only could use my webcam, Im
grateful I had it so I could take these photos.. I didn't ask Kelli or
Barb if I could use them but theyre my photos so that says I can :-)
Barb's hand is blurry cuz shes pattin' the babys butt.. he started to
cry right after that and mom took him back...I didn't hold him, I was
afraid with this rash I have and I didn't want to take any chances..Its
not catchy but I was being careful.. as badly as I wanted to hold him..
He still talked to me and just seemed to know I was "Gran"..

Well this GORGEOUS WEEBLE GRAN is hungry and I havent eaten
right since the hospital and I have NO idea why.. I just havent had any
appetite at all..nothing sounds good.. but Im gonna look see what I can
find out there that might be good...but first.. "Nitey Nite"....

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I got a phone call from the boy last nite, he was at Kelli's for
dinner. His parents..Barb and Bill are here to see their new
great grandson, they live in Wisconsin, just north of Chicago,
nice town.. My brother Kenny used to live there, that's how I
got to know Donnie. Anyway, he called to tell me Kelli and his
mom will be by today with baby. As of this post they havent
arrived yet.. I have both camera's ready and I WILL have some
photos of this baby SOON!.. Dawn came by last nite and she
had forgotten to bring some she has..For some reason they
cant seem to get through on my email..Ive tried fixing it but
nothing works.. So I will use my own camera and I KNOW then
that I will have photos.. I may do a video and that way I can take
as many photos off of it..its a lot easier than snappin... I hope
they still plan to come today cuz I don't think Barb and Bill will
be in town that long.. They stay at Donnies..they like it out there.
Of course Bill does, he can go fishing anytime :-) Im waiting..

I did quite a bit this morning to straighten up and get things to
looking less junky.. I just have too much stuff and no where to
put it.. THATS my problem. I did see a nice Armoire on sale
at Meijers.. its a wardrobe and has drawers too.. Its like one
and half of a standard cupboard..or pantry as I call them.. This
one has a place to hang clothes which will be VERY useful.. I
have my clothes spread all over..In the bathroom, bedroom..
closets.. and they need better organized.. I showed the ad to
dawn when she was here as she was going to Meijers and she
is checking out the size to make sure it will fit.. Only bad thing
is it has to be put together.. "Some assembly Required" thing..
they don't say how HARD it really is.. Donnie had a heck of a
time putting together my bakers rack... I feel guilty sometimes
when I ask him to help me.. which he doesn't mind..Like he
says.."I don't mind Gran, YOU REALLY need help" hes a most
helpful and sweet guy..Hes one of the finest, most honorable men
I know...I still hate to ask him to help me though..even though I
know he doesn't mind..Dawn came by just to check on me to see
if I needed any thing shes such a sweetie.. I think me going into the
hospital put a little scare into them.. I try to re assure them I AM ok..
and I WILL be.. in time.. :-)

I had to call and cancel and reschedule the heart doctor..I don't
go now till the 14th of May... Next Wednesday, the day my appt
was changed to according to the COA they will NOT be giving
rides to anyone as all their buses are going up to Holland on a
day trip..Its been planned for months..All of their buses will be in
use.. Its a nice trip up there ..its for the Tulip Festival...I couldn't
make the appt for the 5th because I have the appt with MY doctor
at the clinic... I spent more time on the phone calling about these
rides and Dr visits making me NOT want to go to ANY of them..
Its a major deal.. I sometimes think that maybe if I had my own
vehicle and Penny drove it.. I could make my appts for any time
and not have to wait to see if COA can take me... I could have
called my insurance company but the last bus they sent me on
the driver, when it hit 5, I still wasn't out of the drs..so he just up
and LEFT me there ! I had to wait over an hour before they
could send a replacement driver.. So I don't trust them.. They
are sposed to wait.. Then that one driver was in such a hurry
he wouldn't take the time to let the Dr give me a shot they wanted
me to have because he refused to wait...So I don't like using them.
Which you can see is understandable... Everything is so NOT
easy to do.. its all complicated..NOW compared to when I had
legs and could just run out to my car and go~!!....big difference..

Well im gonna go eat something, what I don't know.. Ive really
not got very much of an appetite lately and I guess that's really
ok..helps to lose weight.. :-) I do want a snack tho..maybe some
tapioca pudding..they have some in a can that is just great.. I
might have that..and wait to see if my Dolly and new Honeyboy
show up..Be good to see Barb too..But now my GORGEOUS
WEEBLE words again.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

~Meet My HoneyGirl~ :-)

This is my niece Beverly and her 2 grandsons.. While I was in the
hospital Bev posted updates here for me. That was so nice of her. And
I thought you might like to see who Beverly is..Isnt she a beauty? :-)
She is my sisters 2nd oldest daughter, she has 2 great kids, Amy
whos boys those are, and Christopher. I havent seen them in about
4 years not since the funeral of Bev's oldest sister, our RoseMarie,
a few years ago. Kids grow so fast anyway, as I see these birthdays
of mine go by and watch as these kids have kids and the years go
rolling on.. I can remember the first time I met Beverly when she
came to Texas with her mom and dad to meet me.. Im not sure how
old Bev was ..perhaps 12 or 13.. she was as pretty then as she is
now.. Shes a very special and loving woman and finally has a good
life and is happy with a loving husband.. she deserves the best.. She
helps her mom a lot as Bev loves to work in the yard in the flowers
and making the yard look good.. She helps my sis a lot and is a very
good daughter... I really appreciated her taking the time to let all of
you know my condition.. but that's the kind of Honeygirl she is...:-)
Now you see that GORGEOUSNESS runs in the family... :-)

Warm, nice sunny day today and I do feel a bit less tired, and not so
worn out.. I honestly hate that feeling..Ive been taking my thyroid but I
guess adding new meds again until they really take hold my system
is in a state of unbalance..:-) DONT! add to that by saying 'Lois dear,
YOU STAY in a state of UNBALANCE!'..there I said it for ya :-) Penny
came today and planted my morning glories..I hope they come up..
She also picked up a Shepherds Hook its called, to hang things on out
in the yard.. flowers or birdfeeders.. I would like to put it outside the
kitchen window with a bird feeder hanging from it.. The birds already
know that is the feeding spot..well so do the squirrels.. This is such a
nice yard here..so much could be done to it.. Its big enough for a nice
pool..:-) I would LOVE that..

