
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

~Busy Week~

Rebecca called and changed her appointment to Friday,
which is good..This is turning out to be such a hectic
week... Erica phoned yesterday from the clinic to tell
me I have to go and have blood work done before they
will transfer my prescriptions up here. So THEN, I
had to call COA to set up a ride... Of course no one was
there that could set it up, so I had to wait for them
to call me back to see when they could come and get

All in all, so far, COA will be here Thursday at 10 and
we will ride into the lab in 3 Rivers.. JUST so they can
draw blood.. 30 mile drive, cuz there is no place here
to do it.. Well its either going to 3 Rivers or to Sturgis.
I guess my clinic isnt set up to go to the lab at the hospital
in Coldwater, IF there is one there.. I don't KNOW if
theres one there ! :-) Its only 15 miles away.. Joys of
country living.. :-) I like it though, it should be a nice
drive back there since the leaves are starting to change.
Plus they will let Mark ride with me and he can see the
countryside, it was dark when he got here. I think its
Mildred that will be coming, I like her, shes used to me..

So, that trip will take up most of Thursday and then on
Friday both Rebecca's will be here at 10... I sure stay
busy :-) It was so cold in here this morning we had to
turn on the heat.. I sure dreaded that.. This is so early
to have to turn it on.. but it was REALLY cold.. and I
cant stand it real cold makes my shoulders and arms
ache even more.. I know my arms are really achy today,
but Ive used them more...

I helped Penny put the cover back over my wheel chair
and clean out some stuff from the fridge, now typing
this.. I think I will be just about done using them for
a while that's how bad they ache.. Right above the
elbow to by the wrist.. and they hurt... Only way I can
ease them is to just let them hang.. Always something..

Donnie stopped by last night and we all had the best
time.. Laughed and of course fed Donnie.. We had some
leftover bean soup and the bread, Mark heated it up
and gave Donnie a big bowl of it with about 3 slices of
bread.. He sounded like I did when I had some.. every
other spoonful he said "M M M" :-)

My arms have just about given up and I havta close this
for today.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is done typin...
well ... except for my "I SHALL RETURN!"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

~Travis Day~

Another rainy cold windy ickky day.. And I woke up in a bad
mood.. Was a bit of a strenuous day yesterday, that I wont
go into details, but it was...Hopefully it will straighten out.
If I have any say about it, it will... :-) Travis came today
and we talked about CMH again. And the 2 Rebeccas that
are coming tomorrow, the one is the person Travis told me
about 2 weeks ago that Doug wanted me to see concerning
my finances and the increase in this grant.. I guess they
didn't figure I would make the connection as it being the
same person.. The 2 Rebeccas will be here tomorrow at 9.
This should prove most interesting.. :-)

THEN I called my Drs office and asked that they transfer
my meds up here to the drug store.. Well this morning Erica
phoned me and said I will have to go and have some blood
work done before they will renew them.. Which means a trip
all the way back into 3 Rivers to the hospital there so they
can draw blood.. I am NOT thrilled about that at all.. They
can only draw blood from the base of my thumb.. Doesn't
really hurt but bruises it up pretty bad. At least they can
draw it there, I HOPE.. the way my thumbs have been hurting
they may not be able to if the veins hide... So hopefully they
can draw me.. I dread it though.. This week is turning out
to be VERY stressful.. Lots going on and well ... I will have
just remember to count to 10 and just get everything done
that I need to.... Seems always something...

Ive been extremely tired lately which I know part is from
stress with all that is going on but I think part is cuz my
thyroid is off... I did dig out my BP cuff though and took
my blood pressure, which was a tad high.. 163/106 .. The
normal is 120/80. The bottom number is how long your
heart is resting between beats, and mine is not resting
as much as it should.. This IS a low reading for me really.
Well the top number, the bottom is high.. but It will come
down.. Once I get all my stress factors straight and once
I think that this week is done.. So.. just time.. which heals
everything.. :-)

Other than that its kinda ok.. Things are falling into place
slow but sure.. Just a matter of time... Speaking of time..
well its LUNCH time and POST time which means its
Return !" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and Thanks..:-)
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, September 28, 2009

~Explosive!~ :-)

My pine tree in the back yard is losing its needles and
what a mess out there, needles EVERYWHERE! I didn't
know they shed like this.. Only the one... not both.. but
they are different, pines yes, but different variety..
woke to rain and cold and windy and I sure can tell
it.. I ache and my stumps feel almost explosive :-)
That's a good way to really describe how they feel-
sometimes when the weather is bad or there is a
change.. They feel so swollen and tight, that I think
if I stuck a pin in one I might take off like a balloon
when you let go of it and it flies around the room!
:-) Now, THAT would be hilarious.. very dangerous
TOO ! :-) But that is a very good word to describe
how they feel...

The subject of phantoms has come up again and I
was discussing them.. I think, none of us that has
to endure phantoms is an expert, not even a Dr. How
can they be ? If they have never experienced it.. I
have been an amputee now for a long time. My last,
amputation of my left leg was November of 2001..
I will have been like this for 8 years pretty soon..
And I cannot still claim to be an expert on them.
They change so much.. I think as the time goes on
that that is entirely possible because I am changing,
getting older plus my activity will change as I get
older ... But I still cant claim to be an expert.. Nor
do I give advice to anyone on how to handle them.
There IS no set way , at least for me anyway, BUT
then.. NO ONE is like this GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-)

Penny came today and we are all clean and ready for
another week.. No set plans, so far... but things can
change in a matter of minutes.. so.. NO telling what is
ahead.. only thing I KNOW is ahead, is LUNCH ! :-)
SO... you KNOW what that means.. Time to post this
and to warn ya again.... "I shall return!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

~Nice Dinner Today~ :-)

Homemade Bean Soup and fresh Hawaiian Sweet Bread
is what is on the menu for today and it sure smells good
in here :-) Dug out the bread machine and the crock pot
and now its just a matter of time waiting for the bread
to get done... I called and invited Donnie and John for
dinner too. I guess John is a permanent resident at
Donnies.. He wasn't sure if they could make it or not,
Donnie has so much stuff to do on his days off that
I guess the kid really DOESNT have a day off... He
said he worked 52 hours last week, not counting his
2 side jobs.. Donnie stays busy.. :-) I do hope he can
come up though Ive not seen him since he delivered
Mark and that was on the 11th ! :-)

I had planned, well, considered, going outside and
tagging along on Marks evening walks.. Its such a
gloomy day and we are sposta have rain today...So
I may not venture out... The treads on these tires
are so deep that I don't want to go out if the ground
is ickky.. If I tracked something in here, like grass
or what ever in just a matter of seconds Dutch would
sniff it out to find it and eat it.. Then of course he
would THEN throw up.. I cannot have any kind of plant
or grass or even bugs in here cuz that cat will eat them.
LB is not like that, hes so picky. A big Garfield :-)

Steve came over yesterday and visited for quite awhile
gave us all the scoop on all the neighbors, since he has
lived here for 8 years.. I guess there has been a big
turnover of unsavory people that Joe has rented this
apartment to before me...So Steve and Lisa both are
glad to see that I wont pose any kind of problem for
them OR Joe.. He said Joe and his wife Karen are
very nice people and if I had any kind of problem he
knows Joe would fix it.. He also did say he was going
over there today and will put in a good word for me
about the deck, since apparently that MENNONITE
Church did NOT keep their word..

I had thought about calling, but decided not to.. If that
church cant keep their word Its best not dealings with
them then, I will make some other arrangements to try
to get a deck if Joe, which I kinda think he will, wont
build one for me... Just take time.. And if I don't get one
well, its not the end of the world.. I still have my front
door..So as long as I can get out one of them I'm ok...

Well my arms are telling me enuff typin for a while so
I am gonna post this and wait for the good food to
finish cooking :-) I hope you are having a good week
end and this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says again... "I

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

~Ramp Guys Walking~

I saw the ramp guy come home yesterday from I think,
Therapy, since his friend in the blue truck was with him.
I saw him go up the ramp and couldn't help but notice
how he walked with his new prosthetic.. He did good..but
I noticed how tenderly he walked as though it really hurt
him.. For as long as hes been an amputee, which I don't
think its been very long....he is doing good..