I think a pool would be great exercise to be able to just float and hang
more or less.. I bet that stretch would feel wonderful. They have a pool
down at the Health Trac that's by the hospital..and it is used a lot.. I
have such a problem with going to these more or less public pools..
But my own..well I wouldn't have any trouble using it at all.. I was a very
good swimmer before and I don't see why I would be less now, just
cuz I don't have my legs.. I may not be able to MOVE as fast as I did
before when I had legs to kick..but I think with the upper strength I
have in my shoulders and arms I would do fine.. I have a friend that
is a triple amputee that goes to the pool where she lives..and that's
one of her very favorite things to do, shes a congenital and has been
swimming all her life.. I saw at the Boston Marathon a young DAK
amputee won that race. How wonderful for her, the photo I saw on
the net you can see how proud she is.. Shes no bigger than a minute
so I bet that chair was rolling at very high speed.. Im glad she won..

Well its time to get out of this chair for today, its been a pretty nice
one.. and I am glad.. I do feel better which I am most grateful.. The
days I am not up to myself.. I get very discouraged sometimes and I
have to really fight to try to get back on an even keel so to speak..
So Im glad I am getting to doing better.. I want to feel good when my
Dolly and Jorge bring over that special baby for me to meet.. In a
few weeks they said and I, hopefully will be ALL better.. But then you
cant keep a GORGEOUS WEEBLE Down!!! that's why I say I am
a weeble !.. I bounce right back.. Sometimes I feel like one of those
punching dummies though let me tell ya!! :-) "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

PS.Thank you Mary for sending me the nice card..you too Julie :-)

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

~Yard Done~

I have to say I do feel a tad better today, I don't seem to get so
tired doing anything.. I laid there before I even moved to see
where I felt anything I shouldnt..my morning body scan . I still
have the ache in my side, but I felt more awake than I have since
ive been home. Maybe I got too rested in hospital and my body
thinks this will be a daily thing of just constant laying in bed..THAT
is NOT me at all.. I am glad I feel a little better, the past few days
all I could do was think of how much longer I had to stay up before
I could go back to bed, which I am allowed to do that any time but
Im just not a lay in bed person.. I have to now to watch TV.. its the
only place other than this chair that I have to sit in.. If my TV was
here in the living room I would sit on the sofa or get a good soft
recliner which I had thought of doing and get rid of this hard bed,
and just sleep in the chair. My sister did for quite a while when she
had shoulder problems..
I didn't have one thing scheduled for today which I like, but as the
day wore on you can see Robert was here and cut the grass.. I
have Chris back delivering my food again..and if you notice the
time of that top photo you can see she is here early now.. I guess
I squeeked about that wheel till they finally heard me.. They stop
and drop off my lunch on the way to the center to deliver the food
there. Me and about 3 others that were very last to get our meals
are now first. 11:30 is a lot better than 1:30.. She brought 4 cans
of cat food for the boys which they really liked..

Robert came in after he cut the grass, said his rider blade was loose.
He sure could use a new rider as many yards as he cuts..He stays
very busy all summer.. I asked him if he knew anyone that would do
some 'detailed' yard work..get around the house, under the plants,
clean out my flower bed..under the trees and plant my morning glories
for me.. Penny has offered to do it..but she has so many other things
to do that this is sort of beyond her list of duties I think.. I have 2 big
stands, like pedestals outside, on each side of the porch I told Penny
I would like to get some flowers to put on there, besides the flower box
up on the railing that I had last year.. She is going to check out what
they have.. I would like it to look nice out there.. and now that I have
this nice half screen for this inside door I will have something nice to
see, I would like one on the porch inside too. I still am looking for a
set of chimes.. Ive looked on line but very few places take paypal
and that is the only way for me since I don't have a credit card..which
really IS a good thing I guess.. specially when it comes to catalogs
like Collections,Etc.. or Carol Wright.. I love those things..but you cant
use paypal..so Im safe ..:-) Robert said he would do my yard.. I hope
he does.. :-)

Well I did not have lunch besides this tired feeling and no energy I
have not had any appetite at all... which I guess its ok..I havent had
any real desire for anything and when I did think of something, like
my favorite fries and gravy the next thought was all the work involved
in making them and I changed my mind real fast. Beautiful day today,
all is well and Im headed to watch tv..First my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
words though.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, April 21, 2008

~Still Not Well~ :-(

I am not well today at all.. I got up about 8 and as this day has
gone on I feel worse and worse. Nauseated and chilled and so
tired I cant stand myself.. My stomach is hurting just horribly today
as well.. I just do NOT feel good at all.. I tried to eat some toast
that Penny made for me and it did NOT sit very well..in fact it didnt
STAY at all if you know what I mean... Rebecca was here and she
noticed I was a bit 'pale', looking like I didnt feel well at all.. which is
very true..but I decided I am going to post this early then go and
sleep.. If I can find a comfortable way to lay...Ive tried every which
way there is and there are just not too many..Ive been an amputee
for 7 years and to have slept all this time only, well 99% of the time,
on my back..it has a right to be tired of it.. My favorite position to
sleep before was on my right side, knees up and my right hand
under my pillow.With this hernia or what ever on my right side I cant
now..I try to sort of angle my self..well slanted with a pillow under my
left side to tilt me but where I am not totally on that side.. It works
for a while and its nice to lay a different way..

I was looking out this window to that place across the street where
the strikers still are and I noticed the trees are leafing out already.
One is a flowery one that is even blooming.. Spring is springin...Its
sposed to be nice here all week and Penny suggested we get the
morning glories planted..That fence will be so pretty with them all
over it..They bloom constantly and all summer.. I noticed over by
the garage the lillys I saw last year are well up out of the ground..It
does need the leaves cleared out and some branches moved..
Penny is going to get some Impatients for the flower box on the
porch..They did really well last year.. Its a good shade flower..and
my front porch gets no sun at all with those cedar trees in front,
which they need trimmed BADLY..

There is a lot of deadwood all over the yard and I noticed in the
tree at the back of the garage there is quite a bit of deadwood
in it..Its important to keep your deadwood out..during storms
that's what causes so much damage..I wish Ken would get a
tree service in here to care for these trees..they are such an
asset to property but they need taken care of..Topped, thinned,
deadwood..shaped.. the better care you take of them the better
they are and will provide the shade and enjoyment they were
meant to.. I love trees and flowers too.. I guess a 'flower
child' is really what I am... :-)

Well this GORGEOUS WEEBLE flower child is turning it in for
today and getting some rest..and take a nap...Hopefully I will
feel better tomorrow.. My heart doctor cancelled and I don't have
to go to see him now until the 30th. now I have to re do a ride.
Its no easy thing going to a doctor.. I wish I had come home feeling
better than I do from that hospital stay. maybe it spoiled me and
I got TOO much rest.. I wonder if that's possible? Time to say,
"Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? love ya and THANKS !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

~Nice Phone Call~

I had the nicest phone call yesterday afternoon. I had sent some
baby things to Kelli by way of Donnie and my Dolly phoned to
thank me.. She is such a sweet girl.. She had natural childbirth
and is nursing the baby. Said he is doing very well..and that she
liked the blankets and things I had sent. I always enjoy her calls..
I had put off calling her cause I KNOW all her friends are and lots
of people.. so I kept informed through Dawn and Donnie and Im
glad she understood that.. From what she said Willie, my ex is
in town, of course to see this new baby that I KNOW he has been
waiting for. Willie , Papa, is closer to Kelli than he is his own grand
daughters that his daughter has. He is not close to them at all...
She sounded really good and doesn't plan to go back to work for
3 months, she has every thing planned and every thing is going
according to it..and Im really glad for her, shes a hard worker,
she will be a great mom...

It was such a lazy day today and I will admit this hernia is really sore.
I had heard that women never get them..but I don't see why not, we
strain to do things.. I was talking to a friend about this being one of
the last things I would have expected to more or less be caused from
being a amputee.. We do have to ..well I DO.. maybe because im not
as young or thin as some and have to strain harder to try to sit up, or
to even transfer... I never expected a hernia, but I know this thing has
been there a while..it never bothered me at all...this past month it has
let me know its there a few times...and today is one of those days..I
had a bowel obstruction surgery before which could happen again my
doctor told me years ago when I had it done, in 89 I think...my sister
called my attention to that, which I didn't even think about, that this
could be related to that and be more serious than what I think.. Well
I go to the doctor the 5th of may, they were going to move it up to the
23, but I already have a ride set so why change it..only bad thing is ,,
its at 115 and I HATE afternoon appointments.. But if im going to see
a REAL doctor that's the only time hes there...But today I KNOW I
have what ever it is.. Just keeps tellin me its there...

I dug out an old photo because Im NOT up to my highest GORGEOUS
WEEBLE standards today..and I didn't wanna scare any body.. :-) I
want to thank you all again for the loving concern it makes me feel very
special and I am most grateful... I cant possibly do this by myself and if I
didn't have you, well I would be most alone.. I need every one of you.
We need to remind our friends, family, every one that is special to us
that they are.. you may not need to say it..but THEY may need to hear it..
I am off to have some tomato soup and a PB sandwich.. Im not very
hungry, I don't wanna gain back what I lost ! I did NOT buy any sweets
either, I was very good.. :-) "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks ! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I was writing an email to a friend today about the 4 main health
issues I have..One being this hernia on my right side..It is about
as big as your fist, and is quite tender with a VERY sore spot
down on the underside of it.. As I was writing this email I started
to think of WHY would I have a hernia..arent they from straining
too hard to do something? Well.. I got to thinking of what it is I
do that would be a lot of strain on me..When I get up, or TRY to
sit up, its a major issue. If my chair isnt close enough I have to
stretch to reach it, then grab hold of the bar down the front side
of it..then.. PULL my self UP to a sitting position.. Now.. If I put
my hand ..well hold on the wrong way, and don't leave myself
enough room to SIT I have to push and pull very hard to get my
self up into a sitting position.. Sometimes I put a pillow under
my stumps, especially if they are really achy, if I forget to pull
this pillow out from under them.. I sometimes get half way up
and lose balance and fall backwards and have to start ALL
over again!....

I got this electric bed from Julia, she ordered it for me.. She got
the very cheapest one they had.. Its electric, yes, but only the raising
of the whole bed..the head and foot don't go up.. I thought the side
rails would come in handy..They don't at all as they arent down far
enough for me to get the leverage I need..I need a trapeze over my
bed.. I thought this bed I would be able to have one that was the
main reason I wanted this bed..Apparently it doesn't take one or
one wont fit on it.. So, I don't know..my only thing I THINK might
work is a day bed..where there is a rail sort of on 3 sides of it and
that would go down far enough that I could grab and pull my self
up...That might work..