A few days back I saw him go up and down the stairs and
he did quite well.. and I would think the steps would be
harder to do than the ramp.. But then I have NO idea, I
have never tried a prosthetic.. and I don't want to.. Ever
since I became an amputee I have never desired to have
them.. This is me, and I have No Legs, fake legs are ok
for some that are very athletic. Ive talked to many amputees
that DO have prosthetics and many many of them don't use
them and they are sitting in their closets.

I remember one lady that was a amputee, she worked in an
office that was mainly men, this lady felt she HAD to have
the prosthetics to be able to maintain her same status with
her male co-workers, which to me, well I don't see where
it would make a difference, but many feel it does.. Myself
I'm of the opinion that If someone doesn't like the way I
look, don't look at me.. This is me, I like me, no matter what
I look like on the outside.. Its whats on the inside that counts.

I have a very special friend and today is his birthday,
I wish you a very special day to a very special man.. I hope
your birthday is the best you have had and you have MANY
more.. :-) Happy Birthday D... :-)

Well time to get Mark around to fixing lunch for us.. What
I have NO idea.. it will be good I have NO doubt.. So...
That means its Time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to
warn ya "I SHALL return!!"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, September 25, 2009

~Almost The Week End~ :-)

Penny came today and we are all clean for the week end.
There really isnt a huge lot for her to do since Mark is
helping to keep things in order. Plus we arent very messy.
Gloomy ickky day again but no rain in sight which is ok.
And I am enjoying this cooler temperatures.. Means no
AC on OR heat.. :-) which IS a good thing... the sun does
come out off and on... which is nice... I hope its a nice
week end for those that work all week and look forward
to playin all week end :-) Although MOST do more work
on the week ends than they do during the week! :-) Home
Work takes up alot of time too! :-)

No plans for the week end other than to make plans for
what we need to do next week.. Which right now isnt a lot.
Ive still not heard from Rebecca so I sure hope she is ok.
They say 'no news is good news', but I don't sometimes
agree with that :-) Cuz I know when Ive not heard and
when I finally do sometimes I don't like what I hear! :-)

Speaking of hearing, I think I am slowly going deaf.. :-)
really, I cant hear worth a crap.. I KNOW Mark and Penny
are tired of me saying "WHAT?" every time they say
something to me...My right ear is worse than my left..I
found that out with my telephone :-) My sister has a
couple hearing aids that I might borrow just to try one
out.. She says they will drive you crazy cuz you hear EVERY
single sound that's made around you...

She wore hers to church one Sunday and Shirley said a
lady there was quietly just playing with a cellophane
wrapper from a peppermint and the constant sound
was maddening.. She said she took that hearing aid
out and not put it back into her ear!... I get tired of
saying "What?" though.. I told Penny and Mark they
will BOTH have to SPEAK UP! This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE is DEEF !! :-) Aint I just something? I mean,
I'm in bad shape here :-) Deaf, half blind, no legs,
sheesh.. Oh well.. I'm still breathin and that's the
main thing :-)

Well its time to get something done for today, we
have no plans.. YET.. So that means its POST TIME!
and time for my daily warning "I shall return". :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to cal you Friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.. .