Anyway, this is the only possible reason I think that I would have
this hernia.. While I was in the ER the nurse/doctor checked and
felt it and she told me that its a hernia...that's how I know .. Ive
not had it a long time , 6 months or so..but its never bothered me
at all...I never did get it checked, I figure if it started to give me
problems..which it has started to hurt, THEN I would get it checked.
When I go to my doctor on the 5th I will ask him about it.. I KNOW
what he will say "I will send you to a surgeon".. I Have no doubts...
Then from worrying about this..my BP will go sky high, then the
cardiologist will go NUTZ.. and its like a dominoe effect.. and Im
the one steady getting hit by the dominoes.. :-)

I have to say that the nurses at this little hospital were very nice,
They all gave me great care.. The only problem I Had with any of
the nurses was when I put my light on to use the bedpan and 20
minutes later they came to answer my call.. The nurse, Theresa,
put me on the pan, left, and 15 minutes after buzzing twice she
came and got me off of it.. there was a red ring on my bug for
HOURS!..THAT was MOST uncomfortable..and with no legs I
couldn't even get any sort of relief and just had to lay there with
that cold hard plastic pan under me.. That was my only issue
with any of the nurses.. I did find tho that these nurses do NOT
listen to patients.. I told Karen that she HAD to use a butterfly
BABY needle to put in a IV..she stuck me 5 times before she
finally admitted I MIGHT be right and went and got one.. THAT
makes me so mad.. Like we , ourselves don't know what works
for us.. I showed her WHERE I can only be drawn and what size
needle.. she totally ignored me..saying "I KNOW what Im doing"..
which Im sure she did..but she DIDNT on ME...we are ALL different..
I listened to Mary, the sweet lady in the bed next to me as she
cried because of all the times they stuck her to try to draw blood..
THEN after no telling how many sticks..I hear a nurse say , "well
just poke her finger and let the blood go in that way"..they did and
it worked.. Poor thing..she was almost histerical.. I asked them
WHY they cant numb the area so they CAN find the veins rather
than keep stabbing and missing..but they wont..against hospital
rules..yet hospitals are supposed to be where they STOP your
pain... There is a hospital I was in, in Indiana..they never stuck
anything in you until it was numbed..that WAS a pain free hospital.

Well now that I figured out some of my health problems I need
to figure out how to solve my hunger problems.. I don't know really
what I want.. I lost over 10 pounds in hospital and I DONT want to
gain It back.. Id like to lose about 20 more ! then maybe I wouldn't
have to strain so hard to get up :-) Time for this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE to bid you "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, April 18, 2008

~Was Busy Day~

Busy day today with Penny here, Donnie here, phone calls till my
ears feel theyre gonna fall off.. I heard from Deborah with my
insurance and told her I need a new mattress, that this one is
awful..and about all these other doctors they suggest I see,
for the rash, hernia, leg pain, and of course my heart.. I really
wish I could have gotten all that done while I was in hospital. But
that's how these small hospitals are..only certain registered
doctors are allowed to have patients there, and if hes not your
doctor you get a hospital doctor whos main job is to keep you
a short a time as possible and do as little as necessary and
ship the patient back home...They did just that.. But I will talk
to the doctor that I saw last time at the clinic..they know I want
to deal only with him..not a nurse doctor. I go back there for
what they call a hospital checkup... The cardiologist appoint
ment is already set for the 23rd and Ive already called COA
for a ride and its set up too...

I am tired today and I guess its because I started these new
pills..one is for cholesterol that they said mine was very high,
and one is for chest pain, I have to start taking an aspirin a
day as well..so now I have 7 total things to take . well one is
the patch that's put on once a week..but 6 pills a day now.. I
am SO not a pill person..I was so pleased when I found out
they had the patch and I didn't have to remember to take a
pill for my blood pressure every day...Penny got these new
ones filled and I started them today..

I am going to start saving for a laptop though..I have heard about
these wireless connections you can get so you can get online any
where. I could have gotten online while I was in hospital.. I asked
if there was a computer I could get to and of course there wasn't.
Theres only 2 things that would keep me off line, one is that I was
sick and the other my computer crashed..and I have a back up
old one that I could fire up if I had to..I would just have to dig it out
of my closet..but its the one I had before I got this one 3 years ago.
But I really do want a laptop..and that's what Im gonna save for..I
KNOW is gonna take a long time, but I hope I wont need one for a
LONG time.. :-)

Im tired and I need a rest, I really didn't sleep that well...Its got to be
the mattress..But I got my favorite Icee and Im pleased.Thanks again
for all the loving concern..sure makes me feel special and I truly
appreciate it... Thanks bunches..Now.... my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
words... "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

~Hospital Trip~

Im glad to be home and the boys are finally glad too..They
are being very nice to me.. This trip to the hospital started
early Saturday, If you remember the post that day I was in
a lot of pain but not nearly as bad as it was by 2 am.. I was
hurting so bad I was in tears...I finally broke down and called
911 and they came right away.. 2 very very nice guys..They
had to lift me on to the cart or stretcher and took me out that
way, I left my wheel chair here at home ...They put me into
one of their ambulances and there they put me on monitors
and took my BP..

When the took my blood pressure it was 230/132..EXTREMELY
high..they put in an IV immediately and gave me 4 aspirins and 1
nitro..under my tongue.. Was so hard to chew those baby aspirin
with no bottom dentures :-) but I did..I gummed them till they melted
enough so I could swallow them.. They asked why I called and I told
them Because of the excruciating pain in my hips and legs.. it was
awful.. I was sobbing it hurt so bad...

By the time we got to the ER and they took me in..the para medics
told them I was having chest pain and they saw my bp..so they more
or less ignored the leg pain..and I Honestly think they thought the leg
pain I was having were phantom ones, not hip or leg problems.. One
doctor said it is hip problems..but they did nothing..all they did was
put me on a heart monitor connected to ICU and kept me in bed..They
gave me a very small dose of Morphine for the pain that had NO affect
on it at all...The Dr his name was Dr Rehman, a very crude and rude
doctor.. He hurt my feelings so bad saying I needed to take better care
of my self..and being a SSI patient I shouldn't expect better care..He
said the stress test he did didn't show up because of the body mass
was too great..in other words I was too fat.. There was a nurse there
named Sara, she said my stress test came back positive that my
heart was having problems.. They never once asked if I wanted to be
moved to another hospital, like Borgess..Yet the Dr said that the test
didnt take..was unreadable..

Dr Rehman said that this little hospital is not affiliated with any SSI doctors
and that he didn't have the time to deal with all the problems I seem to have.
He said I should take better care of my self and then I wouldn't have problems..
He said that this hospital wont call in these other doctors I need to see them
when I got out I could go around and see these doctors as a out patient. The
treatment I got..well it was awful.. my sister and Penny and even Donnie are
upset I am home..they feel I should go up to Borgess where they have every
kind of Dr there is.. I didn't eat the whole time I was there as I wasn't allowed
salt or sugar or anything..They gave me some awful crap to drink.. When the
fight with this Dr was over and I reported him the floor supervisor Gretchen
came in and we talked and she said she would find out what was wrong and
that this awful Dr had admitted he had treated me badly but he did apologize,
which means nothing.. he couldn't take away the ugly things he said to me.. I
did file a complaint..and was moved to a private room.. THEN after all this..
is when Dr Rehman said I was to go home..he would NOT let me stay for 2
more days which another Dr had asked him to, that wanted to do some xrays
on my back and hips..and wanted to keep me in hospital..I was sent home at
5 yesterday..

So, my rash is still there, the leg pain is gone..but it will be back.. I honestly
think its because of the awful mattress on my bed...its so hard.. I was told I
have a hernia on my right side..to feel it, its as big as your fist..its quite big..
my rash I think Is worse and I know my blood pressure is sky high.. I took it
before I started this post and it was 176/97.. which is kinda high.. But I feel
ok and the leg pain is gone.. I have 4 new pills they gave me now too..for
potassium and cholesterol..and a pain pill... plus I have to take an aspirin
a day...and one for heart pain..

All in all I am ok..and I did lose weight.. Theresa was here from CMH and
I told her about my hospital trip and how bad it was that all I did was stay
in bed and sleep..She noticed I was thinner..and she said I looked less
stressed and more relaxed.. And I feel ok...This was an awful experience
and I have never been treated so badly in a hospital or had the things I
said totally ignored.. They paid NO attention to anything I said.. I will never
go back to this hospital and I would NEVER advise anyone to go there.
From now on.. I will go back up to Borgess where they WILL treat you no
matter what your status is but that's how it should be.. I think so anyway.

I was so pleased to see all the loving concern for me..sure means a lot..
Y'all are the best and I am so glad that you want to share my lifes dramas
with me..This aint easy.. I do have an appointment with a cardiologist tho.
next wed..the 23. up at the clinic..So I know he should have this stress test
there and I will find out more.. I don't want to have another heart attack or
have to have another heart bypass they really HURT!.. So hopefully when I
see this new Dr he will have some more answers for me. I don't want to take
any chances. Heart attacks really hurt..and you feel really crappy :-)

NOW..for the GRAND announcement..this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
now a GREAT GRAN!.. Our baby boy came to us at 2 am on the 16
he weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces and is a little doll..Kelli had natural
childbirth and is doing great.. she is coming home today I think...they
don't keep you very long... I plan to phone her later I know her phone has
to be ringing off the hook.. I told Donnie to tell her I said hello and that I
would be calling her soon.. Baby is fine.. and so is my Dolly.. :-)

Well its time for a short rest..Thank you again...Im so glad you share this
life with me.. :-) This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is very grateful.. Now, time
for my famous words.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and THANKS ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

~Im Home~ :-)

I'm HOME !!!... I got home about 6:30, Im very tired, worn out..
but I will tell you of my hospital visit tomorrow.... I have appointments
to go to and lots of tests to still be run, my heart is not the best, I have
a hernia, my rash is worse and the pain in my legs only stops for a few
hours of course after a shot of morphine, but they sent me home anyway,
my blood pressure was 197/101 when I left the hospital at 5:30 today..

I am a SSI person.. They dont like to keep us in this little hospital..They
sent me home to go to all these drs to get solutions to those problems..
They would NOT call them to come and treat me there.. My appointments
are april 23.. but THATS why I am home...or I would still be there, my
sister agrees I should NOT have been released..but I was..I did come
home with 6 prescriptions however...and.. I LOST 13 pounds in these 4
days.. they weighed me.....

I read the comments.. Thank you all so much..I feel truly special and
loved..you are the best.. I tried desperately to get to a computer but
they refused to let me out of bed...I tried.. Honeygirl.. thanks for posting
an update here for me.. and D.. your a sweetie too..Thanks for keeping
everyone notified .. I didnt have time before calling 911 to let anyone
know...but IM HOME!!! :-)

The boys still arent speaking to me tho..theyre mad.. cant blame them..
so now, a special Thanks and of course this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says..
"Nitey Nite" :-) now y'all can sleep better, Im BACK~~!!! :-) Dont worry,
Be happy :-)

Y'all have a good one, Y'hear? love ya.. and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, April 12, 2008


It rained all night, when I woke up this morning it was still
coming down... and both my stumps today, hurt so bad,
well its hard to even describe. They feel like they are
going to explode. they are both sound asleep and no
matter which way I sit I am NOT waking them up. Some
days are like this and its hard to know what to do.. No
one told me they were going to feel like this..that I would
have daily pain of one kind or another..Its hard to tell
which is really hurting the parts I can really feel with my
hands or the invisible parts of my lower leg..the pains
are so real that its very hard to distinguish just where the
actual hurt is.. Today has been one of those days..thats
why this early post.. I have to get a better place to sit.