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The photos of the geese is so nice, one that Mark took
last night on his walk.. Geese are everywhere and they
are not shy, you have some bread crumbs, they will come
right up to you. I did see another V formation, honking
and all, go over this morning... Fall is in the air, the leaves
are coming down already and on the ground.. specially from
the white birch over in Carls yard..
I was surprised to notice that my honeysuckle is blooming
again! The bees are just swarming the hummer feeder, I'm
wondering if that is keeping them away.. Ive not seen them
in a while... They may migrate south like lots of birds and
lots of people do in the winter, close up their houses and
head south .. most that I knew went to Florida.. My parents
never did, even though quite a few family went for the
winter and begged them to come too.. But they didn't mind
the snow, they found something to do.. It was nothing to
still have a picnic even if snow was a foot deep.. If they
spotted a clear picnic table the lunch was on.. Sometimes
they just brought their own table..:-)
I might tag along with Mark on one of his walks.. I will
make sure I am all powered though.. My chair seems to
need recharged more often lately and I'm wondering do
chargers wear out? Where they don't charge anymore?
The batteries, there are 2 on this chair.. ya, High Voltage
here :-) I'm charged :-) But, my batteries, new ones, were
put in shortly after I moved in here.. so they shouldn't be
worn out .. at least I don't think so.. I should find out..., I
wouldn't really worry about running out of charge if I did
go out as long as someone is with me, this chair is pushable
too, but not by me, I can reach the tires but I don't think
I could handle turning them by hand :-) THAT would be
MOST hard to do... But someone else could push this chair
if need be... So far that's not happened...
No plans for today, no appointments either. Ive not heard
from Rebecca which I don't know whether to worry or not.
When she was here last she wasn't feeling well so I hope
shes ok.. Id hate to lose her as a caseworker.. specially with
all this rent increase still up in the air and not settled.. I
don't like changing horses mid stream so to speak.. :-) OH!!!
My birdwatcher friend said I was right!!! :-) the bird was a
woodpecker ! :-) I thought it was... Glad to know for sure
though... :-)

Time to discuss todays food menu and get something done.
Ive not heard from that church nor have I called.. I just
don't know what to do really I hate to nag these people..
specially since I didn't ask them or am paying them to do
that deck.. I will just wait and see if they will keep their
promise.. I hope they do.. but if they don't , perhaps I
can still get one made somehow.. :-)

Post Time ! GORGEOUS WEEBLE Warning Time!! :-)
"I shall return !" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again ....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

~Photos of the Lake~

Mark took a walk yesterday and came back with some
great photos of the lake. Its such a pretty one.. Lots
of cottages and some beautiful houses.. Its a year
round lake which just means its accessible all year
long, not just summer... Some lakes or houses are
only summer places and some roads with only summer
houses they don't bother to plow during the winter.
I fell asleep early last night, but, I did see part of that
Gordon Ramsey show, Hells Kitchen, only reason they
call it that is cuz he GIVES everyone hell in there. I
would NEVER take the crap he gives out just to be a
cook at a famous restaurant. Just goes to show you
what some people will take. quite a few though don't
take his rudeness and swearing at them and will walk
out. THATS what I would do...
I looked up the number for that Mennonite church that
said they would be here Saturday, but I havent called
them.... YET.... I may later today... I thought they would
keep their word.. Or at least phone and tell me they
changed their minds about building a deck for me. This
is NOT very good showing on their part.. If they changed
their minds about it all they had to do was tell me.. This
sort of thing upsets me, just like when someone I have
been in contact with for ages just ups and stops contact
for no rhyme or reason.. I HATE that.. and that happens
too often and I still have NO idea why... OR what I have
said or done to cause it.. But I will find out about this
deck just so I can stop worrying about it..
Its a rainy damp and dull day, I sure can tell too, cuz I
feel achey and I woke up with such a headache today
that is almost making my eyes cross... It comes and goes.
The humidity has been very high which I can tell too..
Both stumps feel pressurized I guess would be a good
description.. Like the Goodyear Blimp :-) The left one
sure looks like it !! :-)

Penny came today and we are all squeaky clean. I asked
how the kittie is, well the Mom.. Penny said she goes
around meowing like shes calling her babies.. Poor thing.
She knows.. Animals are very sensitive I think, and can
feel emotion just like us. My boys are getting so spoilt
with all the extra attention theyre getting from Mark.
They LOVE it.. He steady plays with Dutch and the lazer,
which is the boys favorite toy .. :-) LB he will follow Mark
around then fall down in front of him, roll onto his back
more or less waiting for Mark to rub his belly :-)

Time to post and try to get rid of this headache.. Plus I
am a tad hungry maybe eating something will help to get
rid of it...Worth a try :-) So ... that means... Post time,
and time for my daily warning... "I SHALL return!!"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

~Name The Bird~ :-)