I only have 2 places to sit really, well 3 if you count my couch.
I don't get on that as there is really no reason to. My TV is in
my bedroom so I just get on my bed when I want to watch it..
I had that recliner and it was not made for someone with out
legs..even being electric.. you still had to have some weight
on the foot rest for it to go all the way flat in front..so It wouldn't
close and that's how I got stuck in that chair.. But somewhere
else to sit, I think that would be great..

A lot of this pain I feel I think is from my hips and possibly lower
back.. So much pressure gets put on them all the time from
not being able to stand none of the pressure is ever relieved.
When I lay I do try every day to lay flat for awhile..well that's the
only time those muscles get straightened out..and I think if I
didn't do that those muscles would stay in a L shape and I
would constantly be in a sitting position..Ive not felt the greatest
lately and have logged off early and gone and gotten on my
bed.. Sometimes I will stay in my chair and watch tv...but after
a short time my hips will ache or my stumps will go to sleep..I
swear they sleep more than I DO !...

Rainy days really trigger these aches and pains in my stumps..
and I believe its because the bone was cut right off and that
the pain and sleepy feeling I get is from arthritis and every other
kind of ritis that could set into a sawed off Bone !...If I scoot a
little forward in my chair and then lean back, which is a terrible
slouchy posture..but that helps sometimes for a little while..

I think my help for the rest of this day tho is in there on my bed
It has really been a rainy painful day and Im ready for it.. But
I cant forget my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words "Nitey Nite"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Friday, April 11, 2008

~The Good Old Days~

I sat and listened to some really great oldies today, which I
LOVE music..just seems to really help me alot..always lifts
me up when im down.. I really don't like sad songs, the oldies,
those songs were sad, but they still said something. I listened
to the songs that were popular as I grew up and I look at the
photos that I have, and I sometimes say "Those were the good
days". And I think how nice it would be to be able to turn back
time to those days when now as I remember them they were the
good days,but at the time of the photo or perhaps when I had
heard a certain song,, back then I didn't consider them "The
Good Old Days". Thats Donnie and Kelli, 20 years ago...
That photo up top is of Kelli when she was about 3 and that is
one of the beautiful German shepherd dogs I had the joy of
owning..her name was Greta. she was only about 3 or 4 months
old..a wonderfully smart animal..and you can see Kelli loved her.
I have that photo on my desktop..I love putting my photos there.
I have them in a webshots program so they steady Change. Ive
had many when they visit watch the photos on my monitor, I have
my friends and family on it.. I enjoy it.. But when I see these photos
come up of Kelli and I see her with the animals I loved I think how
nice it would be to go back to those days..
This other photo is Kelli of course with my cat Skeeter. He was a
black Burmese and he LOVED Kelli..No one else could hold that
cat but her or myself.. He was a big cat..when Kelli was around
he followed her like she had him on a leash.. Look at the shoes
Kelli has on ...those were her Papa's shoes.. As soon as Willie
would take them off she made a B-line for them and wore them
all over..she did that since she first learned to walk. Was so cute
to watch her try to walk in those huge things.. But I look at these
photos..and think..those WERE the good days..but I think today
is a good day..they ALL really were..I wouldn't want to change
anything or this baby we are anxiously waiting for would NOT
be on the way !.. I guess its just the way we look at our days..

Carla was here this morning from the COA, she noticed the rash
on my hands..and I told her the whole story.. Shes very nice , she
does the In home evaluations.. and if we have a problem with
something there she is a good one to tell.. NOW..you KNOW I
didn't have ONE bad thing to say don't you? .. I only had the
ONE complaint and that was about them not knowing of a wheel
chair accessible beauty shop.. I know not everyone goes to one,
but they should have a list there of the places here that ARE
accessible for us.. They said for me to call and find out.. Well
its not really a biggie but.. I would think it would be a good thing
to have someone that knew these things..Im sure there are many
seniors that are in wheel chairs..

I tried to call and get hold of that melody person that has my food
stamp case and of course she has NOT returned my calls.. To cut
my stamps so drastically and not even listen to what I had to say
well she was wrong.. To cut them over 100 dollars..That is NOT
going to be very easy on me.. Why she thinks my income has gone
up before I even know it I don't understand.. If it IS true what she
says..well I would be very happy.. But SS says its NOT..so who do
I believe.. I got that extra money, but I refuse to spend a dime of it,
just for the fact of I KNOW how many they have sent money to and
then write and say "Oops..we want that money back".. Im not going
to take any chances.. I honestly do wish sometimes that I had those
good old days.. I worked my butt off But I didn't mind at all... I don't
mind working for what I want or what I feel will benefit me..but I guess
we are all that way to some extent..