There was a bird out in the yard last nite and I kinda
think it was a woodpecker. I looked thru my book and
that was the closest I could find to this bird..It had a
red spot on the back of his neck and had like a black
half round shape on his chest.
I watched him through the binoculars and his, well,
maybe hers, feathers were like a woodpeckers, black
but kinda outlined in gray.. Beautiful bird. How I happened
to notice is that he was hopping around kinda like a robin
but he was bigger so I got my trusty nocs to see just
what it was.. What ya think it is??
I have a friend, well the one that sent me the birdbook,
Ive sent the pictures on and perhaps it can be identified..
I just like to know.. The two bluejays have been here
quite often.. I havent seen the hummers much though, but
as fast as these leaves are dropping and changing maybe
they migrate? I dunno :-)
I saw one of the boys across the field, well the ones with
the 2 black labs, he was out there in his chair sitting then
when he stood up I saw he had a bow in his hands. He took
a few shots and went in.. But it reminded me that soon will
be hunting season.. Small game, then deer. David was an
avid hunter. He loved it.. I have been looking for a photo I
had of him in his hunting get up but I think I gave it to him.
I made all of his, cuz he HAD to match... :-) He was as bad
as me when it came to matching hunting gear.. I guess there
are deer police that if you don't wear all matching hunting
clothes you maybe get a ticket :-)
My Dad was a hunter too.. He loved small game which he only
hunted Grouse or Partridge as we called it.. Good eatin let me
tell you.. I have a recipe for it that would knock your socks
off its so good.. First time I fixed Partridge for David he
really enjoyed it. Of course I used my moms recipe...Dad, he
hunted deer too.. which I like venison.. mainly the ground
meat or sausage from it though or the back straps.. :-)

I always get to writing about food it seems :-) I guess cuz
by the time I finish writing and posting this I'm always a
tad hungry.. My son made perogies yesterday that were so
good I did the same thing.. All I said was "M M M". I'm
getting spoilt here having a cook :-) But this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE sure is enjoying it :-) Warning time "I shall be
back!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Monday, September 21, 2009

~I Dunno~

I'm sitting here at my computer not knowing what to
write about.. Things are running smooth and I don't
want to say its dull cuz I LOVE it when there is no
drama... :-) We did get some bad news when Penny
got here though, ALL 6 of her baby kitties have
died.. That's so sad... They were doing so good then
bam, they died, one by one.. We talked about it and
blamed it on perhaps the babies had worms.. You
cant worm a kittie though not before 6 weeks and I
guess they just werent strong enough, its sad tho..

Woke to rain today, all dark and gloomy but its not
cold or anything. Its not that bad a day... Other than
having a problem deciding what to write about and
what we are going to eat today that's the only issues
we have to deal with.. :-) Well I AM going to call that
church or Kathy and find out why they said they
would be here Saturday to build that deck for me.. I
find that quite rude and surprised at the MENNONITES
that they have not kept their word, when I have heard
they were people of honor.. I phoned Joe and they have
NOT contacted him either, so...they have just NOT kept
their word all the way around.. Quite disappointing.. :-(

I bet I woke up at least every 2 hours last night and I
think its the same thing, I am drinking too much before
I go to bed.. I need to slow down by at least 6. Or just
not drink at all after 6... Getting up that many times just
makes me more tired and I'm tired all the next day then.
I feel like I didn't sleep at all...And I HATE that.. Plus
this rainyness doesn't help...

Penny came today and restocked the boys food, even
the price of it has gone up... The prices in this little
Village Market store are outrageous on some things...
Meijers is cheaper.. Save A Lot is even cheaper. I
miss that box of food, it made a big difference..
Penny is good at keeping an eye on the price of stuff
which makes it better and she will go to which ever
store, but there is only the one here.