Well we had a great warm sunny day but as I close this post the sky
has turned black and the wind is very strong and here comes the RAIN!
I don't mind listening to the rain when Im tired..well as long as it doesn't
do the thunder and lightening thing.. and that's just what its doing out
there.. The thunder scares the boys and they are both under the couch.
scaredy cats :-).. Well I am too but not THAT bad..Im headed out to
the kitchen to get a snack and then HOPEFULLY the power wont go
out like it usually does in a storm..and I will be able to watch TV.. The
weekend is ahead.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE has Nothing to do,
well yes.. bid you "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y"hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

~Ickky Day~

Cold rainy ickky day today and from the looks of the forecast
its gonna stay this way till Sunday. This kind of dampness makes
me tired and I ache.. My sneezin doesn't seem as bad today but
I still have a dribbly nose. This tired I had hoped would go away
once my thyroid pills kicked in again..but doesn't seem to be
working.. I just seem to have no real energy.. I was going to put
a box together for Kelli with baby things in it but about half way
through I stopped as my arms were aching and I was tired! I
used to have so much energy maybe now its because things
take so much EXTRA energy to do them.. Doesn't matter what
it is..its harder to do things than it was even 2 years ago.. I
guess that comes with adding years ... :-) But I guess as long
as I am still adding years on, that's the main thing..

Rebecca came this morning..shes so nice..and very pretty.She
brought some things for baby that are so cute..a wonderful quilt
and a couple new outfits that were on sale that are perfect.. I
know Kelli probly has just about everything she needs after 3
showers..but the stuff isnt from me...:-) Rebecca has a baby boy
herself..hes 14 months I think and she has a 6 year old step
daughter I think..Im not sure of the girls age..Rebecca is looking
for a place to rent too.. There really isnt a lot of affordable NICE
places to live around here... I should consider myself lucky that
I do have this little house and the privacy.. It needs improved but
I guess I should be very grateful to have it.. So many have a lot

I shouldnt really gripe at all..about anything when it comes right down
to it.. I have a roof over my head, food and my bills are paid. I have
the boys.. and maybe this house isnt really suited for me..its not
really that bad and I should stop complaining.. I guess its really NOT
a bad thing to complain as it keeps me especially, looking for better.
I think that If I didnt look for better it would more or less be giving up,
settling for what I have and not expect better. I know before I lost my
legs I always was looking for the better and I pushed myself to try to
get it..whether it was a better job or higher pay or anything that I felt
would improve my life.. I still do that..but I just put limitations on what
I feel would be good for me now, since things are so much different,
and my life style has drastically changed... what was good for me when
I had legs is not necessarily good for me now that I dont have any.
Most things are..but lots arent...but I can live with it..Ive just had to
make alterations... which I do know how to do.. and I HAVE :-)

I keep looking at my sewing machine over there and Ive not made that
first attempt to try to open it and seeing what I have to do to get her
up and running.. Theres not alot that can go wrong with one, but I have
to figure out a way to get close enough to be able to SEE what im
doing.. I kinda think I can stay in my wheelchair If I take the arm rests
off.. I liked my old chair..they just tipped back, this one I have to take
them off totally. I have to find the energy to just sit there and figure out
what I need to do.. To even open my machine up I have to pull it away
from the wall..with the shelf above it on the wall, the lid wont go past
it the way it is now.. so to get at that machine is not just a matter of
pulling up to it.. Theres alot of alterations on THAT too :-) starting with
clearing off the top of it :-)

I need to make some alterations in my fridge right now by lessening
its contents :-) I have some left over mac and cheese from lunch, has
ham in it too.. I wasnt hungry at noon so I put It in the fridge to have
before I roll off into the sunset of my bedroom, which it is almost that
time.. but not before my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y"hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

~Hands Update Again~

I promised new photos of my hands and arms.. I think they are a
little better compared to what they were. I just had put the cream on,
and it seems after I do is when it gets redder.. I only put it on twice
a day.. The other hand and arm look a bit better too..Please do NOT
look at my messy desk. Ive still not gotten around to cleaning it off.. I
know it needs it badly. maybe one day next week.. Like I tell my friends
"If your coming to see my house, make an appointment, if your coming
to see me - come ANYTIME" :-)
Well they came this morning from R & R Medical Supply..very good
company..However this new toilet guard or railing, what ever they call
it..would you believe this new one didn't have the screw thingies that
got broke? He said he had to use the one that came with the toilet
seat..These chair things don't come with them.. I asked him..what if I
didn't HAVE a toilet seat on? With a riser on a toilet you don't need
the seat or lid..what if I had taken mine off..how would they have even
put the first one on? All he needed to do was put the new screw in..I
didn't need the whole new railing..but he put it on any way and now I
have an extra toilet handrail thing.. He was going to take it..but I said
I would keep it in case my sister or someone else might need it and
don't have insurance to pay for one.. I would gladly give them this extra
one.. This new one is not near as sturdy as the other one.. To be
honest.. I liked the other one better.. but at least one is on there again,
that works and Im pleased...

Penny was here early but I cancelled my hair appointment for today. I
just didn't feel good yesterday and I had a feeling I wouldn't feel much
better today and I really dont..My nose has been dribbling all day and
I have a very dry cough.. I will re-schedule it for next week maybe.. We
are all clean and Penny said she is anxious to get done early today as
her new grand daughter is home and Penny is very anxious to have
some time with her...she said shes so tiny almost fits in one hand.. I
bet shes a Cutie.. :-) most babies are...Although I KNOW this grandbaby
of mine will be THE MOST GORGEOUS of them all :-) This boy has the
most GORGEOUS Gran, how can he be any thing else ?? :-)

I phoned Dawn last nite to find out how our girl is doing..Baby was due
the 7th which was Monday and Kelli is anxiously waiting.. she has had
to spend the last 2 weeks on bed rest and as antsy as my honeygirl
is I know she is NOT happy.. From what Donnie said when I talked to
him everyone is phoning her to see how she is..so I just told Donnie
to relay the message that I inquired about her..I know her phone steady
ringing has got to aggravate her.. Plus I guess her Papa, my ex. showed
up, un announced, of course he is anxiously waiting his great grandson
too.. like the rest of us.. He is a good one for just showing up with no
notice..so I am not sure Kelli is very pleased..He is good friends with
my brother so maybe he will stay with him and not at Kellis..she needs
to relax and just enjoy what time she has left before baby gets here..