I did send a email to my case worker asking for help
in getting a water purifier for my kitchen faucet.. I
cant drink the water here.. It is so bleachy you can
actually smell it at times its so strong.. plus it tastes
ickky.. So I have to buy water for coffee or for
cooking and its over a dollar a gallon.. So.. I thought
one attached to my sink would be better.. cheaper
in the long run. So, I'm hoping I hear back from her
that perhaps DHS will get one for me.. If not I will
save up for one...I use water to fill up my bottles
of water for my kool aid. I hope I hear from her
soon.. I emailed her Friday, so give her a few days.
I don't hear from her I will phone- :-)

Its time to stop typin, my arms are aching and I
am a tad hungry.. Weve not decided for sure what
to have today, perhaps Perogies..........:-) So. I am
off to find out... But first I gotta put my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE warning of " I shall return!"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~Hes a GOOD Cook!~ :-)

PIZZA!!!!! :-)
There is what Mark made us for dinner yesterday,
it was as good as it looks too.!. I am most impressed
with my sons cooking talents :-) It was delicious.
Today we will have whats left.. And that will be when
I finish posting this! :-) Looking at that photo makes
my stomach growl :-) Just like it did yesterday waiting
for that to cook.. the smell was WONDERFUL ! :-) I
did the same thing with each bite, I said "M M M " :-)
I watched as Carl and Joyce are getting their house
ready for winter. They took the air conditioner out
of the window. Ive heard quite a few predict a really
bad winter this year. Already having seen 2 big flocks
of geese fly over in their famous V formation makes
me think it will be an early winter too.
The old wives tale is to watch the squirrels. If you see
them super busy gathering nuts and seeds, that's a sign
as well.. The next few days are supposed to be cool and
rainy, which , yes, I sure can tell.. Moreso in my arms
than my stumps although they are very achy today and
feel, well its hard to describe.. Like they are very taught,
the skin feels tight, but when I touch them they feel like
they always do.. Well no that's not true either, as time
has gone on they feel softer and not as firm, which with
not walking, is expected... But I can tell the weather is
changing by my body :-)
I think a lot of the arm ache which is aggravated by
what I do, typing mainly... but I have arthritis in both
arms and across my shoulders.. I was told that years
ago by the Dr in Green Bay. She diagnosed that and
predicted because the arthritis was so bad in my feet
that within 10 years I would be in a wheelchair.. and
this was in 91, so she was right on , but I wasn't in
a chair because of arthritis.. that was cured when they
cut my legs off :-) So , I guess her prediction sorta
was right.. :-)
I called Joe yesterday to find out if he has heard from
Adam, the man that was here from the Menonite Church
that offered to build a deck and ramp for me.. Hes not
heard from them and I havent either... I am really
surprised they didn't let me know something, especially
him saying he, well they would be here yesterday.. If I
don't hear today I will call them, I have their number on
my caller ID....... But I am a bit disappointed, they could
have called to tell me something..........

We have no plans for today, Mark has been a great help
especially since my arms are aching so bad. The things
I did to kinda ease it up for Penny I'm not able to do, so
hes pitched in... which I appreciate.. Plus he knows its
not Pennys job to clean up after him, she doesn't mind,
but, like I told Mark, hes not company. so..... hes pitching
in.. hes a good kid.. :-) The boys sure are enjoying the
extra attention. They follow him around like a puppy :-)
I think he kinda likes them too :-)

Time for this ACHEY GORGEOUS WEEBLE to follow too,
right on out to the kitchen :-) Some great left overs out
there, Wanna come join us ? :-) Time to post and warn ya,
"I shall return!!!"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend
I Pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fair Time~

HumHim is back. look at the wings. Pretty neat I think :-)

This coming week end is the St. Joe County fair. Its
held in Centreville.. About 15 miles or so down the
road.. Over yonderway :-) Not far.. The last time I
went to the fair was the Elkhart County fair in
Indiana.. Was huge, David, his brother, his brothers
wife and I decided to go to the that fair.. Was a
nice warm Saturday we decided to go.. Sort of last
minute just for something to do.. Plus we talked about
the good food we knew was there which was a BIG
help in our decision to go.. We had a good time, kinda...

I enjoy the rides that are on the ground.. Those that
take you up in the air, l don't do those.. however, all
the others wanted to go on the Ferris wheel which
was one of those double kind that takes you up even
higher than the single wheel ones.. well no I think
they have that massively huge one in the UK that,
well, I wouldn't get on that one either, its bigger.