Tomorrow is a busy day again..Rebecca and Theresa will be here, on
Friday Carla from the COA will be coming by.. I have such a busy life for
never going out of my house.. I love it though..keeps me on my toes so to
speak.. Im glad today is about done tho.. I do have a serious headache
that is keeping this dribbly nose and cough company. and I think a nap
might help, Im gonna give it a try anyway.. :-) But before I can end this
post you KNOW I have to say my famous GORGEOUS WEEBLE words,
"Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

~Sneezin & Coughin~ :-(

I woke up this morning early, about 6. I was Sneezing and coughing
and my head felt like it weighed 100 pounds. Ive been sneezing the
past couple days but I don't pay any attention to it cuz I use a lot of
incense and air freshners.. Every once in a while I can smell that
basement and it really is an awful smell..damp and moldy..so I use
incense and I have some really good spray, well air freshner.. But
I do love incense, I always have. A lot of it I get online..They do
seem to have the cones which I like.. I don't like those stick ones,
they take up too much space and I had one fall out of the holder
once and I didn't see it till I smelled something other than incense
burning..So I prefer the cones. I have some nice little brass cups
that I can set them in..At Christmas Penny found some great ones,
they were in a brass looking can too which I really liked since I
have a lot of brass here.. I like the looks of it.. and it goes so nicely
with burgundy...very rich combination..

I didn't feel like taking a photo of my hands today but I will tomorrow.
My thumb is a lot better, but the rash on my hands and arms seem
to be fighting it..they improved a little but now seem to have reached
a point that they don't want to do anything.. I will keep using this cream
though and Im sure in a few days maybe this rash will heal.. I sure
hope so Im tired of looking at it, plus it LOOKS Ickky..I would be So
embarrassed to go out with my hands and arms looking like this. I
bet everyone would steer clear of me thinking I was contagious..Im
really not.. if I was, well I would think Penny would have it which she
doesn't.. Its all just stress which I am trying very hard to get rid of..
Im just not having much luck..

I know this is a short post today but I really don't feel the best ..and
if this is a cold or what ever I think a nice nap would help..which I
think might be a good thing this afternoon.. I didn't feel like eating
lunch so perhaps when I get back up a nice PB & J would be good.
With some tomato soup.. Well- its Time for a nap and hopefullly
to feel a tad better.. I hope this isnt a cold.. At least I can still write
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words tho.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? Love ya..and thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Monday, April 07, 2008

~Dont CLick on The Links~ :-)

Some spammers do manage to get onto blogs..When you see a link
unless it comes from me, don't click on it..I never click on links usually
I will copy and paste them into my browser if its something I want to
see that's at a website.. I could stop these spammers by putting a
thing into the comment area ..But its a pain in the butt.. so just do NOT
click on anything here unless it comes from me.. :-)

Lovely spring day today.. kinda windy though.. I see all the leaves that
are out there on my lawn and I keep hoping the wind will carry them off
to one of the neighbors :-) Well would save a lot of raking.. The first
grass cutting will mulch the leaves in the yard, but down below all the
plants and that pretty Rose of Sharon tree right outside this window,
there are a ton of leaves down at the bottom of it..same with all the
plants on the side of the house and around... They should all be raked
and cleaned out.. Theres so much I could fix up and get to looking nice
out there.. If I had legs that is.. To do it now well I don't think I could do
all that much..I would TRY..but I think my arms would give out before
I got everything done...

Our baby is due any day, and Kelli is home on bed rest.. I got a email
from Donnies Dad and of course they are anxiously waiting for the call
that baby is here and they will be burning up the highway to get here. I
hope they will have enough time to stop by for a visit.. Barb is a wonder
fully crafty person too..She can make a lot of things and is THE best
decorator..Her house, that I was in was fixed up so nice..They have since
moved into a condo and Ive not been there, but knowing Barb its got to
be very nice.. They spend the summers at a park in their trailer and the
winters they stay in town.. Theyre kinda like a snow bird that goes down
to Florida in the winter except they don't leave Wisconsin . They enjoy
visiting and staying at Donnies though..Bill loves to fish and there is a
nice big pontoon at Donnies for them to use and that lake is one of the
best fishing lakes in the county too :-)

Penny came today and we are all clean, she went and got some treats
for the boys and they are VERY happy.. Theyre very picky as to what
they like..and wont eat just anything..well Dutch will..but LB hes very
fussy.. He seems to be losing weight to me..he seems thinner..Hes
been very active lately just having a big time with this lazer..Im glad I
got it for them it sure makes them RUN all over and not going outside
they really don't do that much..well they do when they are fighting and
running around here like nuts but that's the only time.. So this is a good
exercise program for them.. Dutch makes sure we play every day...

I finally got a call back from Sandra..its only been 3 weeks since I called
about the railing around my potty being broken.. Ive been very careful
when I go in there ..But it sure will be nice to get it fixed.. Sandra is not
my case worker anymore and I have a new one ..Liama or something is
her name..she seemed very nice when she phoned..Shes calling R & R
today to see about getting a new one or maybe they can just fix this one.
All it needs is that big bolt type thing that holds it on.. BUt I do know I
need it on there tho..

What else I need is some of the spaghetti sauce that Penny made today.
I didn't eat lunch as it wasn't done yet ..so about now it should be just right.
I have some mostacolli or however you spell that..already cooked so all
its waiting for is for me to EAT IT.. :-) and that's what Im gonna do.. But
first.. my GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and Thanks !!!
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
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