In the spirit of having fun, I gave in and we got our
seats, David and I, his brother and his wife took
the next one.. I think it maybe went around one full
time before I started to feel really bad, I closed my
eyes so I wouldn't see any thing and maybe the bad
feeling would ease up.. About that time David decided
to be smart, well- really stupid, and he started to rock
the seat, which, made it ALOT worse for me.. I think
about then is when I turned green... :-)

I didn't dare open my mouth to say anything I just
tried to motion to him to STOP ROCKING THE
SEAT! Just as he turned to see what was wrong, I
got violently sick , all over him, the seat, and the
timing was perfect, and I got his brother, as their
seat was right below :-) That is the LAST time I
rode the Ferris wheel ! :-) But I wouldn't mind
going to the fair again.. I just don't know if it is
wheel chair accessible.. I would think it would be..
But then again... lots of places arent even though
it is the law now..so perhaps it is..

When I was in the HellHome, the activites director
asked me to help some other ladies to make a quilt..
We worked on it for weeks.. I had a photo but I cant
find it.. The quilt turned out just beautiful in fact we
won 2nd prize for it.. It may still be hanging over there
in the dining room. They had a special patch made with
our names on it.. which I imagine the other ladies are
gone by now.. that was 8 years ago.. Sure doesn't seem
that long, like only yesterday...

We are having pizza today, my son is making his famous
homemade kind.. I am most anxious to taste it. Mark
liked my meat pie I made yesterday for us... it turned
out really good.. Well . its past post time and plus my
arms are aching already just from writing this little
bit.. so I have to stop for a while.. Then I have some
emails to catch up on.. So... This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
is off to do something.. I am waiting to hear from the
guy that is going to do the deck, Ive not heard anything.
I sure hope they havent changed their minds! Today
isnt over yet so there is still time.. :-) NOW .. its time
for my warning ... "I WILL be back !" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...

Friday, September 18, 2009

~Fall Is Startin~ :-(

I do believe fall has started... You can feel it... It was
really cool this morning, down in the 40's.. I love the
fall, but it seems as though summer has just flown by.
The time is going so fast its amazing.. Mark has been
here a week already and it seems only yesterday I
found them... yet its been over a year now.. Mark is
such a sweet guy and so much like his GORGEOUS
"Mum" as he calls me, I am so not used to it that
sometimes it catches me off guard and I don't
answer, I'm so used to Gran ! :-) Plus the last one to
call me Mom or Mother, was Kimmie, bless her heart.
I miss her... Kelli's mom..she died in '89...
Mark took my camera yesterday and went for a
walk and came back with some great photos of the
bigger of the 2 lakes here, Palmer Lake.. which we
find pretty neat since that's his last name ! Even
has a street named that.. :-) He found a nice spot
to take pictures of it.. He did good. Well its easy
to take nice photos of a pretty place... :-)
He spotted some trees that are already changing
too.. I noticed over by Carls one of his maples, up
at the top is changing already, mine probly is too,
but I cant see the top of it :-) Not from inside
here anyway...
Today I made meat pie.. Mark being from the UK
knows what a pasty is.. this is just a version of it,
just put into a pan with the crust on top.. Over the
week end hes going to make a pizza for us.. Yesterday
Mark made some potato pancakes and Swiss steak, I
ate the pancake first saying "MMM" after every bite..
Hes a good cook, and LIKES to cook :-) They say the
apple doesn't fall far from the tree :-) I wish Richard
could be here too. I sure would enjoy that... Ive not
heard from him since mothers day which its been quite
awhile.. . When hes ready he will write I hope.. I AM
hoping he will come to see Mark... They havent seen
each other in a few years.. Richard and their Dad are
welcome to come here to see Mark, and I hope they
will :-)
Time to post this and get something done today.. I
still try to stay busy, my arms have been aching so
bad lately, right now, just from this short bit of
writing theyre throbbing from just above the elbow
to the tips of my fingers, which 3 of them are sound
asleep.. :-) my body parts sleep more than I do :-)
WARNING TIME :-) "I shall return!!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now , Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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